905 resultados para human-structure interaction


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The effect of foundation embedment on settlement calculation is a widely researched topic in which there is no scientific consensus regarding the magnitude of settlement reduction. In this paper, a non-linear three dimensional Finite Element analysis has been performed with the aim of evaluating the aforementioned effect. For this purpose, 1800 models were run considering different variables, such as the depth and dimensions of the foundation and the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the soil. The settlements from models with foundations at surface level and at depth were then compared and the relationship between them established. The statistical analysis of this data allowed two new expressions, with a mean maximum error of 1.80%, for the embedment influence factor of a foundation to be proposed and these to be compared with commonly used corrections. The proposed equations were validated by comparing the settlements calculated with the proposed influence factors and the true settlements measured in several real foundations. From the comprehensive study of all modelled cases, an improved approach, when compared to those proposed by other authors, for the calculation of the true elastic settlements of an embedded foundation is proposed.


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In this project, we propose the implementation of a 3D object recognition system which will be optimized to operate under demanding time constraints. The system must be robust so that objects can be recognized properly in poor light conditions and cluttered scenes with significant levels of occlusion. An important requirement must be met: the system must exhibit a reasonable performance running on a low power consumption mobile GPU computing platform (NVIDIA Jetson TK1) so that it can be integrated in mobile robotics systems, ambient intelligence or ambient assisted living applications. The acquisition system is based on the use of color and depth (RGB-D) data streams provided by low-cost 3D sensors like Microsoft Kinect or PrimeSense Carmine. The range of algorithms and applications to be implemented and integrated will be quite broad, ranging from the acquisition, outlier removal or filtering of the input data and the segmentation or characterization of regions of interest in the scene to the very object recognition and pose estimation. Furthermore, in order to validate the proposed system, we will create a 3D object dataset. It will be composed by a set of 3D models, reconstructed from common household objects, as well as a handful of test scenes in which those objects appear. The scenes will be characterized by different levels of occlusion, diverse distances from the elements to the sensor and variations on the pose of the target objects. The creation of this dataset implies the additional development of 3D data acquisition and 3D object reconstruction applications. The resulting system has many possible applications, ranging from mobile robot navigation and semantic scene labeling to human-computer interaction (HCI) systems based on visual information.


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This paper describes the development of a low-cost mini-robot that is controlled by visual gestures. The prototype allows a person with disabilities to perform visual inspections indoors and in domestic spaces. Such a device could be used as the operator's eyes obviating the need for him to move about. The robot is equipped with a motorised webcam that is also controlled by visual gestures. This camera is used to monitor tasks in the home using the mini-robot while the operator remains quiet and motionless. The prototype was evaluated through several experiments testing the ability to use the mini-robot’s kinematics and communication systems to make it follow certain paths. The mini-robot can be programmed with specific orders and can be tele-operated by means of 3D hand gestures to enable the operator to perform movements and monitor tasks from a distance.


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This paper shows the analysis results obtained from more than 200 finite element method (FEM) models used to calculate the settlement of a foundation resting on two soils of differing deformability. The analysis considers such different parameters as the foundation geometry, the percentage of each soil in contact with the foundation base and the ratio of the soils’ elastic moduli. From the described analysis, it is concluded that the maximum settlement of the foundation, calculated by assuming that the foundation is completely resting on the most deformable soil, can be correlated with the settlement calculated by FEM models through a correction coefficient named “settlement reduction factor” (α). As a consequence, a novel expression is proposed for calculating the real settlement of a foundation resting on two soils of different deformability with maximum errors lower than 1.57%, as demonstrated by the statistical analysis carried out. A guide for the application of the proposed simple method is also explained in the paper. Finally, the proposed methodology has been validated using settlement data from an instrumented foundation, indicating that this is a simple, reliable and quick method which allows the computation of the maximum elastic settlement of a raft foundation, evaluates its suitability and optimises its selection process.


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Las fórmulas basadas en la teoría de la elasticidad son ampliamente utilizadas para el cálculo de asientos de cimentaciones, ya que la totalidad de la normativa geotécnica recomienda su empleo. No obstante, estos métodos no cubren todas las situaciones geotécnicamente posibles ya que frecuentemente las condiciones geológicas son complejas. En este trabajo se analiza la influencia de la presencia de una capa rígida inclinada en los asientos elásticos de una cimentación superficial. Para ello se han resuelto 273 modelos tridimensionales no lineales de elementos finitos, variando los parámetros clave del problema: la inclinación y la profundidad de la capa rígida y la rigidez de la cimentación. Finalmente, se ha realizado un análisis estadístico de los resultados de los modelos y se ha propuesto una fórmula que puede ser utilizada en el cálculo de asientos por métodos elásticos, para tener en consideración la presencia de una capa rígida inclinada en profundidad.


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Exergames are digital games with a physical exertion component. Exergames can help motivate fitness in people not inclined toward exercise. However, players of exergames sometimes over-exert, risking adverse health effects. These players must be told to slow down, but doing so may distract them from gameplay and diminish their desire to keep exercising. In this thesis we apply the concept of nudges—indirect suggestions that gently push people toward a desired behaviour—to keeping exergame players from over-exerting. We describe the effective use of nudges through a set of four design principles: natural integration, comprehension, progression, and multiple channels. We describe two exergames modified to use nudges to persuade players to slow down, and describe the studies evaluating the use of nudges in these games. PlaneGame shows that nudges can be as effective as an explicit textual display to control player over-exertion. Gekku Race demonstrates that nudges are not necessarily effective when players have a strong incentive to over-exert. However, Gekku Race also shows that, even in high-energy games, the power of nudges can be maintained by adding negative consequences to the nudges. We use the term "shove" to describe a nudge using negative consequences to increase its pressure. We were concerned that making players slow down would damage their immersion—the feeling of being engaged with a game. However, testing showed no loss of immersion through the use of nudges to reduce exertion. Players reported that the nudges and shoves motivated them to slow down when they were over-exerting, and fit naturally into the games.


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In the tropics, bats are an essential component of many native ecosystems, through providing various ecological services including pollination and insect pest control, in addition to seed dispersal. Many Philippine bat species roost in caves and underground habitats. However, many caves are disturbed by people, to exploit resources for food, recreation, and mineral and guano extraction. The misunderstanding of the importance of bats to the ecosystem is also considered a threat to many cave roosting species. Understanding the conflicts between humans and ecosystems which provide essential services is important to maintain ecosystem service provision. A total of 100 local respondents from the village of Pisan, Kabacan North Cotabato in south central Mindanao were interviewed through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. Respondents were asked about their views, levels of knowledge, use, interaction, and awareness towards both the caves and bats in their locality. Our survey found that most of the respondents are aware of the presence of bats from the caves in their locality. Unfortunately, a large proportion of the respondents noted that bats are hunted in caves for bush meat and trade, and most people perceived bats as pest to fruit crops such as durian. These factors are among the main factors of the execution of many bat colonies in caves of south central Mindanao. In general, cave bats are under appreciated species in caves. The unregulated tourism, hunting for bush meat and trade, and guano extraction are among the alarming threats occurring for both caves and bats in the locality and possibly to other localities in the country. Furthermore, the establishment of strong and effective model conservation education programs and the strengthening the participation of local government, academic, and community are essential steps to preserve the current state of cave bats in the area.


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Este relatório descreve as atividades desenvolvidas durante o projeto que realizei no gabinete de sistemas e informação do Município de Mira, com vista à compleição da unidade curricular HCI Project II, do Mestrado em Human Computer Interaction, da Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra. O projeto consistiu no desenho da interação de uma aplicação móvel a criar para a Câmara Municipal de Mira, que permita apoiar o cidadão na utilização dos percursos pedonais existentes, assim como informar os Munícipes e principalmente os turistas dos acontecimentos e potencialidades do Concelho. A Câmara Municipal, apenas dispõe de uma página web que facilita a divulgação de informações e eventos, no entanto surgiu a necessidade de apoiar com rigor e especialmente a localização do cidadão na utilização dos percursos pedestres. Foi realizado todo o processo de design, onde foram aplicados os princípios e metodologias de HCI, sempre focados no utilizador. Após reunião com as partes intervenientes e depois de se definirem os objetivos do projeto, iniciei a primeira fase de estudo e pesquisa de informação relativa a aplicações existentes relacionadas com o assunto. Na fase seguinte, passei à listagem das necessidades que se pretendiam satisfazer onde se definiram os objetivos. Concluídas estas etapas, passei à fase de análise de utilizadores, onde realizei entrevistas contextuais, enumerei experiências paralelas, criei personas e defini os point of view. Com a recolha desta informação passei à fase de ideação onde criei as design directives. Posteriormente foram definidas as principais funcionalidades, foram criadas storyboards e criei um protótipo de baixa fidelidade que após ter sido validado e ajustado deu origem a um protótipo de alta fidelidade. Este protótipo foi validado, realizei o modelo visual da arquitetura de informação e o modelo da interação (flow) entre ecrãs nas principais funcionalidades. Por fim, após estar concluída a validação do protótipo de alta fidelidade foram enumerados alguns aspetos do que deveriam ser melhorados para facilitar a interação do utilizador.


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This study extends previous media equation research, which showed that the effects of flattery from a computer can produce the same general effects as flattery from humans. Specifically, the study explored the potential moderating effect of experience on the impact of flattery from a computer. One hundred and fifty-eight students from the University of Queensland voluntarily participated in the study. Participants interacted with a computer and were exposed to one of three kinds of feedback: praise (sincere praise), flattery (insincere praise), or control (generic feedback). Questionnaire measures assessing participants' affective state. attitudes and opinions were taken. Participants of high experience, but not low experience, displayed a media equation pattern of results, reacting to flattery from a computer in a manner congruent with peoples' reactions to flattery from other humans. High experience participants tended to believe that the computer spoke the truth, experienced more positive affect as a result of flattery, and judged the computer's performance more favourably. These findings are interpreted in light of previous research and the implications for software design in fields such as entertainment and education are considered. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes methods used to support collaboration and communication between practitioners, designers and engineers when designing ubiquitous computing systems. We tested methods such as “Wizard of Oz” and design games in a real domain, the dental surgery, in an attempt to create a system that is: affordable; minimally disruptive of the natural flow of work; and improves human-computer interaction. In doing so we found that such activities allowed the practitioners to be on a ‘level playing ground’ with designers and engineers. The findings we present suggest that dentists are willing to engage in detailed exploration and constructive critique of technical design possibilities if the design ideas and prototypes are presented in the context of their work practice and are of a resolution and relevance that allow them to jointly explore and question with the design time. This paper is an extension of a short paper submitted to the Participatory Design Conference, 2004.


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The Operator Choice Model (OCM) was developed to model the behaviour of operators attending to complex tasks involving interdependent concurrent activities, such as in Air Traffic Control (ATC). The purpose of the OCM is to provide a flexible framework for modelling and simulation that can be used for quantitative analyses in human reliability assessment, comparison between human computer interaction (HCI) designs, and analysis of operator workload. The OCM virtual operator is essentially a cycle of four processes: Scan Classify Decide Action Perform Action. Once a cycle is complete, the operator will return to the Scan process. It is also possible to truncate a cycle and return to Scan after each of the processes. These processes are described using Continuous Time Probabilistic Automata (CTPA). The details of the probability and timing models are specific to the domain of application, and need to be specified using domain experts. We are building an application of the OCM for use in ATC. In order to develop a realistic model we are calibrating the probability and timing models that comprise each process using experimental data from a series of experiments conducted with student subjects. These experiments have identified the factors that influence perception and decision making in simplified conflict detection and resolution tasks. This paper presents an application of the OCM approach to a simple ATC conflict detection experiment. The aim is to calibrate the OCM so that its behaviour resembles that of the experimental subjects when it is challenged with the same task. Its behaviour should also interpolate when challenged with scenarios similar to those used to calibrate it. The approach illustrated here uses logistic regression to model the classifications made by the subjects. This model is fitted to the calibration data, and provides an extrapolation to classifications in scenarios outside of the calibration data. A simple strategy is used to calibrate the timing component of the model, and the results for reaction times are compared between the OCM and the student subjects. While this approach to timing does not capture the full complexity of the reaction time distribution seen in the data from the student subjects, the mean and the tail of the distributions are similar.


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Even when data repositories exhibit near perfect data quality, users may formulate queries that do not correspond to the information requested. Users’ poor information retrieval performance may arise from either problems understanding of the data models that represent the real world systems, or their query skills. This research focuses on users’ understanding of the data structures, i.e., their ability to map the information request and the data model. The Bunge-Wand-Weber ontology was used to formulate three sets of hypotheses. Two laboratory experiments (one using a small data model and one using a larger data model) tested the effect of ontological clarity on users’ performance when undertaking component, record, and aggregate level tasks. The results indicate for the hypotheses associated with different representations but equivalent semantics that parsimonious data model participants performed better for component level tasks but that ontologically clearer data model participants performed better for record and aggregate level tasks.


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The following topics are dealt with: Requirements engineering; components; design; formal specification analysis; education; model checking; human computer interaction; software design and architecture; formal methods and components; software maintenance; software process; formal methods and design; server-based applications; review and testing; measurement; documentation; management and knowledge-based approaches.


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The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of a worldwide “network of networks,” composed by billions of interconnected heterogeneous devices denoted as things or “Smart Objects” (SOs). Significant research efforts have been dedicated to port the experience gained in the design of the Internet to the IoT, with the goal of maximizing interoperability, using the Internet Protocol (IP) and designing specific protocols like the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), which have been widely accepted as drivers for the effective evolution of the IoT. This first wave of standardization can be considered successfully concluded and we can assume that communication with and between SOs is no longer an issue. At this time, to favor the widespread adoption of the IoT, it is crucial to provide mechanisms that facilitate IoT data management and the development of services enabling a real interaction with things. Several reference IoT scenarios have real-time or predictable latency requirements, dealing with billions of device collecting and sending an enormous quantity of data. These features create a new need for architectures specifically designed to handle this scenario, hear denoted as “Big Stream”. In this thesis a new Big Stream Listener-based Graph architecture is proposed. Another important step, is to build more applications around the Web model, bringing about the Web of Things (WoT). As several IoT testbeds have been focused on evaluating lower-layer communication aspects, this thesis proposes a new WoT Testbed aiming at allowing developers to work with a high level of abstraction, without worrying about low-level details. Finally, an innovative SOs-driven User Interface (UI) generation paradigm for mobile applications in heterogeneous IoT networks is proposed, to simplify interactions between users and things.