847 resultados para magnesium hydride
The Brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) is the most common free-living and captive deer in South America, especially in Brazil, and has great ecological and scientific significance. However, data on hematological and biochemical parameters in brown brocket deer are scarce. The goal of this study was to establish reference ranges for hematological and biochemical parameters of Mazama gouazoubira, comparing differences during the seasons of the year and between sex. Blood samples from ten adult healthy brown brocket deer (6 female and 4 male) were collected during daytime, monthly, during 12 months. The animals were maintained in individual stable, protected from noise and fed ad libitum with commercial ration and green fodder. For blood collection, animals were submitted to physical restrain for no longer than 2 minutes. The following parameters were determined: red blood cell count (RBC), haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood cell count (WBC), platelet count, enzyme activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and serum levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), creatine kinase (CK), total protein (TP), albumin, cholesterol, total calcium, ionic calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, triglycerides, creatinine and urea. Values were compared according to season and sex. RBC count, WBC count and MCV suggested seasonal influence. Haemoglobin concentration, PCV and MCV were influenced by sex. Serum concentration of total calcium, ionic calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium were influenced by season. Serum magnesium was also influenced by sex. The blood parameters herein reported may be useful as reference values for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in captive brown-brocket deer.
Joining processes and techniques need to meet the trend of new applications and the development of new materials. The application in connection with thick and thin plates in industrial fields is wide and the joining technology is in very urgent need. The laser-TIG hybrid welding technology can play the respective advantages of both of them. One major advantage of the hybrid laser-TIG welding technology is its efficient use of laser energy. Additionally, it can develop into a high and new advanced welding technology and become a hot spot in both the application and research area. This thesis investigated laser –TIG hybrid welding with the aim of enlightening the reader on its advantages, disadvantages and future areas of improvement. The main objective is to investigate laser-TIG hybrid on the welding of various metals (steels, magnesium, aluminium etc.). In addition, it elaborates on various possible combinations on hybrid laser-TIG welding technology and their benefits. The possibility of using laser-TIG hybrid in welding of thick materials was investigated. The method applied in carrying out this research is by using literature review. The results showed that hybrid laser-TIG is applicable to almost all weldable metals. Also it proves to be effective in welding refractive metals. The possibility of welding with or without filler materials is of economic advantage especially in welding of materials with no filler material. Thick plate’s hybrid laser-TIG welding is showing great prospects although it normally finds its used in welding thin materials in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 mm. The findings show that laser-TIG hybrid welding can be a versatile welding process and therefore will be increasingly used industrially due to its numerous advantages and the development of new TIG arc that enhances its capabilities.
The Crioulo breed of horses performs in one of the most physically demanding equestrian competitions, the Marcha de Resistência, which is a contest in which the horses run 750 km in 15 days. The study's aim was to characterize the metabolic responses during this period. We evaluated eleven Crioulo horses in the competition, specifically, two males and nine females. Blood samples were collected 24 hours before the contest and on the 4th, 9th, 11th, 14th and 15th days of competition. We evaluated CK, AST, LDH, glucose, lactate, urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, total calcium, ionized calcium, total protein, hematocrit and the white blood cell count. At the end of the competition, the mean values of serum AST were 1151±358 IU/ L the mean LDH values were 7418±1695 IU/L and CK was 13,867±3998UI /L. There was a significant increase in urea, creatinine and lactate (p<0.0001). A decrease in the mean values of chloride, sodium, potassium, and total and ionized calcium was observed (p≤0.0002). An evaluation of the total leukocytes and segmented neutrophils (p≤0.0002) revealed their increased values, and decreased values were observed for hematocrit, plasma protein and total lymphocytes (p≤0.0003). The values of glucose, on average, remained constant. Based on these data, we conclude that the Marcha de Resistência competition necessitated a high muscular demand and the depletion of energy and electrolytes, suggesting an inflammatory process in the animals evaluated.
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia nikkelin sulfidisaostuksessa syntyvien kiteiden morfologiaa ja siihen vaikuttavia parametreja. Syntyvien kiteiden kasvua ja morfologiaa tutkittiin kiteen muodostumisen ja kasvun teorioiden avulla. Saostuksen olosuhteet, kuten lämpötila, paine ja pH vaikuttavat muodostuvien kiteiden morfologiaan. Muilla parametreilla, kuten liuoksen ylikylläisyydellä, epäpuhtauksilla, lisäaineilla, sekoituksella ja reaktioajalla on myös suuri merkitys. Kokeiden avulla haluttiin liuoskoostumuksen, saostusolosuhteiden ja muiden komponenttien vaikutusta nikkelisulfidikiteiden morfologiaan. Kokeissa käytettiin kahta eri sulfidilähdettä: natriumvetysulfidia ja rikkivetyä. Puolipanoskokeissa nikkelipitoisuus oli 1,5 g/l, paine 101,3 kPa ja sekoitusnopeus 650 rpm. Saostuskokeet tehtiin natriumsulfaatti- 5 g/l ja ammoniumsulfaattiliuoksissa 300 g/l. Saostuskokeissa muuttujia olivat saostimen konsentraatio ja määrä, rauta- ja magne-siumepäpuhtaudet, lämpötila ja lisäaineet. Diplomityön kokeellisessa osassa morfologiaa tutkittiin suoraan valomikroskoopin ja pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopin (SEM) avulla. Morfologiaa tutkittiin myös epäsuorasti laskeutumisnopeuden, keskimääräisen partikkelikoon, ja ominaispinta-alamittausten avulla. Saostimen pitoisuuden vaikutukset partikkelimuotoon olivat pieniä, mutta vaikutukset ominaispinta-alaan ja partikkelikokoon olivat suuria. Natriumlauryylisul-faatti ja EDTA ohjasivat partikkelien rakennetta levymäisemmäksi, joka johti hitaaseen laskeutumisnopeuteen. Polyakryylihappo lisäaineena muuttaa partikkelien morfologiaa kuutiomaisemmaksi. Flokkulanttien ja raudan morfologiset vaikutukset olivat pieniä. Partikkelikoko ja omaispinta-ala pienenivät selvästi magnesiumpitoisuuden kasvaessa. Lämpötilan kasvattaminen lisäsi epäsäännöllisten kiteiden määrää ja muodostuneet kiteet olivat enemmän neulamaisia.
Tämä raportti on tehty osana Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun hallinnoiman NELIn (North European Logistics Institute) esiselvitystä vaarallisten aineiden tunnistamisesta konttiliikenteessä. Tässä Turun yliopiston merenkulkualan koulutus- ja tutkimuskeskuksen Kotkassa toimivan Merenkulun logistiikan tutkimus -yksikön tekemässä selvityk-sessä on tutkittu kansallista satamaliikenteen PortNet-järjestelmää hyödyntäen, mitä pakattuina kuljetettavia vaarallisia aineita ja kuinka suuria määriä Suomen satamissa käsitellään. PortNet-analyysin tulosten pohjalta tutkimuksessa on selvitetty Suomen satamissa eniten käsiteltyjen, pakattuina kuljetettavien vaarallisten aineiden vaaraominaisuuksia sekä ihmisten että ympäristön kannalta. Tutkimuksessa tehdyn PortNet-analyysin perusteella pakattuja vaarallisia aineita käsiteltiin 16:ssa Suomen satamassa vuonna 2012. Käsiteltyjen aineiden kokonaismäärä oli noin 820 000 tonnia, josta viennin osuus oli 53 % ja tuonnin 47 %. Eniten kuljetettuja IMDG-luokkia olivat luokan 3 palavat nesteet (31 %:n osuus), luokan 9 muut vaaralliset aineet ja esineet (25 %) sekä luokan 8 syövyttävät aineet (23 %). Muiden luokkien osuus oli alle 10 %. Suomen satamissa käsiteltiin vuonna 2012 yhteensä noin 1 020 eri-laista, pakattua vaarallista ainetta. Yli 10 000 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita oli yhteensä 16, 1 000–10 000 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita 84, 100–1 000 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita 148 ja alle 100 tonnia käsiteltyjä aineita noin 770. Eniten käsiteltyjä aineita olivat pääasiassa erilaiset aineyhdisteet ja tarkemmin määrittelemättömät aineet, kuten ympäristölle vaarallinen aine n.o.s, maalit, polymeeripelletit, hartsiliuos, kohotetussa lämpötilassa oleva neste n.o.s. ja nikkelimetallihybridiakut. Näitä kaikkia käsiteltiin Suomen satamissa yli 20 000 tonnia vuonna 2012. Varsinaisista yksittäisistä vaarallisista aineista eniten käsiteltyjä olivat muurahaishappo, vetyperoksidin vesiliuos, natriumkloraatti, ammoniumnitraatti, fenoli ja kloorietikkahappoliuos. Näitä kaikkia käsiteltiin yli 10 000 tonnia vuonna 2012. PortNet-analyysin tulosten pohjalta valittiin kymmenen ainetta, joiden vaaraominaisuuksia sekä ihmisten että ympäristön kannalta tarkasteltiin tarkemmin. Tarkasteluun valittiin, tieteellistä harkintaa käyttäen, eniten kuljetettavia vaarallisia yksittäisiä kemikaaleja. Tarkasteluun valitut kemikaalit olivat muurahaishappo, vetyperoksidi, natrium-kloraatti, kloorietikkahappo, fenoli, akryyliamidiliuos, ksyleenit, akryylinitriili, tolueeni ja epikloorihydriini. Tutkituista kemikaaleista ympäristölle haitallisimpia ovat fenoli, kloorietikkahappo ja akryyliamidiliuos. Ihmisen kannalta kaikki 10 tutkittua kemikaalia muodostavat onnettomuustilanteessa riskin ihmisten terveydelle joko syövyttävyytensä, reaktiivisuutensa tai myrkyllisyytensä vuoksi. Osa kemikaaleista voi aiheuttaa ihmisille myös kroonisia haittoja, kuten kohonnutta syöpäriskiä tai muutoksia perimässä, joko suurina kerta-annoksina tai pieninä toistuvina pitoisuuksina. Suomen satamissa käsiteltävien pakattujen kemikaalien erilaisuus ja suuri lukumäärä tekevät niistä vaikeasti hallittavissa olevan riskitekijän. Yleisesti ottaen voidaan sanoa, että pakatuista kemikaaleista aiheutuu pienehköissä vuototilanteissa suurempi uhka ihmisen terveydelle kuin ympäristölle, kun taas irtolastikuljetuksissa tapahtuvien onnettomuuksien yhteydessä vuotaneen aineen määrä on yleensä suurempi ja näin ollen myös ympäristölle koituva uhka voi olla suuri.
Several degraded areas can be found along the Highway MG-010 that crosses the Espinhaço Mountain Biosphere Reserve in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Restoration by planting the legume Cajanus cajan was implemented in some of these areas. The present study compares plant species richness, diversity, abundance, equitability, similarity, and soil composition between restored and non-restored areas, in an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of C. cajan in the restoration process in the mountain environment. Each treatment (restored and non-restored) had four sampling areas, each with three 300 m² plots. We counted and identified every individual plant found within these plots. We also collected soil from the superficial layer (0-10 cm) of each sampling area in both treatments. The areas where C. cajan was planted revealed lower species richness, diversity, and plant abundance. The soil of these areas also contained higher levels of Phosphorus and Magnesium. Plant equitability and similarity between plots and other soil components (pH, Nitrogen, Aluminum, Calcium, Potassium, H+Al, sum of bases - SB, cation exchange capacity - CTC, base saturation - V%, aluminum saturation - M%) did not differ between the two treatments. Contrary to the expectations, soil enhancement in the quartzitic soil poor in nutrients in the rupestrian fields can facilitate the invasion by exotic plants, which are not adapted to the lack of nutrients. As it appears, the use of C. cajan in restoration projects represents a mistake and future restoration plans should avoid the use of exotic species, given that they may cause negative effects on the native plant community, as demonstrated here in the rupestrian fields.
The objective of this study was to evaluate oxadiazon sorption in different soils of the Brazilian Cerrado, highlighting the correlations of lethal doses of this herbicide capable of inhibiting 50% of the dry matter accumulation of the bio-indicator (LD50) among the chemical characteristics of the soil and its direct and indirect effects. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in a randomized block design and four repetitions. Each experimental unit consisted of a pot with increasing rates of oxadiazon and oat (Avena sativa), as the bio-indicator species. For sorption evaluation, washed sand and 22 soils (substrates) from Cerrado Brazilian's Alliaceae cultivated areas were used. LD50 and sorption ratio (SR) = [(LD50soil - LD50sand)/LD50sand] to the substrates were determined. Pearson correlation analysis was performed between the chemical characteristics of the substrates and the LD50 of oxadiazon. A path analysis was quantified, to deploy only the significant correlations estimated in direct and indirect effects of the characters on LD50, which is a basic variable. A more pronounced LD50 (528.09 g ha-1) for the Cerrado soil sample resulted in higher SR (> 53.00), while in the washed sand substrate, LD50 corresponded only to 9.74 g ha-1 of the oxadiazon (available in soil). It was concluded that oxadiazon sorption is influenced by the chemical characteristics of the soils, highlighting the correlation with pH (CaCl2), magnesium content, aluminum, organic matter, organic carbon, and aluminum saturation.
In this research work, the aim was to investigate the volumetric mass transfer coefficient [kLa] of oxygen in stirred tank in the presence of solid particle experimentally. The kLa correlations as a function of propeller rotation speed and flow rate of gas feed were studied. The O2 and CO2 absorption in water and in solid-liquid suspensions and heterogeneous precipitation of MgCO3 were thoroughly examined. The absorption experiments of oxygen were conducted in various systems like pure water and in aqueous suspensions of quartz and calcium carbonate particles. Secondly, the precipitation kinetics of magnesium carbonate was also investigated. The experiments were performed to study the reactive crystallization with magnesium hydroxide slurry and carbon dioxide gas by varying the feed rates of carbon dioxide and rotation speeds of mixer. The results of absorption and precipitation are evaluated by titration, total carbon (TC analysis), and ionic chromatrography (IC). For calcium carbonate, the particle concentration was varied from 17.4 g to 2382 g with two size fractions: 5 µm and 45-63 µm sieves. The kLa and P/V values of 17.4 g CaCO3 with particle size of 5µm and 45-63 µm were 0.016 s-1 and 2400 W/m3. At 69.9 g concentration of CaCO3, the achieved kLa is 0.014 s-1 with particle size of 5 µm and 0.017 s-1 with particle size of 45 to 63 µm. Further increase in concentration of calcium carbonate, i.e. 870g and 2382g , does not affect volumetric mass transfer coeffienct of oxygen. It could be concluded from absorption results that maximum value of kLa is 0.016 s-1. Also particle size and concentration does affect the transfer rate to some extend. For precipitation experiments, the constant concentration of Mg(OH)2 was 100 g and the rotation speed varied from 560 to 750 rpm, whereas the used feed rates of CO2 were 1 and 9 L/min. At 560 rpm and feed rate of CO2 is 1 L/min, the maximum value of Mg ion and TC were 0.25 mol/litre and 0.12 mol/litre with the residence time of 40 min. When flow rate of CO2 increased to 9 L/min with same 560 rpm, the achieved value of Mg and TC were 0.3 mol/litre and 0.12 mol/L with shorter residence time of 30 min. It is concluded that feed rate of CO2 is dominant in precipitation experiments and it has a key role in dissociation and reaction of magnesium hydroxide in precipitation of magnesium carbonate.
Heart transplantation is associated with rapid bone loss and an increased prevalence and incidence of fractures. The aim of the present study was to compare the bone mineral density (BMD) of 30 heart transplant (HT) recipients to that of 31 chronic heart failure (CHF) patients waiting for transplantation and to determine their biochemical markers of bone resorption and hormone levels. The BMD of lumbar spine and proximal femur was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the thoracic and lumbar spine were also obtained. The mean age of the two groups did not differ significantly. Mean time of transplantation was 25.4 ± 21.1 months (6 to 88 months). Except for the albumin levels, which were significantly higher, and magnesium levels, which were significantly lower in HT patients when compared to CHF patients, all other biochemical parameters and hormone levels were within the normal range and similar in the two groups. Both groups had lower BMD of the spine and proximal femur compared to young healthy adults. However, the mean BMD of HT patients was significantly lower than in CHF patients at all sites studied. Bone mass did not correlate with time after transplantation or cumulative dose of cyclosporine A. There was a negative correlation between BMD and the cumulative dose of prednisone. These data suggest that bone loss occurs in HT patients mainly due to the use of corticosteroids and that in 30% of the patients it can be present before transplantation. It seems that cyclosporine A may also play a role in this loss.
High magnesium concentration inhibits the effect of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on smooth muscle contraction and platelet aggregation and also influences hepatocyte AVP receptor binding. The aim of this study was to determine the role of magnesium concentration [Mg2+] in AVP-stimulated water transport in the kidney collecting duct. The effect of low and high peritubular [Mg2+] on the AVP-stimulated osmotic water permeability coefficient (Pf) was evaluated in the isolated perfused rabbit cortical collecting duct (CCD). Control tubules bathed and perfused with standard Ringer bicarbonate solution containing 1 mM Mg2+ presented a Pf of 223.9 ± 27.2 µm/s. When Mg2+ was not added to the bathing solution, an increase in the AVP-stimulated Pf to 363.1 ± 57.2 µm/s (P<0.05) was observed. An elevation of Mg2+ to 5 mM resulted in a decrease in Pf to 202.9 ± 12.6 µm/s (P<0.05). This decrease in the AVP-stimulated Pf at 5 mM Mg2+ persisted when the CCDs were returned to 1 mM Mg2+, Pf = 130.2 ± 20.3 µm/s, and was not normalized by the addition of 8-[4-chlorophenylthio]-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, a cAMP analogue, to the preparation. These data indicate that magnesium may play a modulatory role in the action of AVP on CCD osmotic water permeability, as observed in other tissues.
The carboxyl-terminal (CT) domain of connexin43 (Cx43) has been implicated in both hormonal and pH-dependent gating of the gap junction channel. An in vitro assay was utilized to determine whether the acidification of cell extracts results in the activation of a protein kinase that can phosphorylate the CT domain. A glutathione S-transferase (GST)-fusion protein was bound to Sephadex beads and used as a target for protein kinase phosphorylation. A protein extract produced from sheep heart was allowed to bind to the fusion protein-coated beads. The bound proteins were washed and then incubated with 32P-ATP. Phosphorylation was assessed after the proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE. Incubation at pH 7.5 resulted in a minimal amount of phosphorylation while incubation at pH 6.5 resulted in significant phosphorylation reaction. Maximal activity was achieved when both the binding and kinase reactions were performed at pH 6.5. The protein kinase activity was stronger when the incubations were performed with manganese rather than magnesium. Mutants of Cx43 which lack the serines between amino acids 364-374 could not be phosphorylated in the in vitro kinase reaction, indicating that this is a likely target of this reaction. These results indicate that there is a protein kinase activity in cells that becomes more active at lower pH and can phosphorylate Cx43.
Hypomagnesemia is the most common electrolyte disturbance seen upon admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). Reliable predictors of its occurrence are not described. The objective of this prospective study was to determine factors predictive of hypomagnesemia upon admission to the ICU. In a single tertiary cancer center, 226 patients with different diagnoses upon entering were studied. Hypomagnesemia was defined by serum levels <1.5 mg/dl. Demographic data, type of cancer, cause of admission, previous history of arrhythmia, cardiovascular disease, renal failure, drug administration (particularly diuretics, antiarrhythmics, chemotherapy and platinum compounds), previous nutrition intake and presence of hypovolemia were recorded for each patient. Blood was collected for determination of serum magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels. Upon admission, 103 (45.6%) patients had hypomagnesemia and 123 (54.4%) had normomagnesemia. A normal dietary habit prior to ICU admission was associated with normal Mg levels (P = 0.007) and higher average levels of serum Mg (P = 0.002). Postoperative patients (N = 182) had lower levels of serum Mg (0.60 ± 0.14 mmol/l compared with 0.66 ± 0.17 mmol/l, P = 0.006). A stepwise multiple linear regression disclosed that only normal dietary habits (OR = 0.45; CI = 0.26-0.79) and the fact of being a postoperative patient (OR = 2.42; CI = 1.17-4.98) were significantly correlated with serum Mg levels (overall model probability = 0.001). These findings should be used to identify patients at risk for such disturbance, even in other critically ill populations.
The metabolic derangement caused by diabetes mellitus may potentially affect bone mineral metabolism. In the present study we evaluated the effect of diabetes metabolic control on parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion during stimulation with EDTA infusion. The study was conducted on 24 individuals, 8 of them normal subjects (group N: glycated hemoglobin - HbA1C = 4.2 ± 0.2%; range = 3.5-5.0%), 8 patients with good and regular metabolic control (group G-R: HbA1C = 7.3 ± 0.4%; range = 6.0-8.5%), and 8 patients with poor metabolic control (group P: HbA1C = 12.5 ± 1.0%; range: 10.0-18.8%). Blood samples were collected at 10-min intervals throughout the study (a basal period of 30 min and a 2-h period of EDTA infusion, 30 mg/kg body weight) and used for the determination of ionized calcium, magnesium, glucose and intact PTH. Basal ionized calcium levels were slightly lower in group P (1.19 ± 0.01 mmol/l) than in group N (1.21 ± 0.01 mmol/l) and group G-R (1.22 ± 0.01 mmol/l). After EDTA infusion, the three groups presented a significant fall in calcium, but with no significant difference among them at any time. Basal magnesium levels and levels determined during EDTA infusion were significantly lower (P<0.01) in group P than in group N. The induction of hypocalcemia caused an elevation in PTH which was similar in groups N and G-R but significantly higher than in group P throughout the infusion period (+110 min, N = 11.9 ± 2.1 vs G-R = 13.7 ± 1.6 vs P = 7.5 ± 0.7 pmol/l; P<0.05 for P vs N and G-R). The present results show that PTH secretion is impaired in patients with poorly controlled diabetes.
Osteoporosis is a common manifestation of Cushing's syndrome, but the mechanisms responsible for this abnormality have not been defined. With the objective of analyzing parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion in chronic hypercortisolism (CH), we evaluated 11 healthy subjects and 8 patients with CH, 6 with Cushing's disease and 2 with adrenal adenoma. These volunteers were submitted to tests of PTH stimulation through hypocalcemia (EDTA), PTH suppression through hypercalcemia (iv and oral calcium), and evaluation of bone mineral density (BMD) by DEXA. During the test of PTH stimulation, the calcium and magnesium concentrations of the normal and CH groups were similar. Patients with CH showed an increased PTH response to the hypocalcemic stimulus compared to controls. PTH values were significantly higher in the CH group at 70 (17.5 ± 3.5 vs 10.2 ± 1.3 pmol/l, P = 0.04), and 120 min (26.1 ± 5.9 vs 11.3 ± 1.9 pmol/l, P = 0.008) of EDTA infusion. The area under the curve for PTH during EDTA infusion was also significantly higher in patients with CH than in normal subjects (1867 ± 453 and 805 ± 148 pmol l-1 2 h-1, P = 0.02). During the test of PTH suppression, calcium, magnesium and PTH levels of the patients with hypercortisolism and controls were similar. BMD was decreased in patients with hypercortisolism in the spine (0.977 ± 0.052 vs 1.205 ± 0.038 g/cm² in controls, P<0.01). In conclusion, our results show that subjects with CH present decreased bone mass mainly in trabecular bone. The use of dynamic tests permitted the detection of increased PTH secretion in response to a hypocalcemic stimulus in CH patients that may probably be involved in the occurrence of osteoporosis in this state.
The availability of the genome sequence of the bacterial plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa, the causal agent of citrus variegated chlorosis, is accelerating important investigations concerning its pathogenicity. Plant vessel occlusion is critical for symptom development. The objective of the present study was to search for information that would help to explain the adhesion of X. fastidiosa cells to the xylem. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that adhesion may occur without the fastidium gum, an exopolysaccharide produced by X. fastidiosa, and X-ray microanalysis demonstrated the presence of elemental sulfur both in cells grown in vitro and in cells found inside plant vessels, indicating that the sulfur signal is generated by the pathogen surface. Calcium and magnesium peaks were detected in association with sulfur in occluded vessels. We propose an explanation for the adhesion and aggregation process. Thiol groups, maintained by the enzyme peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase, could be active on the surface of the bacteria and appear to promote cell-cell aggregation by forming disulfide bonds with thiol groups on the surface of adjacent cells. The enzyme methionine sulfoxide reductase has been shown to be an auxiliary component in the adhesiveness of some human pathogens. The negative charge conferred by the ionized thiol group could of itself constitute a mechanism of adhesion by allowing the formation of divalent cation bridges between the negatively charged bacteria and predominantly negatively charged xylem walls.