986 resultados para money-equivalent value (MEV)


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Part I.

In recent years, backscattering spectrometry has become an important tool for the analysis of thin films. An inherent limitation, though, is the loss of depth resolution due to energy straggling of the beam. To investigate this, energy straggling of 4He has been measured in thin films of Ni, Al, Au and Pt. Straggling is roughly proportional to square root of thickness, appears to have a slight energy dependence and generally decreases with decreasing atomic number of the adsorber. The results are compared with predictions of theory and with previous measurements. While Ni measurements are in fair agreement with Bohr's theory, Al measurements are 30% above and Au measurements are 40% below predicted values. The Au and Pt measurements give straggling values which are close to one another.

Part II.

MeV backscattering spectrometry and X-ray diffraction are used to investigate the behavior of sputter-deposited Ti-W mixed films on Si substrates. During vacuum anneals at temperatures near 700°C for several hours, the metallization layer reacts with the substrate. Backscattering analysis shows that the resulting compound layer is uniform in composition and contains Ti, Wand Si. The Ti:W ratio in the compound corresponds to that of the deposited metal film. X-ray analyses with Reed and Guinier cameras reveal the presence of the ternary TixW(1-x)Si2 compound. Its composition is unaffected by oxygen contamination during annealing, but the reaction rate is affected. The rate measured on samples with about 15% oxygen contamination after annealing is linear, of the order of 0.5 Å per second at 725°C, and depends on the crystallographic orientation of the substrate and the dc bias during sputter-deposition of the Ti-W film.

Au layers of about 1000 Å thickness were deposited onto unreacted Ti-W films on Si. When annealed at 400°C these samples underwent a color change,and SEM micrographs of the samples showed that an intricate pattern of fissures which were typically 3µm wide had evolved. Analysis by electron microprobe revealed that Au had segregated preferentially into the fissures. This result suggests that Ti-W is not a barrier to Au-Si intermixing at 400°C.


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DC and transient measurements of space-charge-limited currents through alloyed and symmetrical n^+ν n^+ structures made of nominally 75 kΩcm ν-type silicon are studied before and after the introduction of defects by 14 MeV neutron radiation. In the transient measurements, the current response to a large turn-on voltage step is analyzed. Right after the voltage step is applied, the current transient reaches a value which we shall call "initial current" value. At longer times, the transient current decays from the initial current value if traps are present.

Before the irradiation, the initial current density-voltage characteristics J(V) agree quantitatively with the theory of trap-free space-charge-limited current in solids. We obtain for the electron mobility a temperature dependence which indicates that scattering due to impurities is weak. This is expected for the high purity silicon used. The drift velocity-field relationships for electrons at room temperature and 77°K, derived from the initial current density-voltage characteristics, are shown to fit the relationships obtained with other methods by other workers. The transient current response for t > 0 remains practically constant at the initial value, thus indicating negligible trapping.

Measurement of the initial (trap-free) current density-voltage characteristics after the irradiation indicates that the drift velocity-field relationship of electrons in silicon is affected by the radiation only at low temperature in the low field range. The effect is not sufficiently pronounced to be readily analyzed and no formal description of it is offered. In the transient response after irradiation for t > 0, the current decays from its initial value, thus revealing the presence of traps. To study these traps, in addition to transient measurements, the DC current characteristics were measured and shown to follow the theory of trap-dominated space-charge-limited current in solids. This theory was applied to a model consisting of two discrete levels in the forbidden band gap. Calculations and experiments agreed and the capture cross-sections of the trapping levels were obtained. This is the first experimental case known to us through which the flow of space-charge-limited current is so simply representable.

These results demonstrate the sensitivity of space-charge-limited current flow as a tool to detect traps and changes in the drift velocity-field relationship of carriers caused by radiation. They also establish that devices based on the mode of space-charge-limited current flow will be affected considerably by any type of radiation capable of introducing traps. This point has generally been overlooked so far, but is obviously quite significant.


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The anisotropy of 1.3 - 2.3 MeV protons in interplanetary space has been measured using the Caltech Electron/Isotope Spectrometer aboard IMP-7 for 317 6-hour periods from 72/273 to 74/2. Periods dominated by prompt solar particle events are not included. The convective and diffusive anisotropies are determined from the observed anisotropy using concurrent solar wind speed measurements and observed energy spectra. The diffusive flow of particles is found to be typically toward the sun, indicating a positive radial gradient in the particle density. This anisotropy is inconsistent with previously proposed sources of low-energy proton increases seen at 1 AU which involve continual solar acceleration.

The typical properties of this new component of low-energy cosmic rays have been determine d for this period which is near solar minimum. The particles have a median intensity of 0.06 protons/ cm^(2)-sec-sr-MeV and a mean spectral index of -3.15.The amplitude of the diffusive anisotropy is approximately proportional to the solar wind speed. The rate at which particles are diffusing toward the sun is larger than the rate at which the solar wind is convecting the particles away from the sun. The 20 to 1 proton to alpha ratio typical of this new component has been reported by Mewaldt, et al. (1975b).

A propagation model with κ_(rr) assumed independent of radius and energy is used to show that the anisotropy could be due to increases similar to those found by McDonald, et al. (1975) at ~3 AU. The interplanetary Fermi-acceleration model proposed by Fisk (1976) to explain the increases seen near 3 AU is not consistent with the ~12 per cent diffusive anisotropy found.

The dependence of the diffusive anisotropy on various parameters is shown. A strong dependence of the direction of the diffusive anisotropy on the concurrently measured magnetic field direction is found, indicating a κ_⊥ less than κ_∥ to be typical for this large data set.


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The 1-6 MeV electron flux at 1 AU has been measured for the time period October 1972 to December 1977 by the Caltech Electron/Isotope Spectrometers on the IMP-7 and IMP-8 satellites. The non-solar interplanetary electron flux reported here covered parts of five synodic periods. The 88 Jovian increases identified in these five synodic periods were classified by their time profiles. The fall time profiles were consistent with an exponential fall with τ ≈ 4-9 days. The rise time profiles displayed a systematic variation over the synodic period. Exponential rise time profiles with τ ≈ 1-3 days tended to occur in the time period before nominal connection, diffusive profiles predicted by the convection-diffusion model around nominal connection, and abrupt profiles after nominal connection.

The times of enhancements in the magnetic field, │B│, at 1 AU showed a better correlation than corotating interaction regions (CIR's) with Jovian increases and other changes in the electron flux at 1 AU, suggesting that │B│ enhancements indicate the times that barriers to electron propagation pass Earth. Time sequences of the increases and decreases in the electron flux at 1 AU were qualitatively modeled by using the times that CIR's passed Jupiter and the times that │B│ enhancements passed Earth.

The electron data observed at 1 AU were modeled by using a convection-diffusion model of Jovian electron propagation. The synodic envelope formed by the maxima of the Jovian increases was modeled by the envelope formed by the predicted intensities at a time less than that needed to reach equilibrium. Even though the envelope shape calculated in this way was similar to the observed envelope, the required diffusion coefficients were not consistent with a diffusive process.

Three Jovian electron increases at 1 AU for the 1974 synodic period were fit with rise time profiles calculated from the convection-diffusion model. For the fits without an ambient electron background flux, the values for the diffusion coefficients that were consistent with the data were kx = 1.0 - 2.5 x 1021 cm2/sec and ky = 1.6 - 2.0 x 1022 cm2/sec. For the fits that included the ambient electron background flux, the values for the diffusion coefficients that were consistent with the data were kx = 0.4 - 1.0 x 1021 cm2/sec and ky = 0.8 - 1.3 x 1022 cm2/sec.


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We report measurements of isotope abundance ratios for 5-50 MeV/nuc nuclei from a large solar flare that occurred on September 23, 1978. The measurements were made by the Heavy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope (HIST) on the ISEE-3 satellite orbiting the Sun near an Earth-Sun libration point approximately one million miles sunward of the Earth. We report finite values for the isotope abundance ratios 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O, 22Ne/ 20Ne, 25Mg/24Mg, and 26Mg/24Mg, and upper limits for the isotope abundance ratios 3He/4He, 14C/12C, 17O/16O, and 21Ne/20Ne.

We measured element abundances and spectra to compare the September 23, 1978 flare with other flares reported in the literature. The flare is a typical large flare with "low" Fe/O abundance (≤ 0.1).

For 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O, 25Mg/ 24Mg, and 26Mg/24Mg, our measured isotope abundance ratios agree with the solar system abundance ratios of Cameron (1981). For neon we measure 22Ne/20Ne = 0.109 + 0.026 - 0.019, a value that is different with confidence 97.5% from the abundance measured in the solar wind by Geiss at al. (1972) of 22Ne/20Ne = 0.073 ± 0.001. Our measurement for 22Ne/20Ne agrees with the isotopic composition of the meteoritic component neon-A.

Separate arguments appear to rule out simple mass fractionation in the solar wind and in our solar energetic particle measurements as the cause of the discrepancy in the comparison of the apparent compositions of these two sources of solar material.


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The differential energy spectra of cosmic-ray protons and He nuclei have been measured at energies up to 315 MeV/nucleon using balloon- and satellite-borne instruments. These spectra are presented for solar quiet times for the years 1966 through 1970. The data analysis is verified by extensive accelerator calibrations of the detector systems and by calculations and measurements of the production of secondary protons in the atmosphere.

The spectra of protons and He nuclei in this energy range are dominated by the solar modulation of the local interstellar spectra. The transport equation governing this process includes as parameters the solar-wind velocity, V, and a diffusion coefficient, K(r,R), which is assumed to be a scalar function of heliocentric radius, r, and magnetic rigidity, R. The interstellar spectra, jD, enter as boundary conditions on the solutions to the transport equation. Solutions to the transport equation have been calculated for a broad range of assumed values for K(r,R) and jD and have been compared with the measured spectra.

It is found that the solutions may be characterized in terms of a dimensionless parameter, ψ(r,R) = r V dr'/(K(r',R). The amount of modulation is roughly proportional to ψ. At high energies or far from the Sun, where the modulation is weak, the solution is determined primarily by the value of ψ (and the interstellar spectrum) and is not sensitive to the radial dependence of the diffusion coefficient. At low energies and for small r, where the effects of adiabatic deceleration are found to be large, the spectra are largely determined by the radial dependence of the diffusion coefficient and are not very sensitive to the magnitude of ψ or to the interstellar spectra. This lack of sensitivity to jD implies that the shape of the spectra at Earth cannot be used to determine the interstellar intensities at low energies.

Values of ψ determined from electron data were used to calculate the spectra of protons and He nuclei near Earth. Interstellar spectra of the form jD α (W - 0.25m)-2.65 for both protons and He nuclei were found to yield the best fits to the measured spectra for these values of ψ, where W is the total energy and m is the rest energy. A simple model for the diffusion coefficient was used in which the radial and rigidity dependence are separable and K is independent of radius inside a modulation region which has a boundary at a distance D. Good agreement was found between the measured and calculated spectra for the years 1965 through 1968, using typical boundary distances of 2.7 and 6.1 A.U. The proton spectra observed in 1969 and 1970 were flatter than in previous years. This flattening could be explained in part by an increase in D, but also seemed to require that a noticeable fraction of the observed protons at energies as high at 50 to 100 MeV be attributed to quiet-time solar emission. The turnup in the spectra at low energies observed in all years was also attributed to solar emission. The diffusion coefficient used to fit the 1965 spectra is in reasonable agreement with that determined from the power spectra of the interplanetary magnetic field (Jokipii and Coleman, 1968). We find a factor of roughly 3 increase in ψ from 1965 to 1970, corresponding to the roughly order of magnitude decrease in the proton intensity at 250 MeV. The change in ψ might be attributed to a decrease in the diffusion coefficient, or, if the diffusion coefficient is essentially unchanged over that period (Mathews et al., 1971), might be attributed to an increase in the boundary distance, D.


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This study examined the sea cucumber industry in the Philippines through the value chain lens. The intent was to identify effective pathways for the successful introduction of sandfish culture as livelihood support for coastal communities. Value chain analysis is a high-resolution analytical tool that enables industry examination at a detailed level. Previous industry assessments have provided a general picture of the sea cucumber industry in the country. The present study builds on the earlier work and supplies additional details for a better understanding of the industry's status and problems, especially their implications for the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) funded sandfish project "Culture of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) in Asia- Pacific" (FIS/2003/059). (PDF contains 54 pages)


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An approximate theory for steady irrotational flow through a cascade of thin cambered airfoils is developed. Isolated thin airfoils have only slight camber is most applications, and the well known methods that replace the source and vorticity distributions of the curved camber line by similar distributions on the straight chord line are adequate. In cascades, however, the camber is usually appreciable, and significant errors are introduced if the vorticity and source distributions on the camber line are approximated by the same distribution on the chord line.

The calculation of the flow field becomes very clumsy in practice if the vorticity and source distributions are not confined to a straight line. A new method is proposed and investigated; in this method, at each point on the camber line, the vorticity and sources are assumed to be distributed along a straight line tangent to the camber line at that point, and corrections are determined to account for the deviation of the actual camber line from the tangent line. Hence, the basic calculation for the cambered airfoils is reduced to the simpler calculation of the straight line airfoils, with the equivalent straight line airfoils changing from point to point.

The results of the approximate method are compared with numerical solutions for cambers as high as 25 per cent of the chord. The leaving angles of flow are predicted quite well, even at this high value of the camber. The present method also gives the functional relationship between the exit angle and the other parameters such as airfoil shape and cascade geometry.


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Part I: The dynamic response of an elastic half space to an explosion in a buried spherical cavity is investigated by two methods. The first is implicit, and the final expressions for the displacements at the free surface are given as a series of spherical wave functions whose coefficients are solutions of an infinite set of linear equations. The second method is based on Schwarz's technique to solve boundary value problems, and leads to an iterative solution, starting with the known expression for the point source in a half space as first term. The iterative series is transformed into a system of two integral equations, and into an equivalent set of linear equations. In this way, a dual interpretation of the physical phenomena is achieved. The systems are treated numerically and the Rayleigh wave part of the displacements is given in the frequency domain. Several comparisons with simpler cases are analyzed to show the effect of the cavity radius-depth ratio on the spectra of the displacements.

Part II: A high speed, large capacity, hypocenter location program has been written for an IBM 7094 computer. Important modifications to the standard method of least squares have been incorporated in it. Among them are a new way to obtain the depth of shocks from the normal equations, and the computation of variable travel times for the local shocks in order to account automatically for crustal variations. The multiregional travel times, largely based upon the investigations of the United States Geological Survey, are confronted with actual traverses to test their validity.

It is shown that several crustal phases provide control enough to obtain good solutions in depth for nuclear explosions, though not all the recording stations are in the region where crustal corrections are considered. The use of the European travel times, to locate the French nuclear explosion of May 1962 in the Sahara, proved to be more adequate than previous work.

A simpler program, with manual crustal corrections, is used to process the Kern County series of aftershocks, and a clearer picture of tectonic mechanism of the White Wolf fault is obtained.

Shocks in the California region are processed automatically and statistical frequency-depth and energy depth curves are discussed in relation to the tectonics of the area.


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The reaction 32S(3He, α) 31S has been used to locate 42 levels in 31S. For 11 of the first 17 levels ℓn-values have been determined. The first 6 excited states of 31S have been studied by applying the particle-gamma correlation method of Litherland and Ferguson (their Method II) to the reaction 32S(3He, αγ) 31S. The resulting spins and parities are: EX, Jπ = 1.25 MeV, 3/2+; 2.23 MeV, 5/2+; 3.08 MeV, 1/2+; 3.29 MeV, 5/2+, 3/2+; 3.35 MeV, 7/2, 3/2; 3.44 MeV, 3/2+. Mixing and branching ratios have also been determined. The ground state Q-value for the reaction 32S(3He, α)31S has been measured to be 5.538 ± 0.006 MeV. Analysis of the spectra of the reaction 32S(3He, α)33Cl which were obtained as a by-product of the spectra of the reaction 32S(3He, α) 31S located levels in 33Cl at the following excitation energies: 0, 810 ± 9, (1978 ± 14), 2351 ± 9, 2686 ± 8, 2848 ± 9 (a known doublet), 2980 ± 9, and 4119 ± 10 keV. The 2.0 MeV level was only weakly populated, and to confirm its existence the reaction 36Ar(p, α)33Cl has been studied. In this reaction the 2.0 MeV level was strongly populated and the measured excitation energy was 1999 ± 20 keV. The experimental results for 31S and 33Cl are compared with their analogs and with nuclear model predictions.


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The analysis of the evolution of the M3 money aggregate is an important element in the definition and implementation of monetary policy for the ECB. A well-defined and stable long run demand function is an essential requisite for M3 to be a valid monetary tool. Therefore, this paper analyzes based in cointegration techniques the existence of a long run money demand, estimating it and testing its stability for the Euro Area and for ten of its member countries. Specifically, bearing in mind the high degree of monetary instability that the current economic crisis has created in the Euro Area, we also test whether this has had a noticeable impact in the cointegration among real money demand and its determinants. The analysis gives evidence of the existence of a long run relationship when the aggregated Euro Area and six of the ten countries are considered. However, these relationships are highly instable since the outbreak of the financial crisis, leading in some cases to even rejecting cointegration. All this suggests that the ECB’s strategy of focusing in the M3 monetary aggregates could not be a convenient approach under the current circumstances


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The aim of this work is to analyze the main characteristics of the current financial system and to investigate the arising of critical voices with respect this system. In particular, we analyze some historical facts that have been important in the creation of this financial order. We analyze the new digital currency, known as Bitcoin, as the basic ingredient in the formation of a new alternative and decentralized international financial system. In 10 years Bitcoin has expanded its influence to many economic activities. We also analyzed briefly the classic liberal theory that criticizes the intervention of governments in the markets. Finally, we consider relevant the arising of a group of countries (BRICS) that may challenge the current system where the position of USA is privileged.


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The following work explores the processes individuals utilize when making multi-attribute choices. With the exception of extremely simple or familiar choices, most decisions we face can be classified as multi-attribute choices. In order to evaluate and make choices in such an environment, we must be able to estimate and weight the particular attributes of an option. Hence, better understanding the mechanisms involved in this process is an important step for economists and psychologists. For example, when choosing between two meals that differ in taste and nutrition, what are the mechanisms that allow us to estimate and then weight attributes when constructing value? Furthermore, how can these mechanisms be influenced by variables such as attention or common physiological states, like hunger?

In order to investigate these and similar questions, we use a combination of choice and attentional data, where the attentional data was collected by recording eye movements as individuals made decisions. Chapter 1 designs and tests a neuroeconomic model of multi-attribute choice that makes predictions about choices, response time, and how these variables are correlated with attention. Chapter 2 applies the ideas in this model to intertemporal decision-making, and finds that attention causally affects discount rates. Chapter 3 explores how hunger, a common physiological state, alters the mechanisms we utilize as we make simple decisions about foods.


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The extraordinary importance that has been attached to money throughout the ages may be appreciated when such modern writers as Alexander Delmar suggest that the history of money is the history of civilization. While this view is not accepted by most writers of the subject, all are nevertheless agreed that money plays a role of enormous importance in the affairs of men. Even in the classics are found quotations which stress this importance of the pecuniary unit upon ethical as well as economic standards.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi criar uma metodologia de validação e revalidação dos processos de esterilização por calor úmido em autoclaves horizontais, destacando os pontos críticos do processo e concentrando esforços onde são realmente necessários. Foram realizados estudos de distribuição térmica, de penetração de calor e de desafio microbiológico na validação da autoclave STERIS FINNAQUA 6912. Com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto de uma mudança e compreender a relação entre os fatores e suas interações para o processo de esterilização, foi utilizado o planejamento fatorial 23 dos fatores densidade da carga (quantidade de itens), embalagem do produto e localização na câmara interna. Os estudos de distribuição térmica confirmaram a distribuição homogênea de calor na câmara interna durante o tempo de exposição a 121C. As temperaturas variaram entre 120,35C e 120,92C com desvio padrão máximo de 0,12C. Os estudos de penetração de calor confirmaram exposições equivalentes a 121C por 24 minutos em todos os itens da carga (F0 > 24 minutos). Em todos os estudos para cargas secas, os índices de capacidade do processo (Cpk) foram maiores que 1,33. Os ensaios de desafio microbiológico garantiram níveis de esterilidade (S.A.L.) maiores que 12 reduções logarítmicas em relação aos indicadores biológicos Geobacillus stearothermophilus. Não foi detectada a presença de endosporos sobreviventes nos 132 indicadores biológicos utilizados nos quatro ciclos desafiados. Com base no planejamento experimental verificou-se que, para o nível de significância de 95% , as mudanças nos fatores posição, embalagem e quantidade da carga não são significativas para o processo de esterilização, em autoclave com remoção forçada de ar. Já para o nível de significância de 90%, a interação Posição x Embalagem apresentou significância estatística no processo de esterilização com valor P de 0,080