974 resultados para neutron-halo nuclei
In the context of ƒ (R) gravity theories, we show that the apparent mass of a neutron star as seen from an observer at infinity is numerically calculable but requires careful matching, first at the star’s edge, between interior and exterior solutions, none of them being totally Schwarzschild-like but presenting instead small oscillations of the curvature scalar R; and second at large radii, where the Newtonian potential is used to identify the mass of the neutron star. We find that for the same equation of state, this mass definition is always larger than its general relativistic counterpart. We exemplify this with quadratic R^2 and Hu-Sawicki-like modifications of the standard General Relativity action. Therefore, the finding of two-solar mass neutron stars basically imposes no constraint on stable ƒ (R) theories. However, star radii are in general smaller than in General Relativity, which can give an observational handle on such classes of models at the astrophysical level. Both larger masses and smaller matter radii are due to much of the apparent effective energy residing in the outer metric for scalar-tensor theories. Finally, because the ƒ (R) neutron star masses can be much larger than General Relativity counterparts, the total energy available for radiating gravitational waves could be of order several solar masses, and thus a merger of these stars constitutes an interesting wave source.
A new approach is described herein, where neutron reflectivity measurements that probe changes in the density profile of thin films as they absorb material from the gas phase have been combined with a Love wave based gravimetric assay that measures the mass of absorbed material. This combination of techniques not only determines the spatial distribution of absorbed molecules, but also reveals the amount of void space within the thin film (a quantity that can be difficult to assess using neutron reflectivity measurements alone). The uptake of organic solvent vapours into spun cast films of polystyrene has been used as a model system with a view to this method having the potential for extension to the study of other systems. These could include, for example, humidity sensors, hydrogel swelling, biomolecule adsorption or transformations of electroactive and chemically reactive thin films. This is the first ever demonstration of combined neutron reflectivity and Love wave-based gravimetry and the experimental caveats, limitations and scope of the method are explored and discussed in detail.
Expression patterns of group I (mGluR1α and mGluR5)and group II (mGluR2/3) metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes were examined immunocytochemically in the trigeminal system of mice during the first 3 weeks of postnatal development, when somatotopic whisker representations are sequentially established from brainstem through thalamus to cerebral cortex. Immunostaining for all three epitopes formed whisker-related patterns in the trigeminal nuclei from postnatal day (P) 0, in the ventral posterior thalamic nucleus from P2, and in the posteromedial barrel subfield of somatosensory cortex (SI) from P4. The appearance of whisker-related patterns was preceded by increased levels of immunostaining of the neuropil, which subsequently declined from the trigeminal nuclei upward. In SI, mGluR1α-positive neurons were observed in all cortical layers from P2. mGluR5 was localized in neurons, glial cells, and neuropil from P2. mGluR2/3 immunostaining was distributed only in the neuropil at all ages. The three receptor subtypes showed moderate to high expression in deep layer V throughout development. Transient expression peaked in the hollows of layer IV barrels from P4 to P9, and then fell off as expression increased in supragranular layers from P14 to P21. The deep aspect of the cortical subplate (layer VIb) showed dense mGluR5 and less dense mGluR1α immunostaining throughout development. Up-regulation of expression of group I and II mGluRs is correlated with the growth and refinement of connectivity and the establishment of somatotopic patterns in the three main relay stations of the trigeminal system. This finding suggests roles for mGluRs in the early processing of sensory information and in developmental plasticity.
Quantum Materials are many body systems displaying emergent phenomena caused by quantum collective behaviour, such as superconductivity, charge density wave, fractional hall effect, and exotic magnetism. Among quantum materials, two families have recently attracted attention: kagome metals and Kitaev materials. Kagome metals have a unique crystal structure made up of triangular lattice layers that are used to form the kagome layer. Due to superconductivity, magnetism, and charge ordering states such as the Charge Density Wave (CDW), unexpected physical phenomena such as the massive Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) and possible Majorana fermions develop in these materials. Kitaev materials are a type of quantum material with a unique spin model named after Alexei Kitaev. They include fractional fluctuations of Majorana fermions and non-topological abelian anyons, both of which might be used in quantum computing. Furthermore, they provide a realistic framework for the development of quantum spin liquid (QSL), in which quantum fluctuations produce long-range entanglements between electronic states despite the lack of classical magnetic ordering. In my research, I performed several nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), and muon spin spectroscopy (µSR) experiments to explain and unravel novel phases of matter within these unusual families of materials. NMR has been found to be an excellent tool for studying these materials’ local electronic structures and magnetic properties. I could use NMR to determine, for the first time, the structure of a novel kagome superconductor, RbV3Sb5, below the CDW transition, and to highlight the role of chemical doping in the CDW phase of AV3Sb5 superconductors. µSR has been used to investigate the effect of doping on kagome material samples in order to study the presence and behaviour of an anomalous phase developing at low temperatures and possibly related to time-reversal symmetry breaking.
In this Thesis work we investigate some of different cosmological background scenarios using one of the main probes used in cosmology: the halo mass function. The observed abundance of galaxy clusters (or similarly DM haloes) can indeed be compared to its theoretical predictions to derive fundamental constrains on the cosmological scenario assumed. Given the importance of exploring and constraining models degenerate with the ΛCDM one, we test the applicability of some notable halo mass function models to these scenarios. To this purpose, we made use of the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder N-body simulations, which assume cosmological scenarios that include modified gravity in the form of f(R) models and massive neutrinos. We carried on the analysis of 3 simulation snapshots at different redshifts, z = 0, 0.5, 1, building multiple samples of dark matter haloes by applying different overdensity thresholds during the procedure of halo identification. We started our analysis by considering the halo mass function model introduced by Despali et al. (2016), who proposed a parametrization that encapsulates the effect of the different halo mass definitions and the relative evolution with the redshift. We calibrated the main parameters of this relation by using the ΛCDM halo catalogues extracted from the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder simulations, fitting the measured halo abundances at all redshifts and density thresholds. Afterwards we tested the same model parametrization with halo catalogues extracted from the simulations implementing both modified gravity and massive neutrinos. We repeated therefore the calibration procedure on these data to search for discrepancies with respect to the ΛCDM model. Finally we focused the analysis on the cosmological models implementing modified gravity only. We took our ΛCDM calibrated halo mass function and we modified it with the additional f (R) gravity form proposed by Gupta et al. (2022).
The hadrontherapy exploits beams of charged particles against deep cancers. These ions have a depth-dose profile in which there is a little release of energy at the beginning of their path, whereas there is a sharp maximum, the Bragg Peak, near its end path. However, if heavy ions are used, the fragmentation of the projectile can happen and the fragments can release some dose outside the treatment volume beyond the Bragg peak. The fragmentation process takes place also when the Galactic Cosmic Rays at high energy hit the spaceship during space missions. In both cases some neutrons can be produced and if they interact with the absorbing materials nuclei some secondary particles are generated which can release energy. For this reason, studies about the cross section measurements of the fragments generated during the collisions of heavy ions against the tissues nuclei are very important. In this context, the FragmentatiOn Of Target (FOOT) experiment was born, and aims at measuring the differential and double differential fragmentation cross sections for different kinetic energies relevant to hadrontherapy and space radioprotection with high accuracy. Since during fragmentation processes also neutrons are produced, tests of a neutron detection system are ongoing. In particular, recently a neutron detector made up of a liquid organic scintillator, BC-501A with neutrons/gammas discrimination capability was studied, and it represents the core of this thesis. More in details, an analysis of the data collected at the GSI laboratory, in Darmstadt, Germany, is effectuated which consists in discriminating neutral and charged particles and then to separate neutrons from gammas. From this analysis, a preliminary energy-differential reaction cross-section for the production of neutrons in the 16O + (C_2H_4)_(n) and 16O + C reactions was estimated.
In questo lavoro di tesi è stato approfondito il modello di coalescenza, ampiamente utilizzato in letteratura per descrivere la formazione di (anti)nuclei leggeri in collisioni ad alta energia negli acceleratori e di antinuclei cosmici, con applicazioni alle ricerche indirette di materia oscura nell’universo. Nello specifico, è stato studiato il parametro di coalescenza per (anti)nuclei con numero di massa A ≤ 4; utilizzando un fit ai dati dell’esperimento ALICE a LHC sulla dimensione della sorgente di protoni in collisioni pp a √s = 13 TeV, si è cercato di esplicitare la dipendenza del parametro di coalescenza dall’impulso trasverso. Dal confronto delle previsioni del modello così ottenuto con le misure del parametro di coalescenza raccolte da ALICE, si osserva che il parametro di coalescenza di d e 3He non segue l’andamento previsto. Questo risultato evidenzia quindi la necessità di rivedere il modello di sorgente adottato o i suoi limiti di applicazione a diversi sistemi di collisione. In vista della possibilità di implementare il meccanismo di formazione per coalescenza nei generatori Monte Carlo per la simulazione degli antinuclei, si è tentato di caratterizzare la sorgente di protoni attraverso l’utilizzo del generatore PYTHIA 8.3. In particolare, è stata effettuata un’analisi delle coordinate spaziali, della quantità di moto e del tempo di produzione dei protoni a rapidità centrale generati in 10^5 collisioni pp. I grafici ottenuti mostrano che la sorgente è sostanzialmente isotropa.
La Materia Oscura (Dark Matter, DM) deve il suo nome al fatto che non interagisce elettromagneticamente, ma solo gravitazionalmente e debolmente (proprietà che ne complica particolarmente la rivelazione). Molti sforzi, sia sperimentali che teorici, sono stati dedicati alla sua ricerca a tal punto da essere considerata uno dei più grandi misteri della fisica moderna. I candidati più promettenti a costituire la materia oscura sono da ricercarsi in teorie oltre il Modello Standard e fra essi figurano le WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). Poiché le particelle di DM sono caratterizzate da sezioni d’urto molto piccole, per poterle osservare si necessita di grandi rivelatori, ultrapuri e situati in ambienti a bassa radioattività. XENONnT è attualmente uno degli esperimenti più sensibili al mondo per la ricerca diretta di WIMPs, grazie all’utilizzo di una camera di proiezione temporale (TPC) a doppia fase (liquido-gas) che presenta una massa bersaglio di 5.9 t di xenon liquido (LXe). XENONnT mira a rilevare lo scattering di WIMPs contro i nuclei bersaglio, sfruttando i segnali osservabili di luce e carica prodotti dai rinculi nel LXe. Per raggiungere tale risultato sono fondamentali il sistema di veto di neutroni (Neutron Veto, NV) ed il sistema di veto di muoni (Muon Veto, MV): il NV ha lo scopo di rivelare i neutroni radiogenici provenienti dai materiali dell’esperimento mentre il MV (già impiegato in XENON1T) ha la finalità di eliminare il rumore di fondo dovuto ai raggi cosmici. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è lo studio degli eventi muone osservati dal MV ed il NV di XENONnT; misurarne il rate e verificare la congruenza dei risultati ottenuti con quanto atteso da simulazioni Monte Carlo. Questa prova ha costituito un'ulteriore verifica del corretto funzionamento dei sistemi di veto, ed ha permesso di approfondire la conoscenza sulla risposta del Neutron Veto al passaggio di un muone all’interno del suo volume attivo.
Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) is associated with respiratory infections worldwide, mainly in children. Similar to other parvoviruses, it is believed that HBoV1 can persist for long periods of time in humans, probably through maintaining concatemers of the virus single-stranded DNA genome in the nuclei of infected cells. Recently, HBoV-1 was detected in high rates in adenoid and palatine tonsils samples from patients with chronic adenotonsillar diseases, but nothing is known about the virus replication levels in those tissues. A 3-year prospective hospital-based study was conducted to detect and quantify HBoV1 DNA and mRNAs in samples of the adenoids (AD), palatine tonsils (PT), nasopharyngeal secretions (NPS), and peripheral blood (PB) from patients undergoing tonsillectomy for tonsillar hypertrophy or recurrent tonsillitis. HBoV1 was detected in 25.3% of the AD samples, while the rates of detection in the PT, NPS, and PB samples were 7.2%, 10.5%, and 1.7%, respectively. The viral loads were higher in AD samples, and 27.3% of the patients with HBoV had mRNA detectable in this tissue. High viral loads and detectable mRNA in the AD were associated with HBoV1 detection in the other sample sites. The adenoids are an important site of HBoV1 replication and persistence in children with tonsillar hypertrophy. The adenoids contain high HBoV1 loads and are frequently positive for HBoV mRNA, and this is associated with the detection of HBoV1 in secretions.
To verify whether fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of cells from the buccal epithelium could be employed to detect cryptomosaicism with a 45,X lineage in 46,XY patients. Samples of nineteen 46,XY healthy young men and five patients with disorders of sex development (DSD), four 45,X/46,XY and one 46,XY were used. FISH analysis with X and Y specific probes on interphase nuclei from blood lymphocytes and buccal epithelium were analyzed to investigate the proportion of nuclei containing only the signal of the X chromosome. The frequency of nuclei containing only the X signal in the two tissues of healthy men did not differ (p = 0.69). In all patients with DSD this frequency was significantly higher, and there was no difference between the two tissues (p = 0.38), either. Investigation of mosaicism with a 45,X cell line in patients with 46,XY DSD or sterility can be done by FISH directly using cells from the buccal epithelium.
Lower levels of cytosine methylation have been found in the liver cell DNA from non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice under hyperglycemic conditions. Because the Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) profiles of dry DNA samples are differently affected by DNA base composition, single-stranded form and histone binding, it is expected that the methylation status in the DNA could also affect its FT-IR profile. The DNA FT-IR signatures obtained from the liver cell nuclei of hyperglycemic and normoglycemic NOD mice of the same age were compared. Dried DNA samples were examined in an IR microspectroscope equipped with an all-reflecting objective (ARO) and adequate software. Changes in DNA cytosine methylation levels induced by hyperglycemia in mouse liver cells produced changes in the respective DNA FT-IR profiles, revealing modifications to the vibrational intensities and frequencies of several chemical markers, including νas -CH3 stretching vibrations in the 5-methylcytosine methyl group. A smaller band area reflecting lower energy absorbed in the DNA was found in the hyperglycemic mice and assumed to be related to the lower levels of -CH3 groups. Other spectral differences were found at 1700-1500 cm(-1) and in the fingerprint region, and a slight change in the DNA conformation at the lower DNA methylation levels was suggested for the hyperglycemic mice. The changes that affect cytosine methylation levels certainly affect the DNA-protein interactions and, consequently, gene expression in liver cells from the hyperglycemic NOD mice.
Wormlike micelles formed by the addition to cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) of a range of aromatic cosolutes with small molecular variations in their structure were systematically studied. Phenol and derivatives of benzoate and cinnamate were used, and the resulting mixtures were studied by oscillatory, steady-shear rheology, and the microstructure was probed by small-angle neutron scattering. The lengthening of the micelles and their entanglement result in remarkable viscoelastic properties, making rheology a useful tool to assess the effect of structural variations of the cosolutes on wormlike micelle formation. For a fixed concentration of CTAB and cosolute (200 mmol L(-1)), the relaxation time decreases in the following order: phenol > cinnamate> o-hydroxycinnamate > salicylate > o-methoxycinnamate > benzoate > o-methoxybenzoate. The variations in viscoelastic response are rationalized by using Mulliken population analysis to map out the electronic density of the cosolutes and quantify the barrier to rotation of specific groups on the aromatics. We find that the ability of the group attached to the aromatic ring to rotate is crucial in determining the packing of the cosolute at the micellar interface and thus critically impacts the micellar growth and, in turn, the rheological response. These results enable us for the first time to propose design rules for the self-assembly of the surfactants and cosolutes resulting in the formation of wormlike micelles with the cationic surfactant CTAB.
The diagnosis of intraductal carcinoma (IDC) of the prostate remains subjective because 3 sets of diagnostic criteria are in use. An internet survey was compiled from 38 photomicrographs showing duct proliferations: 14 signed out as high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN), 17 IDC, and 7 invasive cribriform/ductal carcinoma. Each image was assessed for the presence of 9 histologic criteria ascribed to IDC. Thirty-nine respondents were asked to rate images as (1) benign/reactive, (2) HGPIN, (3) borderline between HGPIN and IDC, (4) IDC, or (5) invasive cribriform/ductal carcinoma. Intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.68. There was 70% overall agreement with HGPIN, 43% with IDC, and 73% with invasive carcinoma (P < .001, χ(2)). Respondents considered 19 (50%) of 38 cases as IDC candidates, of which 5 (26%) had a two-thirds consensus for IDC; two-thirds consensus for either borderline or IDC was reached in 9 (47%). Two-thirds consensus other than IDC was reached in the remaining 19 of 38 cases, with 15 supporting HGPIN and 4 supporting invasive carcinoma. Findings that differed across diagnostic categories were lumen-spanning neoplastic cells (P < .001), 2× benign duct diameters (P < .001), duct space contours (round, irregular, and branched) (P < .001), papillary growth (P = .048), dense cribriform or solid growth (both P = .023), and comedonecrosis (P = .015). When the 19 of 38 images that attained consensus for HGPIN or invasive carcinoma were removed from consideration, lack of IDC consensus was most often attributable to only loose cribriform growth (5/19), central nuclear maturation (5/19), or comedonecrosis (3/19). Of the 9 histologic criteria, only 1 retained significant correlation with a consensus diagnosis of IDC: the presence of solid areas (P = .038). One case that attained IDC consensus had less than 2× duct enlargement yet still had severe nuclear atypia and nucleomegaly. Six fold nuclear enlargement was not significant (P = .083), although no image had both 6× nuclei and papillary or loose cribriform growth: a combination postulated as sufficient criteria for IDC. Finally, 20.5% of respondents agreed that an isolated diagnosis of IDC on needle biopsy warrants definitive therapy, 20.5% disagreed, and 59.0% considered the decision to depend upon clinicopathologic variables. Although IDC diagnosis remains challenging, we propose these criteria: a lumen-spanning proliferation of neoplastic cells in preexisting ducts with a dense cribriform or partial solid growth pattern. Solid growth, in any part of the duct space, emerges as the most reproducible finding to rule in a diagnosis of IDC. Comedonecrosis is a rarer finding, but in most cases, it should rule in IDC. Duct space enlargement to greater than 2× the diameter of the largest, adjacent benign spaces is usually present in IDC, although there may be rare exceptions.
Previous studies from our group have demonstrated the protective effect of S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) on the cardiovascular system in dyslipidemic LDLr-/- mice that develop atheroma and left ventricular hypertrophy after 15 days on a high fat diet. We have shown that SNAC treatment attenuates plaque development via the suppression of vascular oxidative stress and protects the heart from structural and functional myocardial alterations, such as heart arrhythmia, by reducing cardiomyocyte sensitivity to catecholamines. Here we investigate the ability of SNAC to modulate oxidative stress and cell survival in cardiomyocytes during remodeling and correlation with β₂-AR signaling in mediating this protection. Ventricular superoxide (O₂⁻) and hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) generation was measured by HPLC methods to allow quantification of dihydroethidium (DHE) products. Ventricular histological sections were stained using terminal dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) to identify nuclei with DNA degradation (apoptosis) and this was confirmed by Western blot for cleaved caspase-3 and caspase-7 protein expression. The findings show that O₂⁻ and H₂O₂ production and also cell apoptosis were increased during left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). SNAC treatment reduced oxidative stress during on cardiac remodeling, measured by decreased H₂O₂ and O₂⁻ production (65% and 52%, respectively), and a decrease in the ratio of p-Ser1177 eNOS/total eNOS. Left ventricle (LV) from SNAC-treated mice revealed a 4-fold increase in β₂-AR expression associated with coupling change to Gi; β₂-ARs-S-nitrosation (β₂-AR-SNO) increased 61%, while apoptosis decreased by 70%. These results suggest that the cardio-protective effect of SNAC treatment is primarily through its anti-oxidant role and is associated with β₂-ARs overexpression and β₂-AR-SNO via an anti-apoptotic pathway.
We analyzed GFP cells after 24h cultivated on superhydrophilic vertically aligned carbon nanotube scaffolds. We produced two different densities of VACNT scaffolds on Ti using Ni or Fe catalysts. A simple and fast oxygen plasma treatment promoted the superhydrophilicity of them. We used five different substrates, such as: as-grown VACNT produced using Ni as catalyst (Ni), as-grown VACNT produced using Fe as catalyst (Fe), VACNT-O produced using Ni as catalyst (NiO), VACNT-O produced using Fe as catalyst (FeO) and Ti (control). The 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole reagent nuclei stained the adherent cells cultivated on five different analyzed scaffolds. We used fluorescence microscopy for image collect, ImageJ® to count adhered cell and GraphPad Prism 5® for statistical analysis. We demonstrated in crescent order: Fe, Ni, NiO, FeO and Ti scaffolds that had an improved cellular adhesion. Oxygen treatment associated to high VACNT density (group FeO) presented significantly superior cell adhesion up to 24h. However, they do not show significant differences compared with Ti substrates (control). We demonstrated that all the analyzed substrates were nontoxic. Also, we proposed that the density and hydrophilicity influenced the cell adhesion behavior.