922 resultados para over-the-counter medicine
A climate study of the incidence of downward surface global solar radiation (SSRD) in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) based primarily on ERA-40 reanalysis is presented. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and ground-based records from several Portuguese and Spanish stations have been also considered. The results showthat reanalysis can capture a similar inter-annual variability as compared to ground-based observations, especially on a monthly basis, even though annual ERA-40 (NCEP/NCAR) values tend to underestimate (overestimate) the observations with a mean relative difference of around 20Wm–2 (40Wm–2). On the other hand, ground-based measurements in Portuguese stations during the period 1964–1989 show a tendency to decrease until the mid-1970s followed by an increase up to the end of the study period, in line with the dimming/brightening phenomenon reported in the literature. Nevertheless, there are different temporal behaviours as a greater increase since the 1970s is observed in the south and less industrialized regions. Similarly, the ERA-40 reanalysis shows a noticeable decrease until the early 1970s followed by a slight increase up to the end of the 1990s, suggesting a dimming/brightening transition around the early 1970s, earlier in the south and centre and later in the north of the IP. Although there are slight differences in the magnitude of the trends as well as the turning year of the dimming/brightening periods, the decadal changes of ERA-40 fairly agree with the ground-based observations in Portugal and Spain, in contrast to most of the literature for other regions of the world, and is used in the climatology of the SSRD in the study area. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis does not capture the decadal variations of SSRD in the IP. The results show that part of the decadal variability of the global radiation in the IP is related to changes in cloud cover (represented in ERA-40).
Il Mar Egeo è un bacino chiuso dove ha luogo una parte significativa dell'attività ciclonica del Mediterraneo. Inoltre, è circondato da città densamente popolate e ricche di risorse, quindi essere in grado di tracciare ed esaminare le caratteristiche degli intensi fenomeni meteorologici come i cicloni può prevenire i pericoli naturali che provocano perdite umane e danni economici. Questo studio tratta le caratteristiche principali dei sistemi a bassa pressione avvenuti nel Mar Egeo dal 1979 al 2020 ed è basato sul dataset di ERA5. Nello specifico, si tratta di un’analisi statistica delle loro caratteristiche come il numero medio di occorrenza per ogni mese dell’anno, la loro velocità di propagazione, la loro durata, la distanza percorsa dal momento della loro formazione fino al punto della loro dissipazione, lo spostamento fra la posizione di formazione e di dissipazione nonché` la loro distribuzione spaziale nelle 4 stagioni. Quello che è stato osservato è un’attività ciclonica rilevante che ha luogo nel Mar Egeo che costituisce uno dei posti del Mediterraneo con attività ciclonica non trascurabile. Si è fatto un confronto quantitativo tra i cicloni e più in generale le attività cicloniche che passano o nascono nel Mar Egeo con i cicloni che hanno luogo nel Mediterraneo nel suo complesso e quello che è stato trovato è che il Mar Egeo è un’area del Mediterraneo con attività ciclonica rilevante, e con caratteristiche simili dei cicloni che avvengono nel Mar Mediterraneo.
The surface of the Earth is subjected to vertical deformations caused by geophysical and geological processes which can be monitored by Global Positioning System (GPS) observations. The purpose of this work is to investigate GPS height time series to identify interannual signals affecting the Earth’s surface over the European and Mediterranean area, during the period 2001-2019. Thirty-six homogeneously distributed GPS stations were selected from the online dataset made available by the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory (NGL) on the basis of the length and quality of the data series. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the technique applied to extract the main patterns of the space and time variability of the GPS Up coordinate. The time series were studied by means of a frequency analysis using a periodogram and the real-valued Morlet wavelet. The periodogram is used to identify the dominant frequencies and the spectral density of the investigated signals; the second one is applied to identify the signals in the time domain and the relevant periodicities. This study has identified, over European and Mediterranean area, the presence of interannual non-linear signals with a period of 2-to-4 years, possibly related to atmospheric and hydrological loading displacements and to climate phenomena, such as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). A clear signal with a period of about six years is present in the vertical component of the GPS time series, likely explainable by the gravitational coupling between the Earth’s mantle and the inner core. Moreover, signals with a period in the order of 8-9 years, might be explained by mantle-inner core gravity coupling and the cycle of the lunar perigee, and a signal of 18.6 years, likely associated to lunar nodal cycle, were identified through the wavelet spectrum. However, these last two signals need further confirmation because the present length of the GPS time series is still too short when compared to the periods involved.
Augmented reality has been growing extensively over the years in all aspects and multiple fields. My aim in this paper is to present a comprehensive study on augmented reality(AR) hardware and its applications from early developments to the possible future trends. Particularly my research is more focused on last 11 years(2012-2022), where I systematically reviewed 30 research papers per year to get a clear knowledge on trends of AR. A total of 330 publications were reviewed and grouped according to their application. The review's main contribution is to show the entire landscape of AR research and to provide a broad view of how it has evolved. Along with various AR glasses history and specifications are presented in detail. In the penultimate chapter I explained my methodology of research following my analysis from the past to the present along with my thoughts for the future. To conclude my study, In the final chapter I made some statements about possible future with AR, VR and XR(extended reality).
A estética dentária tem recebido bastante enfoque nos últimos anos, particularmente devido à importância a que a população atribui à aparência estética do sorriso. É, assim, desejado um sorriso o mais branco possível e que de preferência seja fácil de obter, eficaz, rápido, económico e que seja o menos invasivo possível. Com vista a satisfazer esta necessidade, surgiu no mercado uma grande diversidade de produtos Over the Counter (OTC). Os produtos OTC podem ser facilmente adquiridos por qualquer pessoa a um baixo custo. Contudo, a maioria destes produtos têm concentrações do agente ativo bastante superiores aos níveis considerados seguros pela Comissão Europeia (CE). Muitos autores têm demostrado preocupação em relação à segurança e consequentes efeitos no esmalte dentário devido ao possível uso abusivo destes produtos. Mais precisamente, a obsessão por dentes brancos pode constituir uma patologia, na qual os produtos de branqueamento dentário são constantemente aplicados pelo paciente, sem qualquer supervisão médica. Nos casos mais graves pode causar lesões na cavidade oral, induzindo efeitos adversos severos tais como sensibilidade dentária, redução da microdureza e aumento da rugosidade do dente. O objetivo deste estudo in vitro é avaliar se o grau de mineralização e o teor elementar do esmalte dentário são alterados aquando o branqueamento dentário com dois produtos de branqueamento OTC diferentes, excedendo as recomendações indicadas pelos fabricantes. De forma a realizar este estudo, foram usados dezassete dentes. Foram realizados dois protocolos: no primeiro protocolo foram aplicados dois produtos diferentes (Teeth Whitening Home Kit e White! – Bingo-UK) por um período de 39 dias. Para cada produto foram selecionadas seis espécimes aleatoriamente, tendo as condições experimentais sido idênticas. No segundo protocolo, cinco espécimes foram tratadas com o produto (WHITE! -Bingo-UK) por um período de 5 dias. Ambos produtos foram adquiridos em sites online. Entre cada aplicação todos os espécimes foram conservados em saliva humana. O conteúdo elementar de cada espécime, antes e após o branqueamento foi obtido com recurso à espetroscopia por fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia (EDXRF) e a banda do fosfato (PO43-) foi avaliada com espetroscopia Raman. Em relação ao primeiro protocolo, 7 dias após o branqueamento a desmineralização estudada foi significativa (p <0,01), sendo que após os 39 dias de tratamento o aumento do grau de desmineralização (GD) parece ser permanente. As amostras no segundo protocolo demostraram resultados semelhantes relativamente ao GD, mas em diferentes momentos.
This master thesis has been developed during the internship in the Supervision Department of Supervision of the Intermediation and Market Structures of CMVM. My collaboration in such department was mainly focused on the derivatives market of the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL). MIBEL embodies two organized markets – the derivatives market in Portugal and the spot market in Spain The trading activity in the derivatives market of MIBEL is processed through the trading platform of the regulated market managed by OMIP, however, much of the negotiation is over-the-counter. The aim of this work is to describe the market from a legal and economic perspective and to analyse the evolution of the negotiation, namely the impact of OTC in the regulated market trading. To achieve this, I propose to analyse also MiFID and EMIR rules over derivative contracts and the role of central counterparties, as they both are important to the discussion. In parallel, we found that OTC transactions are considerably higher than those traded in the regulated market managed by OMIP, those findings can be justified by the contractual relationships based on trust already established between the partiesarties. Nevertheless, since 2011 this trend changed by an increase of the registered OTC. Thereafter, although the parties continued to trade bilaterally, these transactions were registered in a central counterparty in order to eliminate the inherent risks related to the OTC derivatives transactions. This change in the negotiation pattern may also be influenced by the mandatory reporting of transactions imposed by EMIR, that requires for some classes of derivatives the centralized clearing and for all other requires the implementation of risk mitigation techniques.
St. John's wort, a popular over-the-counter drug for treatment of depression, might reduce concentrations of drugs such as cyclosporin and indinavir and lead to drug resistance and treatment failure. No studies as yet have examined its influence on methadone plasma levels. The trough methadone plasma levels were measured in four patients (2 males, median age: 31 years; range 19 - 40 years) in methadone maintenance treatment just before the introduction of St. John's wort (900 mg/d) and after a median period of 31-day treatment (range 14 - 47). The study was proposed to addict patients about to start an antidepressant therapy. Introduction of St. John's wort resulted in a strong reduction of (R,S)-methadone concentration-to-dose ratios in the four median patients included, with a median decrease to 47 % of the original concentration (range: 19 % - 60 % of the original concentration). Two patients reported symptoms that suggested a withdrawal syndrome. Thus, prescription of St. John's wort might decrease methadone blood levels and induce withdrawal symptoms which, if not correctly identified and handled (by changing the antidepressant or by increasing the methadone dose), might cause unnecessary discomfort to the patient, lead to resumption of illicit drug uses, or be a risk factor for discontinuation of the methadone or antidepressant treatment.
This�booklet is for older people (defined as those aged 55 or over) who are worried about their use of alcohol, illegal drugs and /or prescribed/over the counter medications.Alcohol guidelines changed on 8 January 2016. Please see the latest advice from the four UK Chief Medical Officers on www.knowyourlimits.info
BACKGROUND: Elderly people often have multiple chronic diseases, are frequently treated by several physicians, and also use over-the-counter medications. Excessive prescribing, imperfect therapeutic adherence, treatment modifications after hospitalization, and oversized drug packages result in home storage of leftover drugs, resulting in a waste of healthcare resources. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All patients aged >/=75 years hospitalized for >24 hours during a 6-month period in an urban teaching hospital in Switzerland were eligible for inclusion in a study collecting sociodemographics, medical, functional, and psychosocial characteristics. Six months later, a research nurse visited the patients at home and recorded the names, number of tablets, and expiration dates of all open or intact drug packages, and the doses actually taken. Acquisition costs of these drugs were computed. RESULTS: One hundred ninety-five patients were included (127 women; mean age 82.2 +/- 4.8 y, range 75-96). They had a total of 2059 drugs (mean per patient 10.3 +/- 6.7, range per patient 1-42), corresponding to a total cost of (US) $62 826 (mean per patient 322 +/- 275, range per patient 10-1571). Self-reported drug intake was regular for 36% of the drugs (46.5% of total costs) and occasional for 11% (6.1%), whereas 35.7% (30.1%) had been stopped during the last month. Cardiovascular drugs amounted to 36.6% of the drugs and 55.5% of the costs. None of the patients' characteristics was significantly associated with a greater number of drugs and higher costs. CONCLUSIONS: Drugs stored at home by elderly patients were worth about $320 per patient. Only about one-third of these drugs were regularly taken. In the context of resources shortage, innovative solutions should be found to reduce the waste linked with drugs stopped in previous months.
BACKGROUND: Blood sampling is a frequent medical procedure, very often considered as a stressful experience by children. Local anesthetics have been developed, but are expensive and not reimbursed by insurance companies in our country. We wanted to assess parents' willingness to pay (WTP) for this kind of drug. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over 6 months, all parents of children presenting for general (GV) or specialized visit (SV) with blood sampling. WTP was assessed through three scenarios [avoiding blood sampling (ABS), using the drug on prescription (PD), or over the counter (OTC)], with a payment card system randomized to ascending or descending order of prices (AO or DO). RESULTS: Fifty-six responses were collected (34 GV, 22 SV, 27 AO and 29 DO), response rate 40%. Response distribution was wide, with median WTP of 40 for ABS, 25 for PD, 10 for OTC, which is close to the drug's real price. Responses were similar for GV and SV. Median WTP amounted to 0.71, 0.67, 0.20% of respondents' monthly income for the three scenarios, respectively, with a maximum at 10%. CONCLUSIONS: Assessing parents' WTP in an outpatient setting is difficult, with wide result distribution, but median WTP is close to the real drug price. This finding could be used to promote insurance coverage for this drug.
Treatment options for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) include drugs, diets and esophageal dilation. Esophageal dilation can be performed using either through-the-scope balloons or wire-guided bougies. Dilation can lead to long-lasting symptom improvement in EoE patients presenting with esophageal strictures. Esophageal strictures are most often diagnosed when the 8- to 9-mm outer diameter adult gastroscope cannot be passed any further or only against resistance. A defined esophageal diameter to be targeted by dilation is missing, but the majority of patients have considerable symptomatic improvement when a diameter of 16-18 mm has been reached. A high complication rate, especially regarding esophageal perforations, has been reported in small case series until 2006. Several large series were published in 2007 and later that demonstrated that the complication risk (especially esophageal perforation) was much lower than what was reported in earlier series. The procedure can therefore be regarded as safe when some simple precautions are followed. It is noteworthy that esophageal dilation does not influence the underlying eosinophil-predominant inflammation. Patients should be informed before the procedure that postprocedural retrosternal pain may occur for some days, but that it usually responds well to over-the-counter analgesics such as paracetamol. Dilation-related superficial lacerations of the mucosa should not be regarded and reported as complications, but instead represent a desired effect of the therapy. Patient tolerance and acceptance for esophageal dilation have been reported to be good.
OBJECTIVES: Intercountry comparability between studies on medication use in pregnancy is difficult due to dissimilarities in study design and methodology. This study aimed to examine patterns and factors associated with medications use in pregnancy from a multinational perspective, with emphasis on type of medication utilised and indication for use. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, web-based study performed within the period from 1 October 2011 to 29 February 2012. Uniform collection of drug utilisation data was performed via an anonymous online questionnaire. SETTING: Multinational study in Europe (Western, Northern and Eastern), North and South America and Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Pregnant women and new mothers with children less than 1 year of age. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of and factors associated with medication use for acute/short-term illnesses, chronic/long-term disorders and over-the-counter (OTC) medication use. RESULTS: The study population included 9459 women, of which 81.2% reported use of at least one medication (prescribed or OTC) during pregnancy. Overall, OTC medication use occurred in 66.9% of the pregnancies, whereas 68.4% and 17% of women reported use of at least one medication for treatment of acute/short-term illnesses and chronic/long-term disorders, respectively. The extent of self-reported medicated illnesses and types of medication used by indication varied across regions, especially in relation to urinary tract infections, depression or OTC nasal sprays. Women with higher age or lower educational level, housewives or women with an unplanned pregnancy were those most often reporting use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders. Immigrant women in Western (adjusted OR (aOR): 0.55, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.87) and Northern Europe (aOR: 0.50, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.83) were less likely to report use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders during pregnancy than non-immigrants. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the majority of women in Europe, North America, South America and Australia used at least one medication during pregnancy. There was a substantial inter-region variability in the types of medication used.
In Switzerland, as in other Occidental countries, the prevalence of arterial hypertension (AHT) in the adult population is around 30-40%. Among the causes of secondary AHT, drug induced hypertension is sometimes omitted. Many molecules can induce AHT or worsen it due to an interaction with anti hypertensive drugs. Among these, NSAIDs and anti depressants, widely prescribed, should be used with caution, particularly in patients at risk, namely: those with preexisting AHT, the elderly, or patients suffering from kidney disease, diabetes, and/or heart failure. Increases in blood pressure have also been described with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs, used in the treatment of (metastatic) cancer. A thorough anamnesis of drugs, including over the counter ones, should be performed in every hypertensive patient, and can avoid cumbersome and unnecessary investigations and therapy.
Background: Heavy drinking and smoking during pregnancy are known to have a negative impact on the unborn child. However, the impact of low-to-moderate alcohol consumption and binge drinking has been debated recently. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of moderate prenatal drinking and binge drinking with birthweight, being small for gestational age (SGA) at birth, preterm birth, and neonatal asphyxia. Methods: Moderate alcohol drinking, binge drinking, and several possible confounders were assessed in 1,258 pregnant women; information on neonatal health was obtained at birth. Results: Results indicate that 30.8% of the women drank at low levels (<2 glasses/wk), 7.9% drank moderately (2 to 4 glasses/wk), and 0.9% showed higher levels of drinking (≥5 glasses/wk); 4.7% reported binge drinking (defined as ≥3 glasses/occasion). 6.4% of the children were SGA (<10th percentile of birthweight adjusted for gestational age), 4.6% were preterm (<37th week of gestation), and 13.0% showed asphyxia (arterial cord pH <7.10 and/or arterial cord lactate >6.35 mmol and/or Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes). When controlling for maternal age, citizenship, occupational status, parity, smoking, use of prescription/over-the-counter drugs, illicit drug use, and child gender moderate drinking was related to lower birthweight (p < 0.01), and moderate drinking and binge drinking were associated with neonatal asphyxia at trend level (p = 0.06 and p = 0.09). Moderate drinking and binge drinking were not related to length of gestation. Conclusions: In contrast to recent reviews in the field, our results assume that moderate drinking and binge drinking are risk factors for neonatal health.