996 resultados para neurology


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Muitos laboratórios de eletrofisiologia visual não possuem seus próprios valores de normalidade para o eletrorretinograma de campo total. Isto prejudica a confiabilidade dos diagnósticos de diversas doenças que afetam as vias visuais. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer os valores normativos para o teste Eletrorretinograma de Campo Total para o Laboratório de Neurologia Tropical (LNT) da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Realizaram o eletrorretinograma 68 indivíduos saudáveis e sem queixas visuais divididos em três grupos de acordo com a faixa etária: 36 indivíduos pertenceram ao grupo 1 (entre 17 e 30 anos), 21 indivíduos ao grupo 2 (entre 31 e 45 anos) e 11 indivíduos ao grupo 3 (entre 46 e 60 anos). O protocolo de realização do teste seguiu as recomendações da ISCEV, com a utilização de seis tipos de estimulação. Quatro após adaptação escotópica e estimulação com intensidades de: 0,01 cd.s/m2 (resposta de bastonetes), 3,0 cd.s/m2 (resposta mista de cones e bastonetes e potenciais oscilatórios) e 10,0 cd.s/m2 (resposta mista adicional). Dois após adaptação fotópica em fundo de 30 cd/m2: 3,0 cd.s/m2 (resposta de cones e Flicker 30Hz). Para a análise dos resultados foram calculados os valores de amplitude e tempo implícito das ondas a e b obtidas em resposta a cada um dos seis tipos de estimulação utilizados. Estes valores foram descritos estatisticamente através da mediana, intervalos de confiança, 1º e 3º quartis, coeficiente de variação, média, desvio padrão e valores mínimos e máximos. Os grupos de maior faixa etária apresentaram menores valores de amplitude e atraso no tempo implícito. A utilização da transformada wavelet permitiu a melhor visualização das ondas sem alteração de amplitude e tempo implícito. Portanto, os valores normativos obtidos podem servir como parâmetros de normalidade confiáveis para auxiliar o diagnóstico de doenças retinianas.


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A Vertigem Posicional Paroxística Benigna (VPPB) é caracterizada por tontura rotatória com duração de segundos e tratada com manobras cefálicas. Para sistematizar a conduta e conduzir os clínicos no atual conhecimento no seu controle, sociedades internacionais desenvolveram diretrizes. OBJETIVO: Discutir de forma prática e didática o estado da arte da abordagem atualmente disponível para VPPB. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Revisão assistemática com análise crítica comparando os resultados de duas recentes diretrizes internacionais a respeito da avaliação e controle da VPPB. Uma pesquisa foi elaborada pela American Academy of Otolaryngology (AAO-HNS) e a outra preparada pela American Academy of Neurology (AAN). Os tópicos em comum foram separados em tabelas comparativas. RESULTADOS: As diretrizes apresentaram diferenças quanto à metodologia. Apenas o artigo da AAO-HNS abordou sobre diagnóstico, recomendando o teste de Dix-Hallpike. Quanto aos tratamentos abordados, apenas a Reposição Canalítica, Manobra de Semont e a Reabilitação Vestibular tiveram estudos suficientes para receber recomendações. CONCLUSÃO: As duas diretrizes apresentaram os respaldos científicos necessários para os profissionais que atuam no diagnóstico e controle da VPPB, porém o resultado do grupo multidisciplinar da AAO-HNS foi mais abrangente e com qualidade superior.


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This survey was conducted with the objective of developing and adapting diagnostic techniques in neurology for non-human primates, of the species Alouatta guariba Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812 (howler monkey) healthy and kept in captivity. Physical-chemical analyses were carried out in cerebrospinal fluid and its pressure measurement in the cisterna magna. Eight animals were used for the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid. In all procedures, were used chemical restraint and anesthesia with ketamine, xylazine and association of midazolam and inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane for carrying out the spinal tap. The cerebrospinal fluid analysis showed average values: protein: 16.92±9.84; glucose: 131.25mg/dL±106.7; pH: 8.37±0.69; nucleated cells: 0.5/mm³±0.75; red blood cells: 49.37/mm³±111.76 and CSF cisternal pressure: 7.37cm H2O±1.77. This study demonstrated the safety and efficacy of cerebrospinal fluid collection in the cisterna magna of Alouatta guariba, and the reference values for the specie.


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Background: The Mulvihill-Smith Syndrome was first recognized in 1975. After the recognition of the Mulvihill-Smith Syndrome, ten cases have been described.Case presentation: This article describes the eleventh case of this syndrome in a male patient, 24 years-old with short stature and microcephaly with mild cognitive impairment, deafness and allergic conjunctivitis. The patient was hospitalized several times for repeated infections, and the presence of multiple melanocytic nevi on his skin was noticed.Conclusions: Based on the entire set of signs and symptoms presented in our study, it was diagnosed the patient with Mulvihill-Smith Syndrome.


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Several cognitive tests have been developed to evaluate specific aspects of human and animal learning and memory. These tests have been used for early detection of cognitive deficits and to monitor the treatment of dogs with cognitive impairment. Thus, this article evaluated the feasibility of cognitive tests for use in canine neurology clinical routines and the suitability of the different tests to accomplish this aim. Fifteen healthy adult dogs were used for the cognitive tests of reward approach learning, object approach learning, object discrimination learning, reversal learning, delayed non-matched to position, and delayed non-matched to sample to assess different aspects of memory. No difference was observed between tests of delayed non-matched to position (3.13 +/- 2.23 days) and delayed non-matched to sample (3.20 +/- 2.40 days) (P = 0.944). However, dogs had greater difficulty in reversal learning (8.47 +/- 2.61 days) than in object discrimination learning (4.60 +/- 1.64 days) (P <= 0.001). Based on the tests performed, the delayed non-matched to position test may be performed in clinical routine if the owner and the veterinarian have time available, because this test is sensitive to evaluate dogs with cognitive impairments, but requires approximately 10 days of training. Thus, elderly dogs are excellent experimental models to study pathological aging based on their similarities with some human brain diseases, such as Alzheimer disease. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Monoclonal antibodies against two alpha-bungarotoxin-binding subunits (alpha-7 and alpha-8) of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) were used as immunohistochemical probes to map their distribution in the chick diencephalon and mesencephalon. The distribution of the alpha-7 and alpha-8 nAChR subunits was compared to the distribution of immunoreactivity produced by a monoclonal antibody against the beta-2 structural subunit of the nAChRs.Structures that contained high numbers of alpha-7-like immunoreactive (LI) somata included the intergeniculate leaflet, nucleus intercalatus thalami, nucleus ovoidalis, organum paraventricularis, nucleus rotundus, isthmic nuclei, nucleus trochlearis, oculomotor complex, nucleus interstitio-pretecto-subpretectalis, stratum griseum centrale of the optic tectum, and nucleus semilunaris. Neuropil staining for alpha-7-LI was intense in the nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis, griseum tecti, isthmic nuclei, nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, nucleus of the basal optic root, and stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale of the tectum. High numbers of alpha-8-LI somata were found in the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale of the tectum and the nucleus interstitio-pretecto-subpretectalis, and intense neuropil staining for alpha-8-LI was found in the dorsal thalamus, nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis, lateral hypothalamus, griseum tecti, nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, nucleus interpeduncularis, and stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale of the tectum. High numbers of beta-2-LI somata were found only in the nucleus spiriformis lateralis, whereas neuropil staining for beta-2-LI was intense in the nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis, nucleus suprachiasmaticus, nucleus lateralis anterior, nucleus habenularis lateralis, area pretectalis, griseum tecti, nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, nucleus externus, and nucleus interpeduncularis, and in the stratum griseum centrale, stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale, and stratum opticum of the tectum.These results indicate that there are major disparities in the localization of the alpha-bungarotoxin-binding alpha-7 and alpha-8 nAChR subunits and the beta-2 structural nAChR subunit in the chick diencephalon and mesencephalon. These nAChR subunits appear, however, to coexist in several regions of the chick brain.


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is studied since 1938, is a technique used in medicine to produce high quality images from inside the human body. These images are produced non-invasively and without ionizing radiation. In addition, MRI is an extremely flexible technique, with which it is possible to produce images with different contrasts that provide different information about the anatomy, structure and function of the human body, and it is therefore one of the techniques preferred by radiologists. The phenomenon of MRI is based on the interaction of magnetic fields with the nuclear spins of the scanned sample. In this work a detailed study of the technique of magnetic resonance imaging is presented, with a description of the main features of the images produced by the technique and an analysis of its application to the fields of applications Neurology and Neuroscience


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Nowadays, in any area that acts within the veterinary medicine, we talk a lot of specialists. Specialists in neurology, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, finally, more specialized in a subject, better is the veterinarian. However, on one hand to deepen the knowledge helped in the discovery of new diagnostics and treatments, secondly, a bit lost sight of the patient as a whole. Traditional Chinese medicine, one of whose branches is acupuncture, is aimed at exactly this approach to be fully alive, where all body is interconnected and the disease is not seen as the imbalance of one system, but, as the imbalance between our being and the environment external. Acupuncture is an alternative in the treatment of many diseases, among them Cauda Equina Syndrome, and consists of stimulating specific points on the body surface, which help the body return to its natural harmony. A Cauda Equina Syndrome is a frame subsequent to a neuromuscular spinal cord at the level of the spinal canal of the lower lumbar spine and sacral, whose treatment is almost always surgical. This study aims to show the relevance of acupuncture treatment in this condition and report the importance of the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine nowadays, even when their arms are not in the treatment of choice


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This paper is part of a larger project that is being developed at our university, whose goal is to enable students of Literature and Translation to detect and analyze linguistic phenomena based on electronic corpora, consisting of original texts and texts translated, which show the general language, literary language and specialized language. One of its aspects is the analysis of medical abstracts and their translation process. Thus, this undergraduate research project, we seek to observe the technical-scientific English language by performing translations of abstracts of scientific articles of Neurology and Oncology.