902 resultados para medication counseling
É de senso comum que os nutrientes são fundamentais à vida e que a subnutrição leva à acumulação de gorduras que pode chegar a casos de obesidade, tendo como consequência inúmeras complicações de saúde. Diferentes estruturas neuroanatómicas do cérebro têm um papel essencial no comportamento digestivo. A ação de várias moléculas de sinalização (hormonas, neurotransmissores e neuropéptidos) resulta na regulação da ingestão de alimentos, sendo que, por exemplo, algumas hormonas podem aumentar a sensação de saciedade podendo diminuir o apetite e a ingestão calórica. A descoberta de hormonas envolvidas no balanço energético proporcionou novas oportunidades para desenvolver meios para o tratamento da obesidade. A transferência de medicação antiobesidade por via tópica ou transdérmica é um desafio pois a pele funciona como uma barreira natural e protetora. Sendo uma barreira com uma grande área de superfície e de fácil acessibilidade, a pele tem potencial interesse na libertação de fármacos específicos a cada terapia. Vários métodos têm sido estudados de modo a permitir um aumento da permeabilidade de moléculas terapêuticas para o interior da pele e através da pele. As biotecnologias transdérmicas são um campo de interesse cada vez maior, devido as aplicações dérmicas e farmacêuticas que lhes estão subjacentes. Existem vários modelos computacionais e matemáticos em uso que permite uma visão mais abrangente de puros dados experimentais e até mesmo permite a extrapolação prática de novas metodologias de difusão dérmica. Contudo, eles compreendem uma complexa variedade de teorias e suposições que atribuem a sua utilização para situações específicas. Este trabalho, primeiramente analisa, de forma extensiva, as várias metodologias teóricas para o estudo da difusão dérmica e sistematiza as suas características, realizando depois a fase prévia duma nova abordagem computacional para o estudo da difusão dérmica, que determina características microscópicas de moléculas capazes de provocar a perda de peso, tais como a Leptina e/ou os seus agonistas.
Este estudo pretende (1) encontrar a prevalência da Perturbação do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação (PDC) em crianças com Perturbação de Hiperatividades e Défice de Atenção (PHDA); (2) analisar qual a prevalência de défices de memória de trabalho verbal e não-verbal, em crianças com PHDA e comparar o desempenho entre as crianças que só apresentam PHDA e aquelas que apresentam também PDC; (3) verificar se a ocorrência de PDC é agravada, de acordo com a presença ou ausência de alterações de memória de trabalho e se estas podem ser consideradas fatores de risco ou de proteção para a manifestação de PDC, enquanto comorbilidade de PHDA. Foram selecionadas 37 crianças com diagnóstico de PHDA, com idades compreendidas entre os 7 e os 14 anos. A componente motora foi avaliado com a versão curta do Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) e o Questionário de Perturbação do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação 2007 (DCDQ’07); a memória de trabalho foi avaliada através da Figura Complexa de Rey, Trail Making Test - parte B e Memória de Dígitos – sentido inverso. Para determinar o impacto da memória de trabalho na componente motora, recorreu-se a uma regressão logística. Encontrou-se uma prevalência de PDC de 51% e de défices ao nível da memória de trabalho verbal e não-verbal de 60% e 80%, respetivamente, para a amostra total de crianças com PHDA. A terapêutica farmacológica para a PHDA revelou-se fator protetor para a manifestação de PDC, principalmente quando a primeira se encontra associada com o nascimento de termo. Um mau desempenho no teste Memória de Dígitos – sentido inverso é fator de risco para a manifestação de PDC, em crianças com PHDA. Este estudo permitiu verificar que crianças com PHDA+PDC apresentam défices motores genuínos, característicos de manifestação de PDC. Parecem também existir relações bastante complexas entre a memória de trabalho e os mecanismos de controlo motor na PHDA, sendo que estes podem ser distintos quando está presente uma comorbilidade de PDC.
A true neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) associated with a cervical rib is considered extremely rare. The authors present their experience with 5 cases of true neurogenic TOS associated with a cervical rib. All patients were female and had a cervical rib confirmed radiographically pre-operatively. Average age was 34,8 years. Although all patients had been treated with several combinations of diverse drugs and a rehabilitation program before referral to surgery, all described their pain as intense and debilitating before surgical treatment. All patients had pre-operative electromyographic abnormalities. Patients were operated on via a supraclavicular approach and the cervical rib was resected. No intra-operative or postoperative complications were noted. Two years postoperatively, all patients mentioned improvement. However, only 2 were symptomless, and on no medication. In one patient there was significant improvement, and in the remaining 2 patients some residual pain persisted that had to be dealt with pharmacologically. All patients were able to resume their daily life activities. Recovery was poorer in the 2 patients that had been referred to surgery after a longer period of time since the beginning of symptoms.
Health safety during trips is based on previous counseling, vaccination and prevention of infections, previous diseases or specific problems related to the destination. Our aim was to assess two aspects, incidence of health problems related to travel and the traveler's awareness of health safety. To this end we phone-interviewed faculty members of a large public University, randomly selected from humanities, engineering and health schools. Out of 520 attempts, we were able to contact 67 (12.9%) and 46 (68.6%) agreed to participate in the study. There was a large male proportion (37/44, 84.1%), mature adults mostly in their forties and fifties (32/44, 72.7%), all of them with higher education, as you would expect of faculty members. Most described themselves as being sedentary or as taking occasional exercise, with only 15.9% (7/44) taking regular exercise. Preexisting diseases were reported by 15 travelers. Most trips lasted usually one week or less. Duration of the travel was related to the destination, with (12h) or longer trips being taken by 68.2% (30/44) of travelers, and the others taking shorter (3h) domestic trips. Most travelling was made by air (41/44) and only 31.8% (14/44) of the trips were motivated by leisure. Field research trips were not reported. Specific health counseling previous to travel was reported only by two (4.5%). Twenty seven of them (61.4%) reported updated immunization, but 11/30 reported unchecked immunizations. 30% (9/30) reported travel without any health insurance coverage. As a whole group, 6 (13.6%) travelers reported at least one health problem attributed to the trip. All of them were males travelling abroad. Five presented respiratory infections, such as influenza and common cold, one neurological, one orthopedic, one social and one hypertension. There were no gender differences regarding age groups, destination, type of transport, previous health counseling, leisure travel motivation or pre-existing diseases. Interestingly, the two cases of previous health counseling were made by domestic travelers. Our data clearly shows that despite a significant number of travel related health problems, these highly educated faculty members, had a low awareness of those risks, and a significant number of travels are made without prior counseling or health insurance. A counseling program conducted by a tourism and health professional must be implemented for faculty members in order to increase the awareness of travel related health problems.
Intestinal parasites are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Immunocompromised individuals may develop more severe forms of these infections. Taking into account the immunity impairment in patients suffering from chronic renal failure (CRF), we will determine the prevalence and associated symptoms of intestinal parasites in these patients. Controls without CRF were used for comparison. Stool samples were collected and processed for microscopic identification of parasites using the Formalin-ether concentration method. For Cryptosporidium diagnosis, the ELISA technique was used. One hundred and ten fecal samples from hemodialysis patients were analyzed, as well as 86 from a community group used as control group. A result of 51.6% of intestinal parasites was observed in hemodialysis patients and 61.6% in the control group. Cryptosporidium and Blastocystis were the most common infections in patients with CRF (26.4% and 24.5%, respectively). Blastocystis was the most common infection in the control group (41.9%), however no individual was found positive for Cryptosporidium. Among the CRF patients, 73.6% were symptomatic, 54.3% of these tested positive for at least one parasite, in contrast to 44.8% in asymptomatic patients (p = 0.38). The most common symptoms in this group were flatulence (36.4%), asthenia (30.0%) and weight loss (30.0%). In the control group, 91.9% were symptomatic, 60.8% of these tested positive for at least one parasite, in contrast to 71.4% in asymptomatic patients (p = 0.703). A significant difference between the two groups was observed with regard to symptoms, with bloating, postprandial fullness, and abdominal pain being more frequent in the control group than in the hemodialysis group (all p < 0.05). Comparing symptomatic with asymptomatic, there was no association in either group between symptoms or the prevalence of parasitic infection, nor with the type of parasite or with multiple parasitic infections. Patients with chronic renal failure are frequent targets for renal transplantation, which as well as the inherent immunological impairment of the disease itself, results in immunosuppression by medication. For this reason, carriers of intestinal parasites with pathogenic potential can develop serious clinical complications influencing the success of transplantation. This fact, coupled with the high prevalence of intestinal parasites and the dissociation between symptoms and infection in CRF patients, suggests that the stool test should be incorporated in routine propedeutics. Furthermore, preventive measures for the acquisition of parasites through the fecal-oral contamination route should be introduced.
Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a chronic, indolent, disfiguring disease that is characterized by scaly, erythematous, disk-shaped patches and plaques followed by atrophy, scarring and depigmentation. In a small number of patients, it is refractory to standard therapies. In several studies, thalidomide has been reported to be an effective treatment in those cases. The most fearful side effects are teratogenicity and neuropathy. Adequate counseling and vigilance must be given to the patients. We report a 45-year-old Portuguese woman who presented with a 20-year history of severe facial and scalp DLE confirmed by histopathology. For several years, it failed to respond to several therapies, including topical, intralesional and oral corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate, azathioprine and topical tacrolimus. Thalidomide was initiated at a dosage of 50mg/day and the skin lesions had improved dramatically after three weeks with complete clinical remission. Two months later, the dose was reduced to 50mg, five days per week without disease rebound. The patient´s concomitant medications during the treatment included sunscreen, hydroxycholoroquine, enoxaparin and aspirin to prevent thromboembolic events. Pregnancy testing, routine laboratory and electrocardiography were performed at regular intervals for safety monitoring and the results were within normal limits. Only minor side effects as nausea, constipation and somnolence were noted, however, they improved with dose reduction. Our data confirm that thalidomide therapy is an alternative or adjunctive treatment for patients with severe, chronic DLE that is refractory to standard therapies. In this patient, low-dose thalidomide was an effective treatment with minimal side effects.
O número de pessoas com idade superior a 65 anos aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos 40 anos. Este incremento de longevidade tem levado ao aparecimento de varias patologias relacionadas com a idade e ao aumento da prevalência das patologias cronicas. Uma grande maioria desta população e poli-medicada e assim sendo a gestão de medicamentos e uma área que pode proporcionar grandes benefícios aos idosos. A grande quantidade de medicamentos assim como as diferentes dosagens e os diferentes horários de toma fazem com que os idosos se confundam no cumprimento do esquema terapêutico aconselhado pelo medico, nomeadamente devido ao declínio cognitivo a que estão sujeitos devido ao envelhecimento humano. Torna-se, portanto, fundamental o desenvolvimento de sistemas inteligentes que auxiliem os idosos na gestão da sua medicação. A presente dissertação de mestrado foi materializada num dispositivo, designado ElderlySafety, que visa responder aos problemas da poli-medicação, através de uma solução tecnológica que incorpora as vertentes de controlo e comunicação. O objectivo do ElderlySafety e relembrar, de forma automática, o idoso da toma atempada dos seus medicamentos e consiste num prototipo de um dispositivo com varias compartições para organização dos vários medicamentos. Este aparelho apresenta 24 compartimentos, um deles referente a uma posição estática, considerada a posição `home' e os restantes dizem respeito a 23 tomas de medicação durante uma semana. Os compartimentos em questão devem ser preenchidos com a devida medicação, pelo cuidador do idoso, no inicio de cada semana. O aparelho esta conectado via Bluetooth a uma aplicação denominada ElderlySafety Online que permite monitorizar todo o sistema. E aqui que e feito o registo, com data, hora e nome do medicamento, de toda a medicação prescrita ao paciente. Também e possível a verificação de possíveis interações medicamentosas, bem como o acesso a informações acerca do que fazer em caso de esquecimento de uma ou mais tomas. Aquando a chegada da data e hora da toma de cada medicação, o aparelho desenvolvido emite um lembrete ao idoso e esse lembrete e feito através de um alerta luminoso. Se o sistema ElderlySafety verificar que o idoso se esquece da toma dos medicamentos tem a capacidade de interagir via e-mail com o cuidador, que poder a ser um familiar próximo, alertando-o para o esquecimento da toma de medicação do paciente a seu cuidado. Os testes de validação realizados ao ElderlySafety revelaram que o prototipo se mostra funcional e apto para integrar um ambiente de vida assistido de qualquer idoso.
Aim: The objective was to describe an outbreak of bloodstream infections by Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) in bone marrow transplant and hematology outpatients.Methods: On February 15, 2008 a Bcc outbreak was suspected. 24 cases were identified. Demographic and clinical data were evaluated. Environment and healthcare workers' (HCW) hands were cultured. Species were determined and typed. Reinforcement of hand hygiene, central venous catheter (CVC) care, infusion therapy, and maintenance of laminar flow cabinet were undertaken. 16 different HCWs had cared for the CVCs. Multi-dose heparin and saline were prepared on counter common to both units.Findings: 14 patients had B. multivorans(one patient had also B. cenopacia), six non-multivorans Bcc and one did not belong to Bcc. Clone A B. multivorans occurred in 12 patients (from Hematology); in 10 their CVC had been used on February 11/12. Environmental and HCW cultures were negative. All patients were treated with meropenem, and ceftazidime lock-therapy. Eight patients (30%) were hospitalized. No deaths occurred. After control measures (multidose vial for single patient; CVC lock with ceftazidime; cleaning of laminar flow cabinet; hand hygiene improvement; use of cabinet to store prepared medication), no new cases occurred.Conclusions: This polyclonal outbreak may be explained by a common source containing multiple species of Bcc, maybe the laminar flow cabinet common to both units. There may have been contamination by B. multivorans (clone A) of multi-dose vials.
Despite the effectiveness of combination antiretroviral therapy in the treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), nonadherence to medication has become a major threat to its effectiveness. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of self-reported irregular use of antiretroviral therapy and the factors associated with such an irregularity in PLWHA. A cross-sectional study of PLWHA who attended two referral centers in the city of Recife, in Northeastern Brazil, between June 2007 and October 2009 was carried out. The study analyzed socioeconomic factors, social service support and personal habits associated with nonadherence to antiretroviral therapy, adjusted by multivariable logistic regression analysis. The prevalence of PLWHA who reported irregular use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) was 25.7%. In the final multivariate model, the irregular use of cART was associated with the following variables: being aged less than 40 years (OR = 1.66, 95%-CI: 1.29-2.13), current smokers (OR = 1.76, 95%-CI: 1.31-2.37) or former smokers (OR = 1.43, 95%-CI: 1.05-1.95), and crack cocaine users (OR = 2.79, 95%-CI: 1.24-6.32). Special measures should be directed towards each of the following groups: individuals aged less than 40 years, smokers, former smokers and crack cocaine users. Measures for giving up smoking and crack cocaine should be incorporated into HIV-control programs in order to promote greater adherence to antiretroviral drugs and thus improve the quality of life and prolong life expectancy.
Background: Approximately 5% of the population donates blood each year in developed countries. Recruiting and maintaining a pool of altruistic and healthy blood donors is a challenging task. Blood donation as a dynamic process must naturally co-exist with the arguably essential deferrals. Aims: To analyse a 11-year cohort of donors and blood donations in order to determine the profile of the average donor and the typical donation. Characterize the donor’s population in terms of gender, age, number of donations, most common causes for deferral and exclusion and the possible relationships between them. Establish the tendency flow of donations per year. Methods: Analysis of 95861 blood donations from 31550 donors collected between 2000 and 2010 (11 years) in the Immunohemotherapy Department of the ‘‘Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central - Hospital de Sa˜o Jose´’’ (Lisboa, Portugal). Prior to blood donation, donors were required to fill out a form of informed consent, a questionnaire of 21 ‘‘yes or no’’ questions and were submitted to a clinical assessment and physical examination including: measurement of weight, blood pressure, pulse and capillary hemoglobin levels. Post-donation, the collected blood was tested for ALT elevation and blood-borne viral agents (HBV, HCV, HIV 1 and 2 and HTLV 1 and 2) and other infections (Treponema pallidum). Blood donors and donations were registered in a database and statistically studied in terms of: gender and age distribution, number of donations, most common causes for deferral and exclusion. The frequency of blood donations throughout the period of observation was analyzed and statistically significant relationships between the collected variables were investigated. Results: From the population of 31550 donors 61% were male and a mean age of 41.5 years (± 12.5 years) was found. From the total of 95682 blood donations collected 78% were successful while the most common causes for deferral were: donation incompatible hemoglobin levels (5% of the blood donations and 22% of deferrals), ALT elevation (3% and 14%), positive blood screening test for Treponema pallidum (1% and 6%), medication (1% and 4%), positive serological blood markers for HBV (1% and 4%), endoscopy in the previous 12 months (1% and 3%), arterial hypertension (1% and 3%), infectious conditions (1% and 3%), influenza or influenza-like symptoms (1% and 2%) and positive serological blood markers for HCV (1% and 2%). Summary/Conclusions: Several factors may have contributed to a limited number of new regular donors in the population, namely: ageing population, the alienation of the individual from the community induced by modern lifestyles and job precariousness. It is of the utmost importance to refine our blood donation campaigns according to the existing population of donors. The optimization of the blood donation potential of a population of donors must be achieved through the development of reliable and consistent screening methods. In order to appeal to new donors it is important to promote blood donations considering the profile of the regular and healthy blood donor of the existing population.
A 32-year-old female, was diagnosed in 2004 with a C1 HIV1 infection, using zidovudine/lamivudine 300/150 mg BID and lopinavir/ritonavir 400/100 mg BID, in addition to prophylaxis with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 800/160 mg QD, but no prophylaxis with macrolide antibiotics. The patient presented with a severe headache and was prescribed two capsules of the anti-migraine drug Ormigrein™, which contained ergotamine tartrate 1 mg, caffeine 100 mg, paracetamol 220 mg, hyoscyamine sulfate 87.5 mcg, and atropine sulfate 12.5 mcg. Afterwards she was prescribed one capsule of Ormigrein every 30 minutes for a total of six capsules a day. The patient took the medication as prescribed but developed a pain in her left ankle three days later, which evolved to the need for amputation.
Overview and Aims: Several behavioral and biological factors can make adolescents particularly vulnerable to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate sexual behavior and contraceptive use patterns of a population of adolescents. Study Design: Retrospective study. Population: 163 female adolescents attending an Adolescence Unit for the first time, during 2010. Methods: Analysis of clinical charts and assessment of demographic data, smoking and drinking habits, drug use, gynecologic and obstetric history, sexual behavior and contraceptive use. Results: The mean age was 16.04 years (±1.32). 71.7% were students (of these, 70% had failed one or more years and were behind in their studies), 2.5% were working and 23.9% were neither studying or working. 95.1% had already had sexual intercourse and the mean age of first coitus was 14.53 years (±1.24). There was a history of at least one previous pregnancy in 77.3% of the cases. Before the first appointment at the AU, the contraceptive methods used were: the pill (33.2%, but 41.3% of these reported inconsistent use), and the condom (23.9%, with inconsistent use in 28.3% of these cases). 19.6% did not use any contraceptive method.. After counseling at the AU, 54% of the teenagers chose the contraceptive implant and 35% preferred the pill. Adolescents who had already been pregnant preferred a long acting method (namely, the contraceptive implant)in 61.9% of cases; those who had never been pregnant decided to use an oral contraceptive in 67.6% of cases (p<0.001). Conclusions: After counseling the number of teenagers using contraception increased. In this population there were a high number of adolescents with a previous pregnancy. This factor seems to have influenced the choice of the contraceptive method, with most of these adolescents choosing a long-acting method.
A 45-year-old woman with a history of renal carcinoma was observed for facial, cervical and truncal flesh-colored papules. Relatives had similar skin findings and a brother had repeated episodes of pneumothorax. The computerized tomography scan revealed multiple cysts on both lungs. A skin biopsy revealed a perifollicular fibroma. The clinical diagnosis of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHDS) was corroborated by identification of a novel frameshift c.573delGAinsT (p.G191fsX31) mutation in heterozygosity on exon 6 of the folliculin gene. The presence of multiple and typical benign hair follicle tumors highlights the role of the dermatologist in the diagnosis of this rare genodermatosis that is associated with an increased risk of renal cell cancer and pulmonary cysts, warranting personal and familial follow-up and counseling.
Background: Stress and anxiety during pregnancy have been associated with premature and low birth weight babies, presumably through fetus over exposion to glucocorticoids. Antenatal stress also seems to have long-term effects upon infant development and adult health. However, medication for stress may carry risks to the expectant mother, therefore the efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions should be investigated. Methods: Pregnant women (n = 154) awaiting amniocentesis, were randomly assigned in the morning and the afternoon to three groups for 30 min: (1) listening to relaxing music, (2) sitting and reading magazines, and (3) sitting in the waiting-room. Before and after that period, they completed the Spielberger’s State and Trait anxiety inventory and provided blood samples for cortisol. The groups were then compared regarding change in cortisol levels and anxiety. Results: Maternal cortisol and state anxiety were correlated (r = 0.25, p = 0.04) in the afternoon, but not in the morning. The larger decreases in cortisol occurred in the music group ( 61.8 nmol/L, ANOVA: p = 0.01), followed by magazine, being differences among groups more pronounced in the morning. Women in the music group also exhibited the greater decreases in state anxiety ( p < 0.001). Younger mothers with less gestational age were on average the most anxious, and also the ones with greater decreases in cortisol and anxiety levels after relaxation. Conclusion: A relaxing intervention as short as 30 min, especially listening to music, decreases plasma cortisol and self-reported state anxiety score. Pregnant women might benefit from the routine practice of relaxation in the imminence of clinical stressful events.
BACKGROUND: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is the severe complication of stress-related mucosal disease in hospitalized patients. In intensive care units (ICU), risk factors are well defined and only mechanical ventilation and coagulopathy proved to be relevant for significant bleeding. On the contrary, in non-ICU settings there is no consensus about this issue. Nevertheless, omeprazole is still widely used in prophylaxis of bleeding. The objective of our study was to evaluate the relevance of stress-related mucosal disease bleeding in patients admitted to an internal medicine ward, and the role of omeprazole in its prophylaxis. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study in which we analysed consecutive patients who were admitted to our ward over a year. We recorded demographic characteristics of the patients, potential risk factors for stress-related mucosal disease (clinical data, laboratory, and medication), administration of prophylactic omeprazole, and total cost of this prophylaxis. Patients with active gastrointestinal bleeding on the admission were excluded. We recorded every upper gastrointestinal bleeding event with clinical relevance. RESULTS: Five hundred and thirty-five patients, mean age 70 years, mean length of stay 9.6+/-7.7 days; 140 (26.2%) patients were treated with 40 mg of omeprazole intravenously, 193 (36.1%) with 20mg of omeprazole orally, and 202 (37.8%) patients had no prophylaxis. There was only one episode (0.2%) of clinically relevant bleeding. CONCLUSION: In patients admitted to an internal medicine ward, incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding as a complication of stress-related mucosal disease is low. We found that there is no advantage in prophylaxis with omeprazole.