982 resultados para natal homing


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A cidade de Natal/RN apresenta-se como palco para múltiplas manifestações culturais, entre as quais se encontram as tribos de índios carnavalescas. O presente estudo procurará compreender a produção do carnaval destas agremiações enquanto uma manifestação de lazer e trabalho. Pautado numa visão pluralista, percebemos que os vários usos do espaço implicam em territorialidades que envolvem as dimensões política, econômica e simbólica, intermediadas pela cultura. Sob a análise proposta, pretendemos desvendar as dinâmicas espaciais e os vários agentes sociais que engendram relações de poder, trabalho e sociabilidades, mostrando neste mundo carnavalesco seus aspectos culturais e suas práticas sociais, guardando, em seu cerne, o caráter popular e ordinário do cotidiano. A pesquisa mostra que, para além da racionalidade hegemônica, existem outras racionalidades, manifestadas em microterritorialidades, que acionam mecanismos e táticas cotidianas, valorizando-se o fenômeno do estar-junto, existentes no interior dos centros urbanos, nos bairros e nas ruas


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The present work is a study on the functions performed by landmarks landscape Natal / RN in the urban fabric, in the case of Midway Mall, the Portico dos Reis Magos, the Morro do Careca and Newton Navarro Bridge. For such goals established itself as analyze the functionality of the milestones presented here in the urban fabric; discuss the importance of these landmarks of the city landscape in the process of urbanization of Natal, and identify and spatialize actions related to the use of territories where are located landmarks, discussing their reflections. To achieve these goals we chose to use as a literature search procedures, the problematic concept, working with oral sources, and reading speechless. To support this research the main concepts were worked landscape, city, landmark, public space, circuits, among others. After going over the theory, consistent with the empirical data, it appears that the landmarks studied here have different functions and features, but all carry different forms of fascination for the public and visitors to the city, and every man your way, influence the public space, land speculation and feature importance in the process of urbanization of Natal


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This work aims to conduct an analysis on the production of space and the dynamics between social agents that act and interact, albeit in different ways, in the production and re-production space in the Neighborhood Potengi in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The neighborhood is undergoing a process of dynamism undeniable and has a daily marked by heterogeneity, especially as a neighborhood in transition. So your analysis, from the perspective of the dialectical method, contributes to the understanding of the production space can be analyzed through the study of the forms and content, and may contribute to its real apprehension. After all, the city reflects forms, assumes functions, features and content that dynamic influences and is influenced by human relationships. Thus, this research seeks to analyze the production of space, based on the observation and study of the rich daily life of different social agents that operate within concrete quoted


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This dissertation is about low-income rental housing vilas in the South Zone in the city of Natal. Vilas are a string of houses, built privately in an urban plot of land, usually a backyard, facing a narrow street beco. This type of housing is originated in the 19th century in the Brazilian scenario. In Natal, this has become more popular since the late 1960s. This study is aimed at analyzing the urban integration of the vilas, considering that these house a low income population, vis à vis the speedy development of Natal s most economically dynamic area. The study starts with a discussion of the production of space, taking into consideration categories such as use value, exchange value, commodity and land rent. Field work was undertaken through structured interviews with dwellers of vilas in Nova Descoberta and Ponta Negra neighbourhoods. Owners of vilas were also interviewed. Data collected indicated worrisome housing conditions. Vilas, in the areas researched, are increasingly becoming unwelcome, constituting guetos in a place where landscape is changing rapidly. Gentrification is fast under way, first because of rise in rent and taxes; second because of general rise in living costs


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A motivação para a realização deste artigo foi a percepção de que o movimento de preços dos imóveis em Natal apresentava componentes que precisavam ser investigados, notadamente o influxo de capital estrangeiro, sobretudo para aplicação nos setores de turismo e imobiliário e o comportamento do crédito imobiliário. O objetivo do trabalho é examinar a evolução dos preços no mercado de imóveis da cidade no período 2005; 2010. Os indicadores levantados permitiram uma coleta de evidências suficiente para ampliar o grau de confiança nas hipóteses de que, de fato: a) ocorreu uma bolha no mercado de imóveis no triênio 2005; 2007; b) a bolha não implodiu no biênio 2009; 2010, após a crise financeira de 2008, pois o movimento de alta de preços se manteve tanto nos imóveis vendidos na planta quanto nos imóveis prontos.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar a qualidade do cuidado pré-natal desenvolvido na atenção primária, comparando os modelos tradicional e Estratégia Saúde da Família. MÉTODO: estudo de avaliação de serviço, pautado nas políticas públicas de saúde. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista com gerentes, observação nas unidades de saúde e análise de prontuários de gestantes, selecionados aleatoriamente. Diferenças nos indicadores de estrutura e processo foram avaliadas pelo teste qui-quadrado, adotando-se p<0,05 como nível crítico, cálculo dos odds ratio e intervalos de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: foram evidenciadas estruturas semelhantes em ambos os modelos de atenção. Indicadores-síntese de processo, criados neste estudo, e os indicados pelas políticas públicas apontaram situação mais favorável nas Unidades de Saúde da Família. Para o conjunto de atividades preconizadas para o pré-natal, o desempenho foi deficiente em ambos os modelos, embora pouco melhor nas Unidades de Saúde da Família. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados indicam a necessidade de ações para melhoria da atenção pré-natal nos dois modelos de atenção básica no município avaliado.


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Skeletal muscle fibers areas, the weight of body, carcass and muscle, the gastric content and the length of intestines and caecum of Norfolk rabbit from neonate to 26th week were measured. Types of fibers and areas were studied in -70-degrees-C frozen blocks of flexor carpo radialis muscle. Some sections were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin and others were submitted to SDH, NADH-TR and m-ATPase, followed by acid and alkali preincubations. All parameters revealed a high degree of correlation. Carcass weight/body weight ratio reached 55,1% at 10th week. From neonate to 26th week, the areas of SO, FOG and FG muscle fibers increased of x9.1, x12.4 and x22.2. While SO and FOG fibers tend to stabilize their growth at 10th week, FG fibers were active at this age. Due to early stabilization of SO and FOG fibers growth, the additional increase in muscle tissue in attributed mainly to hypertrophy of FG fibers.


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The natal teeth are defined as the presence of teeth at birth and the etiology is rather obscure. Clinically, the teeth show normal size and shape, although they reveal an immature appearance. The histological aspect show enamel with the possibility of presenting normal mineralization or being hypoplastic. The dentin may show alterations. The incidence of natal teeth varies greatly, with a predisposition for the female sex. This paper relates a case report of two partially erupted natal teeth in a female baby 9 days-old. The presence of teeth made the parents anxious. In their mind, that meant the child was abnormal. On the radiograph the erupted teeth showed little radioopacity, without a radicular formation. The therapy utilized was the keeping of the teeth and a periodic monitoring, cleaning and daily topical applications sodium fluoride. The case was monitored by monthly consultations. At 9 months of age the primary central lower did not present mobility. On the radiograph examination incomplete radicular formation was observed.


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A total of 196 fetuses of crossbred Zebu between 106 to 246mm in length collected from a slaughterhouse in São Paulo, Brazil, and divided into groups of 10mm size differences intervals into 15 classes were measured and weighed. Liver, heart and lungs were also removed and weighed. In order to select the method of evaluation of growth several mathematical functions were applied. Among significant equations the monologarithmic function was selected. Furthermore, the fetuses in similar conditions of length and weight were compared with racially pure fetuses.


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Child development from conception through the first years of life is marked by many changes. Tooth eruption follows a chronology corresponding to the date when the tooth erupts into the oral cavity. These dates have been established in the literature and are subjected to small variations depending on hereditary, endocrine and environmental features. At times, however, the chronology of tooth eruption suffers a more significant alteration in terms of onset, and the first teeth may be present at birth or arise during the first month of life. The expectations about the eruption of the first teeth are great and even greater when the teeth appear early in the oral cavity. The objective of the present study was to present a review of the literature with important aspects about natal and neonatal teeth.


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An unusual case of a newborn with two immature natal maxillary molars is presented. Clinical and histological examination showed that the teeth were rootless and incompletely mineralized. The patient was followed up during one year and we confirmed that the natal teeth were from normal primary series.


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Maternal mortality rate (MM) is a health quality indicator that is directly influenced by the economic, cultural and technological level of a country. Official data of MM in Brazil, although underestimated, point to the lack of quality in pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium care services. This characteristic is common in developing countries, where poorer pregnant women as well as those facing greater difficulty to quality care access are found. Prenatal care cannot prevent major childbirth complications, which are important causes of MM; however, some interventions during the prenatal period can favor maternal prognosis and prevent MM. In this setting, this study brings a scientifically based update concerning effective interventions for maternal mortality prevention during the prenatal period. The most important strategies consist of a tripod with specific interventions related to maternal health promotion, risk prevention and assurance of nutritional support during gestation, in addition to criteria to investigate gestational risk and inclusion of the pregnant woman in the basic component of the prenatal care model. It ends with the definition of priorities in the prevention of MM related to eclampsia/preeclampsia and reinforces the importance of normalization of reference systems for obstetric emergency cases.