947 resultados para non-normal space


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This thesis work has been motivated by an internal benchmark dealing with the output regulation problem of a nonlinear non-minimum phase system in the case of full-state feedback. The system under consideration structurally suffers from finite escape time, and this condition makes the output regulation problem very hard even for very simple steady-state evolution or exosystem dynamics, such as a simple integrator. This situation leads to studying the approaches developed for controlling Non-minimum phase systems and how they affect feedback performances. Despite a lot of frequency domain results, only a few works have been proposed for describing the performance limitations in a state space system representation. In particular, in our opinion, the most relevant research thread exploits the so-called Inner-Outer Decomposition. Such decomposition allows splitting the Non-minimum phase system under consideration into a cascade of two subsystems: a minimum phase system (the outer) that contains all poles of the original system and an all-pass Non-minimum phase system (the inner) that contains all the unavoidable pathologies of the unstable zero dynamics. Such a cascade decomposition was inspiring to start working on functional observers for linear and nonlinear systems. In particular, the idea of a functional observer is to exploit only the measured signals from the system to asymptotically reconstruct a certain function of the system states, without necessarily reconstructing the whole state vector. The feature of asymptotically reconstructing a certain state functional plays an important role in the design of a feedback controller able to stabilize the Non-minimum phase system.


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Understanding the complex dynamics of beam-halo formation and evolution in circular particle accelerators is crucial for the design of current and future rings, particularly those utilizing superconducting magnets such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), its luminosity upgrade HL-LHC, and the proposed Future Circular Hadron Collider (FCC-hh). A recent diffusive framework, which describes the evolution of the beam distribution by means of a Fokker-Planck equation, with diffusion coefficient derived from the Nekhoroshev theorem, has been proposed to describe the long-term behaviour of beam dynamics and particle losses. In this thesis, we discuss the theoretical foundations of this framework, and propose the implementation of an original measurement protocol based on collimator scans in view of measuring the Nekhoroshev-like diffusive coefficient by means of beam loss data. The available LHC collimator scan data, unfortunately collected without the proposed measurement protocol, have been successfully analysed using the proposed framework. This approach is also applied to datasets from detailed measurements of the impact on the beam losses of so-called long-range beam-beam compensators also at the LHC. Furthermore, dynamic indicators have been studied as a tool for exploring the phase-space properties of realistic accelerator lattices in single-particle tracking simulations. By first examining the classification performance of known and new indicators in detecting the chaotic character of initial conditions for a modulated Hénon map and then applying this knowledge to study the properties of realistic accelerator lattices, we tried to identify a connection between the presence of chaotic regions in the phase space and Nekhoroshev-like diffusive behaviour, providing new tools to the accelerator physics community.


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In rural and isolated areas without cellular coverage, Satellite Communication (SatCom) is the best candidate to complement terrestrial coverage. However, the main challenge for future generations of wireless networks will be to meet the growing demand for new services while dealing with the scarcity of frequency spectrum. As a result, it is critical to investigate more efficient methods of utilizing the limited bandwidth; and resource sharing is likely the only choice. The research community’s focus has recently shifted towards the interference management and exploitation paradigm to meet the increasing data traffic demands. In the Downlink (DL) and Feedspace (FS), LEO satellites with an on-board antenna array can offer service to numerous User Terminals (UTs) (VSAT or Handhelds) on-ground in FFR schemes by using cutting-edge digital beamforming techniques. Considering this setup, the adoption of an effective user scheduling approach is a critical aspect given the unusually high density of User terminals on the ground as compared to the on-board available satellite antennas. In this context, one possibility is that of exploiting clustering algorithms for scheduling in LEO MU-MIMO systems in which several users within the same group are simultaneously served by the satellite via Space Division Multiplexing (SDM), and then these different user groups are served in different time slots via Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). This thesis addresses this problem by defining a user scheduling problem as an optimization problem and discusses several algorithms to solve it. In particular, focusing on the FS and user service link (i.e., DL) of a single MB-LEO satellite operating below 6 GHz, the user scheduling problem in the Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) mode is addressed. The proposed State-of-the-Art scheduling approaches are based on graph theory. The proposed solution offers high performance in terms of per-user capacity, Sum-rate capacity, SINR, and Spectral Efficiency.


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Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) technology finds space as a promising technology as a green alternative power-generating device, by the possibility to convert organic matter directly into electricity by microbially catalysed reactions, especially for the potential of the simultaneous treatment of wastewaters. Despite the studies that were carried out over the decades, MFCs still provide insufficient power and current densities in order to be commercially attractive in the energy market. Scientific community today pursues two main strategies in order to increase the overall performance output of the MFC. The first is to support the cells with an external supercapacitor (SC), which is able to accept and deliver charge much faster than normal capacitors, thanks to the use of an electrostatic double-layer capacitance, in combination with pseudocapacitance. The second is to implement directly the SC into the MFC, by using carbon electrodes with high surface area, similar to the SC. Both strategies are eventually supported by the use of charge boosters, respect to the application of the MFC. Galvanostatic measures for the MFC and SCs are performed at different currents, alone and by integration of both devices. The SCs used have a capacitance respectively of 1F, 3F and 6F. Subsequently, a stack of MFCs is assembled and paired to a 3F SC, in order to power an ambient diffuser, able to spray at intervals with a can and a controller. In conclusion, the use of a SC in parallel to the MFCs increases the overall performance of the system. The SC remove the discharge current limit of the MFC and increases the energy and power delivered by the system, allowing it to power for a certain time the ambient diffuser successfully. The key factor highlighted by the final experiment was the insufficient charging time of the SC, resulting finally in a voltage that is inadequate to power the device. Further studies are therefore necessary to improve the performance of the MFCs.


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Con il presente elaborato si vuole illustrare il ruolo che la letteratura per l’infanzia e per ragazzi/e può avere nell’eliminazione degli stereotipi e delle discriminazioni di tipo omolesbotransfobico. I libri di narrativa per bambini/e e adolescenti hanno infatti uno scopo pedagogico e guidano lettori e lettrici nel percorso di crescita e maturazione. L’analisi si concentra sulla rappresentazione, ancora oggi quasi totalmente assente, delle identità LGBTQ+, in particolare di quelle transgender, nella letteratura per l’infanzia e per ragazzi/e. Vengono inoltre approfondite tematiche come la storia del movimento arcobaleno e l’uso di una terminologia adeguata in riferimento alle persone trans. Ampio spazio viene lasciato ad alcune riflessioni sulla traduzione di testi per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza aventi personaggi LGBTQ+, nonché sulle difficoltà e criticità a essa correlate. Viene infine proposta la traduzione di un piccolo estratto del libro autobiografico Rethinking Normal: A Memoir In Transition, scritto dall’autrice e attivista transgender Katie Rain Hill.


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The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in Brazilian non-small cell lung cancer patients and to correlate these mutations with response to benefit of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Our cohort consisted of prospective patients with NSCLCs who received chemotherapy (platinum derivates plus paclitaxel) at the [UNICAMP], Brazil. EGFR exons 18-21 were analyzed in tumor-derived DNA. Fifty patients were included in the study (25 with adenocarcinoma). EGFR mutations were identified in 6/50 (12 %) NSCLCs and in 6/25 (24 %) adenocarcinomas; representing the frequency of EGFR mutations in a mostly self-reported White (82.0 %) southeastern Brazilian population of NSCLCs. Patients with NSCLCs harboring EGFR exon 19 deletions or the exon 21 L858R mutation were found to have a higher chance of response to platinum-paclitaxel (OR 9.67 [95 % CI 1.03-90.41], p = 0.047). We report the frequency of EGFR activating mutations in a typical southeastern Brazilian population with NSCLC, which are similar to that of other countries with Western European ethnicity. EGFR mutations seem to be predictive of a response to platinum-paclitaxel, and additional studies are needed to confirm or refute this relationship.


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Hypertensive patients exhibit higher cardiovascular risk and reduced lung function compared with the general population. Whether this association stems from the coexistence of two highly prevalent diseases or from direct or indirect links of pathophysiological mechanisms is presently unclear. This study investigated the association between lung function and carotid features in non-smoking hypertensive subjects with supposed normal lung function. Hypertensive patients (n = 67) were cross-sectionally evaluated by clinical, hemodynamic, laboratory, and carotid ultrasound analysis. Forced vital capacity, forced expired volume in 1 second and in 6 seconds, and lung age were estimated by spirometry. Subjects with ventilatory abnormalities according to current guidelines were excluded. Regression analysis adjusted for age and prior smoking history showed that lung age and the percentage of predicted spirometric parameters associated with common carotid intima-media thickness, diameter, and stiffness. Further analyses, adjusted for additional potential confounders, revealed that lung age was the spirometric parameter exhibiting the most significant regression coefficients with carotid features. Conversely, plasma C-reactive protein and matrix-metalloproteinases-2/9 levels did not influence this relationship. The present findings point toward lung age as a potential marker of vascular remodeling and indicate that lung and vascular remodeling might share common pathophysiological mechanisms in hypertensive subjects.


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The radiopacity of esthetic root canal posts may impair the assessment of their fit to the root canal when using radiographic images. This study determined in vitro the radiographic density of esthetic root canal posts using digital images. Thirty-six roots of human maxillary canines were assigned to six groups (N=6 per group): Reforpost (RP); Aestheti-Plus (AP); Reforpost MIX (RPM); D.T. Light Post (LP); Reforpost Radiopaque (RPR); and White Post DC (WP). Standardized digital images of the posts were obtained in different conditions: outside the root canal, inside the canal before and after cementation using luting material, and with a tissue simulator. Analysis of variance was used to compare the radiopacity mean values among the posts outside the root canal and among the posts under the other conditions, and the t unpaired test to compare the radiopacity between the posts and the dentin, and between the posts and the root canal space. There was no statistically significant difference in radiopacity between RP and RPM, and LP and WP. AP posts showed radiopacity values significantly lower than those for dentin. No statistically significant difference was found between posts (RP and AP) and the root canal space. A statistically significant difference was observed between the luted and non-luted posts; additionally, luted posts with and without tissue simulator showed no significant differences. Most of the cement-luted posts analyzed in this study were distinguishable from the density of adjacent dentin surfaces, allowing radiographic confirmation of the fit of the post in the canal. The success of using esthetic root canal posts depends mainly on the fit of the post within the canal.[1] The radiopacity of a post allows for radiographic imaging to be used to determine the fit, an important factor in a clinical perspective.


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To estimate the impact of aging and diabetes on insulin sensitivity, beta-cell function, adipocytokines, and incretin production. Hyperglycemic clamps, arginine tests and meal tolerance tests were performed in 50 non-obese subjects to measure insulin sensitivity (IS) and insulin secretion as well as plasma levels of glucagon, GLP-1 and GIP. Patients with diabetes and healthy control subjects were divided into the following groups: middle-aged type 2 diabetes (MA-DM), aged Type 2 diabetes (A-DM) and middle-aged or aged subjects with normal glucose tolerance (MA-NGT or A-NGT). IS, as determined by the homeostasis model assessment, glucose infusion rate, and oral glucose insulin sensitivity, was reduced in the aged and DM groups compared with MA-NGT, but it was similar in the MA-DM and A-DM groups. Insulinogenic index, first and second phase insulin secretion and the disposition indices, but not insulin response to arginine, were reduced in the aged and DM groups. Postprandial glucagon production was higher in MA-DM compared to MA-NGT. Whereas the GLP-1 production was reduced in A-DM, no differences between groups were observed in GIP production. In non-obese subjects, diabetes and aging impair insulin sensitivity. Insulin production is reduced by aging, and diabetes exacerbates this condition. Aging associated defects superimposed diabetic physiopathology, particularly regarding GLP-1 production. On the other hand, the glucose-independent secretion of insulin was preserved. Knowledge of the complex relationship between aging and diabetes could support the development of physiopathological and pharmacological based therapies.


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We report on a new analysis of neutrino oscillations in MINOS using the complete set of accelerator and atmospheric data. The analysis combines the ν(μ) disappearance and ν(e) appearance data using the three-flavor formalism. We measure |Δm(32)(2)| = [2.28-2.46] × 10(-3) eV(2) (68% C.L.) and sin(2)θ(23) = 0.35-0.65 (90% C.L.) in the normal hierarchy, and |Δm(32)(2)| = [2.32-2.53] × 10(-3) eV(2) (68% C.L.) and sin(2)θ(23) = 0.34-0.67 (90% C.L.) in the inverted hierarchy. The data also constrain δ(CP), the θ(23} octant degeneracy and the mass hierarchy; we disfavor 36% (11%) of this three-parameter space at 68% (90%) C.L.


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Cryosurgery is an efficient therapeutic technique used to treat benign and malignant cutaneous diseases. The primary active mechanism of cryosurgery is related to vascular effects on treated tissue. After a cryosurgical procedure, exuberant granulation tissue is formed at the injection site, probably as a result of angiogenic stimulation of the cryogen and inflammatory response, particularly in endothelial cells. To evaluate the angiogenic effects of freezing, as part of the phenomenon of healing rat skin subjected to previous injury. Two incisions were made in each of the twenty rats, which were divided randomly into two groups of ten. After 3 days, cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen was performed in one of incisions. The rats' samples were then collected, cut and stained to conduct histopathological examination, to assess the local angiogenesis in differing moments and situations. It was possible to demonstrate that cryosurgery, in spite of promoting cell death and accentuated local inflammation soon after its application, induces quicker cell proliferation in the affected tissue and maintenance of this rate in a second phase, than in tissue healing without this procedure. These findings, together with the knowledge that there is a direct relationship between mononuclear cells and neovascularization (the development of a rich system of new vessels in injury caused by cold), suggest that cryosurgery possesses angiogenic stimulus, even though complete healing takes longer to occur. The significance level for statistical tests was 5% (p<0,05).


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Bisphenol-A (BPA) is one of the most widespread EDCs used as a base compound in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics. The aim of our research has been to study how the exposure to BPA during pregnancy affects weight, glucose homeostasis, pancreatic β-cell function and gene expression in the major peripheral organs that control energy flux: white adipose tissue (WAT), the liver and skeletal muscle, in male offspring 17 and 28 weeks old. Pregnant mice were treated with a subcutaneous injection of 10 µg/kg/day of BPA or a vehicle from day 9 to 16 of pregnancy. One month old offspring were divided into four different groups: vehicle treated mice that ate a normal chow diet (Control group); BPA treated mice that also ate a normal chow diet (BPA); vehicle treated animals that had a high fat diet (HFD) and BPA treated animals that were fed HFD (HFD-BPA). The BPA group started to gain weight at 18 weeks old and caught up to the HFD group before week 28. The BPA group as well as the HFD and HFD-BPA ones presented fasting hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance and high levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in plasma compared with the Control one. Glucose stimulated insulin release was disrupted, particularly in the HFD-BPA group. In WAT, the mRNA expression of the genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, Srebpc1, Pparα and Cpt1β was decreased by BPA to the same extent as with the HFD treatment. BPA treatment upregulated Pparγ and Prkaa1 genes in the liver; yet it diminished the expression of Cd36. Hepatic triglyceride levels were increased in all groups compared to control. In conclusion, male offspring from BPA-treated mothers presented symptoms of diabesity. This term refers to a form of diabetes which typically develops in later life and is associated with obesity.


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Although malaria in Brazil almost exclusively occurs within the boundaries of the Amazon Region, some concerns are raised regarding imported malaria to non-endemic areas of the country, notably increased incidence of complications due to delayed diagnoses. However, although imported malaria in Brazil represents a major health problem, only a few studies have addressed this subject. A retrospective case series is presented in which 263 medical charts were analysed to investigate the clinical and epidemiological characterization of malaria cases that were diagnosed and treated at Hospital & Clinics, State University of Campinas between 1998 and 2011. Amongst all medical charts analysed, 224 patients had a parasitological confirmed diagnosis of malaria. Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum were responsible for 67% and 30% of the infections, respectively. The majority of patients were male (83%) of a productive age (median, 37 years old). Importantly, severe complications did not differ significantly between P. vivax (14 cases, 9%) and P. falciparum (7 cases, 10%) infections. Severe malaria cases were frequent among imported cases in Brazil outside of the Amazon area. The findings reinforce the idea that P. vivax infections in Brazil are not benign, regardless the endemicity of the area studied. Moreover, as the hospital is located in a privileged site, it could be used for future studies of malaria relapses and primaquine resistance mechanisms. Finally, based on the volume of cases treated and the secondary complications, referral malaria services are needed in the non-endemic areas of Brazil for a rapid and efficient and treatment.


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A tracer experiment is carried out with transgenic T (variety M 7211 RR) and non-transgenic NT (variety MSOY 8200) soybean plants to evaluate if genetic modification can influence the uptake and translocation of Fe. A chelate of EDTA with enriched stable (57)Fe is applied to the plants cultivated in vermiculite plus substrate and the (57)Fe acts as a tracer. The exposure of plants to enriched (57)Fe causes the dilution of the natural previously existing Fe in the plant compartments and then the changed Fe isotopic ratio ((57)Fe/(56)Fe) is measured using a quadrupole-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer equipped with a dynamic reaction cell (DRC). Mathematical calculations based on the isotope dilution methodology allow distinguishing the natural abundance Fe from the enriched Fe (incorporated during the experiment). The NT soybean plants acquire higher amounts of Fe from natural abundance (originally present in the soil) and from enriched Fe (coming from the (57)Fe-EDTA during the experiment) than T soybean ones, demonstrating that the NT soybean plants probably absorb higher amounts of Fe, independently of the source. The percentage of newly incorporated Fe (coming from the treatment) was approximately 2.0 and 1.1% for NT and T soybean plants, respectively. A higher fraction (90.1%) of enriched Fe is translocated to upper parts, and a slightly lower fraction (3.8%) is accumulated in the stems by NT plants than by T ones (85.1%; 5.1%). Moreover, in both plants, the Fe-EDTA facilitates the transport and translocation of Fe to the leaves. The genetic modification is probably responsible for differences observed between T and NT soybean plants.


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This article seeks to investigate associations between satisfaction with life and sociodemographic variables, health conditions, functionality, social involvement and social support among elderly caregivers and non-caregivers, as well as between satisfaction and the intensity of stress in the caregiver group. A sample of 338 caregivers was selected according to two items of the Brazilian version of the Elders Life Stress Inventory. A comparison-group of elderly non-caregivers was selected at random, with a similar gender, age and income profile. Data were derived from self-reported questionnaires and scales. Elderly caregivers with low levels of satisfaction and high levels of stress revealed more symptoms of insomnia, fatigue, diseases and worse IADL performance. Those with greater satisfaction and less stress revealed a good level of social support. Insomnia, depression and fatigue were associated with low satisfaction among caregivers, and with fatigue, depression and low social support among non-caregivers. It was considered relevant that instrumental, psychological and informative support can improve the quality of life and the quality of care provided by elderly caregivers, especially if they are affected by unfavorable health and psychosocial conditions and low satisfaction with life.