999 resultados para metabolismo lipídico
El objetivo de este trabajo se centró en mejorar el comienzo de las fermentaciones a bajas temperaturas (13ºC ) por parte de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Generalmente las bajas temperaturas ocasionan largas fases de latencia, fermentaciones lentas e incluso paradas. Primeramente se evaluaron las consecuencias de la conservación en condiciones inadecuadas de la levadura seca activa; analizando las alteraciones de los lípidos de la membrana y la repepercusión sobre la viabilidad i vitalidad. La fluidez de la membrana se determinó por ansinotropía y también se estudió la composición lipídica. En análisis estadísticos se vió una correlación alta y positiva entre ácidos grasos insaturados y la vitalidad de las levaduras a 13ºC por lo que se decidió utilizar la adición de diferentes ácidos grasos en precultivos. Seguidamente se determinó la viabilidad, capacidad fermentativa a 13ºC y la composición lipídica. Posteriormente se trabajó con la mejora de la tolerancia al estrés por bajas temperaturas seleccionando entre diferentes cepas vínicas comerciales del género Saccharoyces la especie con mejor capacidad fermentativa a 13ºC. Se estudiaron los efectos de un precultivo a bajas temperaturas comparándolo con una temperatura control sobre diferentes parámetros cinéticos y correlacionando con la composición lipídica. Finalmente, se estudió la mejora por deleción de genes del metabolismo de los fosfolípidos. La supresión de determinados genes tiene resultados favorables o desfavorables sobre la vitalidad de las células a 25ºC y a 13ºC. Se determinaron los tiempos de generación y se realizaron goteos sobre medio sólido. Por último se analizó el efecto de la supresión de los genes sobre la síntesis de las diferentes familias de fosfolípidos.
La conexina 43 es una proteína que juega un papel importante en la fisiopatología de la isquemia - reperfusión y en la señalización de la protección cardíaca. Para investigar si este papel está relacionado con las propiedades específicas de esta isoforma, se utilizó un modelo de corazón aislado de ratones transgénicos knock-in, en los que la conexina 43 se reemplazó por conexina 32. Los resultados de este trabajo demuestran un efecto modulador de la conexina 43 en el metabolismo energético, en la tolerancia a la isquemia y en la protección por precondicionamiento, mediante mecanismos específicos de esta isoforma.
La prevalença de la insuficència cardíaca segueix en aument. La identificació de nous factors de risc, com els relacionats amb el metabolisme cardíac, és important per a la seva prevenció. La resistència a la insulina és el tret comú de diferents malalties, havent-se observat una alta prevalença entre pacients amb disfunció cardíaca. L'excedent de lípids que es produeix en aquesta circumstància es distribueix cap a teixits no adiposos com el cor (lipotoxicitat). El contingut miocàrdic de lípids pot ser un biomarcador predictor de desenvolupament de disfunció diastòlica i és possible quantificar-lo amb l'ús d’espectroscòpia per ressonància magnètica
Las infiltraciones intra-articulares de concorticoesteroides suelen indicarse como tratamiento coadyuvante en casos de presencia de dolor y limitación de la movilidad. La información existente sobre los efectos en el metabolismo hidrocarbonado son muy escasos y dispares. El objetivo de este estudio es definir el patrón y grado de la hiperglucemia después de la administración intra-articular de acetónido de triamcinolona en pacientes sin diabetes y con diabetes tipo 2. Se realiza un estudio observacional y prospectivo dónde se incluyen 14 pacientes a quienes se les ha indicado una infiltración en la rodilla o el hombro. Recogemos las glucemias preprandiales y 2 horas postprandiales, del día previo y los 6 días posteriores a la infiltración. En los pacientes sin diabetes, únicamente las glucemias medias el día de la infiltración y el siguiente fueron superiores a las del día previo a la infiltración. En los pacientes con diabetes no observamos diferencias estadísticamente significativas.
: La insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) condiciona disfunción del tejido adiposo y desequilibrio de las adipocitocinas relacionadas con la inflamación y metabolismo de la glicemia. Objetivo: describir la relación entre los marcadores de inflamación (IL6, TNFα, PCR, RIL2), las adipocitocinas (adiponectina, leptina) y las alteraciones de la glicemia en 336 pacientes con IRC en diferentes grupos de IRC (sin terapia renal sustitutiva, hemodiálisis, diálisis peritoneal). Conclusiones: Pacientes con IRC sin terapia renal sustitutiva, presentan menor estado inflamatorio y adipocitocinas que los pacientes en diálisis. Existe una relación inversa entre adiponectina, inflamación y filtrado glomerular. Las adipocitocinas son un factor de riesgo independiente de hiperglicemia
L’objectiu del present estudi és l’anàlisi del metabolisme energètic associat a nuclis turístics litorals de l’illa de Menorca (Mediterrani occidental) i el grau d’autosuficiència a partir d’energies renovables. La caracterització dels nuclis i la definició del perfil del turista s’ha realitzat mitjançant SIG i informació de qualitat a partir d’enquestes. Els principals resultats mostren que els nuclis turístics de Menorca tenen unes emissions associades entre 213 i 318 kg de CO2 per estada. De mitjana, el recorregut del turista fins a la illa (mobilitat externa) és de 1334 km (representant el 80% de les emissions), mentre que la mobilitat interna durant l’estada és de 22 km. A diari, cada turista consumeix entre 8 i 26 kWh d’electricitat, consum que es podria satisfer en un 100% amb la instal·lació de sistemes fotovoltaics a les cobertes del nucli.
La consecución de tolerancia aloespecífica es de mucha relevancia en trasplante. Las células dendríticas (DC) son las principales responsables de la inducción de la respuesta inmune frente a las moléculas de histocompatibilidad (MHC) del donante, provocando el rechazo del injerto. Sin embargo las DC son también responsables de la inducción de tolerancia. Diversos modelos animales de alotrasplante han mostrado la tolerización del injerto mediante DC diferenciadas in vitro en condiciones tolerogénicas (tDC). En humanos, las fuentes de aloantígenos potencialmente utilizables en terapia son, entre otras, los cuerpos apoptóticos y los exosomas. Éstos expresan antígenos MHC de forma abundante y su composición es relativamente uniforme, lo que supone una ventaja frente a otras fuentes. En este proyecto, se ha evaluado la obtención de exosomas secretados por una línea de linfocitos T y por células dendríticas derivadas de médula ósea. Se ha caracterizado la captura de exosomas derivados de linfocitos T por células dendríticas humanas derivadas de sangre periférica y su presentación a linfocitos T autólogos. Por otra parte, se ha comenzado a desarrollar los experimentos para estudiar la inducción de tolerancia en un modelo de trasplante renal en rata. Se han generado células dendríticas tolerógenicas derivadas de médula ósea (tolDC), en presencia de dexametasona. Las tolDC expresan menos moléculas de histocompatibilidad y de coestimulación e inducen una menor proliferación en reacciones mixtas leucocitaras, comparadas con las células dendríticas maduras. Por último, se han caracterizado los exosomas de plasma humano con el fin de estudiar su posible uso como aloantígenos. El análisis proteómico revela la presencia de proteínas relacionadas con el sistema inmune, la coagulación, la señalización celular y moléculas implicadas en el transporte y metabolismo de nutrientes. El estudio de la captura por diferentes líneas celulares sugiere que deben existir mecanismos específicos para su internalización.
Estudiem l’efecte de l’atorvastatina sobre perfil lipídic, funció renal, marcadors d’inflamació, peptidoma plasmàtic i urinari de 54 pacients trasplantats renals. L’estudi proteòmic es basa en tecnologia d’esferes magnètiques combinada amb espectrometria de masses MALDI-TOF. L’atorvastatina va millorar el perfil lipídic dels pacients i va provocar canvis significatius al peptidoma plasmàtic. Es va observar la disminució en plasma de pèptids derivats de fragments del quininogen i de C4. Atès que bradiquinina i C4a, que s’alliberen de quininogen i C4, son potents mediadors de la inflamació, els nostres resultats poden aclarir els efectes antiinflamatoris atribuïts a les estatines.
BACKGROUND: The elongase of long chain fatty acids family 6 (ELOVL6) is an enzyme that specifically catalyzes the elongation of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids with 12, 14 and 16 carbons. ELOVL6 is expressed in lipogenic tissues and it is regulated by sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 (SREBP-1). OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether ELOVL6 genetic variation is associated with insulin sensitivity in a population from southern Spain. DESIGN: We undertook a prospective, population-based study collecting phenotypic, metabolic, nutritional and genetic information. Measurements were made of weight and height and the body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Insulin resistance was measured by homeostasis model assessment. The type of dietary fat was assessed from samples of cooking oil taken from the participants' kitchens and analyzed by gas chromatography. Five SNPs of the ELOVL6 gene were analyzed by SNPlex. RESULTS: Carriers of the minor alleles of the SNPs rs9997926 and rs6824447 had a lower risk of having high HOMA_IR, whereas carriers of the minor allele rs17041272 had a higher risk of being insulin resistant. An interaction was detected between the rs6824447 polymorphism and the intake of oil in relation with insulin resistance, such that carriers of this minor allele who consumed sunflower oil had lower HOMA_IR than those who did not have this allele (P = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Genetic variations in the ELOVL6 gene were associated with insulin sensitivity in this population-based study.
BACKGROUND The present study was determined the influence of physical activity and dietary habits on lipid profile, blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI) in subjects with metabolic syndrome (MS). AIMS Identify the relationship between physical activity and proper nutrition and the probability of suffering from myocardial infarction (MI). METHODS Hundred chronically ill with MS who were active and followed a healthy diet were classified as compliant, while the remaining subjects were classified as non-compliant. RESULTS The compliant subjects show lower BMI values (30.8±4.9 vs 32.5±4.6), as well as lower levels of triacylglycerol (130.4±48.2 vs 242.1±90.1), total cholesterol (193.5±39 vs 220.2±52.3) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (105.2±38.3 vs 139.2±45). They show higher values in terms of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (62.2±20.1 vs 36.6±15.3), with statistically significant differences. In terms of both systolic and diastolic pressure, no differences were revealed between the groups; however, those who maintain proper dietary habits show lower systolic blood pressure levels than the inactive subjects. The probability of suffering from MI greatly increases among the group of non-compliant subjects. CONCLUSIONS Our results demonstrate how performing aerobic physical activity and following an individualized, Mediterranean diet significantly reduces MS indicators and the chances of suffering from MI.
The aims of this study were to check whether different biomarkers of inflammatory, apoptotic, immunological or lipid pathways had altered their expression in the occluded popliteal artery (OPA) compared with the internal mammary artery (IMA) and femoral vein (FV) and to examine whether glycemic control influenced the expression of these genes. The study included 20 patients with advanced atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus, 15 of whom had peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD), from whom samples of OPA and FV were collected. PAOD patients were classified based on their HbA1c as well (HbA1c ≤ 6.5) or poorly (HbA1c > 6.5) controlled patients. Controls for arteries without atherosclerosis comprised 5 IMA from patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM). mRNA, protein expression and histological studies were analyzed in IMA, OPA and FV. After analyzing 46 genes, OPA showed higher expression levels than IMA or FV for genes involved in thrombosis (F3), apoptosis (MMP2, MMP9, TIMP1 and TIM3), lipid metabolism (LRP1 and NDUFA), immune response (TLR2) and monocytes adhesion (CD83). Remarkably, MMP-9 expression was lower in OPA from well-controlled patients. In FV from diabetic patients with HbA1c ≤6.5, gene expression levels of BCL2, CDKN1A, COX2, NDUFA and SREBP2 were higher than in FV from those with HbA1c >6.5. The atherosclerotic process in OPA from diabetic patients was associated with high expression levels of inflammatory, lipid metabolism and apoptotic biomarkers. The degree of glycemic control was associated with gene expression markers of apoptosis, lipid metabolism and antioxidants in FV. However, the effect of glycemic control on pro-atherosclerotic gene expression was very low in arteries with established atherosclerosis.
BACKGROUND Adipose tissue lipid storage and processing capacity can be a key factor for obesity-related metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes. Lipid uptake is the first step to adipose tissue lipid storage. The aim of this study was to analyze the gene expression of factors involved in lipid uptake and processing in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissue according to body mass index (BMI) and the degree of insulin resistance (IR). METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS VLDL receptor (VLDLR), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), acylation stimulating protein (ASP), LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) and fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) gene expression was measured in VAT and SAT from 28 morbidly obese patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) or high IR, 10 morbidly obese patients with low IR, 10 obese patients with low IR and 12 lean healthy controls. LPL, FABP4, LRP1 and ASP expression in VAT was higher in lean controls. In SAT, LPL and FABP4 expression were also higher in lean controls. BMI, plasma insulin levels and HOMA-IR correlated negatively with LPL expression in both VAT and SAT as well as with FABP4 expression in VAT. FABP4 gene expression in SAT correlated inversely with BMI and HOMA-IR. However, multiple regression analysis showed that BMI was the main variable contributing to LPL and FABP4 gene expression in both VAT and SAT. CONCLUSIONS Morbidly obese patients have a lower gene expression of factors related with lipid uptake and processing in comparison with healthy lean persons.
BACKGROUND Adipose tissue is a key regulator of energy balance playing an active role in lipid storage and may be a dynamic buffer to control fatty acid flux. Just like PPARgamma, fatty acid synthesis enzymes such as FASN have been implicated in almost all aspects of human metabolic alterations such as obesity, insulin resistance or dyslipemia. The aim of this work is to investigate how FASN and PPARgamma expression in human adipose tissue is related to carbohydrate metabolism dysfunction and obesity. METHODS The study included eighty-seven patients which were classified according to their BMI and to their glycaemia levels in order to study FASN and PPARgamma gene expression levels, anthropometric and biochemical variables. RESULTS The main result of this work is the close relation between FASN expression level and the factors that lead to hyperglycemic state (increased values of glucose levels, HOMA-IR, HbA1c, BMI and triglycerides). The correlation of the enzyme with these parameters is inversely proportional. On the other hand, PPARgamma is not related to carbohydrate metabolism. CONCLUSIONS We can demonstrate that FASN expression is a good candidate to study the pathophysiology of type II diabetes and obesity in humans.
Objective. To evaluate the association between diabetes mellitus and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) controlled for several sociodemographic and anthropometric variables, in a representative sample of the Spanish population. Methods. A population-based, cross-sectional, and cluster sampling study, with the entire Spanish population as the target population. Five thousand and forty-seven participants (2162/2885 men/women) answered the HRQOL short form 12 questionnaire (SF-12). The physical (PCS-12) and the mental component summary (MCS-12) scores were assessed. Subjects were divided into four groups according to carbohydrate metabolism status: normal, prediabetes, unknown diabetes (UNKDM), and known diabetes (KDM). Logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results. Mean PCS-12/MCS-12 values were 50.9 ± 8.5/47.6 ± 10.2, respectively. Men had higher scores than women in both PCS-12 (51.8 ± 7.2 versus 50.3 ± 9.2; P < 0.001) and MCS-12 (50.2 ± 8.5 versus 45.5 ± 10.8; P < 0.001). Increasing age and obesity were associated with a poorer PCS-12 score. In women lower PCS-12 and MCS-12 scores were associated with a higher level of glucose metabolism abnormality (prediabetes and diabetes), (P < 0.0001 for trend), but only the PCS-12 score was associated with altered glucose levels in men (P < 0.001 for trend). The Odds Ratio adjusted for age, body mass index (BMI) and educational level, for a PCS-12 score below the median was 1.62 (CI 95%: 1.2–2.19; P < 0.002) for men with KDM and 1.75 for women with KDM (CI 95%: 1.26–2.43; P < 0.001), respectively. Conclusion. Current study indicates that increasing levels of altered carbohydrate metabolism are accompanied by a trend towards decreasing quality of life, mainly in women, in a representative sample of Spanish population.
Lipid droplets (LDs) are organelles that coordinate lipid storage and mobilization, both processes being especially important in cells specialized in managing fat, the adipocytes. Proteomic analyses of LDs have consistently identified the small GTPase Rab18 as a component of the LD coat. However, the specific contribution of Rab18 to adipocyte function remains to be elucidated. Herein, we have analyzed Rab18 expression, intracellular localization and function in relation to the metabolic status of adipocytes. We show that Rab18 production increases during adipogenic differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells. In addition, our data show that insulin induces, via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), the recruitment of Rab18 to the surface of LDs. Furthermore, Rab18 overexpression increased basal lipogenesis and Rab18 silencing impaired the lipogenic response to insulin, thereby suggesting that this GTPase promotes fat accumulation in adipocytes. On the other hand, studies of the β-adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol confirmed and extended previous evidence for the participation of Rab18 in lipolysis. Together, our data support the view that Rab18 is a common mediator of lipolysis and lipogenesis and suggests that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the link that enables Rab18 action on these two processes. Finally, we describe, for the first time, the presence of Rab18 in human adipose tissue, wherein the expression of this GTPase exhibits sex- and depot-specific differences and is correlated to obesity. Taken together, these findings indicate that Rab18 is involved in insulin-mediated lipogenesis, as well as in β-adrenergic-induced lipolysis, likely facilitating interaction of LDs with ER membranes and the exchange of lipids between these compartments. A role for Rab18 in the regulation of adipocyte biology under both normal and pathological conditions is proposed.