782 resultados para learning of communication skills


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INTRODUCTION: Objective assessment of motor skills has become an important challenge in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) training.Currently, there is no gold standard defining and determining the residents' surgical competence.To aid in the decision process, we analyze the validity of a supervised classifier to determine the degree of MIS competence based on assessment of psychomotor skills METHODOLOGY: The ANFIS is trained to classify performance in a box trainer peg transfer task performed by two groups (expert/non expert). There were 42 participants included in the study: the non-expert group consisted of 16 medical students and 8 residents (< 10 MIS procedures performed), whereas the expert group consisted of 14 residents (> 10 MIS procedures performed) and 4 experienced surgeons. Instrument movements were captured by means of the Endoscopic Video Analysis (EVA) tracking system. Nine motion analysis parameters (MAPs) were analyzed, including time, path length, depth, average speed, average acceleration, economy of area, economy of volume, idle time and motion smoothness. Data reduction was performed by means of principal component analysis, and then used to train the ANFIS net. Performance was measured by leave one out cross validation. RESULTS: The ANFIS presented an accuracy of 80.95%, where 13 experts and 21 non-experts were correctly classified. Total root mean square error was 0.88, while the area under the classifiers' ROC curve (AUC) was measured at 0.81. DISCUSSION: We have shown the usefulness of ANFIS for classification of MIS competence in a simple box trainer exercise. The main advantage of using ANFIS resides in its continuous output, which allows fine discrimination of surgical competence. There are, however, challenges that must be taken into account when considering use of ANFIS (e.g. training time, architecture modeling). Despite this, we have shown discriminative power of ANFIS for a low-difficulty box trainer task, regardless of the individual significances between MAPs. Future studies are required to confirm the findings, inclusion of new tasks, conditions and sample population.


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More children with different versions of speech disorders appear in Russia last decades. This situation reflects general tendency of national health deterioration. Our practical experience shows that close grownups can?t communicate to children with limited health capacity. As a result there arise social disabilities in child development. Speech communication is one of the forms of global communicative interaction process between close grownups and young child in the course of which there is a redistribution of knowledge and ignorance (Nikas Luman,2005). Within a framework of sociocultiral theory of mental growth we consider the appearance of speech communication under any cases of physical illness is possible only under conditions of correctly- organized communication between grownups and young children. (L.S. Vigotski ,2000). The special value in this aspect acquires the study of communication between grownups and young children. For five years we have been conducting the surveys on the problem of communicative contacts between parents and non-verbal children. Analysis of received data gave us the opportunity to systematize peculiar communicative interaction of adults and children who have some lapses in acquiring speech form communication. We have revealed four versions of situational- business communication between close grownups and young children with disabilities in acquiring speech. We have assumed that four versions of situational- business communication negatively affect speech form communication formation.


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Desde que el proceso de la globalización empezó a tener efectos en la sociedad actual, la lengua inglesa se ha impuesto como primera opción de comunicación entre las grandes empresas y sobre todo en el ámbito de los negocios. Por estos motivos se hace necesario el conocimiento de esta lengua que con el paso de los años ha ido creciendo en número de hablantes. Cada vez son más las personas que quieren dominar la lengua inglesa. El aprendizaje en esta doctrina se va iniciando en edades muy tempranas, facilitando y mejorando así la adquisición de una base de conocimientos con todas las destrezas que tiene la lengua inglesa: lectura, escritura, expresión oral y comprensión oral. Con este proyecto se quiso mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa en un rango de población menor de 13 años. Se propuso crear un método de aprendizaje que motivara al usuario y le reportase una ayuda constante durante su progreso en el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa. El mejor método que se pensó para llevar a cabo este objetivo fue la realización de un videojuego que cumpliese todas las características propuestas anteriormente. Un videojuego de aprendizaje en inglés, que además incluyese algo tan novedoso como el reconocimiento de voz para mejorar la expresión oral del usuario, ayudaría a la población a mejorar el nivel de inglés básico en todas las destrezas así como el establecimiento de una base sólida que serviría para asentar mejor futuros conocimientos más avanzados. ABSTRACT Since Globalization began to have an effect on today's society, the English language has emerged as the first choice for communication among companies and especially in the field of business. Therefore, the command of this language, which over the years has grown in number of speakers, has become more and more necessary. Increasingly people want to master the English language. They start learning at very early age, thus facilitating and improving the acquisition of a new knowledge like English language. The skills of English must be practiced are: reading, writing, listening and speaking. If people learnt all these skills, they could achieve a high level of English. In this project, the aim is to improve the process of teaching and learning English in a range of population less than 13 years. To do so, an interactive learning video game that motivates the users and brings them constant help during their progress in the learning of the English language is designed. The video game designed to learn English, also includes some novelties from the point of view of the technology used as is speech recognition. The aim of this integration is to improve speaking skills of users, who will therefore improve the standard of English in all four basic learning skills and establish a solid base that would facilitate the acquisition of future advanced knowledge.


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La metáfora y otros mecanismos imaginativos subyacentes al pensa- miento y lenguaje humanos pueden ser utilizados en el discurso diario y especializado (Lakoff y Johnson 1980; Lakoff y Nuñez 2000). Asimismo pueden aparecer en la comunicación no verbal (Forceville y Urios-Aparisi 2009; Littlemore et al. Este volumen).Partiendo de estudios cognitivos y de la teoría de integración conceptual (Fauconnier 1997; Fauconnier y Turner 2002), este artículo examina la presencia de la metáfora en la ingeniería. Primeramente, se analiza un corpus lingüístico procedente de artículos de investigación de ingeniería civil. Los datos revelan el uso de la metáfora antropomórfica, sobre todo en expresiones relativas a la salud, como “diagnóstico”, “auscultación” o “proceso de curación”. Se exploran además ejemplos de ingeniería cuya fuente son proyecciones conceptuales corporales. Finalmente, abordamos la función de la metáfora visual bajo la teoría de integración conceptual mediante representaciones de ingeniería que evocan la anatomía humana o animal. Metaphor and other imaginative mechanisms that underlie human thought and language such as metonymy are used in everyday and specialised discourse (Lakoff and Johnson 1980; Lakoff and Nuñez 2000) They can also be involved in non- verbal forms of communication (Forceville and Urios-Aparisi 2009; Littlemore et al. this volume). Drawing on metaphor cognitive studies and on conceptual integration theory (Fauconnier 1997; Fauconnier and Turner 2002) this paper examines the occurrence of metaphor in engineering. First, we analyse results from a linguistic corpus formed by research papers from civil engineering journals. These data reveal the use of anthropomorphic metaphor, especially related to health or medical mappings such as “diagnosing”, “auscultation” or “curing”. Then, we explore how engineering notions are instantiated by bodily conceptual mappings according to conceptual integration theory. Finally, the function of visual metaphor is examined with conceptual integration theory by using engineering images evoking parts of human or animal anatomy.


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Contributing to the acquisition of professional creativity and teamwork skills has been a special challenge for some of the subjects taught at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), and this has been a starting point for the work described in this paper. Some professors have intuited that the use of cooperative classrooms could facilitate the acquisition of these skills. We describe the new methodologies applied within cooperative classrooms by some professors, and present the procedure for measuring students’ perception of their own learning outcomes, skill improvements, and overall satisfaction with the use of this kind of classroom. For this project, 250 students enrolled in several subjects answered a questionnaire. The featuresof thesubjectsinvolved intheproject arewidely disparate. We present the results of the statistical analysis with special emphasis on creativity and teamwork skills, and we conclude that the use of cooperative classroom has a positive influence on the acquisition of these skills. This work has the added value of being the first analysis of student perception of the use of cooperative classroom in the acquisition of creativity and teamwork skills.


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The European Union has been promoting linguistic diversity for many years as one of its main educational goals. This is an element that facilitates student mobility and student exchanges between different universities and countries and enriches the education of young undergraduates. In particular,a higher degree of competence in the English language is becoming essential for engineers, architects and researchers in general, as English has become the lingua franca that opens up horizons to internationalisation and the transfer of knowledge in today’s world. Many experts point to the Integrated Approach to Contents and Foreign Languages System as being an option that has certain benefits over the traditional method of teaching a second language that is exclusively based on specific subjects. This system advocates teaching the different subjects in the syllabus in a language other than one’s mother tongue, without prioritising knowledge of the language over the subject. This was the idea that in the 2009/10 academic year gave rise to the Second Language Integration Programme (SLI Programme) at the Escuela Arquitectura Tecnica in the Universidad Politecnica Madrid (EUATM-UPM), just at the beginning of the tuition of the new Building Engineering Degree, which had been adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) model. This programme is an interdisciplinary initiative for the set of subjects taught during the semester and is coordinated through the Assistant Director Office for Educational Innovation. The SLI Programme has a dual goal; to familiarise students with the specific English terminology of the subject being taught, and at the same time improve their communication skills in English. A total of thirty lecturers are taking part in the teaching of eleven first year subjects and twelve in the second year, with around 120 students who have voluntarily enrolled in a special group in each semester. During the 2010/2011 academic year the degree of acceptance and the results of the SLI Programme are being monitored. Tools have been designed to aid interdisciplinary coordination and to analyse satisfaction, such as coordination records and surveys. The results currently available refer to the first semester of the year and are divided into specific aspects of the different subjects involved and into general aspects of the ongoing experience.


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Most of the patients that reside in the intensive care unit experience fear, frustration and high levels of anxiety as they are not able to communicate properly. In this sense, the use of communication tools can be helpful to reduce the frustration levels and also, to improve the efficiency and the speed of the communication. The objective of this work, is to design a tool that allows solving the communication problems that patients suffer when they are admitted in the intensive care unit. In order to achieve the objective of this work, a qualitative study that involved interviews with former patients, hospital staff members and family relatives was performed. Afterwards, the design of a prototype was developed to later conduct and analyze usability evaluations with former patients, hospital staff members and patients relatives. The results expose that participants of the usability evaluations were able to perform most of the tasks effectively.


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La forma de consumir contenidos en Internet ha cambiado durante los últimos años. Inicialmente se empleaban webs estáticas y con contenidos pobres visualmente. Con la evolución de las redes de comunicación, esta tendencia ha variado. A día de hoy, deseamos páginas agradables, accesibles y que nos presenten temas variados. Todo esto ha cambiado la forma de crear páginas web y en todos los casos se persigue el objetivo de atraer a los usuarios. El gran auge de los smartphones y las aplicaciones móviles que invaden el mercado actual han revolucionado el mundo del estudio de los idiomas permitiendo compatibilizar los recursos punteros con el aprendizaje tradicional. La popularidad de los dispositivos móviles y de las aplicaciones ha sido el principal motivo de la realización de este proyecto. En él se realizará un análisis de las diferentes tecnologías existentes y se elegirá la mejor opción que se ajuste a nuestras necesidades para poder desarrollar un sistema que implemente el enfoque llamado Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) que supone una aproximación innovadora al aprendizaje de idiomas con la ayuda de un dispositivo móvil. En este documento se va a ofrecer una panorámica general acerca del desarrollo de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles en el entorno del e-learning. Se estudiarán características técnicas de diferentes plataformas seleccionando la mejor opción para la implementación de un sistema que proporcione los contenidos básicos para el aprendizaje de un idioma, en este caso del inglés, de forma intuitiva y divertida. Dicho sistema permitirá al usuario mejorar su nivel de inglés mediante una interfaz web de forma dinámica y cercana empleando los recursos que ofrecen los dispositivos móviles y haciendo uso del diseño adaptativo. Este proyecto está pensado para los usuarios que dispongan de poco tiempo libre para realizar un curso de forma presencial o, mejor aún, para reforzar o repasar contenidos ya aprendidos por otros medios más tradicionales o no. La aplicación ofrece la posibilidad de que se haga uso del sistema de forma fácil y sencilla desde cualquier dispositivo móvil del que se disponga como es un smartphone, tablet o un ordenador personal, compitiendo con otros usuarios o contra uno mismo y mejorando así el nivel de partida a través de las actividades propuestas. Durante el proyecto se han comparado diversas soluciones, la mayoría de código abierto y de libre distribución que permiten desplegar servicios de almacenamiento accesibles mediante Internet. Se concluirá con un caso práctico analizando los requisitos técnicos y llevando a cabo las fases de análisis, diseño, creación de la base de datos, implementación y pruebas dentro del ciclo de vida del software. Finalmente, se migrará la aplicación con toda la información a un servidor en la nube. ABSTRACT. The way of consuming content on the Internet has changed over the past years. Initially, static websites were used with poor visual contents. Nevertheless, with the evolution of communication networks this trend has changed. Nowadays, we expect pleasant, accessible and varied topic pages and such expectations have changed the way to create web pages generally aiming at appealing and therefore, attracting users. The great boom of smartphones and mobile applications in the current market, have revolutionized the world of language learning as they make it possible to combine computing with traditional learning resources. The popularity of mobile devices and applications has been the main reason for the development of this project. Here, the different existing technologies will be examined and we will try to select the best option that adapts to our needs in order to develop a system that implements Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) that in broad terms implies an approach to language learning with the help of a mobile device. This report provides an overview of the development of applications for mobile devices in the e-learning environment. We will study the technical characteristics of different platforms and we will select the best option for the implementation of a system that provide the basic content for learning a language, in this case English, by means of an intuitive and fun method. This system will allow the user to improve their level of English with a web interface in a dynamic and close way employing the resources offered by mobile devices using the adaptive design. This project is intended for users who do not have enough free time to make a classroom course or to review contents from more traditional courses as it offers the possibility to make use of the system quickly and easily from any mobile device available such as a smartphone, a tablet or a personal computer, competing with other users or against oneself and thus improving their departing level through different activities. During the project, different solutions have been compared. Most of them, open source and free distribution that allow to deploy storage services accessible via the Internet. It will conclude with a case study analyzing the technical requirements and conducting phases of analysis, design and creation of a database, implementation and testing in the software lifecycle. Finally, the application will be migrated with all the information to a server in the cloud.


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Los procesos de diseño y construcción en Arquitectura han mostrado un desarrollo de optimización históricamente muy deficiente cuando se compara con las restantes actividades típicamente industriales. La aspiración constante a una industrialización efectiva, tanto en aras de alcanzar mayores cotas de calidad así como de ahorro de recursos, recibe hoy una oportunidad inmejorable desde el ámbito informático: el Building Information Modelling o BIM. Lo que en un inicio puede parecer meramente un determinado tipo de programa informático, en realidad supone un concepto de “proceso” que subvierte muchas rutinas hoy habituales en el desarrollo de proyectos y construcciones arquitectónicas. La inclusión y desarrollo de datos ligados al proyecto, desde su inicio hasta el fin de su ciclo de vida, conlleva la oportunidad de crear una realidad virtual dinámica y actualizable, que por añadidura posibilita su ensayo y optimización en todos sus aspectos: antes y durante su ejecución, así como vida útil. A ello se suma la oportunidad de transmitir eficientemente los datos completos de proyecto, sin apenas pérdidas o reelaboración, a la cadena de fabricación, lo que facilita el paso a una industrialización verdaderamente significativa en edificación. Ante una llamada mundial a la optimización de recursos y el interés indudable de aumentar beneficios económicos por medio de la reducción del factor de incertidumbre de los procesos, BIM supone un opción de mejora indudable, y así ha sido reconocido a través de la inminente implantación obligatoria por parte de los gobiernos (p. ej. Gran Bretaña en 2016 y España en 2018). La modificación de procesos y roles profesionales que conlleva la incorporación de BIM resulta muy significativa y marcará el ejercicio profesional de los futuros graduados en las disciplinas de Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Construcción (AEC por sus siglas en inglés). La universidad debe responder ágilmente a estas nuevas necesidades incorporando esta metodología en la enseñanza reglada y aportando una visión sinérgica que permita extraer los beneficios formativos subyacentes en el propio marco BIM. En este sentido BIM, al aglutinar el conjunto de datos sobre un único modelo virtual, ofrece un potencial singularmente interesante. La realidad tridimensional del modelo, desarrollada y actualizada continuamente, ofrece al estudiante una gestión radicalmente distinta de la representación gráfica, en la que las vistas parciales de secciones y plantas, tan complejas de asimilar en los inicios de la formación universitaria, resultan en una mera petición a posteriori, para ser extraída según necesidad del modelo virtual. El diseño se realiza siempre sobre el propio modelo único, independientemente de la vista de trabajo elegida en cada momento, permaneciendo los datos y sus relaciones constructivas siempre actualizados y plenamente coherentes. Esta descripción condensada de características de BIM preconfiguran gran parte de las beneficios formativos que ofrecen los procesos BIM, en especial, en referencia al desarrollo del diseño integrado y la gestión de la información (incluyendo TIC). Destacan a su vez las facilidades en comprensión visual de elementos arquitectónicos, sistemas técnicos, sus relaciones intrínsecas así como procesos constructivos. A ello se une el desarrollo experimental que la plataforma BIM ofrece a través de sus software colaborativos: la simulación del comportamiento estructural, energético, económico, entre otros muchos, del modelo virtual en base a los datos inherentes del proyecto. En la presente tesis se describe un estudio de conjunto para explicitar tanto las cualidades como posibles reservas en el uso de procesos BIM, en el marco de una disciplina concreta: la docencia de la Arquitectura. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica general sobre BIM y específica sobre docencia en Arquitectura, así como analizado las experiencias de distintos grupos de interés en el marco concreto de la enseñanza de la en Arquitectura en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. El análisis de beneficios o reservas respecto al uso de BIM se ha enfocado a través de la encuesta a estudiantes y la entrevista a profesionales AEC relacionados o no con BIM. Las conclusiones del estudio permiten sintetizar una implantación de metodología BIM que para mayor claridad y facilidad de comunicación y manejo, se ha volcado en un Marco de Implantación eminentemente gráfico. En él se orienta sobre las acciones docentes para el desarrollo de competencias concretas, valiéndose de la flexibilidad conceptual de los Planes de Estudio en el contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (Declaración de Bolonia) para incorporar con naturalidad la nueva herramienta docente al servicio de los objetivos formativo legalmente establecidos. El enfoque global del Marco de Implementación propuesto facilita la planificación de acciones formativas con perspectiva de conjunto: combinar los formatos puntuales o vehiculares BIM, establecer sinergias transversales y armonizar recursos, de modo que la metodología pueda beneficiar tanto la asimilación de conocimientos y habilidades establecidas para el título, como el propio flujo de aprendizaje o learn flow BIM. Del mismo modo reserva, incluso visualmente, aquellas áreas de conocimiento en las que, al menos en la planificación actual, la inclusión de procesos BIM no se considera ventajosa respecto a otras metodologías, o incluso inadecuadas para los objetivos docentes establecidos. Y es esta última categorización la que caracteriza el conjunto de conclusiones de esta investigación, centrada en: 1. la incuestionable necesidad de formar en conceptos y procesos BIM desde etapas muy iniciales de la formación universitaria en Arquitectura, 2. los beneficios formativos adicionales que aporta BIM en el desarrollo de competencias muy diversas contempladas en el currículum académico y 3. la especificidad del rol profesional del arquitecto que exigirá una implantación cuidadosa y ponderada de BIM que respete las metodologías de desarrollo creativo tradicionalmente efectivas, y aporte valor en una reorientación simbiótica con el diseño paramétrico y fabricación digital que permita un diseño finalmente generativo. ABSTRACT The traditional architectural design and construction procedures have proven to be deficient where process optimization is concerned, particularly when compared to other common industrial activities. The ever‐growing strife to achieve effective industrialization, both in favor of reaching greater quality levels as well as sustainable management of resources, has a better chance today than ever through a mean out of the realm of information technology, the Building Information Modelling o BIM. What may initially seem to be merely another computer program, in reality turns out to be a “process” concept that subverts many of today’s routines in architectural design and construction. Including and working with project data from the very beginning to the end of its full life cycle allows for creating a dynamic and updatable virtual reality, enabling data testing and optimizing throughout: before and during execution, all the way to the end of its lifespan. In addition, there is an opportunity to transmit complete project data efficiently, with hardly any loss or redeveloping of the manufacture chain required, which facilitates attaining a truly significant industrialization within the construction industry. In the presence of a world‐wide call for optimizing resources, along with an undeniable interest in increasing economic benefits through reducing uncertainty factors in its processes, BIM undoubtedly offers a chance for improvement as acknowledged by its imminent and mandatory implementation on the part of governments (for example United Kingdom in 2016 and Spain in 2018). The changes involved in professional roles and procedures upon incorporating BIM are highly significant and will set the course for future graduates of Architecture, Engineering and Construction disciplines (AEC) within their professions. Higher Education must respond to such needs with swiftness by incorporating this methodology into their educational standards and providing a synergetic vision that focuses on the underlying educational benefits inherent in the BIM framework. In this respect, BIM, in gathering data set under one single virtual model, offers a uniquely interesting potential. The three‐dimensional reality of the model, under continuous development and updating, provides students with a radically different graphic environment, in which partial views of elevation, section or plan that tend characteristically to be difficult to assimilate at the beginning of their studies, become mere post hoc requests to be ordered when needed directly out the virtual model. The design is always carried out on the sole model itself, independently of the working view chosen at any particular moment, with all data and data relations within construction permanently updated and fully coherent. This condensed description of the features of BIM begin to shape an important part of the educational benefits posed by BIM processes, particularly in reference to integrated design development and information management (including ITC). At the same time, it highlights the ease with which visual understanding is achieved regarding architectural elements, technology systems, their intrinsic relationships, and construction processes. In addition to this, there is the experimental development the BIM platform grants through its collaborative software: simulation of structural, energetic, and economic behavior, among others, of the virtual model according to the data inherent to the project. This doctoral dissertation presents a broad study including a wide array of research methods and issues in order to specify both the virtues and possible reservations in the use of BIM processes within the framework of a specific discipline: teaching Architecture. To do so, a literature review on BIM has been carried out, specifically concerning teaching in the discipline of Architecture, as well as an analysis of the experience of different groups of interest delimited to Universidad Europea de Madrid. The analysis of the benefits and/or limitations of using BIM has been approached through student surveys and interviews with professionals from the AEC sector, associated or not, with BIM. Various diverse educational experiences are described and academic management for experimental implementation has been analyzed. The conclusions of this study offer a synthesis for a Framework of Implementation of BIM methodology, which in order to reach greater clarity, communication ease and user‐friendliness, have been posed in an eminently graphic manner. The proposed framework proffers guidance on teaching methods conducive to the development of specific skills, taking advantage of the conceptual flexibility of the European Higher Education Area guidelines based on competencies, which naturally facilitate for the incorporation of this new teaching tool to achieve the educational objectives established by law. The global approach of the Implementation Framework put forth in this study facilitates the planning of educational actions within a common perspective: combining exceptional or vehicular BIM formats, establishing cross‐disciplinary synergies, and sharing resources, so as to purport a methodology that contributes to the assimilation of knowledge and pre‐defined competencies within the degree program, and to the flow of learning itself. At the same time, it reserves, even visually, those areas of knowledge in which the use of BIM processes is not considered necessarily an advantage over other methodologies, or even inadequate for the learning outcomes established, at least where current planning is concerned. It is this last category which characterizes the research conclusions as a whole, centering on: 1. The unquestionable need for teaching BIM concepts and processes in Architecture very early on, in the initial stages of higher education; 2. The additional educational benefits that BIM offers in a varied array of competency development within the academic curriculum; and 3. The specific nature of the professional role of the Architect, which demands a careful and balanced implementation of BIM that respects the traditional teaching methodologies that have proven effective and creative, and adds value by a symbiotic reorientation merged with parametric design and digital manufacturing so to enable for a finally generative design.


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Este estudo trata da comunicação face a face nas organizações sob diferentes abordagens teóricas. Considera a perspectiva da simultaneidade dos meios, já que as empresas utilizam diversos canais para dialogar com seus públicos de interesse. Leva em conta o fenômeno da midiatização, que reestrutura o modo como as pessoas se relacionam na sociedade contemporânea. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é sistematizar papeis potencialmente exercidos pela interação face a face e conhecer algumas circunstâncias que envolvem sua prática nas organizações. Por se tratar de uma tese teórica, a pesquisa bibliográfica se apresenta como um dos principais procedimentos metodológicos; análises de casos empíricos e um estudo de caso desenvolvido na Embrapa Pantanal constituem situações ilustrativas. Conclui-se que a comunicação face a face nas empresas ocorre de forma simultânea e combinada a outros canais de comunicação, porém, ela proporciona resultados práticos e filosóficos ainda pouco explorados. É rara a utilização estratégica de contatos presenciais como mecanismo para estabelecer relacionamentos, conhecer as reações alheias e ajustar a comunicação, aliar o discurso corporativo às práticas empresariais e avaliar o contexto onde se desenvolvem as interações, o que pode ser decisivo para a comunicação organizacional.


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A expansão das redes sociais virtuais, o aperfeiçoamento das técnicas de informação, a penetrabilidade do capitalismo de concorrência e o fragmentado sujeito pós-moderno constituem, ao lado da sociedade de consumo, os pilares desta tese. Nossa hipótese central é que as redes sociais da Internet ampliam os espaços de participação, compartilhamento, colaboração e manifestação das decepções do consumidor, mas não diminuem as descontinuidades, a incompreensão e o desrespeito oriundos das relações e práticas de consumo, podendo, muitas vezes, aceleraremasconflitualidades. A abertura para o diálogo, o incitamento à tomada de poder do sujeito e a multiplicação das trocas entre empresas e consumidores representam a oportunidade e o desafio de valorizarmos a concepção normativa da comunicação, admitindo as dificuldades da intercompreensão, a urgência da coabitação e a realidade da incomunicação. Recorremos à Análise de Discurso de tradição francesa (AD) como campo teórico-metodológico para analisar o discurso do consumidor inscrito na plataforma Reclame AQUI e construir uma crítica à comunicação corporativa contemporânea; a partir dos conceitos de cenografia, ethos e esquematização enunciativa, verificamos como a ideologia opera no interior das cenas daenunciação do consumo, constituindo uma ordem própria ao discurso do reclamante decepcionado. Esta análise ratificou as discussões teóricas que levamos a cabo, servindo de suporte para a problematização e o debate das sete cenografias que se evidenciaram no/pelo discurso do sujeito/consumidor: respeito/desrespeito, ameaça, promessa e frustração, mau atendimento e problema não resolvido, negociação, clientes novos x antigos e consumidor enganado; a imbricação do nosso corpuse o arcabouço teórico coloca na ribalta a necessidade de políticas de comunicação organizacional norteadas pelo senso prático de outridade, transcendendo as relações puramente mercadológicas; ao mesmo tempo, lança luz sobre apremência de mais solidariedade, compaixão, capacidade de escuta, compreensão e coabitação para as corporações que funcionam em uma sociedade guiada pelo frenesi da ética da concorrência e da consumolatria. Esta tese evidencia que a atuação dos consumidores e das empresas no mundo on-line representa mais que um elemento circunstancial de (in) tolerância mútua; desenha um destino comum que pode ter como rumo a outridade solidária do próximo, aceitando a experiência da alteridade, o risco do fracasso e a esperança da confiança e do respeito que a comunicação pode conceber.


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Understanding how the brain processes vocal communication sounds is one of the most challenging problems in neuroscience. Our understanding of how the cortex accomplishes this unique task should greatly facilitate our understanding of cortical mechanisms in general. Perception of species-specific communication sounds is an important aspect of the auditory behavior of many animal species and is crucial for their social interactions, reproductive success, and survival. The principles of neural representations of these behaviorally important sounds in the cerebral cortex have direct implications for the neural mechanisms underlying human speech perception. Our progress in this area has been relatively slow, compared with our understanding of other auditory functions such as echolocation and sound localization. This article discusses previous and current studies in this field, with emphasis on nonhuman primates, and proposes a conceptual platform to further our exploration of this frontier. It is argued that the prerequisite condition for understanding cortical mechanisms underlying communication sound perception and production is an appropriate animal model. Three issues are central to this work: (i) neural encoding of statistical structure of communication sounds, (ii) the role of behavioral relevance in shaping cortical representations, and (iii) sensory–motor interactions between vocal production and perception systems.


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Rap phosphatases are a recently discovered family of protein aspartate phosphatases that dephosphorylate the Spo0F--P intermediate of the phosphorelay, thus preventing sporulation of Bacillus subtilis. They are regulators induced by physiological processes that are antithetical to sporulation. The RapA phosphatase is induced by the ComP-ComA two-component signal transduction system responsible for initiating competence. RapA phosphatase activity was found to be controlled by a small protein, PhrA, encoded on the same transcript as RapA. PhrA resembles secreted proteins and the evidence suggests that it is cleaved by signal peptidase I and a 19-residue C-terminal domain is secreted from the cell. The sporulation deficiency caused by the uncontrolled RapA activity of a phrA mutant can be complemented by synthetic peptides comprising the last six or more of the C-terminal residues of PhrA. Whether the peptide controls RapA activity directly or by regulating its synthesis remains to be determined. Complementation of the phrA mutant can also be obtained in mixed cultures with a wild-type strain, suggesting the peptide may serve as a means of communication between cells. Importation of the secreted peptide required the oligopeptide transport system. The sporulation deficiency of oligopeptide transport mutants can be suppressed by mutating the rapA and rapB genes or by introduction of a spo0F mutation Y13S that renders the protein insensitive to Rap phosphatases. The data indicate that the sporulation deficiency of oligopeptide transport mutants is due to their inability to import the peptides controlling Rap phosphatases.


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Nos últimos trinta anos, pesquisadores da área da saúde tem dado especial atenção ao tema da educação interprofissional (EIP), por esta estar relacionada com uma maior satisfação dos usuários e a oferta de uma assistência em saúde mais resolutiva e satisfatória. A necessidade de adotarmos a EIP como uma ferramenta para a formação de profissionais da saúde surge a partir do momento que percebemos que nosso sistema de saúde presta cuidados fragmentados e pouco resolutivos. Atualmente, estudos científicos comprovam que a prática colaborativa e um cuidado ofertado com qualidade é facilmente alcançável se os profissionais trabalharem em equipe com objetivos comuns, sendo imprenscindível o desenvolvimento de habilidades de comunicação interprofissional e prática colaborativa desde o início da graduação. Desta forma, este estudo tomou como objeto de investigação a educação interprofissional, no contexto da atenção primária a saúde e na perspectiva da integração do ensino com os serviços públicos de saúde, por meio do programa Pró PET-Saúde USP-Capital 2012/2014. A escolha do programa para o presente estudo foi devido a natureza interprofissional do projeto, visto que engloba estudantes, preceptores e tutores de diversos cursos da área da saúde e por este ter constituído um espaço privilegiado de aprendizado e aperfeiçoamento na formação em saúde, dando origem a outras iniciativas interprofissionais na Universidade de São Paulo (USP). A coleta de dados ocorreu de duas formas, sendo a primeira por meio de questionários individuais destinado aos profissionais de saúde (preceptores) e estudantes, com trechos da obra de Lewis Carroll \"As Aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas\", e por meio de um roteiro de entrevista destinado aos docentes (tutores) participantes do programa. Os dados obtidos foram analisados através da análise temática proposta por Minayo. Os resultados mostram que assim como a personagem Alice do livro de Carroll, muitas vezes ficamos confusos sobre quais opções escolher para aperfeiçoar a nossa formação em saúde. Se não soubermos onde queremos chegar, qualquer caminho se torna o certo, porém as evidências comprovam que a escolha por oportunidades de educação interprofissional na graduação e na pós graduação em saúde podem minimizar estereótipos e preconceitos formados pelos estudantes em relação as outras categorias profissionais e desenvolver habilidades de comunicação interprofissional e resolução de conflitos que contribuirá para uma prática colaborativa e a melhor assistência em saúde. Como produto do mestrado profissional foi elaborado um plano de aula destinado aos estudantes da USP com a finalidade de problematizar e permitir uma breve experiência da educação interprofissional.


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Latino family involvement is an important issue in the field of education. Effective strategies to promote family involvement in the Latino community are vital for the educational attainment of Latino students and emotional wellbeing of Latino families. This study used focus groups, in-depth interviews, and observations to examine Latino family involvement and the relationships and communication patterns between Latina mothers and daughters. The Latina mother-daughter relationship was studied in an effort to gain a better understanding of how this relationship affects a Latina daughter's educational attainment and sense of resiliency. Results indicated that a positive relationship between a Latina mother and daughter can increase a Latina daughter's level of educational attainment and sense of resiliency. Additionally, a Latina daughter's level of self-motivation can affect her level of educational attainment as well. Cultural narratives were found to be a common type of communication pattern used between Latina mothers and daughters. They were used to teach cultural values, life lessons, and experiential learning. By improving family involvement efforts within the Latino culture, Latino students will likely see drastic improvements in their overall levels of educational attainment and emotional wellbeing in schools. Implications for Latino students and families, schools that work with Latino families, and educational policy are also discussed.