840 resultados para island tourism


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In this present study macro benthos of minicoy island lakshadweep, an attempt has been made to study the distribution and community structure of benthos at different ecosystems. The main objectives of the study include the identification of benthic fauna, their distribution and composition, standing stock, qualitative and quantitative nature in relation to hydrography,seasons and sediment texture, community structure analysis and tropic relationships. This base line study at Minicoy,thus establishes that the benthos of sea grass and mangrove ecosystems(nursery grounds) determines the richness and diversity of demersal fish fauna at the nearby lagoon and reef areas to a great extent. Any serious stress on these ecosystems may lead to disappearance of certain fish species in the nearby future


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School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The tiniest Union territory of India, Lakshadweep, is an archipelago, with an area of 32 Sq. km. consisting of 12 atolls, three reefs and five submerged banks, lies between 8° and 12°30'N latitudes and 71° and 74" E longitudes. It is one of the most important and critical territories of India from economic and defence point of view. Specialised environment having typical geological set up, Lakshadweep is ecologically sensitive to even slight climatic or anthropogenic interference. Pollution of coastal seas, over exploitation and contamination of the fresh water sources are thus become great concerns to the existence of the island. Typical geological set up and interference cause threat to the ecology of the fragile environment and resources of the island as well as its resources. Marine pollution and ground water contamination are concerns in this regard. Even though attentions were made to assess the physico—chemical and bacteriological status of the marine and groundwater systems separately, an integrated approach has not been evolved. The present study with its broad objectives is attempted for an integrated assessment of microbiological, physicochemical and biological characteristics of the surrounding seawater and microbiological and physico—chemical characteristics of the ground water in Kavaratti island. The entire study has been organised in 4 chapters


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Assessment water’ quality nowa-days in global scenario implies the need for a reference point against which monitoring can be measured and weighed. Aquatic ecosystenis as part of the natural environment are balanced both witliin tlicinselves and with other environmental compartments and this equilibrium is subject to natural variations and evolutions as well as variations caused by human intervention. The present assessnient is to identify. and possibly quantify, anthropogenic influences over time against a “natural baseline situation. Water pollution problems have only recently been taken seriously in retrospect. Once damage occurred, it becomes immeasurable, and control action cannot be initiated


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Tourism is an industry which is heavily dependent on marketing. Mouth to mouth communication has played a major role in shaping a number of destinations.This is particularly true in modern parlance.This is social networking phenomenon which is fast spreading over the internet .Many sites provide visitors a lot of freedom to express their views.Promotion of a destination depends lot on conversation and exchange of information over these social networks.This paper analyses the social networking sites their contribution to marketing tourism and hoapitality .The negetive impacts phenomena are also discussed


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Tourism being a smokeless industry is now a multi-billion, multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional activity in the world. Twenty first century tourism has reached up to space when a Russian rocket carried the space vehicle of Dennis Tito, an American businessman and the world’s first space tourist, to the space station. Time is not too far to carry tourists to moon and other planets in specially launched vehicles. Tourism is being considered as an agent of social change bridging gaps among nations, regions and people and helping them to open up. It is a promoter of development-material and spiritual both at macro and micro level. The General Assembly of the United Nations, in designating the year 1967 as ‘International Tourism Year’ recognized the importance of international travel as a means of fostering understanding among people, and giving them a knowledge of the rich heritage of the past civilizations, a better appreciation of the values of different cultures, thus contributing to the strengthening of world peace. It adopted the theme “Tourism-Passport to peace”. Our veteran national leader and the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru had said” welcome a tourist and send back a friend” which indicates the need for extending friendly hospitality to the in bound tourists. Modern transportation has removed the obstacles of distance enabling people to appreciate each other engage in the exchange of ideas and commerce. Tourism can help overcome real prejudices and foster bonds. Tourism can be a real force of world peace. Considering the vast and varied potential of tourism in the state and its impact on the economic, social and cultural environment of the state, a detailed study is found to be relevant and imperative


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For over 1,000 years, the Balinese have developed a unique system of democratic and sustainable water irrigation. It has shaped the cultural landscapes of Bali and enables local communities to manage the ecology of terraced rice fields at the scale of whole watersheds. The Subak system has made the Balinese the most productive rice growers in Indonesia and ensures a high level of food sovereignty for a dense population on the volcanic island. The Subak system provides a vibrant example of a diverse, ecologically sustainable, economically productive and democratic water management system that is also characterized by its nonreliance on fossil fuel derivatives or heavy machinery. In 2012, UNESCO has recognized five rice terraces and their water temples as World Heritage site and supports its conservation and protection. However, the fragile Subak system is threatened for its complexity and interconnectedness by new agricultural practices and increasing tourism on the island.


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The paper analyses the regional flows of domestic tourism that took place in Spain in year 2000, contributing to the state of knowledge on tourism required by authorities and private firms when faced with decision making, for example, for regional infrastructure planning. Although tourism is one of the main income-generating economic activities in Spain, domestic tourism has received little attention in the literature compared to inbound tourism. The paper uses among others, gravitational model tools and concentration indices, to analyse regional concentration of both domestic demand and supply; tourism flows among regions, and the causes that may explain the observed flows and attractiveness between regions. Among the most remarkable results are the high regional concentration of demand and supply, and the role of population and regional income as explanatory variables. Also remarkable are the attractiveness of own region and neighbour ones, and that domestic tourism may be acting as a regional income redistributing activity


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Innovation is a research topic with a broad tradition. However, learning processes, from which innovations emerge, and the dynamics of change and development have traditionally been studied in relation with the manufacturing sector. Moreover, the objects of study have been usually process and tangible product innovations. Although recently researchers have focused their attention in other sectors, more research on service innovation should be carried out. Furthermore, regarding innovation in tourism, there is a need to adapt generic theories to the tourism sector and to contribute with new ideas. In order to find out, which are the origins of innovation processes, it is necessary to look into two fundamental subjects that are inherent to innovation, which are learning and interaction. Both are closely related. The first appears to be an intrinsic condition of individuals. Moreover, it can also be identified in organizations. Thus, learning allows individuals as well as organizations to develop. However, learning and development is not possible without taking the environment into account. Hence, it is necessary that interactions take place between individuals, groups of individuals, organizations, etc. Furthermore, the concept of interaction implies the transfer of knowledge, which is the basis for innovations. The purposes of this master thesis are to study in detail several of these topics and to develop a conceptual framework for the research on innovation in tourism


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L’objectiu principal del treball és analitzar les polítiques i plans turístics irlandesos nacionals, regionals i locals, i determinar com aquestos influeixen en el turisme urbà a Dublín. L’objectiu secundari és investigar el concepte de turisme urbà i examinar les tendències turístiques actuals i la seva repercussió en la formulació de polítiques


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El desarrollo de la presente investigación, centra su atención en las capacidades dinámicas que influyen en la operación de la Red de Turismo de La Candelaria de Bogotá. Para este fin, se realizó una encuesta a 100 directivos o dueños de las empresas que conforman dicha red, y que es una muestra significativa para los propósitos de la investigación, puesto que permite describir a nivel de la empresa y a nivel de la red, la influencia de las capacidades dinámicas de absorción, adaptación e innovación. Como resultados, se obtuvieron que al nivel de empresas las tres capacidades dinámicas influyen en la operación de la misma, encontrándose una mayor relación entre las capacidades de “Innovación – Adaptación"; a nivel de red empresarial ocurre lo contrario, puesto que la relación de las capacidades dinámicas de “Innovación – Adaptación” es nula, mientras que las relaciones entre “Absorción – Innovación” y “Absorción – Adaptación” poseen una alta relación para la operación de la red. Lo anterior, se deriva del análisis realizado de los datos tabulados de la encuesta aplicada a las empresas de la red de turismo, con los estudios empíricos hallados que proponen escalas de medición para las capacidades dinámicas de absorción, adaptación e innovación, y el marco teórico elaborado como soporte para la presente investigación.


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El proyecto arranca de una idea central que consiste en programar todas las clases de inglés que correspondan a los dos ciclos de la ESO, partiendo de dos realidades culturales, como son: -la isla en la que vive el alumno con sus implicaciones en la región 'I shall show you my island'. -El lugar donde se habla la lengua, objeto de aprendizaje (inglés) 'You will show me your country'. El grupo de trabajo está compuesto por 19 docentes tanto de EGB como de bachillerato, y pertenecen a la isla de La Palma todos ellos. El objetivo general que se propone es lograr desarrollar las capacidades de los alumnos en los ámbitos cognitivos, afectivos y sociales tomando como base para su logro las vivencias que el medio en que se desarrollan les son consustanciales con su propia vida. Desde un principio se propuso llevar a cabo una unidad didáctica conectada al 'proyecto general', de tal manera que fuese coherente y siguiese una línea general y espiral con el resto de las once unidades restantes que forman en su conjunto todo el proyecto de enseñanza de la ESO. La unidad didáctica como un 'todo' organizado no se ha llevado a la práctica este curso, sin embargo a medida que se iba elaborando material, se iba investigando en el aula. Además de la aportación de la asesora de inglés, este trabajo se ha apoyado en: libros de texto, revistas pedagógicas, material de reprografía, medios informáticos, etc. En cuanto a la valoración del proyecto ha sido muy positiva tanto por el propio grupo de trabajo como por el público asistente a las Jornadas de Innovación celebradas en La Palma y donde pudo presentarse la experiencia..


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El presente trabajo comenzará por abordar los antecedentes históricos y la caracterización del grupo étnico raizal desde una perspectiva jurídica enfocada en el turismo, el medio ambiente y la especial protección nacional e internacional del grupo étnico para el caso de la isla de Providencia, Colombia. A continuación se realizará un análisis del fenómeno turístico, incluyendo aspectos relacionados con los estudios del turismo y el desarrollo sostenible de esta actividad. A partir de este análisis, se examinarán los antecedentes y las características del modelo actual de desarrollo turístico en el municipio de Providencia y Santa Catalina. En el marco de los resultados del análisis anterior, se realizará una exposición de los aspectos jurídicos relacionados con el ordenamiento ambiental del territorio en el caso de la ampliación y remodelación del Aeropuerto el Embrujo en zona amortiguadora del Parque Nacional Natural Old Providence and Mc Bean Lagoon. Por último se expondrán las conclusiones y algunas recomendaciones.


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This document examines, bases on the analysis of observable characteristics, if an income gapexists between the raizal population and non raizal population of San Andres Island. For thispurpose, the information of the SISBEN II survey for the year 2004, compelled by the NationalPlanning Department (DNP, Spanish acronym) is used. The methodological strategy uses quantileregressions to determine the existence of pay gaps throughout the distribution of income. Theresults suggest that being raizal has a negative impact on income for the lower quantiles. However,this difference vanishes as income increases, becoming positive at higher levels.