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The biogeochemistry of iodine in the waters of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean was investigated during the Polarstern cruise ANTXXIV-3 ZERO&DRAKE. The speciation and distribution of iodine (iodate and iodide) in seawater was examined across gradients of iron concentrations and phytoplankton abundance, ranging from an open ocean region along the Zero Meridian to the Weddell Sea and Drake Passage. Iodine cycling in high latitudes differs from that in low latitudes due to differences in the plankton community composition and the physicochemical characteristics. Iodate concentrations ranged between 400 and 450 nmol/L from the surface to the bottom. Surface concentrations of iodide (17 to over 60 nmol/L) were about an order of magnitude higher than below the pycnocline. The peak values of iodide lay nearly always within the euphotic zone and showed a weak, positive correlation with nitrite concentrations in the upper 200 m. In all vertical profiles a pronounced sub-surface maximum in iodide appears between 50 and 200 m depth indicating an iodide drawdown at the near surface. Iodide distribution in the Weddell Sea showed elevated levels in Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) indicating slow oxidation kinetics and the potential for iodide as a tracer of WSBW formation.
Ice shelves strongly interact with coastal Antarctic sea ice and the associated ecosystem by creating conditions favourable to the formation of a sub-ice platelet layer. The close investigation of this phenomenon and its seasonal evolution remain a challenge due to logistical constraints and a lack of suitable methodology. In this study, we characterize the seasonal cycle of Antarctic fast ice adjacent to the Ekström Ice Shelf in the eastern Weddell Sea. We used a thermistor chain with the additional ability to record the temperature response induced by cyclic heating of resistors embedded in the chain. Vertical sea-ice temperature and heating profiles obtained daily between November 2012 and February 2014 were analyzed to determine sea-ice and snow evolution, and to calculate the basal energy budget. The residual heat flux translated into an ice-volume fraction in the platelet layer of 0.18 ± 0.09, which we reproduced by a independent model simulation and agrees with earlier results. Manual drillings revealed an average annual platelet-layer thickness increase of at least 4m, and an annual maximum thickness of 10m beneath second-year sea ice. The oceanic contribution dominated the total sea-ice production during the study, effectively accounting for up to 70% of second-year sea-ice growth. In summer, an oceanic heat flux of 21 W/m**2 led to a partial thinning of the platelet layer. Our results further show that the active heating method, in contrast to the acoustic sounding approach, is well suited to derive the fast-ice mass balance in regions influenced by ocean/ice-shelf interaction, as it allows sub-diurnal monitoring of the platelet-layer thickness.
The results of oceanographic observations on board the icebreaker "Shirase" and tidal observations at Syowa Station, Antarctica, are presented in this report. The oceanographic observations were carried out by the summer party of the 37th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-37) during the austral summer of 1995/1996. The tidal observations were carried out by the winter party of JARE-36 from February 1995 to January 1996.
Basalts recovered on DSDP Leg 92 include all the major basalt types so far recovered from the ocean crust of the eastern Pacific. Basalts from Holes 597, 597A, 597B, 597C, and 599B are tholeiites exhibiting all the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). Fragments of ferrobasalts and alkali basalts were also obtained, however, from Holes 60IB and 602B, respectively. Hole 597C, which penetrated 91 m into basement and is the deepest hole so far drilled in fast-spreading crust, yielded basalts that can be divided into three major lithologic units. The lowest unit, Unit III, contains modal olivine and comprises basalts which, at about 8 to 10% MgO, are as basic as any sampled from fast-spreading crust. The middle unit, Unit II, is the most evolved; its basalts are olivine free and contain between 6 and 7.5% MgO. The upper unit, Unit I, is intermediate in composition between Units II and III; it is characterized by both modal olivine and glomerocrysts made up of plagioclase and rare olivine. Unit I is probably a massive flow, whereas Units II and III may be massive flows or sills. The basalts appear to have undergone three stages of alteration ("deuteric," "relatively reducing," and "oxidizing"), the intensity of alteration decreasing markedly downcore. Hole 597B, at 26.4 m of basement penetration the only other "deep" hole, contains just one lithologic unit, which closely resembles Unit I of Hole 597C. Petrogenetic modeling reveals that the three lithologic units in Hole 597C are cogenetic and that they were derived from a depleted mantle source similar to the source of the tholeiites and ferrobasalts sampled in other holes; the alkali basalts are the only rocks derived from enriched mantle. Lavas of Unit III probably lay on the olivine-plagioclase cotectic, whereas the other lavas lay on an olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene peritectic. Some 60% of closed-system crystallization is needed to generate the most-evolved from the last-fractionated tholeiite, and a further 50% crystallization (80% overall) is needed to generate the ferrobasalts. Xenocrysts of calcic plagioclase and pseudomorphosed olivine in tholeiites from Hole 597B and Unit I of Hole 597C, and in the ferrobasalts from Hole 601B, provide evidence, however, that some magma mixing may have taken place.