989 resultados para rural transport
During the last 2 years, several novel genes that encode glucose transporter-like proteins have been identified and characterized. Because of their sequence similarity with GLUT1, these genes appear to belong to the family of solute carriers 2A (SLC2A, protein symbol GLUT). Sequence comparisons of all 13 family members allow the definition of characteristic sugar/polyol transporter signatures: (1) the presence of 12 membrane-spanning helices, (2) seven conserved glycine residues in the helices, (3) several basic and acidic residues at the intracellular surface of the proteins, (4) two conserved tryptophan residues, and (5) two conserved tyrosine residues. On the basis of sequence similarities and characteristic elements, the extended GLUT family can be divided into three subfamilies, namely class I (the previously known glucose transporters GLUT1-4), class II (the previously known fructose transporter GLUT5, the GLUT7, GLUT9 and GLUT11), and class III (GLUT6, 8, 10, 12, and the myo-inositol transporter HMIT1). Functional characteristics have been reported for some of the novel GLUTs. Like GLUT1-4, they exhibit a tissue/cell-specific expression (GLUT6, leukocytes, brain; GLUT8, testis, blastocysts, brain, muscle, adipocytes; GLUT9, liver, kidney; GLUT10, liver, pancreas; GLUT11, heart, skeletal muscle). GLUT6 and GLUT8 appear to be regulated by sub-cellular redistribution, because they are targeted to intra-cellular compartments by dileucine motifs in a dynamin dependent manner. Sugar transport has been reported for GLUT6, 8, and 11; HMIT1 has been shown to be a H+/myo-inositol co-transporter. Thus, the members of the extended GLUT family exhibit a surprisingly diverse substrate specificity, and the definition of sequence elements determining this substrate specificity will require a full functional characterization of all members.
The study presented is interdisciplinary names: the presence of place names related with industrial, artisanal or mining activities in rural areas. The main hypothesis refers to this fact; the uniqueness of industrial, mining or craft in a rural area is an important reason to influence their names, a fact that gives archaeological value, remembering economic activities now disappeared. The methodology used for the study has been usually applied in onomastic studies: compilation of names from field work, oral interviews, archival work, revision of ancient documents and revision of works and studies related to the cartography of Osor. The final conclusion is that, as proposed in the hypothesis, in a rural area as the studied, the low presence of industrial, artisanal or mining activities have generated place names that have helped in keeping the memory of economic activities now disappeared
Rural library funding by county (.pdf) including per capita and by valuation, for FY07.
Rural library funding by county (.pdf) including per capita and by valuation, for FY08.
Rural library funding by county (.pdf) including per capita and by valuation, for FY08.
Rural library funding by county (.pdf) including per capita and by valuation, for FY08.
Rural library funding by county (.pdf) including per capita and by valuation, for FY08.
The computer code system PENELOPE (version 2008) performs Monte Carlo simulation of coupledelectron-photon transport in arbitrary materials for a wide energy range, from a few hundred eV toabout 1 GeV. Photon transport is simulated by means of the standard, detailed simulation scheme.Electron and positron histories are generated on the basis of a mixed procedure, which combinesdetailed simulation of hard events with condensed simulation of soft interactions. A geometry packagecalled PENGEOM permits the generation of random electron-photon showers in material systemsconsisting of homogeneous bodies limited by quadric surfaces, i.e., planes, spheres, cylinders, etc. Thisreport is intended not only to serve as a manual of the PENELOPE code system, but also to provide theuser with the necessary information to understand the details of the Monte Carlo algorithm.
El presente Informe es el Informe Final de los servicios de Cooperación Técnica “Programa Nacional de Electrificación Rural de Paraguay” CT 1039. Contiene los resultados de todas las actividades realizadas e integra los contenidos revisados de documentos anteriores. Los trabajos realizados para este informe han sido dirigidos por el Ing. Xavier Vallvé. Los autores del informe son los Ing. Pol Arranz-Piera, Ing. Jean-Claude Pulfer, con la colaboración del Ing. Enrique Velo y las aportaciones del Lic. Jaume Serrasolses y Sr. Jorge Sneij.
Informe final de la convocatòria de subvencions destinades a donar suport a projectes de sensibilització, educació, formació, capacitació i recerca en l’àmbit de cooperació al desenvolupament impulsats per determinats agents universitaris dins l’exercici 2008 (codi de convocatòria U2008)
The spread of mineral particles over southwestern, western, and central Europeresulting from a strong Saharan dust outbreak in October 2001 was observed at10 stations of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET). For the firsttime, an optically dense desert dust plume over Europe was characterized coherentlywith high vertical resolution on a continental scale. The main layer was located abovethe boundary layer (above 1-km height above sea level (asl)) up to 3–5-km height, andtraces of dust particles reached heights of 7–8 km. The particle optical depth typicallyranged from 0.1 to 0.5 above 1-km height asl at the wavelength of 532 nm, andmaximum values close to 0.8 were found over northern Germany. The lidar observationsare in qualitative agreement with values of optical depth derived from Total OzoneMapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data. Ten-day backward trajectories clearly indicated theSahara as the source region of the particles and revealed that the dust layer observed,e.g., over Belsk, Poland, crossed the EARLINET site Aberystwyth, UK, and southernScandinavia 24–48 hours before. Lidar-derived particle depolarization ratios,backscatter- and extinction-related A ° ngstro¨m exponents, and extinction-to-backscatterratios mainly ranged from 15 to 25%, 0.5 to 0.5, and 40–80 sr, respectively, within thelofted dust plumes. A few atmospheric model calculations are presented showing the dustconcentration over Europe. The simulations were found to be consistent with thenetwork observations.
Investigations of solute transport in fractured rock aquifers often rely on tracer test data acquired at a limited number of observation points. Such data do not, by themselves, allow detailed assessments of the spreading of the injected tracer plume. To better understand the transport behavior in a granitic aquifer, we combine tracer test data with single-hole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) reflection monitoring data. Five successful tracer tests were performed under various experimental conditions between two boreholes 6 m apart. For each experiment, saline tracer was injected into a previously identified packed-off transmissive fracture while repeatedly acquiring single-hole GPR reflection profiles together with electrical conductivity logs in the pumping borehole. By analyzing depth-migrated GPR difference images together with tracer breakthrough curves and associated simplified flow and transport modeling, we estimate (1) the number, the connectivity, and the geometry of fractures that contribute to tracer transport, (2) the velocity and the mass of tracer that was carried along each flow path, and (3) the effective transport parameters of the identified flow paths. We find a qualitative agreement when comparing the time evolution of GPR reflectivity strengths at strategic locations in the formation with those arising from simulated transport. The discrepancies are on the same order as those between observed and simulated breakthrough curves at the outflow locations. The rather subtle and repeatable GPR signals provide useful and complementary information to tracer test data acquired at the outflow locations and may help us to characterize transport phenomena in fractured rock aquifers.
Phototropic hypocotyl bending in response to blue light excitation is an important adaptive process that helps plants to optimize their exposure to light. In Arabidopsis thaliana, phototropic hypocotyl bending is initiated by the blue light receptors and protein kinases phototropin1 (phot1) and phot2. Phototropic responses also require auxin transport and were shown to be partially compromised in mutants of the PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux facilitators. We previously described the D6 PROTEIN KINASE (D6PK) subfamily of AGCVIII kinases, which we proposed to directly regulate PIN-mediated auxin transport. Here, we show that phototropic hypocotyl bending is strongly dependent on the activity of D6PKs and the PIN proteins PIN3, PIN4, and PIN7. While early blue light and phot-dependent signaling events are not affected by the loss of D6PKs, we detect a gradual loss of PIN3 phosphorylation in d6pk mutants of increasing complexity that is most severe in the d6pk d6pkl1 d6pkl2 d6pkl3 quadruple mutant. This is accompanied by a reduction of basipetal auxin transport in the hypocotyls of d6pk as well as in pin mutants. Based on our data, we propose that D6PK-dependent PIN regulation promotes auxin transport and that auxin transport in the hypocotyl is a prerequisite for phot1-dependent hypocotyl bending.