983 resultados para network collaboration
The report includes a recap of the initiatives relating to the Network and highlights usage, including the increased need for bandwidth and access to high-speed Internet by ICN users.
Fondements : La recherche sur l'oedème postopératoire consécutif à la chirurgie prothétique du genou est peu développée, notamment en raison de l'absence d'une méthode de mesure adaptée. Une collaboration entre physiothérapeutes et ingénieurs a permis de développer et valider une méthode de mesure innovante et facilement applicable. Les physiothérapeutes ont identifié un besoin clinique, les ingénieurs ont apporté leur savoir technologique, et l'équipe a conjointement élaboré le protocole de mesure et effectué l'étude de validation. Introduction : La bioimpédance est fréquemment utilisée pour évaluer l'oedème par l'analyse d'un signal électrique passant au travers du corps, en extrapolant la résistance théorique à une fréquence égale à zéro (R0). La mesure s'avère fiable et rapide, mais n'a jamais été appliquée et validée pour l'évaluation de l'oedème en chirurgie orthopédique. Objectif : L'objectif de l'étude est de valider la mesure de l'oedème du membre inférieur par bioimpédance, chez des patients ayant bénéficié d'une prothèse totale de genou (PTG). Questionnement : Après nous être assurés de l'absence d'influence de l'implant métallique de la PTG sur la mesure, nous nous questionnions sur la validité et la fiabilité des mesures de bioimpédance dans ce contexte. Méthodes : Deux évaluateurs ont mesuré à tour de rôle et à deux reprises successives l'oedème chez 24 patients opérés d'une PTG, à trois temps différents (préopératoire, J+2, J+8). L'oedème a été évalué par bioimpédance (R0) et par conversion en volume de mesures centimétriques du membre inférieur (MI). Nous avons calculé le ratio moyen des MI pour chaque méthode. Nous avons évalué la reproductibilité intra- et inter-observateurs de la bioimpédance (coefficient de corrélation intraclasse, CCI) et la corrélation entre méthodes (Spearman). Résultats : Le ratio moyen opéré/sain du volume des MI est de 1.04 (SD ± 0.06) en préopératoire, 1.18 (SD ± 0.09) à J+2 et 1.17 (SD ± 0.10) à J+8. Le ratio sain/opéré des MI de R0 est de 1.04 (SD ± 0.07) en préopératoire, 1.51 (SD ± 0.22) à J+2 et 1.65 (SD ± 0.21) à J+8. En préopératoire, à J+2 et J+8, les CCI tous supérieurs à 0.95 pour la reproductibilité intra- et inter-observateurs de la bioimpédance. La corrélation entre méthodes est de 0.71 en préopératoire, 0.61 à J2 et 0.33 à J8. Analyse et conclusion : La variation du ratio des MI entre les temps préopératoire, J+2 et J+8 est plus marquée pour R0. La mesure de bioimpédance bénéficie d'une excellente reproductibilité intra- et inter-observateurs. L'évolution dans le temps de la corrélation entre méthodes peut être expliquée par l'influence potentielle de facteurs confondants sur R0 (modification de la composition liquidienne) et par l'influence de l'atrophie musculaire postopératoire sur la mesure de volume. La collaboration physiothérapeutes-ingénieurs a permis le développement et l'évaluation d'une nouvelle méthode de mesure.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.