996 resultados para indirizzo :: 711 :: Curriculum C: Ambiente marino


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Urban systems consist of several interlinked sub-systems - social, economic, institutional and environmental – each representing a complex system of its own and affecting all the others at various structural and functional levels. An urban system is represented by a number of “human” agents, such as individuals and households, and “non-human” agents, such as buildings, establishments, transports, vehicles and infrastructures. These two categories of agents interact among them and simultaneously produce impact on the system they interact with. Try to understand the type of interactions, their spatial and temporal localisation to allow a very detailed simulation trough models, turn out to be a great effort and is the topic this research deals with. An analysis of urban system complexity is here presented and a state of the art review about the field of urban models is provided. Finally, six international models - MATSim, MobiSim, ANTONIN, TRANSIMS, UrbanSim, ILUTE - are illustrated and then compared.


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Fatigue life in metals is predicted utilizing regression analysis of large sets of experimental data, thus representing the material’s macroscopic response. Furthermore, a high variability in the short crack growth (SCG) rate has been observed in polycrystalline materials, in which the evolution and distributionof local plasticity is strongly influenced by the microstructure features. The present work serves to (a) identify the relationship between the crack driving force based on the local microstructure in the proximity of the crack-tip and (b) defines the correlation between scatter observed in the SCG rates to variability in the microstructure. A crystal plasticity model based on the fast Fourier transform formulation of the elasto-viscoplastic problem (CP-EVP-FFT) is used, since the ability to account for the both elastic and plastic regime is critical in fatigue. Fatigue is governed by slip irreversibility, resulting in crack growth, which starts to occur during local elasto-plastic transition. To investigate the effects of microstructure variability on the SCG rate, sets of different microstructure realizations are constructed, in which cracks of different length are introduced to mimic quasi-static SCG in engineering alloys. From these results, the behavior of the characteristic variables of different length scale are analyzed: (i) Von Mises stress fields (ii) resolved shear stress/strain in the pertinent slip systems, and (iii) slip accumulation/irreversibilities. Through fatigue indicator parameters (FIP), scatter within the SCG rates is related to variability in the microstructural features; the results demonstrate that this relationship between microstructure variability and uncertainty in fatigue behavior is critical for accurate fatigue life prediction.


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L’obiettivo di questa tesi di laurea è stato la valutazione delle sovratensioni generate da una scarica atmosferica in linee miste di tipo aerea-cavo affluenti a stazioni di trasformazione. Lo studio si è incentrato sul caso della fulminazione diretta su una fase della linea aerea, il cosiddetto shielding failure, nella situazione peggiore ovvero senza innesco degli spinterometri posti a protezione della catena di isolatori. Applicando la teoria dei diagrammi a graticcio, è stata studiata la propagazione di un’onda di tensione (gradino, triangolo rettangolo e triangolo scaleno), generata da una scarica atmosferica, lungo tre particolari configurazioni di una linea mista AT 132 kV. In particolare, è stato implementato un codice di calcolo in Matlab, con il quale sono state determinate le componenti riflesse, che si formano quando l’onda di tensione incidente va ad impattare nei punti di discontinuità d’impedenza d’onda della linea mista. Tale calcolo ha consentito sia la rappresentazione temporale del transitorio, sia la determinazione del valore di cresta raggiunto dalla sovratensione, in particolari punti sensibili della linea, quali le estremità della linea in cavo ed il collegamento con il trasformatore. Il calcolo analitico è stato poi confrontato con i risultati delle simulazioni relative alla fulminazione diretta su una fase della linea aerea, eseguite con il software EMTPWorks. Il lavoro si è incentrato in particolar modo, sulla determinazione del modello che va a simulare la linea mista presa in considerazione, anche mediante il confronto con un noto caso di studio riportato sulle pubblicazioni.


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La tesi è orientata ad elaborare un’introduzione alla geometria algebrica particolarmente rivolta agli strumenti di algebra commutativa, al fine di affrontare i problemi descritti nell'ultimo paragrafo. A partire da testi basilari per l’argomento, come [A, MD] e [Ha], si introdurrà la nozione di spettro di un anello e si andranno a studiare vari casi che costituiscono una buona base per avere un panorama delle possibili strutture che si generano come schemi associati ad un anello e se ne studieranno le proprietà caratteristiche. In particolare, si analizzeranno proprietà di irriducibilità, finitezza e altro, in connessione con quelle degli anelli commutativi. Una particolare attenzione viene poi rivolta agli schemi 0-dimensionali, alle loro diverse immersioni negli spazi proiettivi ed ai problemi aperti ad essi connessi (es. determinazione della funzione di Hilbert). In questo ambito molti problemi aperti rimangono anche per questioni di semplice formulazione (ad esempio sulla dimensione di particolari spazi lineari di curve piane definite dall'imposizione di singolarità lungo schemi 0-dimensionali).


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English: The assessment of safety in existing bridges and viaducts led the Ministry of Public Works of the Netherlands to finance a specific campaing aimed at the study of the response of the elements of these infrastructures. Therefore, this activity is focused on the investigation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs under concentrated loads, adopting finite element modeling and comparison with experimental results. These elements are characterized by shear behaviour and crisi, whose modeling is, from a computational point of view, a hard challeng, due to the brittle behavior combined with three-dimensional effects. The numerical modeling of the failure is studied through Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), an alternative Finite Element method, with respect to traditional incremental and iterative approaches. The comparison between the two different numerical techniques represents one of the first works and comparisons in a three-dimensional environment. It's carried out adopting one of the experimental test executed on reinforced concrete slabs as well. The advantage of the SLA is to avoid the well known problems of convergence of typical non-linear analysis, by directly specifying a damage increment, in terms of reduction of stiffness and resistance in particular finite element, instead of load or displacement increasing on the whole structure . For the first time, particular attention has been paid to specific aspects of the slabs, like an accurate constraints modeling and sensitivity of the solution with respect to the mesh density. This detailed analysis with respect to the main parameters proofed a strong influence of the tensile fracture energy, mesh density and chosen model on the solution in terms of force-displacement diagram, distribution of the crack patterns and shear failure mode. The SLA showed a great potential, but it requires a further developments for what regards two aspects of modeling: load conditions (constant and proportional loads) and softening behaviour of brittle materials (like concrete) in the three-dimensional field, in order to widen its horizons in these new contexts of study.