921 resultados para metallic nanoparticle


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We report the case of implantation of metallic mitral and aortic valve prostheses 6 months earlier, with subsequent multiple embolic episodes. The anatomicopathological examination of the thrombus of the third embolic episode was compatible with Aspergillus sp, which was treated with amphotericin B, followed by oral itraconazole. On the fourth embolism, vegetations were visualized in the ascending aorta on echocardiography and resonance imaging, and the patient underwent replacement of the aortic segment by a Haemashield tube and exploration of the aortic prosthesis, which was preserved, because no signs of endocarditis were found. Four months later, the patient died due to cardiogenic shock secondary to acute myocardial infarction caused by probable coronary embolism and partial dysfunction of the aortic prosthesis.


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Working with low voltage microscope (R.C.A., EMC-2, of 30KV.) the authors verified that parlodion and Formvar films are quickly destroyed by intense heating under the electron beam. They have tried to employ oxide films, as Al2O3 and SiO, more resistant to heat. Al2O3 films are prepared by anodic oxidation of thin aluminium sheets, under 8 to 10 volts in a 3% ammonium citrate solution and subsequent aluminium dissolution in a O.25% HgCl2 solution. These films are very suitable when prepared with highly pure aluminium of extremely homogeneous surface. Best results were obtained with SiO films, evaporated in high vacuum over Parlodion films mounted on metallic grids. Employing 1 or 1.5 mg of SiOm highly homogeneous and resistant films are obtained, having little inferior transparence than the Parlodion ones. Pure SiO films (1.5 mg) are obtained by elimination of the Parlodion under slow heating until 250°C; they are greatly transparent but little resistant to water, thus beeing indicated in dry preparations. For particles which deposite in a chain-like form around thin fibers, the authors employ the mounting on Parlodion fibers, obtained by heating Parlodion films on microscope grids about 190°C.


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Pizgrischite, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35, is a new mineral species named after the type locality, Piz Grisch Mountain, Val Ferrera, Graubunden, Switzerland. This sulfosalt occurs as thin, striated, metallic lead-grey blades measuring up to I cm in length, embedded in quartz and associated with tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, emplectite and derivatives of the aikinite-bismuthinite series. In plane-polarized light, the new species is brownish grey with no perceptible pleochroism; under crossed nicols in oil immersion, it presents a weak anisotropy with dark brown tints. Minimum and maximum reflectance values (in %) in air are: 40.7-42.15 (470 nm), 41.2-43.1 (546 nm), 41.2-43.35 (589 nm) and 40.7-43.3 (650 nm). Cleavage is perfect along 001 I and well developed on {010}. Abundant polysynthetic twinning is observed on (010). The mean micro-indentation hardness is 190 kg/mm(2) (Mohs hardness 3.3), and the calculated density is 6.58 g/cm(3). Electron-microprobe analyses yield (wt%; mean result of seven analyses): Cu 16.48, Pb 2.10, Fe 0.77, Bi 60.70, Sb 0.35, S 19.16, Se 0.04, total 99.60. The resulting empirical chemical formula is (Cu15.24Fe0.80Pb0.60)(Sigma 16.64)(Bi17.07Sb0.17)(Sigma 17.24)(S35.09Se0.03)(Sigma 35.12), in accordance with the formula derived from the single-crystal refinement of the structure, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35. Pizgrischite is monoclinic, space group C2/m, with the following unit-cell parameters: a 35.054(2), b3.91123(I), c43.192(2) angstrom, beta 96.713(4)degrees, V5881.24 angstrom(3), Z=4. The strongest seven X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I)(hkl)] are: 5.364(40)((6) over bar 04), 4.080(50)((8) over bar 05), 3.120(40)(118), 3.104(68)((3) over bar 18), 2.759(53) ((9) over bar 11),2.752(44)(910) and 1.956(100)(020). The crystal structure is an expanded monoclinic derivative of kupcikite. Pizgrischite belongs to the cuprobismutite series of bismuth sulfosalts but, sensu stricto, it is not a homologue of cuprobismutite. At the type locality. pizarischite is the result of the Alpine metamorphism under greenschist-facies conditions of pre-Tertiary hydrothermal Cu-Bi mineralization.


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Biocorrosion means any process of corrosion in wich microorganisms are somehow involved. As far as the petroleum industry is concerned, the anaerobic type is the more important, with Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria (SRB) accouting for half of the described processes. SRB are obligate anaerobs that use sulphur, sulphate or other oxidized sulphur compounds as oxidizing agents when decomposing organic material. A typical product of SRB metabolism, hydrogen sulphide -H2S-, is extremely toxic. In the present work we review the literature on mechanisms underlying biocorrosive process in wich SRB are involved and summarize some of the ultrastructural and eletrochemical work developed using SRB obtained from water injection flow in wells located on PETROBRAS offshore marine plataforms, sampled directly in the field over metallic probes, or cultured under laboratory conditions. Biofilms develop when SRB adhere to inert surfaces. A high diversity of morphological types is found inside these biofilms. Their extracellular matrix is highly hydrated and mainly anionic, as shown by its avid reaction with cationic compounds like ruthenium red. We have noted that variations in iron contet lead to interesting changes in the ultrastructure of the bacterial cell coat and also in the rate of corrosion induced in metallic test cupons. Since routine methods to prevent and treat SRB contamination and biodeterioration involve the use of biocides that are toxic and always have some environmental impact, an accurate diagnosis of biocorrosion is always required prior to a treatment decision. We developed a method that detects and semi-quantifies the presence of living or dead SRB by using free silver potentials as an indicator of corrosive action by SRB-associated sulphides. We found a correlation between sulphide levels (determined either by spectrophotometry, or using a silver electrode -E(Ag)- that measured changes in free potentials induced by the presence of exogeneously added sulphide) and SRB concentration (enumerated by a culturing method). E (Ag) was characterized under a variety of conditions andwas found to be relatively immune to possible interference resulting from aeration of media or from the psence of iron corrosion products. The method offers a simple, rapid, and effective means of diagnosing biocorrosive processes prior to their control.


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A 62-year-old man with adenocarcinoma underwent complete resection with a right upper lobectomy and en-bloc resection of the chest wall, with metallic clips applied to the vertebral nerve roots. A sudden deterioration in neurological status occurred due to pneumocephalus and ascending bacterial meningitis resulting from a subarachnoid-pleural fistula. The neurological status normalized after thoracoplasty and ceftriaxone treatment.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of California a Irvine, EEUU, entre juliol del 2007 i gener del 2008. Els termoparells són actualment els sensors de temperatura més populars i més utilitzats per a un ampli rang d’aplicacions: industrials, domèstiques, etc. Aconseguir miniaturar els dispositius fins a dimensions extremadament petites obra un ampli rang de noves aplicacions per aquests dispositius, per exemple, en el camp de la tecnologia lab-on-a-chip. En aquesta investigació, el concepte de termoparell, és a dir, dos cables de diferent metall connectats per un extrem s’ha extrapolat a l’escala nanomètrica, utilitzant nanowires com a element de construcció. Aquests nanowires s’han sintetitzat a través d’un nou procediment desenvolupat en el grup d’investigació de la Universitat de California, Irvine, que ha permès treballar amb nanowires de diferents dimensions (control independent de l’alçada i amplada) i un major grau d’èxit en la fabricació d’aquests termometres. El mètode també permet dipositar aquestes nanoestructures sobre substractes no conductors de manera controlable, simplificant notablement tot el procés de fabricació. L’obtenció d’aquests dispositius ha permès demostrar que, a part de ser bons sensors de temperatura a nivell macroscòpic (fonts de calor ambientals), també permet la determinació de temperatura a nivell microscòpic (fonts de calor focalitzada, com és el cas de feixos làser). Per a la seva caracterització ha estat necessari l’ús de tecnologia puntera (làsers, amplificadors, microscopis de forces atòmiques) i inclòs el disseny de nous dispositius. Aquests nanotermoparells presenten propietats extraordinàries, com una gran sensitivitat, gran velocitat de resposta a estímuls tèrmics, i un comportament estable vers l’ús i el temps.


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Investigación producida a partir de una estancia en la Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III - CNRS, entre 2007 y 2009. Durante los últimos años la investigación centrada en nuevos materiales de tamaño nanoscòpico (nanopartículas, quantum dots, nanotubos de carbono,...) ha experimentado un crecimiento considerable debido a las especiales propiedades de los "nanoobjetos" con respecto a magnetismo, catálisis, conductividad eléctrica, etc ... Sin embargo, hoy en día todavía existen pocas aplicaciones de las nanopartículas en temas medioambientales. Uno de los motivos de esta situación es la posible toxicidad de los nanoobjetos, pero existe también una dificultad tecnológica dado que las nanopartículas tienden a agregarse y es muy difícil manipularlas sin que pierdan sus propiedades especiales. Así, aunque la preparación de materiales catalíticos nanoestructurados es muy interesante, es necesario definir nuevas estrategias para prepararlos. Este proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo principal la preparación de nuevas membranas catalíticas con nanopartículas metálicas en el interior para aplicaciones de tratamiento de agua. La innovación principal de este proyecto consiste en que las nanopartículas no son introducidas en la matriz polimérica una vez preformadas sino que se hacen crecer en el interior de la matriz polimérica mediante una síntesis intermatricial. El único requisito es que la matriz polimérica contenga grupos funcionales capaces de interaccionar con los precursores de las nanopartículas. Una vez finalizado el proyecto se puede afirmar que se han logrado parte de los objetivos planteados inicialmente. Concreamente ha quedado demostrado que se pueden sintetizar nanopartículas metálicas de metales nobles (platino y paladio) en membranas de fibra hueca de micro- y ultrafiltración siguiendo dos metodologías diferentes: modificación fotoquímica de polímeros y deposición de multicapas de polielectrolitos. Los nuevos materiales son efectivos en la catálisis de reducción de un compuesto modelo (4-nitrofenol con borohidruro de sodio) y, en general, los resultados han sido satisfactorios. Sin embargo, se ha puesto de manifiesto que el uso de un reactivo que genera hidrógeno gas en contacto con la solución acuosa dificulta enormemente la implementación de la reacción catalítica al ser el medio de la membrana una matriz porosa. Así, como conclusión principal se puede decir que se han encontrado las limitaciones de esta aproximación y se sugieren dos posibilidades de continuidad: la utilización de las membranas sintetizadas en contactores gas-líquido o bien el estudio y optimización del sistema de membrana en configuración de membranas planas, un objetivo más asequible dada su menor complejidad. Esta investigación se ha realizado en el seno del “Laboratoire de Génie Chimique” de Toulouse y del Departamento de Química de la Michigan State University y ha sido posible gracias a un proyecto financiado por la “Agence National pour la Recherce” y al programa PERMEANT entre el CNRS y la NSF.


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NanoImpactNet (NIN) is a multidisciplinary European Commission funded network on the environmental, health and safety (EHS) impact of nanomaterials. The 24 founding scientific institutes are leading European research groups active in the fields of nanosafety, nanorisk assessment and nanotoxicology. This 4−year project is the new focal point for information exchange within the research community. Contact with other stakeholders is vital and their needs are being surveyed. NIN is communicating with 100s of stakeholders: businesses; internet platforms; industry associations; regulators; policy makers; national ministries; international agencies; standard−setting bodies and NGOs concerned by labour rights, EHS or animal welfare. To improve this communication, internet research, a questionnaire distributed via partners and targeted phone calls were used to identify stakeholders' interests and needs. Knowledge gaps and the necessity for further data mentioned by representatives of all stakeholder groups in the targeted phone calls concerned: potential toxic and safety hazards of nanomaterials throughout their lifecycles; fate and persistence of nanoparticles in humans, animals and the environment; risks associated to nanoparticle exposure; participation in the preparation of nomenclature, standards, methodologies, protocols and benchmarks; development of best practice guidelines; voluntary schemes on responsibility; databases of materials, research topics and themes. Findings show that stakeholders and NIN researchers share very similar knowledge needs, and that open communication and free movement of knowledge will benefit both researchers and industry. Consequently NIN will encourage stakeholders to be active members. These survey findings will be used to improve NIN's communication tools to further build on interdisciplinary relationships towards a healthy future with nanotechnology.


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Cleusonite, (Pb,Sr)(U4+,U6+) (Fe2+,Zn)(2) (Ti,Fe2+,Fe3+)(18) (O,OH)(38), is a new member of the crichtonite group. It was found at two occurrences in greenschist facies metamorphosed gneissic series of the Mont Fort and Siviez-Mischabel Nappes in Valais, Switzerland (Cleuson and Bella Tolla summit), and named after the type locality. It occurs as black opaque cm-sized tabular crystals with a bright sub-metallic lustre. The crystals consist of multiple rhombohedra and hexagonal prisms that are generally twinned. Measured density is 4.74(4) g/cm(3) and can be corrected to 4.93(12) g/cm(3) for macroscopic swelling due to radiation damage; the calculated density varies from 5.02(6) (untreated) to 5.27(5) (heat-treated crystals); the difference is related to the cell swelling due to the metamictisation. The empirical formula for cleusonite from Cleuson is (Pb0.89Sr0.12)(Sigma=1.01) (U0.79+4U0.30+6)(Sigma=1.09) (Fe1.91+2Zn0.09)(Sigma=2.00) (Ti11.80Fe3.44+2Fe2.33+3V0.19+5Mn0.08Al0.07)(Sigma=17.90) [O-35.37(OH)(2.63)](Sigma=38). Cations were measured by electron microprobe, the presence of structural (OH) was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy and the U6+/U4+ and Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios were determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Cleusonite is partly metamict, and untreated crystals only show three major X-ray diffraction peaks. Because of this radiation-damaged state, the mineral appears optically isotropic and shows a light-grey to white colour in reflected polarized light. Cleusonite is trigonal, space group R $(3) over bar $, and unit-cell parameters are varying from a = 10.576(3), c = 21.325(5) angstrom (untreated crystal) to a = 10.4188(6), c = 20.942(1) angstrom (800 degrees C treatment) and to a = 10.385(2), c = 20.900(7) angstrom (1000 degrees C treatment). The three cells give a common axial ratio 2.01 (1), which is identical to the measured morphological one 2.04(6). ne name cleusonite also applies to the previously described ``uranium-rich senaite'' from Alinci (Macedonia) and the ``plumbodavidite'' from Huanglongpu (China).


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L’objecte principal que ha guiat la recerca dels darrers tres anys ha estat la arqueometal•lúrgia. Esta memòria s’estructura en 3 parts: Els objectius inicials, el treball realitzat cada any i els resultats de la meva investigació. Evidentment, és en aquest darrer apartat on s’emfatitza la tasca de recerca i s’exposen els 3 àmbits d’actuació principals. El primer d’ells, necessari, és la formació teòric-metodològica en arqueometal•lúrgia. El segon, l’estudi de la composició elemental de les societats del Ha B2 de l’oest d’Europa. El darrer queda configurat per la recerca en curs en torn a la producció metal•lúrgica argàrica. També s’adjunta una selecció d’annex amb informes i publicacions redactats durant la beca i que ofereixen mirades en detall dels diferents elements que composen la recerca.


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This work is part of a continuing goal to improve the multimetal deposition technique (MMD), as well as the single-metal deposition (SMD), to make them more robust, more user-friendly, and less labour-intensive. Indeed, two major limitations of the MMD/SMD were identified: (1) the synthesis of colloidal gold, which is quite labour-intensive, and (2) the sharp decrease in efficiency observed when the pH of the working solution is increased above pH 3. About the synthesis protocol, it has been simplified so that there is no more need to monitor the temperature during the synthesis. The efficiency has also been improved by adding aspartic acid, conjointly with sodium citrate, during the synthesis of colloidal gold. This extends the range of pH for which it is possible to detect fingermarks in the frame of the MMD/SMD. The operational range is now extended from 2 to 6.7, compared to 2-3 for the previous formulations. The increased robustness of the working solution may improve the ability of the technique to process substrates that tend to increase the pH of the solution after their immersion.


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To analyze the neural basis of electric taste we performed electrical neuroimaging analyses of event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded while participants received electrical pulses to the tongue. Pulses were presented at individual taste threshold to excite gustatory fibers selectively without concomitant excitation of trigeminal fibers and at high intensity evoking a prickling and, thus, activating trigeminal fibers. Sour, salty and metallic tastes were reported at both intensities while clear prickling was reported at high intensity only. ERPs exhibited augmented amplitudes and shorter latencies for high intensity. First activations of gustatory areas (bilateral anterior insula, medial orbitofrontal cortex) were observed at 70-80ms. Common somatosensory regions were more strongly, but not exclusively, activated at high intensity. Our data provide a comprehensive view on the dynamics of cortical processing of the gustatory and trigeminal portions of electric taste and suggest that gustatory and trigeminal afferents project to overlapping cortical areas.


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NanoImpactNet (NIN) is a multidisciplinary European Commission funded network on the environmental, health and safety (EHS) impact of nanomaterials. The 24 founding scientific institutes are leading European research groups active in the fields of nanosafety, nanorisk assessment and nanotoxicology. This 4-year project is the new focal point for information exchange within the research community. Contact with other stakeholders is vital and their needs are being surveyed. NIN is communicating with 100s of stakeholders: businesses; internet platforms; industry associations; regulators; policy makers; national ministries; international agencies; standard-setting bodies and NGOs concerned by labour rights, EHS or animal welfare. To improve this communication, internet research, a questionnaire distributed via partners and targeted phone calls were used to identify stakeholders' interests and needs. Knowledge gaps and the necessity for further data mentioned by representatives of all stakeholder groups in the targeted phone calls concerned: • the potential toxic and safety hazards of nanomaterials throughout their lifecycles; • the fate and persistence of nanoparticles in humans, animals and the environment; • the associated risks of nanoparticle exposure; • greater participation in: the preparation of nomenclature, standards, methodologies, protocols and benchmarks; • the development of best practice guidelines; • voluntary schemes on responsibility; • databases of materials, research topics and themes, but also of expertise. These findings suggested that stakeholders and NIN researchers share very similar knowledge needs, and that open communication and free movement of knowledge will benefit both researchers and industry. Subsequently a workshop was organised by NIN focused on building a sustainable multi-stakeholder dialogue. Specific questions were asked to different stakeholder groups to encourage discussions and open communication. 1. What information do stakeholders need from researchers and why? The discussions about this question confirmed the needs identified in the targeted phone calls. 2. How to communicate information? While it was agreed that reporting should be enhanced, commercial confidentiality and economic competition were identified as major obstacles. It was recognised that expertise was needed in the areas of commercial law and economics for a wellinformed treatment of this communication issue. 3. Can engineered nanomaterials be used safely? The idea that nanomaterials are probably safe because some of them have been produced 'for a long time', was questioned, since many materials in common use have been proved to be unsafe. The question of safety is also about whether the public has confidence. New legislation like REACH could help with this issue. Hazards do not materialise if exposure can be avoided or at least significantly reduced. Thus, there is a need for information on what can be regarded as acceptable levels of exposure. Finally, it was noted that there is no such thing as a perfectly safe material but only boundaries. At this moment we do not know where these boundaries lie. The matter of labelling of products containing nanomaterials was raised, as in the public mind safety and labelling are connected. This may need to be addressed since the issue of nanomaterials in food, drink and food packaging may be the first safety issue to attract public and media attention, and this may have an impact on 'nanotechnology as a whole. 4. Do we need more or other regulation? Any decision making process should accommodate the changing level of uncertainty. To address the uncertainties, adaptations of frameworks such as REACH may be indicated for nanomaterials. Regulation is often needed even if voluntary measures are welcome because it mitigates the effects of competition between industries. Data cannot be collected on voluntary bases for example. NIN will continue with an active stakeholder dialogue to further build on interdisciplinary relationships towards a healthy future with nanotechnology.


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Understanding how nanoparticles may affect immune responses is an essential prerequisite to developing novel clinical applications. To investigate nanoparticle-dependent outcomes on immune responses, dendritic cells (DCs) were treated with model biomedical poly(vinylalcohol)-coated super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (PVA-SPIONs). PVA-SPIONs uptake by human monocyte-derived DCs (MDDCs) was analyzed by flow cytometry (FACS) and advanced imaging techniques. Viability, activation, function, and stimulatory capacity of MDDCs were assessed by FACS and an in vitro CD4(+) T cell assay. PVA-SPION uptake was dose-dependent, decreased by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced MDDC maturation at higher particle concentrations, and was inhibited by cytochalasin D pre-treatment. PVA-SPIONs did not alter surface marker expression (CD80, CD83, CD86, myeloid/plasmacytoid DC markers) or antigen-uptake, but decreased the capacity of MDDCs to process antigen, stimulate CD4(+) T cells, and induce cytokines. The decreased antigen processing and CD4(+) T cell stimulation capability of MDDCs following PVA-SPION treatment suggests that MDDCs may revert to a more functionally immature state following particle exposure.


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In the last decade, both regenerative medicine and nanotechnology have been broadly developed leading important advances in biomedical research as well as in clinical practice. The manipulation on the molecular level and the use of several functionalized nanoscaled materials has application in various fields of regenerative medicine including tissue engineering, cell therapy, diagnosis and drug and gene delivery. The themes covered in this review include nanoparticle systems for tracking transplanted stem cells, self-assembling peptides, nanoparticles for gene delivery into stem cells and biomimetic scaffolds useful for 2D and 3D tissue cell cultures, transplantation and clinical application.