896 resultados para plural policing
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
Ao estabelecer um diálogo com o cogito de Descartes, o cogito torquatiano aponta para um sujeito em crise, fragmentado, contraditório, aberto e plural, desconstruindo a idéia humanista e cartesiana de sujeito como ser autônomo, dotado de uma personalidade coerente. O comportamento de Torquato Neto é muito bem representado pelo mito vampírico e pela metáfora do escorpião, definitivamente amalgamados à persona e à imagem do poeta.Palavras-chave: Torquato Neto; anos 60; arte/comportamento; literatura brasileira; poesia contemporânea; crise do sujeito.
Sistematização do estudo do número dos substantivos e adjetivos em português com base na pronúncia (fonologia), e não na ortografia, como se faz geralmente. Apresentação de listas de palavras que constituem exceções.
O objetivo deste texto é mostrar, por meio de uma análise dalegislação que regula a força pública em São Paulo, como se desenvolveram aspolíticas de segurança pública antes que o tema per se entrasse na pauta do debatepolítico. A partir dos exemplos extraídos dos documentos policiais, interessa-nosacompanhar a evolução legal que concerne às marchas e contramarchas da forçapública em São Paulo, de 1868, quando se cria o Corpo Policial Permanente, até1901, marco da última alteração legal que fixou a organização policial até 1924.Com isso, pretendemos colocar em discussão o processo de militarização porque passou o aparato policial paulista, bem como indicar como se deram, sobreo terreno, os impactos das múltiplas alterações legais nas práticas e rotinas dopoliciamento.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
These terms stand for tendencies in the candomblé world which occurred as a consequence of intentionally introduced alterations of “tradition”. This article discusses four important interpretations of this phenomenon and tries to identify convergences and divergences between them: the constructivist approach of Beatriz Góis Dantas renewed the academic discussion in the 1980ies insofar as she related, amongst others, authenticity to the struggle for recognition and against discrimination; Lorand Matory should critize Dantas from a Black Atlantic perspective and pleads for the inclusion of transnational black agency in the analysis of the construction of nago purity. Alejandro Frigerio emphasizes in his studies of (re)africanization and antisyncretism, the aspect of individual conversion processes, while Reginaldo Prandi examines the recent transformations in the context of an analysis of the religious market. Searching for a multifaceted comprehension of the phenomenon, the article concludes by proposing the elaboration of a plural analytic perspective capable of integrating the merits of each of the four approaches.
The article broaches the diffi culties found by the Brazilian school on teaching the act of reading to students in the beginning of their scholarship process. In order to analyze those diffi culties, one must start from the assumption that, historically, this teaching fi nds mostly basis on the emphasis on the fl uent pronounce without considering the reader’s intention to achieve meaning before the text, in social, historic and cultural situations. On this perspective, the school usually teaches students how to dominate some of the aspects of the linguistic system, for not comprehending that the act of reading is a cultural, plural, historical and social action, that uses this system. The article concludes that Latin America’s education has a path to run: the one to learn to teach the act of reading as a cultural practice, instead of simply understanding it as the domain of the linguistic system basis.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In 2011, I had the opportunity to be inserted in two elementary schools in the city of Rio Claro - SP: a) as a researcher student, participating in the research project “Pedagogical Practice and Collective work in School: The Rescue of the Narrative and the Teacher’s Knowledge”; b) as a intern, developing the Required Stage as established in the curriculum of the Full Degree Pedagogy Course (UNESP). These two experiences have made me think about the configuration of the school and its relationship with the homogenizing practices: What are the possibilities and conditions to be taken into consideration of the multiculturalism in school? The teacher’s graduation fits the plural characteristic in the classroom? Therefore, the goal of the research is to understand the concept of the multiculturalism within the school and in the processes of teacher graduation. I intend with that, to list in which grade the school organization favors or not the practices that fit the plural characteristics of the students. For the achievement of the goal, I intend to develop a bibliographic search, from the selected articles of the ANPEd (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education) in the Working Groups (GT): GT04 – Didactic, GT12 – Curriculum e GT13 – Elementary School. I have dialogued with authors who have allowed me to broaden the understanding of school organization and authors who have allowed me to look at multiculturalism both within school and in teacher graduation. And yet, in the search to know practices that fit multiculturalism in school, I did the analysis of the dissertation prepared by an elementary school teacher who went to live with a group of teens, promoting the meeting of the school culture with street culture as a strategy to rescue the humanization of students. The students are singular subjects and, therefore, the interest in knowing different works that attemp to recognize the importance of diversity