952 resultados para propriedades estruturais
The testicular stroma of the vampire bat including the testicular capsula and the lamina propria of the seminiferous tubuli, was strongly PAS-positive. This observation was a possible indication of great amounts of structural glycogen and other glycoconjugates at the level of smooth muscle cells; elongated contractile cells and/or collagen frameworks of the tunica albuginea and tubular lamina propria. In the last the basement membranes of the seminiferous tubules were particularly strongly PAS positive, as an indication of their neutral mucosubstances structural composition, previously described (Malmi et al., 1987). The epithelium lining from the cavitary and surface rete testis complex showed low reactivities to mucosubstances; total proteins and lipids and oxidative enzymes studied. Although the apical granulation at the rete testis epithelium showed an intense PAS reactivity with hypothesis of glycoprotein secretion, through the rete. The PAS, Sudan Black B, NADH, MDH and LDH reactions of the testicular interstitium seem correlate to steroid metabolism (biosynthesis and secretion), at the Leydig cells level. The seminiferous epithelium generally had low reactions to all the histochemical studies realized. Particularly in the adbasal compartment the histochemical localizations of NADH diaphorase and LDH were possible related to glycolytic activities and general carbohydrates metabolism, both enzymes, and hydrogen transport, the NADH. The strong PAS, diastase and PAS, and alcian blue pH 2.5 and PAS reactions observed in the adluminal seminiferous epithelium compartment were directly related to the spermatids acrosomal glycoconjugates structuration. Also the SDH localization at this level seems to be related to the mitochondrial activities at the middle piece level in the late spermatids.
This paper deals with the ultrastructural study of mature vampire bat Sertoli cells and their relationships with the different stages of testicular germ cells. In vampire bat seminiferous epithelium there are different types of junctional specializations among Sertoli cells and among Sertoli cells and different germ cells, with special emphasis to tight junctions and to junctions like as desmosomes. Ectoplasmic junctions through the Sertoli cells, including the smooth ER, are observed. These cellular interactions and their cytophysiological roles are discussed. Also are related some ultrastructural peculiarities of the Sertoli cell nucleus, nucleolus, cytoplasmic organelles and lipidic inclusions.
This study was designed to separately evaluate the analgesic capacity of 15% tea from Achillea millefolium leaves and florid ends. Three different tests were performed. The animals were separated in 3 groups: group I (control) that received water, group II that received florid end tea, and group III that received leaf tea. The first test was the writhing test induced by intraperitoneal injection of acetic acid in male Swiss mice. The second test consisted of the measurement of tail flick reflex latency (TFRL) in male Wistar rats after receiving a painful thermal stimulus. The groups received the teas or water per os, prior to observation. In the third test, the Wistar rats were submitted to an approximately 1 cm long incision in their tails to test the effect of the teas on induced inflammatory pain. The results showed that the effect of the 15% leaf tea on the mice writhing and TFRL test were not statistically significant. The florid ends tea showed a significantly increase in number of writhes in mice and TFRL in rats after administration. With regard to the effect of the teas on inflammatory pain, ingestion of both preparations caused an increase in the force threshold necessary for the avoidance reflex, indicating antihyperalgesic action of both the leaf and florid ends 15% teas of Achillea millefolium.
This paper supplies a compact revision on the herbicide glyphosate physic-chemistry characteristic mains, including toxicity and valid Brazilian legislation for its use.
This paper had the objective of studying variability of radial, tangential, longitudinal and volumetric shrinkage between the juvenile and mature wood, from a 35 year-old Pinus taeda L., from Horto Florestal of Manduri at São Paulo State, Brazil. First of all the experimental program determinations were related to the juvenile wood, region of the transition and region of the mature wood, using anatomical analysis (length of the axial tracheids), according to ABNT and IAWA codes. Results had shown that the area of juvenile wood of this species occurs approximately until the 20th growth ring, being more representative until the 12th ring. The transition area of this wood occurs between the 12th and 20th growth ring. In the second part of the work the shrinkage of the juvenile and mature wood were evaluated. Values of the radial, tangential and volumetric shrinkage were smaller and more variable on the juvenile wood. The longitudinal shrinkage did not present significant differences between the two wood types; medium values were slightly inferior and very variable on juvenile wood related to mature wood.
This paper discusses the formation of microstructures with different volume fractions, as an outcome of a specific heat treatment, with the following phases: ferrite, martensite, bainite and retained austenite. For the microstructure characterization it is developed a chemical etching that allows to distinguish the phases by optical microscopy. The evaluation of the mechanical properties is done based on the results of tensile and fatigue tests. The experimental results show that appropriate heat treatments can contribute to a significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the steel. In this process it is essential to control the fraction volume, morphology of the phases, and grain size.
Características estruturais da parede das artérias renal e femoral de coelho (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
In the renal and femoral arteries of rabbit was verified that both vessels had walls structured by myostromal components, despite of their different distributive of blood, being the renal artery a visceral blood vessel and the femoral artery a parietal vessel. This wall pattern in these vessels concerned to presence of connective stromal elements (collagen and elastic fibres and lamellae) and smooth muscle cells coexisting with some equilibrium in the wall structure of the renal and femoral arteries, mainly in the medial layer architecture. An intimal folding pattern was verified around the vascular lumen, possibly related to capacitance of the both arteries regarding to variability of pressure levels in cardiac cycle. Furthermore, myostromal relations of connective elements and smooth muscle cells verified in the medial layer and the network formed by connective elements in the adventitial layer of these arteries contributed to maintenance of wall viscoelasticity properties of the vessels.
The objective of the study was establishing the anatomical-structural differences between the skin of non-wool sheep of the Morada Nova breed and wool-on sheep of the Polwarth or Ideal breeds and their relations to the physical-mechanical characteristics of their leather after tanning. Ten animals of both breeds were used, with five animals of approximately one and four years of age of each breed. The animals were slaughtered, and immediately after skinning, samples were taken viewing the microtomy of the skin in the dorsal, lateral, ventral, hind and palette regions, parallel and perpendicular to the head-tail axle, and perpendicular to the grain of the skin. The skins were depilated, chromium-tanned and re-tanned. From the leather, three samples were taken from the two directions considered from the regions studied for physical-mechanical analysis, for tension and tear resistance and distension on the lastometer. The average of the results of the physical-mechanical analysis were compared by Tukey test at the levels of 1 and 5% probability. The breed, the age, the region and the position exerted a positive effect on the values of the resistance of the leather to tension for the Morada Nova four year old sheep, reaching a minimum of 200 kg/cm . The region and the position exerted a positive effect on the values of tear-resistence of the leather for both breeds studied, reaching a minimum of 40 kg/cm. The resistance of the leather on distension was superior to 8 mm, for all the animals studied, not influenced by breed, age, region or position. The skin of the Ideal sheep presented a thermostatic skin layer greater than the reticular layer with great folicular and glandular density, contrary to the skin of the Morada Nova sheep where the thermostatic and reticular layers are of approximately the same thickness, with less folicular and glandular density.
Arsenic is an environmental pollutant that influences the male reproductive function, affecting the spermatogenesis process in the testis and causing alterations in the sperm. The objective of this work was evaluate the reproductive efficiency in adult male rats exposed to arsenic and the possible male-mediated structural malformations. The animal were treated with sodium arsenato (3,6 mg/Kg, i.p.), twice a weak, for 15, 30, 45, 60 or 75 days whereas control received only distilled water. Results have showed a reduced pregnancy rate associated to a decrease in the fertility potencial and to a increase in the preimplantation loss. There was a decrease in the fetal weights, as showed by its average. Malformations rate, postimplantation loss and resorptions were unaffect by treatment. These results suggest that chronic exposure to arsenic provokes reduction on fertility of male rats. Further studies are required to clarify the arsenic effects on male reproductive system and male-mediated effects on progeny.
This study presents the results obtained in a field experiment carried out at Glicério, Northwest of São Paulo state, Brazil, whose objective was to analyze changes of selected soil physical properties and water infiltration rates on a Yellow-Red Latosol, under three different management conditions. The experimental design was arranged as completely randomized split-block with twelve treatments, which corresponded to four depths (0-0.05 m; 0.05-0.10 m; 0.10-0.20 m and 0.20-0.40 m) and three conditions of soil use and management with four replications. The soil surface conditions were: conventional tillage (one disking with moulboard plus two levelling passes with harrow), nine months before starting filed experiences; recent conventional tillage (also one disking with moulboard plus two levelling passes with harrow) and native forest. The conventional tillage areas were cropped for about fifteen years with annual cultures. The considered soil general physical properties were: macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, bulk density, soil moisture and penetration resistance and, in addition; soil water infiltration rates were also recorded. According to our results, differences on general soil physical properties and infiltration rates appeared when both tilled sub-treatments and native forest were compared. Both, plots recently prepared by conventional tillage and those prepared by tillage but left nine months in rest, presented a statistically significant decrease of constant (final) water infiltration rates of 92.72% and 91.91% when compared with native forest plots.
The spatial variability of physical and chemical properties of soil were evaluated to provide subsidies for management of the agricultural input. The chemical variables: P, organic matter (OM), K, Ca, Mg, pH, CEC and base saturation (BS); and physical variables: sand and clay were analysed. Soil samples were collected at two depths (0-0.2 and 0.6-0.8 m) located at irregular mesh of sampling in the region of Monte Alto, in a Yellow-Red Podzol (Alfissolo) (PVA), under different managements, resulting in 88 points in 1465 ha of total area; and at the region of Jaboticabal in a Red Latosol (LV) cultivated with sugarcane, resulting in 128 points in 2597 ha of total area. The chemical and physical soil properties studied showed spatial dependence, except CEC in 0.6-0.8 m layer for LV; Ca and clay at 0-0.2 m layer and P, OM, K, Mg, sand and clay in 0.6-0.8 m layer for PVA. The chemical and physical variables studied were adjusted to spherical and exponential models and some of them showed semivariogram without defined structure. The PVA showed low spatial continuity of chemical and physical properties, mainly in 0.6-0.8 m layer, which suffers less antropic influence. The LV soil showed more homogenous zones of fertility and granulometric composition.
This work studied alterations of physical properties of a distroferric red nitosol due to millet (Pennisetum americanum) covering, with or without liming, in a no-tillage system during the agricultural years of 1999/2000 and 2000/2001, using soybean and corn as culture succession. 6m×10m plots, with and without millet as vegetal covering, received only one initial superficial application of limestone, 3.1 t ha-1 in the first half of each plot in order to obtain 70% base saturation (V), after the desiccation of the millet. Some physical properties as soil density, aggregate stability, > 2 mm aggregate proportion, macro and micro porosity were analyzed whereas the chemical analysis determined Ca and Mg macro nutrients, organic matter, soil pH and H+Al. Millet vegetal residues and surface liming did not alter soil density nor the average weight diameter (AWD), > 2 mm aggregate, soil macro porosity and organic matter content, twenty-four months after the no-tillage system implantation for studied experimental conditions. Soil micro porosity was significantly affected in layers deeper than 0.20 m, in treatment with millet and limestone. Calcium, magnesium and H + Al contents and the soil pH values suffered significant alterations in superficial layer, between 0-0.05 m.
Effect of extrusion parameters was studied on the expansion index, specific volume, water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI) of expanded yam snacks. The central composite design was used to study the parameters effect. It was verified three levels of temperature in the barrel (100, 115 and 130°C), three levels of screw speed (163, 204 and 245 rpm) and three levels of flour moisture (12, 15 and 18%). The results showed that expansion properties (expansion index and specific volume) depend on flour moisture and extrusion temperature. The WSI was dependant of three parameters. Higher levels of temperature and screw speed increase the water solubility index (WSI). The studied parameters did not influence the water absorption index (WAI).
The conventional system for soil management and preparation has the intensive mechanization as its basic principle and that changes soil properties, especially physical ones, faster and significantly. This study aimed to obtain and compare physical properties such as distribution of particle sizes, density, distribution of pore sizes, curves of water retention and degradation index of a Red Latosol, under intensive cultivation and no-cultivation for six years. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 m. There was a clay increment as a result of cultivated soil increase. The no-till soil density decreased as depth increased; however, in the arable layer (0.3 m) of the cultivated soil, the opposite was verified. The largest volume of pores was verified in the cultivated soil, especially in the superficial layers. In the smallest applied tension (0.001 MPa), the cultivated soil retained more water; however, starting from 0.033 MPa, the highest humidity values occurred in the no-till soil. The highest degradation index was observed at a depth of 0.1 m in no-till soil. However, that value was superior (0.020) to what is physically considered very poor soil.
ASTM F 138 austenitic stainless steel is extensively used as an orthopedic implant material. However, some aspects, such as low strength in the annealed condition and susceptibility to localized corrosion, limit wider use of this kind of steel. Recently, a high-nitrogen austenitic stainless steel, specified in the standard ISO 5832-9, has been indicated as an alternative to ASTM F 138 steel for more severe loading and permanent application inside the human body. In this work, microstructure, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and fatigue behavior of both steels were determined and compared. ISO 5832-9 steel displayed better mechanical and corrosion behaviors than did ASTM F 138 steel The combination of these features lead ISO steel to enhanced fatigue performance in both neutral and aggressive environments. Analyzed were the role of nitrogen in solid solution, combined with niobium in the Z-phase, and the factors that led to superior ISO 5832-9 properties.