965 resultados para innovative solution
Kochi, the commercial capital of Kerala, South India and second most important city next to Mumbai on the Western coast is a land having a wide variety of residential environments. Due to rapid population growth, changing lifestyles, food habits and living standards, institutional weaknesses, improper choice of technology and public apathy, the present pattern of the city can be classified as that of haphazard growth with typical problems characteristics of unplanned urban development especially in the case of solid waste management. To have a better living condition for us and our future generations, we must know where we are now and how far we need to go. We, each individual must calculate how much nature we use and compare it to how much nature we have available. This can be achieved by applying the concept of ecological footprint. Ecological footprint analysis (EFA) is a quantitative tool that represents the ecological load imposed on earth by humans in spatial terms. The aim of applying EFA to Kochi city is to quantify the consumption and waste generation of a population and to compare it with the existing biocapacity. By quantifying the ecological footprint we can formulate strategies to reduce the footprint and there by having a sustainable living. The paper discusses the various footprint components of Kochi city and in detail analyses the waste footprint of the residential areas using waste footprint analyzer. An attempt is also made to suggest some waste foot print reduction strategies thereby making the city sustainable as far as solid waste management is concerned.
In this work, we present a generic formula for the polynomial solution families of the well-known differential equation of hypergeometric type s(x)y"n(x) + t(x)y'n(x) - lnyn(x) = 0 and show that all the three classical orthogonal polynomial families as well as three finite orthogonal polynomial families, extracted from this equation, can be identified as special cases of this derived polynomial sequence. Some general properties of this sequence are also given.
In this 1984 proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures de Branges used a positivity result of special functions which follows from an identity about Jacobi polynomial sums thas was published by Askey and Gasper in 1976. The de Branges functions Tn/k(t) are defined as the solutions of a system of differential recurrence equations with suitably given initial values. The essential fact used in the proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures is the statement Tn/k(t)<=0. In 1991 Weinstein presented another proof of the Bieberbach and Milin conjectures, also using a special function system Λn/k(t) which (by Todorov and Wilf) was realized to be directly connected with de Branges', Tn/k(t)=-kΛn/k(t), and the positivity results in both proofs Tn/k(t)<=0 are essentially the same. In this paper we study differential recurrence equations equivalent to de Branges' original ones and show that many solutions of these differential recurrence equations don't change sign so that the above inequality is not as surprising as expected. Furthermore, we present a multiparameterized hypergeometric family of solutions of the de Branges differential recurrence equations showing that solutions are not rare at all.
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Innovations- und Globalisierungspolitik in kleinen Transformationsländern am Beispiel Mazedoniens; diese wurde mit der Lage in Slowenien verglichen, einem Land von ungefähr gleicher Größe und mit gemeinsamer Vergangenheit als Teilrepublik der Jugoslawischen Föderation, aber mit einem wesentlich höheren ökonomischen Entwicklungsstand. Innovation wird dabei verstanden als „Herstellung, Anpassung und Ausnutzung von Neuerungen“, und sie wird durch das Umfeld, in dem sie stattfindet, beeinflusst. Anpassung und Ausnutzung sind gerade für kleine Transformationsländer von erheblicher Bedeutung, da ihre Fähigkeit zu Herstellung von Neuerungen sehr begrenzt sind. Die Rolle der Innovationspolitik besteht hierbei darin, institutionelle und organisationelle Regulierungen einzuführen, die ein günstiges Umfeld sowohl für Innovationen als auch für die Entwicklung eines nationalen Innovationssystems schaffen. Die Rolle der Politik besteht also nicht in der Innovation als solcher, sondern in der Herstellung der notwendigen Bedingungen für die Industrie und die Forschungseinrichtungen dahingehend zu schaffen, dass sie ihr Wissen, ihre Fertigkeiten und ihre praktischen Erfahrungen für innovative Tätigkeiten einsetzen können. Auf der einen Seite gibt es Institutionen und Organisationen, ohne die die Unternehmen rückständig und wenig leistungsstark wären (etwa das Patentamt oder Institutionen höherer Bildung), und auf der anderen Seite gibt es Institutionen und Organisationen, welche die Unternehmen dabei unterstützen, dass sie ihre Tätigkeit weiter unterstützen (z.B. durch Technologietransfer-Zentren und Netzwerke). Die Leistungen dieser Institutionen und Organisationen sind von großer Bedeutung für die nationalen Innovationssysteme und sollten ihrerseits durch Innovationspolitik unterstützt werden; dies bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass diese Leistungen vom Staat bereitgestellt werden, vielmehr sollte die Wirtschaftspolitik Möglichkeiten für die öffentlich/private oder sogar rein private Bereitstellung solcher Leistungen in Erwägung ziehen; dies würde nicht nur die Kosten für den Staat senken, sondern auch die Effizienz bei der Erstellung dieser Leistungen steigern. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass das größte Problem der Innovationspolitik in Mazedonien darin besteht, dass es sie gar nicht gibt, und zwar nicht als Folge einer bewussten Entscheidung darüber. Tatsächlich müssen Ressourcen und Zeit für die Schaffung eines nationalen Innovationssystems eingesetzt werden mit Hilfe einer Politik, die sich auf die wesentlichen Umrisse konzentriert, wobei die Nachfrage nach Technologie im Unternehmensbereich gesteigert wird und das Wissen und das Informationsangebot restrukturiert wird. Dieses System muss offen sein, unter beständigem Verbesserungsdruck stehen und fähig sein, sich an Veränderungen anzupassen. Damit eine solche Politik erfolgreich ist, muss es einen Konsens darüber zwischen allen beteiligten Akteuren geben und darüber hinaus auch eine Kohärenz zwischen den verschiedenen politischen Institutionen. Das ist deswegen wichtig, weil der Innovationsprozess komplex ist und verschiedene Politikbereiche berührt. Ziel sollte die Schaffung eines Systems sein, das einerseits auf Autonomie und Kooperation aufbaut, andererseits aber auch Wettbewerb zwischen den beteiligten Institutionen und Organisationen fördert. Eine wichtige Bedingung für ein positives Investitionsklima im Bereich der Innovation ist die Erreichung von makroökonomischer Stabilität. Die gegenwärtige Situation ist gekennzeichnet durch Instabilität des Rechtswesens, durch Korruption und Probleme des Vertragsschutzes, die sowohl ausländische als auch inländische Akteure davon abhält, sich in wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten in Mazedonien zu engagieren. Bei der Suche nach einem Ausweg aus diesen Problemen ist es wichtig für Mazedonien, von anderen Ländern wie Slowenien zu lernen, die ähnliche Probleme haben, aber auch schon Erfahrungen in der Problemlösung. Man muss dabei beachten, dass der Entwicklungsstand, das wirtschaftliche und das politische Umfeld in beiden Vergleichsländern sich erheblich unterscheiden, so dass die Lektionen, die Mazedonien von Slowenien lernen könnte, nicht direkt übertragen und kopiert werden können, sondern entsprechend angepasst werden müssen. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert Einsichten in die Probleme der Innovationspolitik in Transformationsländern und liefert daher sowohl einen Anreiz als auch eine Quelle von Informationen für künftige Analysen der wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen und vor allem Innovationspolitik in Transformationsländern.
Motiviert durch die Lebenswissenschaften (Life sciences) haben sich Untersuchungen zur Dynamik von Makromolekülen in Lösungen in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem zukunftsweisenden Forschungsgebiet etabliert, dessen Anwendungen von der Biophysik über die physikalische Chemie bis hin zu den Materialwissenschaften reichen. Neben zahlreichen experimentellen Forschungsprogrammen zur räumlichen Struktur und den Transporteigenschaften grosser MolekÄule, wie sie heute praktisch an allen (Synchrotron-) Strahlungsquellen und den Laboren der Biophysik anzutreffen sind, werden gegenwärtig daher auch umfangreiche theoretische Anstrengungen unternommen, um das Diffusionsverhalten von Makromolekülen besser zu erklären. Um neue Wege für eine quantitative Vorhersagen des Translations- und Rotationsverhaltens grosser Moleküle zu erkunden, wurde in dieser Arbeit ein semiphänomenologischer Ansatz verfolgt. Dieser Ansatz erlaubte es, ausgehend von der Hamiltonschen Mechanik des Gesamtsystems 'Molekül + Lösung', eine Mastergleichung für die Phasenraumdichte der Makromoleküle herzuleiten, die den Einfluss der Lösung mittels effektiver Reibungstensoren erfasst. Im Rahmen dieses Ansatzes gelingt es z.B. (i) sowohl den Einfluss der Wechselwirkung zwischen den makromolekularen Gruppen (den sogenannten molekularen beads) und den Lösungsteilchen zu analysieren als auch (ii) die Diffusionseigen schaften für veschiedene thermodynamische Umgebungen zu untersuchen. Ferner gelang es auf der Basis dieser Näherung, die Rotationsbewegung von grossen Molekülen zu beschreiben, die einseitig auf einer Oberfläche festgeheftet sind. Im Vergleich zu den aufwendigen molekulardynamischen (MD) Simulationen grosser Moleküle zeichnet sich die hier dargestellte Methode vor allem durch ihren hohen `Effizienzgewinn' aus, der für komplexe Systeme leicht mehr als fünf Grössenordnungen betragen kann. Dieser Gewinn an Rechenzeit erlaubt bspw. Anwendungen, wie sie mit MD Simulationen wohl auch zukünftig nicht oder nur sehr zögerlich aufgegriffen werden können. Denkbare Anwendungsgebiete dieser Näherung betreffen dabei nicht nur dichte Lösungen, in denen auch die Wechselwirkungen der molekularen beads zu benachbarten Makromolekülen eine Rolle spielt, sondern auch Untersuchungen zu ionischen Flüssigkeiten oder zur Topologie grosser Moleküle.
The finite element method (FEM) is now developed to solve two-dimensional Hartree-Fock (HF) equations for atoms and diatomic molecules. The method and its implementation is described and results are presented for the atoms Be, Ne and Ar as well as the diatomic molecules LiH, BH, N_2 and CO as examples. Total energies and eigenvalues calculated with the FEM on the HF-level are compared with results obtained with the numerical standard methods used for the solution of the one dimensional HF equations for atoms and for diatomic molecules with the traditional LCAO quantum chemical methods and the newly developed finite difference method on the HF-level. In general the accuracy increases from the LCAO - to the finite difference - to the finite element method.
We present the Finite-Element-Method (FEM) in its application to quantum mechanical problems solving for diatomic molecules. Results for Hartree-Fock calculations of H_2 and Hartree-Fock-Slater calculations of molecules like N_2 and C0 have been obtained. The accuracy achieved with less then 5000 grid points for the total energies of these systems is 10_-8 a.u., which is demonstrated for N_2.
We present the finite-element method in its application to solving quantum-mechanical problems for diatomic molecules. Results for Hartree-Fock calculations of H_2 and Hartree-Fock-Slater calculations for molecules like N_2 and CO are presented. The accuracy achieved with fewer than 5000 grid points for the total energies of these systems is 10^-8 a.u., which is about two orders of magnitude better than the accuracy of any other available method.
The extension of the Periodic Table into the range of unknown atomic numbers of above one hundred requires relativistic calculations. The results of the latter are used to indicate probable values for X-ray transition lines which will be useful for identification of the atomic species formed during collision between accelerated ions and the target. If the half-lives of the isotopes are long, then the chemistry of these new species becomes an important question which is reviewed for E110, E 111 and E112. The possible structural chemistry of the elements E108 to E112 is suggested. Finally the effects of solvation on ions of the actinide and superheavy elements have been studied.
We present a new scheme to solve the time dependent Dirac-Fock-Slater equation (TDDFS) for heavy many electron ion-atom collision systems. Up to now time independent self consistent molecular orbitals have been used to expand the time dependent wavefunction and rather complicated potential coupling matrix elements have been neglected. Our idea is to minimize the potential coupling by using the time dependent electronic density to generate molecular basis functions. We present the first results for 16 MeV S{^16+} on Ar.
Context awareness, dynamic reconfiguration at runtime and heterogeneity are key characteristics of future distributed systems, particularly in ubiquitous and mobile computing scenarios. The main contributions of this dissertation are theoretical as well as architectural concepts facilitating information exchange and fusion in heterogeneous and dynamic distributed environments. Our main focus is on bridging the heterogeneity issues and, at the same time, considering uncertain, imprecise and unreliable sensor information in information fusion and reasoning approaches. A domain ontology is used to establish a common vocabulary for the exchanged information. We thereby explicitly support different representations for the same kind of information and provide Inter-Representation Operations that convert between them. Special account is taken of the conversion of associated meta-data that express uncertainty and impreciseness. The Unscented Transformation, for example, is applied to propagate Gaussian normal distributions across highly non-linear Inter-Representation Operations. Uncertain sensor information is fused using the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence as it allows explicit modelling of partial and complete ignorance. We also show how to incorporate the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence into probabilistic reasoning schemes such as Hidden Markov Models in order to be able to consider the uncertainty of sensor information when deriving high-level information from low-level data. For all these concepts we provide architectural support as a guideline for developers of innovative information exchange and fusion infrastructures that are particularly targeted at heterogeneous dynamic environments. Two case studies serve as proof of concept. The first case study focuses on heterogeneous autonomous robots that have to spontaneously form a cooperative team in order to achieve a common goal. The second case study is concerned with an approach for user activity recognition which serves as baseline for a context-aware adaptive application. Both case studies demonstrate the viability and strengths of the proposed solution and emphasize that the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence should be preferred to pure probability theory in applications involving non-linear Inter-Representation Operations.
The rejection of the European Constitution marks an important crystallization point for debate about the European Union (EU) and the integration process. The European Constitution was envisaged as the founding document of a renewed and enlarged European Union and thus it was rather assumed to find wide public support. Its rejection was not anticipated. The negative referenda in France and the Netherlands therefore led to a controversial debate about the more fundamental meaning and the consequences of the rejection both for the immediate state of affairs as well as for the further integration process. The rejection of the Constitution and the controversy about its correct interpretation therefore present an intriguing puzzle for political analysis. Although the treaty rejection was taken up widely in the field of European Studies, the focus of existing analyses has predominantly been on explaining why the current situation occurred. Underlying these approaches is the premise that by establishing the reasons for the rejection it is possible to derive the ‘true’ meaning of the event for the EU integration process. In my paper I rely on an alternative, discourse theoretical approach which aims to overcome the positivist perspective dominating the existing analyses. I argue that the meaning of the event ‘treaty rejection’ is not fixed or inherent to it but discursively constructed. The critical assessment of this concrete meaning-production is of high relevance as the specific meaning attributed to the treaty rejection effectively constrains the scope for supposedly ‘reasonable’ options for action, both in the concrete situation and in the further European integration process more generally. I will argue that the overall framing suggests a fundamental technocratic approach to governance from part of the Commission. Political struggle and public deliberation is no longer foreseen as the concrete solutions to the citizens’ general concerns are designed by supposedly apolitical experts. Through the communicative diffusion and the active implementation of this particular model of governance the Commission shapes the future integration process in a more substantial way than is obvious from its seemingly limited immediate problem-solving orientation of overcoming the ‘constitutional crisis’. As the European Commission is a central actor in the discourse production my analysis focuses on the specific interpretation of the situation put forward by the Commission. In order to work out the Commission’s particular take on the event I conducted a frame analysis (according to Benford/Snow) on a body of key sources produced in the context of coping with the treaty rejection.
We investigate solution sets of a special kind of linear inequality systems. In particular, we derive characterizations of these sets in terms of minimal solution sets. The studied inequalities emerge as information inequalities in the context of Bayesian networks. This allows to deduce important properties of Bayesian networks, which is important within causal inference.
There have being increasing debate on the prospects of biofuel becoming the next best alternative to solving the problem of CO2 emission and the escalating fuel prices, but the question is whether this assertion is true and also if it comes without any cost to pay. This paper seeks to find out whether this much praised alternative to solving these problems is a better option or another way for the developed countries to find more areas where they could get cheap land, labour and raw materials for the production of biofuel. This will focus mainly on some effects the growing biofuel production has on food security, livelihood of people, the environment and some land conflicts developing as a result of land grabbing for biofuel production in the developing countries.
The nematicidal activity of mustard plant against hatching, migration and mortality of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica was investigated. In vitro test confirmed that mixing the sandy clay soil mixture with mustard as 4% as a biofumigant significantly reduce the percentage of egg hatching at all different incubation periods 24, 48, 72, 96 and 168 h, compared to control treatment (un-amended mixture soil and eggs in free water). Results indicate that the percentage of egg hatching reduction was 88.5, 90, 81.4, 74 and 69.4%, respectively. Mustard mixed with soil as a biofumigant led to high percentage of larval mortality at the different intervals periods in vitro. The percentage of larval mortality was 94, 100, 90.5, 90.5, and 79.4%, respectively compared to control. Laboratory results confirmed that the highest reduction in egg hatching and larval mortality was obtained after incubation period for 48 h. In vivo experiment reveals that the incorporation of the soil pots with mustard at all different doses used 3, 5% (48 h before nematode inoculation, or soil infestation with nematode), and 5% (one week before nematode inoculation or 7% of soil weight) significantly reduces all the nematode parameters compared to plant treated nematode alone. All nematode parameters i.e. the number of galls per root system, gall index, number of egg masses per root system, as well as number of juveniles per 250g soil showed high reduction with mixing the soil pots with mustard at 5% (one week before nematode inoculation), followed by the same treatment for 48h before nematode inoculation. Mustard application, one week before nematode inoculation, reduced the nematode parameters by 97, 64, 97, and 93%, respectively, compared to control. The percent of chemical components i.e. total sugars, total amino acids and total phenols were markedly enhanced compared to positive and negative control. The highest percentage was obtained with mustard at 5% one week before nematode inoculation by 68.7, 57.3 and 45%, respectively. Finally, we have to conclude that this modified technology is an innovative and can be used efficiently to control Root-knot nematode under organic agriculture and Global GAP agricultural systems instead of these carcinogenic nematicides.