966 resultados para quantifying heteroskedasticity


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This paper focuses on quantifying the benefits of pictogram based instructions relative to static images for work instruction delivery. The assembly of a stiffened aircraft panel has been used as an exemplar for the work which seeks to address the challenge of identifying an instructional mode that can be location or language neutral while at the same time optimising assembly build times and maintaining build quality. Key performance parameters measured using a series of panel build experiments conducted by two separate groups were: overall build time, the number of subject references to instructional media, the number of build errors and the time taken to correct any mistakes. Overall build time for five builds for a group using pictogram instructions was about 20% lower than for the group using image based instructions. Also, the pictogram group made fewer errors. Although previous work identified that animated instructions result in optimal build times, the language neutrality of pictograms as well as the fact that they can be used without visualisation hardware mean that, on balance, they have broader applicability in terms of transferring assembly knowledge to the manufacturing environment.


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We explore the challenges posed by the violation of Bell-like inequalities by d-dimensional systems exposed to imperfect state-preparation and measurement settings. We address, in particular, the limit of high-dimensional systems, naturally arising when exploring the quantum-to-classical transition. We show that, although suitable Bell inequalities can be violated, in principle, for any dimension of given subsystems, it is in practice increasingly challenging to detect such violations, even if the system is prepared in a maximally entangled state. We characterize the effects of random perturbations on the state or on the measurement settings, also quantifying the efforts needed to certify the possible violations in case of complete ignorance on the system state at hand.


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Quantifying the similarity between two trajectories is a fundamental operation in analysis of spatio-temporal databases. While a number of distance functions exist, the recent shift in the dynamics of the trajectory generation procedure violates one of their core assumptions; a consistent and uniform sampling rate. In this paper, we formulate a robust distance function called Edit Distance with Projections (EDwP) to match trajectories under inconsistent and variable sampling rates through dynamic interpolation. This is achieved by deploying the idea of projections that goes beyond matching only the sampled points while aligning trajectories. To enable efficient trajectory retrievals using EDwP, we design an index structure called TrajTree. TrajTree derives its pruning power by employing the unique combination of bounding boxes with Lipschitz embedding. Extensive experiments on real trajectory databases demonstrate EDwP to be up to 5 times more accurate than the state-of-the-art distance functions. Additionally, TrajTree increases the efficiency of trajectory retrievals by up to an order of magnitude over existing techniques.


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Online forums are becoming a popular way of finding useful
information on the web. Search over forums for existing discussion
threads so far is limited to keyword-based search due
to the minimal effort required on part of the users. However,
it is often not possible to capture all the relevant context in a
complex query using a small number of keywords. Examplebased
search that retrieves similar discussion threads given
one exemplary thread is an alternate approach that can help
the user provide richer context and vastly improve forum
search results. In this paper, we address the problem of
finding similar threads to a given thread. Towards this, we
propose a novel methodology to estimate similarity between
discussion threads. Our method exploits the thread structure
to decompose threads in to set of weighted overlapping
components. It then estimates pairwise thread similarities
by quantifying how well the information in the threads are
mutually contained within each other using lexical similarities
between their underlying components. We compare our
proposed methods on real datasets against state-of-the-art
thread retrieval mechanisms wherein we illustrate that our
techniques outperform others by large margins on popular
retrieval evaluation measures such as NDCG, MAP, Precision@k
and MRR. In particular, consistent improvements of
up to 10% are observed on all evaluation measures


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Heterocyclic aromatic amines (HCA) are carcinogenic mutagens formed during cooking of protein-rich foods. HCA residues adducted to blood proteins have been postulated as biomarkers of HCA exposure. However, the viability of quantifying HCAs following hydrolytic release from adducts in vivo and correlation with dietary intake are unproven. To definitively assess the potential of labile HCA-protein adducts as biomarkers, a highly sensitive UPLC-MS/MS method was validated for four major HCAs: 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx), 2-amino-3,4,8-trimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (4,8-DiMeIQx) and 2-amino-3,7,8-trimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (7,8-DiMeIQx). Limits of detection were 1e5 pg/ml plasma and recoveries 91e115%. Efficacy of hydrolysis was demonstrated by HCA-protein adducts synthesised in vitro. Plasma and 7-day food diaries were collected from 122 fasting adults consuming their habitual diets. Estimated HCA intakes ranged from 0 to 2.5 mg/day. An extensive range of hydrolysis conditions was examined for release of adducted HCAs in plasma. HCA was detected in only one sample (PhIP, 9.7 pg/ml), demonstrating conclusively for the first time that acid-labile HCA adducts do not reflect dietary HCA intake and are present at such low concentrations that they are not feasible biomarkers of exposure. Identification of biomarkers remains important. The search should concentrate on stabilised HCA peptide markers and use of untargeted proteomic and metabolomic approaches.


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BACKGROUND: The task of revising dietary folate recommendations for optimal health is complicated by a lack of data quantifying the biomarker response that reliably reflects a given folate intake.

OBJECTIVE: We conducted a dose-response meta-analysis in healthy adults to quantify the typical response of recognized folate biomarkers to a change in folic acid intake.

DESIGN: Electronic and bibliographic searches identified 19 randomized controlled trials that supplemented with folic acid and measured folate biomarkers before and after the intervention in apparently healthy adults aged ≥18 y. For each biomarker response, the regression coefficient (β) for individual studies and the overall pooled β were calculated by using random-effects meta-analysis.

RESULTS: Folate biomarkers (serum/plasma and red blood cell folate) increased in response to folic acid in a dose-response manner only up to an intake of 400 μg/d. Calculation of the overall pooled β for studies in the range of 50 to 400 μg/d indicated that a doubling of folic acid intake resulted in an increase in serum/plasma folate by 63% (71% for microbiological assay; 61% for nonmicrobiological assay) and red blood cell folate by 31% (irrespective of whether microbiological or other assay was used). Studies that used the microbiological assay indicated lower heterogeneity compared with studies using nonmicrobiological assays for determining serum/plasma (I(2) = 13.5% compared with I(2) = 77.2%) and red blood cell (I(2) = 45.9% compared with I(2) = 70.2%) folate.

CONCLUSIONS: Studies administering >400 μg folic acid/d show no dose-response relation and thus will not yield meaningful results for consideration when generating dietary folate recommendations. The calculated folate biomarker response to a given folic acid intake may be more robust with the use of a microbiological assay rather than alternative methods for blood folate measurement.


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Key generation from wireless channels is a promising alternative to public key cryptography for the establishment of cryptographic keys. It is the first paper to experimentally study the channel reciprocity principle of key generation, through investigating and quantifying channel measurements' cross-correlation relationship affected by noise and non-simultaneous measurements. Channel measurements, both received signal strength and channel state information, are collected from a real experimental platform using the wireless open access research platform (WARP) in a multipath office room. We found that in a slow fading channel (e.g., with a coherence time of about 50~ms), the channel cross-correlation is impacted greatly by noise but little by non-simultaneous measurements with a small sampling time difference (e.g., 0.06 ms). The resolution of the sampling time difference can be satisfied by wireless systems such as IEEE 802.11 to maintain an acceptable cross-correlation coefficient without affecting the bandwidth and communication efficiency.


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A exploração caprina de leite tem evoluído no sentido de alguma intensificação, com recurso a raças de elevado potencial produtivo, de que é exemplo a raça Murciana- Granadina. O leite constitui a principal fonte de receita destas explorações. Complementarmente, vendem animais para carne e, as de melhor nível genético, animais para reprodutores. Analisaram-se os pesos de 241 cabritos da raça Murciana-Granadina, numa exploração comercial, com o objectivo de quantificar os pesos e crescimento de cabritos, e identificar os factores que os influenciam. Os cabritos foram aleitados artificialmente, em regime ad libitum, com leite de substituição comercial, dispondo ainda de concentrado comercial, feno de luzerna e palha. Os cabritos foram pesados ao nascimento e, posteriormente, semanalmente, até aos 60 dias de idade. Calcularam-se os respetivos pesos ajustados, bem como os ganhos médios diários, a diferentes idades padrão. Procedeu-se a uma análise de variância com um modelo linear que incluiu os efeitos da época de parto, tipo de parto, sexo e idade da cabra. Foram registados pesos superiores nos partos simples e duplos, relativamente aos triplos, e nos machos, relativamente às fêmeas. Os ganhos médios diários, a partir do mês de idade, registaram valores inferiores na época inverno-primavera, comparativamente com a época primavera-verão. Dairy goat farming has evolved towards intensification, with increased use of high milk-yielding breeds, including the Murciano-Granadina breed. Milk is the main source of farm income. Secondary income sources are the sale of animals for meat and, in genetically superior herds, the sale of breeding animals. The weights of 241 commercial farms artificially reared Murciano-Granadina kids were analyzed with the objective of quantifying weight and growth and identifying variation factors. Kids were artificially reared to weaning, on ad libitum commercial milk replacer, commercial concentrate, lucerne hay and straw. Kids were weighed at birth and at weekly intervals until 60 days of age. Age adjusted weights and growth-rates were calculated. A variance analysis was performed with a model including the effects of season of birth, number of kids per kidding, sex and age of dam. Single and twin-born kids had higher weights than triplets, and males had higher weights than females. Average daily gain after one month of age was lower for kids born in winter-spring than for those born in spring-summer


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The Joint Video Team, composed by the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) and the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG), has standardized a scalable extension of the H.264/AVC video coding standard called Scalable Video Coding (SVC). H.264/SVC provides scalable video streams which are composed by a base layer and one or more enhancement layers. Enhancement layers may improve the temporal, the spatial or the signal-to-noise ratio resolutions of the content represented by the lower layers. One of the applications, of this standard is related to video transmission in both wired and wireless communication systems, and it is therefore important to analyze in which way packet losses contribute to the degradation of quality, and which mechanisms could be used to improve that quality. This paper provides an analysis and evaluation of H.264/SVC in error prone environments, quantifying the degradation caused by packet losses in the decoded video. It also proposes and analyzes the consequences of QoS-based discarding of packets through different marking solutions.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 444


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013


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The objective of our research was to analyse the relevant logistic factors influencing energy efficiency in road freight transport, while quantifying the potential for CO2 reduction. We carried out a survey and linked fuel consumption to transport performance parameters in 50 German haulage companies during 2003. Efficiency ranges from 0.8 tkm to 26 tkm for 1 kg CO2 emissions. The results show a high potential for improvements, given a low level of efficiency in vehicle usage and load factor, scarce use of lightweight vehicle design, incorrectly selected vehicle class and a high proportion of empty runs. Efficiency measures are poorly applied.


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Freight transportation system is critical to economic activity but it carries significant environmental costs, notably GHG emissions and climate change : energy use and corresponding CO2 emissions is increasing faster in freight transport than in other sectors and this increase is primarily the result of increased trade. This paper compares the transport activities, associated energy consumption and CO2 emissions of different supply chains for a range of products in three countries: Belgium, France and United Kingdom. Among the products considered are furniture and ‘fruits & vegetables’. For each of these products, different supply chains, involving more or less transport activity and associated energy consumption are analysed in each country. The comparison highlights some of the main factors that influence GHG emissions for different supply chains and illustrates how they vary according to product and country of final distribution. In more detail, the paper addresses the main differences between the supply chains of these products namely, the origin of their sourcing, the logistical organisation between production and retail and different types of retail outlet. The origin of the sourcing impact is mainly related to distance. The impact of the logistical organisation between raw material and retail on GHG emissions is linked to the mode and vehicle choice and to the load factor. As for retail, the consumer trip emissions, between his home and the retail outlet, are also an important part of the whole supply chain emissions. It is worthwhile to notice that our goal in this project is to consider the whole supply chain, from production to consumption. Therefore a particular focus is put on the mobility behaviours of consumers purchasing the studied products during their shopping and dropping back home activities related to these products. Especially a web based survey has been conducted and the gathered results offer an opportunity for drawing a more detailed picture of the associated CO2 emissions. This paper uses the results of an ongoing research on supply chain energy efficiency, funded by ADEME (the French Energy Agency) through the French program on transport research (PREDIT). This research is based on a comprehensive review of the various approaches to quantifying the environmental impacts of supply chains together with data collection from a range of organisations including manufacturers, retailers and transport companies. We will first present the developed methodologies, then the results corresponding to each studied product will be described. A discussion of the potential application of the research approach to the wider debate about the environmental impact of freight transport and the scope for GHG emissions reduction targets to be achieved will be included.


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Freight transportation system is critical to economic activity but it carries significant environmental costs, notably GHG emissions and climate change : energy use and corresponding CO2 emissions is increasing faster in freight transport than in other sectors and this increase is primarily the result of increased trade. This paper compares the transport activities, associated energy consumption and CO2 emissions of different supply chains for a range of products in three countries: Belgium, France and United Kingdom. Among the products considered are furniture and fruits & vegetables. For each of these products, different supply chains, involving more or less transport activity and associated energy consumption are analysed in each country. The comparison highlights some of the main factors that influence GHG emissions for different supply chains and illustrates how they vary according to product and country of final distribution. In more detail, the paper addresses the main differences between the supply chains of these products namely, the origin of their sourcing, the logistical organisation between production and retail and different types of retail outlet. The origin of the sourcing impact is mainly related to distance. The impact of the logistical organisation between raw material and retail on GHG emissions is linked to the mode and vehicle choice and to the load factor. As for retail, the consumer trip emissions, between his home and the retail outlet, are also an important part of the whole supply chain emissions. It is worthwhile to notice that our goal in this project is to consider the whole supply chain, from production to consumption. Therefore a particular focus is put on the mobility behaviours of consumers purchasing the studied products during their shopping and dropping back home activities related to these products. Especially a web based survey has been conducted and the gathered results offer an opportunity for drawing a more detailed picture of the associated CO2 emissions. This paper uses the results of an ongoing research on supply chain energy efficiency, funded by ADEME (the French Energy Agency) through the French program on transport research (PREDIT). This research is based on a comprehensive review of the various approaches to quantifying the environmental impacts of supply chains together with data collection from a range of organisations including manufacturers, retailers and transport companies. We will first present the developed methodologies, then the results corresponding to each studied product will be described. A discussion of the potential application of the research approach to the wider debate about the environmental impact of freight transport and the scope for GHG emissions reduction targets to be achieved will be included.


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In this paper, an evaluation of unwanted effects in Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) transmitters is described. Complete 2×2 and 4×4 MIMO Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) transmitters are simulated for the purpose of quantifying all potential unwanted effects such as Power Amplifiers' (PAs) nonlinearity, linear and nonlinear crosstalk, and IQ modulator imperfections. An experimental analysis of a 2×2 MIMO transmitter using two-tones and WCDMA signal is presented.