989 resultados para in vitro culture establishment
Electron microscopy of human skin fibroblasts syringe-loaded with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease (HIV-1 PR) revealed several effects on nuclear architecture. The most dramatic is a change from a spherical nuclear morphology to one with multiple lobes or deep invaginations. The nuclear matrix collapses or remains only as a peripheral rudiment, with individual elements thicker than in control cells. Chromatin organization and distribution is also perturbed. Attempts to identify a major nuclear protein whose cleavage by the protease might be responsible for these alterations were unsuccessful. Similar changes were observed in SW 13 T3 M [vimentin+] cells, whereas no changes were observed in SW 13 [vimentin−] cells after microinjection of protease. Treatment of SW 13 [vimentin−] cells, preinjected with vimentin to establish an intermediate filament network, with HIV-1 PR resulted in alterations in chromatin staining and distribution, but not in nuclear shape. These same changes were produced in SW 13 [vimentin−] cells after the injection of a mixture of vimentin peptides, produced by the cleavage of vimentin to completion by HIV-1 PR in vitro. Similar experiments with 16 purified peptides derived from wild-type or mutant vimentin proteins and five synthetic peptides demonstrated that exclusively N-terminal peptides were capable of altering chromatin distribution. Furthermore, two separate regions of the N-terminal head domain are primarily responsible for perturbing nuclear architecture. The ability of HIV-1 to affect nuclear organization via the liberation of vimentin peptides may play an important role in HIV-1-associated cytopathogenesis and carcinogenesis.
Gap junctional communication between microglia was investigated at rat brain stab wounds and in primary cultures of rat and mouse cells. Under resting conditions, rat microglia (FITC-isolectin-B4-reactive cells) were sparsely distributed in the neocortex, and most (95%) were not immunoreactive for Cx43, a gap junction protein subunit. At brain stab wounds, microglia progressively accumulated over several days and formed aggregates that frequently showed Cx43 immunoreactivity at interfaces between cells. In primary culture, microglia showed low levels of Cx43 determined by Western blotting, diffuse intracellular Cx43 immunoreactivity, and a low incidence of dye coupling. Treatment with the immunostimulant bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or the cytokines interferon-γ (INF-γ) or tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) one at a time did not increase the incidence of dye coupling. However, microglia treated with INF-γ plus LPS showed a dramatic increase in dye coupling that was prevented by coapplication of an anti-TNF-α antibody, suggesting the release and autocrine action of TNF-α. Treatment with INF-γ plus TNF-α also greatly increased the incidence of dye coupling and the Cx43 levels with translocation of Cx43 to cell–cell contacts. The cytokine-induced dye coupling was reversibly inhibited by 18α-glycyrrhetinic acid, a gap junction blocker. Cultured mouse microglia also expressed Cx43 and developed dye coupling upon treatment with cytokines, but microglia from homozygous Cx43-deficient mice did not develop significant dye coupling after treatment with either INF-γ plus LPS or INF-γ plus TNF-α. This report demonstrates that microglia can communicate with each other through gap junctions that are induced by inflammatory cytokines, a process that may be important in the elaboration of the inflammatory response.
Signals that determine fast- and slow-twitch phenotypes of skeletal muscle fibers are thought to stem from depolarization, with concomitant contraction and activation of calcium-dependent pathways. We examined the roles of contraction and activation of calcineurin (CN) in regulation of slow and fast myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein expression during muscle fiber formation in vitro. Myotubes formed from embryonic day 21 rat myoblasts contracted spontaneously, and ∼10% expressed slow MHC after 12 d in culture, as seen by immunofluorescent staining. Transfection with a constitutively active form of calcineurin (CN*) increased slow MHC by 2.5-fold as determined by Western blot. This effect was attenuated 35% by treatment with tetrodotoxin and 90% by administration of the selective inhibitor of CN, cyclosporin A. Conversely, cyclosporin A alone increased fast MHC by twofold. Cotransfection with VIVIT, a peptide that selectively inhibits calcineurin-induced activation of the nuclear factor of activated T-cells, blocked the effect of CN* on slow MHC by 70% but had no effect on fast MHC. The results suggest that contractile activity-dependent expression of slow MHC is mediated largely through the CN–nuclear factor of activated T-cells pathway, whereas suppression of fast MHC expression may be independent of nuclear factor of activated T-cells.
Pollen tubes navigate the route from stigma to ovule with great accuracy, but the cues that guide them along this route are not known. We reproduced the environment on the stigma of Nicotiana alata by immersing pollen in stigma exudate or oil close to an interface with an aqueous medium. The growth of pollen in this culture system mimicked growth on stigmas: pollen grains hydrated and germinated, and pollen tubes grew toward the aqueous medium. The rate-limiting step in pollen germination was the movement of water through the surrounding exudate or oil. By elimination of other potential guidance cues, we conclude that the directional supply of water probably determined the axis of polarity of pollen tubes and resulted in growth toward the interface. We propose that a gradient of water in exudate is a guidance cue for pollen tubes on the stigma and that the composition of the exudate must be such that it is permeable enough for pollen hydration to occur but not so permeable that the supply of water becomes nondirectional. Pollen tube penetration of the stigma may be the most frequently occurring hydrotropic response of higher plants.
Human herpesviruses 6 and 7 (HHV-6 and HHV-7) are prevalent lymphotropic viruses that infect more than 80% of children at infancy or during early childhood. Infection ranges from asymptomatic to severe disease. HHV-6B causes exanthem subitum. The virus can be recovered from peripheral blood mononuclear cells during the acute phase of exanthem subitum, but the host remains latently infected throughout life. In immunocompromised patients undergoing kidney, liver, or bone marrow transplantation latent HHV-6B is reactivated, at times causing severe or fatal disease. Here, we describe the establishment of an in vitro system for reactivation of HHV-6B and HHV-7 from latency. HHV-7 is reactivated from latently infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells by T-cell activation. HHV-6B could not be reactivated under similar conditions; however, the latent HHV-6B could be recovered after the cells were infected with HHV-7. Once reactivated, the HHV-6B genomes became prominent and the HHV-7 disappeared. We conclude that HHV-7 can provide a transacting function(s) mediating HHV-6 reactivating from latency. Understanding the activation process is critical for the development of treatments to control the activation of latent viruses so as to avoid these sometimes life threatening infections in transplant recipients.
The mechanisms underlying the menstrual lysis leading to shedding of the human endometrium and its accompanying bleeding are still largely unknown. In particular, whether breakdown of the endometrial fibrillar extra-cellular matrix that precedes bleeding depends on aspartic-, cysteine-, serine-, or metalloproteinases remains unclear. In the present study, menstrual regression of the human endometrium was mimicked in organ culture. Whereas sex steroids could preserve tissue integrity only in nonperimenstrual explants, matrix breakdown upon sex steroid deprivation was completely and reversibly inhibited at all stages of the menstrual cycle by specific inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases, but not by inhibitors of the other classes of proteinases. Matrix metalloproteinases are thus identified as the key class of proteinases involved in the initiation of menstruation.
The differentiation of small intestinal epithelial cells may require stimulation by microenvironmental factors in vivo. In this study, the effects of mesenchymal and luminal elements in nonmalignant epithelia] cells isolated from the human fetus were studied in vitro. Enterocytes from the human fetus were cultured and microenvironmental factors were added in stages, each stage more closely approximating the microenvironment in vivo. Four stages were examined: epithelial cells derived on plastic from intestinal culture and grown as a cell clone, the same cells grown on connective tissue support, primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts with a laminin base, and primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts and laminin with n-butyrate added to the incubation medium. The epithelial cell clone dedifferentiated when grown on plastic; however, the cells expressed cytokeratins and villin as evidence of their epithelial cell origin. Human connective tissue matrix from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma cells (Matrigel) modulated their phenotype: alkaline phosphatase activity increased, microvilli developed on their apical surface, and the profile of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins resembled that secreted by differentiated enterocytes. Epithelial cells taken directly from the human fetus as primary cultures and grown as explants on fibroblasts and laminin expressed greater specific enzyme activities in brush border membrane fractions than the cell clone. These activities were enhanced by the luminal molecule sodium butyrate. Thus the sequential addition of connective tissue and luminal molecules to nonmalignant epithelia] cells in vitro induces a spectrum of changes in the epithelial cell phenotype toward full differentiation.
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a T-cell-mediated disease of transplanted donor T cells recognizing host alloantigens. Data presented in this report show, to our knowledge, for the first time that a synthetic copolymer of the amino acids L-Glu, L-Lys, L-Ala, and L-Tyr (molecular ratio, 1.9:6.0:4.7:1.0; Mr, 6000-8500) [corrected], termed GLAT, with promiscuous binding to multiple major histocompatibility complex class II alleles is capable of preventing lethal GVHD in the B10.D2 --> BALB/c model (both H-2d) across minor histocompatibility barriers. Administration of GLAT over a limited time after transplant significantly reduced the incidence, onset, and severity of disease. GLAT also improved long-term survival from lethal GVHD: 14/25 (56%) of experimental mice survived > 140 days after transplant compared to 2/26 of saline-treated or to 1/10 of hen egg lysozyme-treated control mice (P < 0.01). Long-term survivors were documented to be fully chimeric by PCR analysis of a polymorphic microsatellite region in the interleukin 1beta gene. In vitro, GLAT inhibited the mixed lymphocyte culture in a dose-dependent fashion across a variety of major barriers tested. Furthermore, GLAT inhibited the response of nylon wool-enriched T cells to syngeneic antigen-presenting cells presenting minor histocompatibility antigens. Prepulsing of the antigen-presenting cells with GLAT reduced the proliferative response, suggesting that GLAT inhibits antigen presentation.
We recently described the development in vitro of cells with granules characteristic of eosinophils and basophils (hybrid granulocytes) from normal human cord blood mononuclear cells cultured for 14 days with recombinant human (rh) interleukin (IL)-3, rhIL-5, and a soluble basement membrane, Matrigel. Hybrid granulocytes constitutively produced granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and rapidly developed into eosinophils after the exogenous cytokines and Matrigel were removed. To characterize the developmental progression of hybrid granulocytes, cells were maintained for an additional 14 days in medium containing rhIL-3, rhIL-5, and Matrigel. After 28 days, 73% +/- 1% (mean +/- SEM; n = 6) of the nonadherent cells were mononuclear eosinophils, 13% +/- 3% were eosinophils with two or more nuclear lobes, 13% +/- 4% were hybrid granulocytes, and 0.2% +/- 0.1% were basophils. More than 90% of the mononuclear eosinophils were hypodense as determined by centrifugation through metrizamide gradients. After an additional 5 days of culture in medium without exogenous cytokines, 65% +/- 3% (n = 5) of the 28-day cells excluded trypan blue. In contrast, 2% +/- 1% of freshly isolated peripheral blood eosinophils survived 5 days of culture without exogenous cytokines (n = 5). Fifty percent conditioned medium from in vitro derived 28-day mononuclear eosinophils and 14-day hybrid granulocytes maintained the survival of 60% +/- 7% and 77% +/- 7%, respectively, of freshly isolated peripheral blood eosinophils for 72 h, compared with 20% +/- 8% survival in medium alone (n = 3). The eosinophil viability-sustaining activity of 50% mononuclear eosinophil-conditioned medium was neutralized with a GM-CSF antibody. A total of 88% of the 28-day cells exhibited immunochemical staining for GM-CSF. Thus, during eosinophilopoiesis, both hybrid eosinophil/basophil intermediates and immature mononuclear eosinophils exhibit autocrine regulation of viability due to constitutive production of GM-CSF.
Several disulfide benzamides have been shown to possess wide-spectrum antiretroviral activity in cell culture at low micromolar to submicromolar concentrations, inhibiting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 (HIV-1) clinical and drug-resistant strains along with HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus [Rice, W. G., Supko, J. G., Malspeis, L., Buckheit, R. W., Jr., Clanton, D., Bu, M., Graham, L., Schaeffer, C. A., Turpin, J. A., Domagala, J., Gogliotti, R., Bader, J. P., Halliday, S. M., Coren, L., Sowder, R. C., II, Arthur, L. O. & Henderson, L. E. (1995) Science 270, 1194-1197]. Rice and coworkers have proposed that the compounds act by "attacking" the two zinc fingers of HIV nucleocapsid protein. Shown here is evidence that low micromolar concentrations of the anti-HIV disulfide benzamides eject zinc from HIV nucleocapsid protein (NCp7) in vitro, as monitored by the zinc-specific fluorescent probe N-(6-methoxy-8-quinoyl)-p-toluenesulfonamide (TSQ). Structurally similar disulfide benzamides that do not inhibit HIV-1 in culture do not eject zinc, nor do analogs of the antiviral compounds with the disulfide replaced with a methylene sulfide. The kinetics of NCp7 zinc ejection by disulfide benzamides were found to be nonsaturable and biexponential, with the rate of ejection from the C-terminal zinc finger 7-fold faster than that from the N-terminal. The antiviral compounds were found to inhibit the zinc-dependent binding of NCp7 to HIV psi RNA, as studied by gel-shift assays, and the data correlated well with the zinc ejection data. Anti-HIV disulfide benzamides specifically eject NCp7 zinc and abolish the protein's ability to bind psi RNA in vitro, providing evidence for a possible antiretroviral mechanism of action of these compounds. Congeners of this class are under advanced preclinical evaluation as a potential chemotherapy for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
In the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus slice culture, circadian rhythms in the release of arginine vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide were measured simultaneously and longitudinally. The phase relationship between the two peptide rhythms was relatively constant in the culture without a treatment of antimitotic drugs but became diverse by an introduction of antimitotics, which is generally used to reduce the number of glial cells. By monitoring the two rhythms continuously for 6 days, different periods were detected in culture with the antimitotic treatment. Furthermore, N-methyl-D-aspartate shifted the phase of the two peptide rhythms in the same culture differently. These results indicate that the arginine vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide release are under control of different circadian oscillators.
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are unique in that they give rise both to new stem cells (self-renewal) and to all blood cell types. The cellular and molecular events responsible for the formation of HSC remain unknown mainly because no system exists to study it. Embryonic stem (ES) cells were induced to differentiate by coculture with the stromal cell line RP010 and the combination of interleukin (IL) 3, IL-6, and F (cell-free supernatants from cultures of the FLS4.1 fetal liver stromal cell line). Cell cytometry analysis of the mononuclear cells produced in the cultures was consistent with the presence of PgP-1+ Lin- early hematopoietic (B-220- Mac-1- JORO 75- TER 119-) cells and of fewer B-220+ IgM- B-cell progenitors and JORO 75+ T-lymphocyte progenitors. The cell-sorter-purified PgP-1+ Lin- cells produced by induced ES cells could repopulate the lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid lineages of irradiated mice. The ES-derived PgP-1+ Lin- cells must possess extensive self-renewal potential, as they were able to produce hematopoietic repopulation of secondary mice recipients. Indeed, marrow cells from irradiated mice reconstituted (15-18 weeks before) with PgP-1+ Lin- cell-sorter-purified cells generated by induced ES cells repopulated the lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid lineages of secondary mouse recipients assessed 16-20 weeks after their transfer into irradiated secondary mice. The results show that the culture conditions described here support differentiation of ES cells into hematopoietic cells with functional properties of HSC. It should now be possible to unravel the molecular events leading to the formation of HSC.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a human DNA tumor virus that efficiently immortalizes human primary B lymphocytes in vitro. Although viral genes that are expressed in latently infected B lymphocytes have been shown to function in cellular growth control, their detailed genetic analysis has been cumbersome for two reasons. The viral genome is too large to permit genetic engineering and human primary B lymphocytes, the only targets for infection by EBV in vitro, are both intractable in culture and recalcitrant to DNA transfection. To overcome these obstacles, we have assembled all the essential genes of EBV on a single recombinant vector molecule in Escherichia coli. We show here that this mini-EBV plasmid can yield immortalized B cells upon transfer of its naked DNA into human primary B lymphocytes. Established cell lines carry recombinant vector DNA and cannot support virus production. Because this DNA can be easily manipulated in E. coli, mutant mini-EBVs as well as foreign genes can now be introduced and studied successfully in recipient B lymphocytes from any human donors. These mini-EBVs therefore are potentially useful for human gene therapy.
Liver-on-chip systems are widely seen as having the potential to replace animal testing for long-term liver toxicity assessments. However, such systems necessitate solutions, such as electrochemical microsensors, to provide information about the cells exposed to chemical compounds in a confined space. This study describes the development of microsensors for the detection of alanine-aminotransferase (ALT), an intracellular enzyme found in hepatocytes, for monitoring the viability of in-vitro hepatic cell cultures. The electrochemical sensors were developed by using screen printed electrodes functionalized by drop-casting. These technologies are intended to produce disposable and low-cost sensors that can easily be exchanged once their performance is degraded. The sensors are capable of measuring ALT in a microfluidic environment through the detection of changes in glutamate concentration. The microsensors were found to be stable for more than 60 days and were successfully tested using hepatocellular lysates to assess their capability to quantify ALT activity in a hepatic cell culture. These results open the way to their integration in liver bioreactors to assess hepatocellular toxicity in-vitro.
Human Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT (NKT) cells have immune regulatory activities associated with rejection of tumors, infections and control of autoimmune diseases. They can be stimulated to proliferate using alpha-galactosylceramide (KRN7000) and have the potential for therapeutic manipulation. Subpopulations of NKT cells (CD4(+)CD8(-), CD4(-)D8(+) and CD4(-)CD8(-)) have functionally distinctive Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles and their relative numbers following stimulation may influence the Th1/Th2 balance, which may result in or prevent disease. We aimed to determine the effect of different cytokines in culture during stimulation of NKT cells on the relative proportions of NKT cell subpopulations. Our results show that all NKT cell subpopulations expanded following stimulation with KRN7000 and IL-2, IL-7, IL-1 2 or IL-15. Expansion capacity differed between subpopulations, resulting in different relative proportions of CD4(+) and CD4(-) NKT cell subpopulations, and this was influenced by the cytokine used for stimulation. A Th1-biased environment was observed after stimulation of NKT cells. NKT cells expanded under all conditions evaluated demonstrated significant cytotoxicity against U937 tumor cells. In view of the potential for NKT cell subsets to alter the balance of Th1 and Th2 environment, these data provide insights into the effects of NKT cell manipulation for possible therapeutic applications in different disease settings.