971 resultados para infectious clone


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Histoplasmosis is a pulmonary disease characterised by chronic granulomatous and suppurative inflammatory reactions caused by Histoplasma capsulatum. Regarding new therapies to control fungal infections, the aim of this study was to investigate whether pulmonary administration of leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4))-loaded microspheres (MS) could confer protection to 5-lipoxygenase knockout (5-LO(-/-)) mice infected by H. capsulatum. In this study, MS containing LTB4 were administered intranasally to mice infected by H. capsulatum. On Day 14 after the infection, fungal recovery from the lungs and histology were evaluated and inflammatory cytokines were measured. Pulmonary administration of LTB(4)-loaded MS was able to reduce fungal recovery from infected lungs. Production of important inflammatory cytokines related to host defence was augmented following MS administration to the lungs. Lung histology also showed that infected mice presented a clear reduction in the fungal burden following the pulmonary release of LTB4 from MS. Our study provides evidence that the proposed biodegradable microparticulate system, which can release LTB4 to the lungs, can be employed as therapy, enhancing the antimicrobial activity of host cells during histoplasmosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.


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The present study reports on the preparation and testing of a desoxycholate amphotericin B (D-AMB) sustained delivery system based on poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) polymeric blends (Nano-D-AMB) aimed at reducing the number of AMB administrations required to treat mycosis. BALB/c mice were infected with the yeast Paracoccidioides brasiliensis intravenously to mimic the chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis. At 30 days post-infection, the animals were treated with Nano-D-AMB [6 mg/kg of encapsulated D-AMB, intraperitoneally (ip), interval of 72 h] or D-AMB (2 mg/kg, ip, interval of 24 h). Drug efficacy was investigated by the fungal burden recovery from tissues. Toxicity was assessed by renal and hepatic biochemical parameters, physical appearance of the animals and haematological investigation. The control groups used were non-infected and the infected mice mock treated with PBS. Nano-D-AMB presented results comparable to free D-AMB, with a marked antifungal efficacy. The Nano-D-AMB-treated group presented lower loss of body weight and absence of stress sign (piloerection and hypotrichosis) observed after D-AMB treatment. No renal [blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine] or hepatic (pyruvic and oxalacetic glutamic transaminases) biochemical abnormalities were found. The micronucleus assay showed no significant differences in both the micronucleus frequency and percentage of polychromatic erythrocytes for Nano-D-AMB, indicating the absence of genotoxicity and cytotoxic effects. The D-AMB-coated PLGA-DMSA nanoparticle showed antifungal efficacy, fewer undesirable effects and a favourable extended dosing interval. Nano-D-AMB comprises an AMB formulation able to lessen the number of drug administrations. Further studies would elucidate whether Nano-D-AMB would be useful to treat systemic fungal infections such as paracoccidioidomycosis, candidiasis, aspergillosis and cryptococcosis.


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Age is a critical determinant of the ability of most arthropod vectors to transmit a range of human pathogens. This is due to the fact that most pathogens require a period of extrinsic incubation in the arthropod host before pathogen transmission can occur. This developmental period for the pathogen often comprises a significant proportion of the expected lifespan of the vector. As such, only a small proportion of the population that is oldest contributes to pathogen transmission. Given this, strategies that target vector age would be expected to obtain the most significant reductions in the capacity of a vector population to transmit disease. The recent identification of biological agents that shorten vector lifespan, such as Wolbachia, entomopathogenic fungi and densoviruses, offer new tools for the control of vector-borne diseases. Evaluation of the efficacy of these strategies under field conditions will be possible due to recent advances in insect age-grading techniques. Implementation of all of these strategies will require extensive field evaluation and consideration of the selective pressures that reductions in vector longevity may induce on both vector and pathogen.


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Wolbachia pipientis is a vertically transmitted, obligate intracellular symbiont of arthropods. The bacterium is best known for its ability to manipulate host reproductive biology where it can induce cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, feminization and male-killing. In addition to the various reproductive phenotypes it generates through interaction with host reproductive tissue it is also known to infect somatic tissues. However, relatively little is known about the consequences of infection of these tissues with the exception that in some hosts Wolbachia acts as a classical mutualist and in others a pathogen, dramatically shortening adult insect lifespan. Manipulation experiments have demonstrated that the severity of Wolbachia-induced effects on the host is determined by a combination of host genotype, Wolbachia strain, host tissue localization, and interaction with the environment. The recent completion of the whole genome sequence of Wolbachia pipientis wMel strain indicates that it is likely to use a type IV secretion system to establish and maintain infection in its host. Moreover, an unusual abundance of genes encoding proteins with eukaryotic-like ankyrin repeat domains suggest a function in the various described phenotypic effects in hosts.


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A virulent strain of Wolbachia has recently been identified in Drosophila that drastically reduces adult lifespan. It has been proposed that this phenotype might be introduced into insect disease vector populations to reduce pathogen transmission. Here we model the requirements for spread of such an agent and the associated reduction in disease transmission. First, a simulation of mosquito population age structure was used to describe the age distribution of mosquitoes transmitting dengue virus. Second, given varying levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility and fecundity effect, the maximum possible longevity reduction that would allow Wolbachia to invade was obtained. Finally, the two models were combined to estimate the reduction in disease transmission according to different introduction frequencies. With strong CI and limited effect of fecundity, an introduction of Wolbachia with an initial frequency of 0.4 could result in a 60–80% reduction of transmitting mosquitoes. Greater reductions are possible at higher initial release rates.


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The extensive antigenic variation phenomena African trypanosomes display in their mammalian host have hampered efforts to develop effective vaccines against trypanosomiasis. Human disease management aims largely to treat infected hosts by chemotherapy, whereas control of animal diseases relies on reducing tsetse populations as well as on drug therapy. The control strategies for animal diseases are carried out and financed by livestock owners, who have an obvious economic incentive. Sustaining largely insecticide-based control at a local level and relying on drugs for treatment of infected hosts for a disease for which there is no evidence of acquired immunity could prove extremely costly in the long run. It is more likely that a combination of several methods in an integrated, phased and area-wide approach would be more effective in controlling these diseases and subsequently improving agricultural output. New approaches that are environmentally acceptable, efficacious and affordable are clearly desirable for control of various medically and agriculturally important insects including tsetse. Here, Serap Aksoy and colleagues discuss molecular genetic approaches to modulate tsetse vector competence.


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Polymerase chain reaction screening revealed that Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett), a vector of filariasis, was infected with the intracellular bacteria Wolbachia. Laboratory crosses between infected males and uninfected females resulted in less than half the number of offspring than control crosses between uninfected individuals when young (2- to 3-d-old) males were used in the cross. However, incompatibility was lost when old (14- to 17-d-old) males were used. Field-collected females did not show detectable cytoplasmic incompatibility, and this may be because of the age at which males mate in the field. We used head pigment fluorescence levels to age field males collected from mating swarms, and found that 25-63% of swarming males were older than 13 d. Male age may be one factor influencing the observed low levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility detected in the field.


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Ticks affect human and animal health both directly by their blood feeding and indirectly by transmission of many disease-causing bacteria, such as Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, Borrelia, Coxiella, Cowdria, Anaplasma, Aegyptionella, and Tularemia, as well as many viruses (Piesman and Gage, 1996). In addition to these infectious agents, ticks harbor bacterial endosymbionts, such as Wolbachia persica, which was first isolated from the soft tick now classified as Argus arboreus (Suitor and Weiss, 1961).


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Intracellular bacteria of the genus Wolbachia were first discovered in mosquitoes in the 1920s. Their superficial similarity to pathogenic rickettsia initially raised interest in them as potential human pathogens. However, injection experiments with mice showed that they were non-pathogenic, and they were subsequently classified as symbionts of insects. Until the 1970s, Wolbachia was considered to infect a limited number of species of mosquitoes. It is now clear that Wolbachia is an extremely common intracellular agent of invertebrates, infecting nearly all the major groups of arthropods and other terrestrial invertebrates. Its wide host range and abundance can be attributed partly to the unusual phenotypes it exerts on the host it infects. These include the induction of parthenogenesis (the production of female offspring from unmated mothers) in certain insects, the feminization of genetic male crustaceans to functional phenotypic females, and the failure of fertilization in hosts when males and females have a different infection status (cytoplasmic incompatibility). All of these phenotypes favor maternal transmission of the intracellular Wolbachia. In the last year, Wolbachia has also been shown to be a widespread symbiont of filarial nematodes. It appears that Wolbachia is needed by the adult worm for normal fertility, indicating that Wolbachia is behaving like a classic mutualist in this case. This discovery exemplifies that the extent of the host range of Wolbachia and its associated phenotypes is still far from fully understood.


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A previously undescribed mosquito densovirus was detected in colonies of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus from Thailand, using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay. Phylogenetic analysis of this virus showed it to be most closely related to ADNV isolated from Russian Ae. aegypti. Both Aedes species were susceptible to oral infection with the Thai-strain virus. Larval mortality for Ae. albopictus was higher (82%) than for Ae. aegypti (51%). Aedes aegypti were able to transmit the virus vertically to a high (58%) proportion of G1 progeny, and the virus was maintained persistently for up to six generations. A PCR survey of adult Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Thailand indicated that only Ae. aegypti are infected in the field, with an overall prevalence of 44%. Densovirus infection in adult Ae. aegypti showed distinct seasonal variation. The Thai strain densovirus may play a role in structuring Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti populations in nature.


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How could scientists working on the pathogenesis of filarial diseases, speciation and parthenogenesis in insects, sex-ratio deviations in crustaceans, pest control, and the evolution of bacterial genomes be united? How could a common research project attract the interest of these scientists? How could parasitology be made even more multi-disciplinary? Two workshops organized by New England Biolabs Inc. (Beverly, MA, USA) provide a simple answer to these questions: studying the genomes of Wolbachia endosymbionts.


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The dnaA region of Wolbachia, an intracellular bacterial parasite of insects, is unique. A glnA cognate was found upstream of the dnaA gene, while neither of the two open reading frames detected downstream of dnaA has any homologue in the database. This unusual gene arrangement may reflect requirements associated with the unique ecological niche this agent occupies.


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The possibility of controlling vector-borne disease through the development and release of transgenic insect vectors has recently gained popular support and is being actively pursued by a number of research laboratories around the world. Several technical problems must be solved before such a strategy could be implemented: genes encoding refractory traits (traits that render the insect unable to transmit the pathogen) must be identified, a transformation system for important vector species has to be developed, and a strategy to spread the refractory trait into natural vector populations must be designed. Recent advances in this field of research make it seem likely that this technology will be available in the near future. In this paper we review recent progress in this area as well as argue that care should be taken in selecting the most appropriate disease system with which to first attempt this form of intervention. Much attention is currently being given to the application of this technology to the control of malaria, transmitted by Anopheles gambiae in Africa. While malaria is undoubtedly the most important vector-borne disease in the world and its control should remain an important goal, we maintain that the complex epidemiology of malaria together with the intense transmission rates in Africa may make it unsuitable for the first application of this technology. Diseases such as African trypanosomiasis, transmitted by the tsetse fly, or unstable malaria in India may provide more appropriate initial targets to evaluate the potential of this form of intervention.