999 resultados para latinalaisamerikkalainen musiikki - choro - Brasilia
The ten years since the Olivos Protocol entered into force represent a milestone in Mercosur’s dispute-resolution system. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze the antecedents of the present system (Annex III of Asuncion Treaty and Brasilia Protocol), and evaluate the present conflict-resolution mechanisms, with special reference to the innovations introduced in this respect and disputes resolved under the Olivos Protocol. Finally, the article analyzes some of the possible paths that the dispute-resolution system might take in the future.
Presenta las reseñas de los siguientes libros: María Fernanda Cartagena y Christian León. El museo desbordado: debates contemporáneos en torno a la musealidad. Quito: Abya-Yala, 2014, 120 pp. -- María Luisa Soux. Estudios sobre la Constitución, la ley y la justicia en Charcas, entre Colonia y República. Aproximaciones desde la historia del derecho. La Paz: AE CID /IE B, 2013, 124 pp. -- Luís Cláudio Villafañe G. Santos. A América do Sul no discurso diplomático brasileiro. Brasilia: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG ), 2014, 247 pp.
Background: Tissue engineering principles could improve the incorporation of acellular dermal matrix (ADM). The aim of this study is to verify if ADM is a suitable three-dimensional matrix for gingival fibroblasts and cancerous cells ingrowth, and also if cultured medium conditioned in ADM affect cellular behavior. Methods: Canine gingival fibroblasts (CGF), human gingival fibroblasts (HGF), and murine melanoma cell line (B16F10) were seeded on ADM for up to 14 days. The following parameters were assessed: morphology and distribution of CGF, HGF, and B16F10; CGF and HGF viability; and the effect of ADM conditioned medium (CM) on CGF viability. Results: Epifluorescence revealed that CGF were unevenly distributed on the ADM surface, showing no increase in cell number over the periods of study; HGF formed a monolayer on the ADM surface in a higher number at 14 days (P<0.05); B16F10 exhibited an increase in cell number within 7 days (P<0.05), and were mainly arranged in cell aggregates on the ADM, forming a continuous layer at 14 days. A higher percentage of cells on the ADM surface (P<0.05) compared to inside was observed for all cell types. 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MU) values indicated higher cell viability in samples cultured with HGF compared to CGF (P=0.024). A significantly lower cell viability for CGF grown in CM compared to cells grown in non-CM was observed at 48 and 72 hours (P<0.05). Conclusions: ADM is not suitable as a three-dimensional matrix for gingival fibroblasts ingrowth. Gingival fibroblasts and highly proliferative cells as B16F10 can only be superficially located on ADM, and CGF are negatively affected by culture medium conditioned in ADM, reducing its viability. J Periodontol 2011;82:293-301.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate ex vivo the accuracy an electronic apex locator during root canal length determination in primary molars. Methods: One calibrated examiner determined the root canal length in 15 primary molars (total=34 root canals) with different stages of root resorption. Root canal length was measured both visually, with the placement of a K-file 1 mm short of the apical foramen or the apical resorption bevel, and electronically using an electronic apex locator (Digital Signal Processing). Data were analyzed statistically using the intraclass correlation (ICC) test. Results: Comparing the actual and electronic root canal length measurements in the primary teeth showed a high correlation (ICC=0.95) Conclusions: The Digital Signal Processing apex locator is useful and accurate for apex foramen location during root canal length measurement in primary molars. (Pediatr Dent 200937:320-2) Received April 75, 2008 vertical bar Lost Revision August 21, 2008 vertical bar Revision Accepted August 22, 2008
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the contamination of toothbrushes and pacifiers by Streptococcus mutans, and the efficacy of microwave and chlorhexidine for their disinfection. Methods: Sixty pacifiers and 60 toothbrushes were contaminated with S mutans and then divided into groups according to the disinfection protocol: Group 1-chlorhexidine solution; Group 2-microwave sterilization; and Group 3-sterile tap water. The devices were evaluated microbiologically as to the formation of S mutans colonies/biofilms and were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The results were submitted for statistical analysis by Friedman`s test at a 5% significance level. Results: The results of both types of evaluation showed a large number of S mutans colonies/biofilms after spraying with sterile tap water, and chlorhexidine spraying and microwaving were effective in eliminate colonies/biofilms. Groups 1 and 2 were statistically similar to each other (P>.05) and differed significantly from Group 3 (P<.05). Conclusions: The 0.12% chlorhexidine solution spray and 7 minutes of microwave irradiation were effective for disinfection of pacifiers and toothbrushes. (Pediatr Dent 2011;33:10-3) Received July 29, 2009 I Last Revision January 26, 2010 I Accepted March 10, 2010
Influences of inbreeding on daily milk yield (DMY), age at first calving (AFC), and calving intervals (CI) were determined on a highly inbred zebu dairy subpopulation of the Guzerat breed. Variance components were estimated using animal models in single-trait analyses. Two approaches were employed to estimate inbreeding depression: using individual increase in inbreeding coefficients or using inbreeding coefficients as possible covariates included in the statistical models. The pedigree file included 9,915 animals, of which 9,055 were inbred, with an average inbreeding coefficient of 15.2%. The maximum inbreeding coefficient observed was 49.45%, and the average inbreeding for the females still in the herd during the analysis was 26.42%. Heritability estimates were 0.27 for DMY and 0.38 for AFC. The genetic variance ratio estimated with the random regression model for CI ranged around 0.10. Increased inbreeding caused poorer performance in DMY, AFC, and CI. However, some of the cows with the highest milk yield were among the highly inbred animals in this subpopulation. Individual increase in inbreeding used as a covariate in the statistical models accounted for inbreeding depression while avoiding overestimation that may result when fitting inbreeding coefficients.
Background: The cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 3A5 (CYP3A5) has an important role on biotransformation of xenobiotics. CYP3A5 SNPs have been associated with variations on enzyme activity that can modify the metabolism of several drugs. Methods: In order to evaluate the influence of CYP3A5 variants on response to lowering-cholesterol drugs, 139 individuals with hypercholesterolemia were selected. After a wash-out period of 4 weeks, individuals were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks). Genomic DNA was extracted by a salting-out procedure. CYP3A5*3C, CYP3A5*6 and CYP3A5*1D were analyzed by PCR-RFLP and DNA sequencing. Results: >Frequencies of the CYP3A5*3C and CYP3A5*1D alleles were lower in individuals of African descent (*3C: 47.8% and *1D: 55.2%) than in non-Africans (*3C: 84.9% and *1D 84.8%, p<0.01). Non-Africans carrying *3A allele (*3C and *1D combined alleles) had lower total and LDL-cholesterol response to atorvastatin than non-*3A allele carriers (p<0.05). Conclusion: CYP3A5*3A allele is associated with reduced cholesterol-lowering response to atorvastatin in non-African individuals. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The largest earthquake observed in the stable continental interior of the South American plate occurred in Serra do Tombador, Mato Grosso state - Brazil, on January 31,1955 with a magnitude of 6.2 m(b). Since then no other earthquake has been located near the 1955 epicentre. However, in Porto dos Gauchos, 100 km northeast of Serra do Tombador, a recurrent seismicity has been observed since 1959. Both Serra do Tombador and Porto dos Gauchos are located in the Phanerozoic Parecis basin. Two magnitude 5 earthquakes occurred in Porto dos Gauchos, in 1998 and 2005, with intensities up to VI and V, respectively. These two main shocks were followed by aftershock sequences lasting more than three years each. Local seismic stations have been deployed by the Seismological Observatory of the University of Brasilia since 1998 to study the ""Porto dos Gauchos"" seismic zone (PGSZ). A local seismic refraction survey was carried out with two explosions to help define the seismic velocity model. Both the 1998 and 2005 earthquake sequences occurred in the same WSW-ENE oriented fault zone with right-lateral strike-slip mechanisms. The epicentral zone is in the Parecis basin, near its northern border where there are buried grabens, generally trending WNW-ESE, such as the deep Mesoproterozoic Caiabis graben which lies partly beneath the Parecis basin. However, the epicentral distribution indicates that the 1998 and 2005 sequences are related to a N60 degrees E fault which probably crosses the entire Caiabis graben. The 1955 earthquake, despite the uncertainty in its epicentre, does not seem to be directly related to any buried graben either. The seismicity in the Porto dos Gauchos seismic zone, therefore, is not directly related to rifted crust. The probable direction of the maximum horizontal stress near Porto dos Gauchos is roughly E-W, consistent with other focal mechanisms further south in the Pantanal basin and Paraguay. but seems to be different from the NW-SE direction observed further north in the Amazon basin. The recurrent seismicity observed in Porto dos Gauchos, and the large 1955 earthquake nearby, make this area of the Parecis basin one of the most important seismic zones of Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Levels of ethylene and polyamines (PAs) were measured during organogenesis of hypocotyl explants of two species of passion fruit (Passiflora cincinnata Masters and Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener `FB-100`) to better understand the relationships of these regulators and their influence on cell differentiation and morphogenesis. Moreover, histological investigation of shoot ontogenesis was conducted to characterize the different events involved in cell redifferentiation and regulation of PA and ethylene levels. A delay was observed in morphogenic responses of P. edulis f. flavicarpa as compared to P. cincinnata, and these changes coincided with production of elevated levels of polyamine and ethylene levels. During differentiation, cells showed high rates of expansion and elongation, and high ethylene levels were associated with high PA levels, suggesting that the two biosynthesis pathways were highly regulated. Moreover, their interaction might be an important factor for determining cell differentiation. The addition of PAs to the culture medium did not promote organogenesis; however, the incorporation of the PA inhibitor methylglyoxal bisguanylhydrazone in the culture medium reduced shoot bud differentiation, suggesting the need to maintaining a minimum level of PAs for morphogenic events to take place.
Familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification, also known as ""Fahr`s disease"" (FD), is a neuropsychiatric disorder with autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance and characterized by symmetric basal ganglia calcifications and, occasionally, other brain regions. Currently, there are three loci linked to this devastating disease. The first one (IBGC1) is located in 14q11.2-21.3 and the other two have been identified in 2q37 (IBGC2) and 8p21.1-q11.13 (IBGC3). Further studies identified a heterozygous variation (rs36060072) which consists in the change of the cytosine to guanine located at MGEA6/CTAGE5 gene, present in all of the affected large American family linked to IBGC1. This missense substitution, which induces changes of a proline to alanine at the 521 position (P521A), in a proline-rich and highly conserved protein domain was considered a rare variation, with a minor allele frequency (MAF) of 0.0058 at the US population. Considering that the population frequency of a given variation is an indirect indicative of potential pathogenicity, we screened 200 chromosomes in a random control set of Brazilian samples and in two nuclear families, comparing with our previous analysis in a US population. In addition, we accomplished analyses through bioinformatics programs to predict the pathogenicity of such variation. Our genetic screen found no P521A carriers. Polling these data together with the previous study in the USA, we have now a MAF of 0.0036, showing that this mutation is very rare. On the other hand, the bioinformatics analysis provided conflicting findings. There are currently various candidate genes and loci that could be involved with the underlying molecular basis of FD etiology, and other groups suggested the possible role played by genes in 2q37, related to calcium metabolism, and at chromosome 8 (NRG1 and SNTG1). Additional mutagenesis and in vivo studies are necessary to confirm the pathogenicity for variation in the P521A MGEA6.
Solar radiation sustains and affects all life forms on Earth. The increase in solar UV-radiation at environmental levels, due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, highlights serious issues of social concern. This becomes still more dramatic in tropical and subtropical regions where radiation-intensity is still higher. Thus, there is the need to evaluate the harmful effects of solar UV-radiation on the DNA molecule as a basis for assessing the risks involved for human health, biological productivity and ecosystems. In order to evaluate the profile of DNA damage induced by this form of radiation and its genotoxic effects, plasmid DNA samples were exposed to artificial-UV lamps and directly to sunlight. The induction of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photoproducts (CPDs) and oxidative DNA damage in these molecules were evaluated by means of specific DNA repair enzymes. On the other hand, the biological effects of such lesions were determined through the analysis of the DNA inactivation rate and mutation frequency, after replication of the damaged pCMUT vector in an Escherichia coli MBL50 strain. The results indicated the induction of a significant number of CPDs after exposure to increasing doses of UVC, UVB, UVA radiation and sunlight. Interestingly, these photoproducts are those lesions that better correlate with plasmid inactivation as well as mutagenesis, and the oxidative DNA damages induced present very low correlation with these effects. The results indicated that DNA photoproducts play the main role in the induction of genotoxic effects by artificial UV-radiation sources and sunlight. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Xanthomonadales comprises one of the largest phytopathogenic bacterial groups, and is currently classified within the gamma-proteobacteria. However, the phylogenetic placement of this group is not clearly resolved, and the results of different studies contradict one another. In this work, the evolutionary position of Xanthomonadales was determined by analyzing the presence of shared insertions and deletions (INDELs) in highly conserved proteins. Several distinctive insertions found in most of the members of the gamma-proteobacteria are absent in Xanthomonadales and groups such as Legionelalles, Chromatiales, Methylococcales, Thiotrichales and Cardiobacteriales. These INDELs were most likely introduced after the branching of Xanthomonadales from most of the gamma-proteobacteria and provide evidence for the phylogenetic placement of the early gamma-proteobacteria. Moreover, other proteins contain insertions exclusive to the Xanthomonadales order, confirming that this is a monophyletic group and provide important specific genetic markers. Thus, the data presented clearly support the Xanthomonadales group as an independent subdivision, and constitute one of the deepest branching lineage within the gamma-proteobacteria clade. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Doxorubicin (DOX), a member of the anthracycline group, is a widely used drug in cancer therapy. The mechanisms of DOX action include topoisomerase II-poisoning, free radical release, DNA adducts and interstrand cross-link (ICL) formation. Nucleotide excision repair(NER) is involved in the removal of helix-distorting lesions and chemical adducts, however, little is known about the response of NER-deficient cell lines to anti-tumoral drugs like DOX. Wild type and XPD-mutated cells, harbouring mutations in different regions of this gene and leading to XP-D, XP/CS or TTD diseases, were treated with this drug and analyzed for cell cycle arrest and DNA damage by comet assay. The formation of DSBs was also investigated by determination of gamma H2AX foci. Our results indicate that all three NER-deficient cell lines tested are more sensitive to DOX treatment, when compared to wild type cells or XP cells complemented by the wild type XPD cDNA, suggesting that NER is involved in the removal of DOX-induced lesions. The cell cycle analysis showed the characteristic G2 arrest in repair-proficient MRC5 cell line after DOX treatment, whereas the repair-deficient cell lines presented significant increase in sub-G1 fraction. The NER-deficient cell lines do not show different patterns of DNA damage formation as assayed by comet assay and phosphorylated H2AX foci formation. Knock-down of topoisomerase II alpha with siRNA leads to increased survival in both MRC5 and XP cells, however, XP cell line still remained significantly more sensitive to the treatment by DOX. Our study suggests that the enhanced sensitivity is due to DOX-induced DNA damage that is subject to NER, as we observed decreased unscheduled DNA synthesis in XP-deficient cells upon DOX treatment. Furthermore, the complementation of the XPD-function abolished the observed sensitivity at lower DOX concentrations, suggesting that the XPD helicase activity is involved in the repair of DOX-induced lesions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, the biodegradation mechanism of phenol and sub products (such as catechol and hydroquinone) in Chromobacterium violaceum was investigated by cloning and molecular characterization of a phenol monooxygenase gene in Escherichia coli. This gene (Cvmp) is very similar (74 and 59% of similarity and identity, respectively) to the ortholog from Ralstonia eutropha, bacteria capable of utilizing phenol as the sole carbon source. The phenol biodegradation ability of E. coli recombinant strains was tested by cell-growth in a minimal medium containing phenol as the sole source of carbon and release of intermediary metabolites (catechol and hydroquinone). Interestingly, during the growth of these strains on phenol, catechol, and hydroquinone accumulated transiently in the medium. These metabolites were further analyzed by HPLC. These results indicated that phenol can be initially orto or para hydroxylated to produce cathecol or hydroquinone, respectively, followed by meta-cleavage of aromatic rings. To verify this information, the metabolites obtained from HPLC were submitted to LC/MS to confirm their chemical structure, thereby indicating that the recombinant strains utilize two different routes simultaneously, leading to different ring-fission substrates for the metabolism of phenol. (C) KSBB
Xeroderma pigmentosum patients suffer from extreme photosensitivity caused by a genetic defect in DNA repair pathways. This condition obliges them to live in darkness and avoid sunshine. Although the molecular basis of the defect has been known for more than 40 years now, the treatment possibilities are very limited, and to date all have been focused on the skin. Herein, we summarize the effects of sunlight and the molecular mechanisms implicated in the defects that lead to this syndrome, as well as the strategies that have been tested to alleviate skin manifestations, including cancer. Preclinical attempts to correct genetic defects by means of different gene therapy approaches are also described. All these efforts are now bringing hope and some light into the life of patients and their families.