985 resultados para hox genes


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Devido a grande importância da cultura de Eucalyptus no Brasil, empresas do setor florestal têm buscado através de programas de melhoramento genético, reduzir as perdas de produção e atender a demanda do mercado de papel e celulose. Um exemplo, é a busca por genes de resistência a doenças, principalmente a ferrugem causada por Puccinia psidii Winter, que resulta em redução da produtividade em plantas altamente suscetíveis. No presente trabalho, mudas de Eucalyptus pertencentes a uma geração F1, provenientes do cruzamento controlado entre parentais híbridos E. grandis X E. urophylla, sendo eles resistente e suscetível, foram inoculadas com Puccinia psidii em casa de vegetação e acompanhadas até o aparecimento dos sintomas da ferrugem. Foram classificadas, em dois grupos: resistentes (ausência de sintomas) e suscetíveis (presença de sintomas e esporulação). As amostras de DNA foram comparadas com o uso de marcadores moleculares associado ao método de BSA (Bulked Segregant Analysis). O polimorfismo entre os grupos foi geneticamente relacionado ao loco que determina a característica de resistência ou sucetibilidade. Dentre os 720 "primers" testados, 19 foram polimórficos, porém, apenas o marcador AK 01 manteve-se presente, quando testado em todos os indivíduos da população, mostrando-se a uma distância genética estimada de 20 cM em repulsão ao gene de resistência.


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In mammals, post-testicular sperm maturation taking place in the epididymis is required for the spermatozoa to acquire the abilities required to fertilize the egg in vivo. The epididymal epithelial cells secrete proteins and other small molecules into the lumen, where they interact with the spermatozoa and enable necessary maturational changes. In this study different in silico, in vitro and in vivo approaches were utilized in order to find novel genes responsible for the function of the epididymis and post-testicular sperm maturation in the mouse. Available online genomic databases were analyzed to identify genes potentially expressed in the epididymis, gene expression profiling was performed by studying their expression in different mouse tissues, and significance of certain genes to fertility was assessed by generating genetically modified mouse models. A recently discovered Pate (prostate and testis expression) gene family was found to be predominantly expressed in the epididymis. It represents one of the largest known gene families expressed in the epididymis, and the members code for proteins potentially involved in defense against microorganisms. Through genetically modified mouse models CRISP4 (cysteine-rich secretory protein 4) was identified to regulate sperm acrosome reaction, and BMYC to inhibit the expression of the Myc proto-oncogene in the developing testis. A mouse line expressing iCre recombinase specifically in the epididymis was also generated. This model can be used to generate conditional, epididymis-specific knock-out models, and will be a valuable tool in fertility studies.


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Alkoholberusning är en av de starkaste riskfaktorerna för aggressivt beteende. Alla individer blir dock inte aggressiva under alkoholberusning. I sin doktorsavhandling undersökte Johansson ifall individens genetiska uppsättning kan förklara skillnader i vem som reagerar på alkohol med ökat aggressivt beteende och ilska och vem som inte gör det. Resultaten visade att individer som är bärare av en viss variant av genen som kodar för oxytocinets receptorer är i högre grad benägna att uppvisa aggressivt beteende än andra när de är alkoholberusade. Sambandet mellan alkohol och ilska påverkades även av individens genetiska uppsättning av två oxytocinreceptorgenvarianter, vilket antyder att dessa genvarianter även påverkar benägenheten att känna ilska under alkoholberusning. Oxytocinet, som fungerar både som ett hormon och en neurotransmittor, har i tidigare studier visats ha breda effekter på sociala förmågor hos människan, såsom förmåga till igenkännande av andras känslouttryck. Resultaten är de första att hos människan experimentellt påvisa att vissa individer beter sig mer aggressivt än andra när de är berusade, beroende på individens genetiska uppsättning. ”Det är viktigt att komma ihåg att genens effekt i det här fallet inte är av en sådan natur att den direkt och ofrånkomligen orsakar aggressivt beteende. Med andra ord är det orimligt i detta fall att tänka att en individ skulle tillmätas ansvarsfrihet i exempelvis ett våldsbrottmål om hon bär på en viss variant av denna gen”, påpekar Johansson. Oxytocinreceptorgenens effekter analyserades i två olika urval. I ett experimentellt upplägg indelades 116 män slumpässigt i två grupper: en grupp som tilldelades alkoholhaltiga drycker, och en kontrollgrupp som tilldelades alkoholfria drycker. Aggressivt beteende mättes med ett laboratorietest där försökspersonerna fick bestraffa en fiktiv motspelare genom att spela upp motbjudande ljud för denne. Resultaten replikerades i ett populationsbaserat urval av män och kvinnor (n = 3755) vilka besvarat frågor om deras aggressiva beteenden, ilska, och alkoholanvändning.


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Spermatogenesis, i.e sperm production in the seminiferous tubules of the testis, is a complex process that takes over one month to complete. Life-long ability of sperm production ultimately lies in a small population of undifferentiated cells, called spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). These cells give rise to differentiating spermatogonia, which are committed to mature into spermatozoa. SSCs represent a heterogeneous population of cells and many aspects of their basic biology are still unknown. Understanding the mechanisms behind the cell fate decision of these cells is important to gain more insights into the causes of infertility and testis cancer. In addition, an interesting new aspect is the use of testis-derived stem cells in regenerative medicine. Our data demonstrated that adult mouse testis houses a population of Nanog-expressing spermatogonia. Based on mRNA and protein analysis these cells are enriched in stage XII of the mouse seminiferous epithelial cycle. The cells derived from this stage have the highest capacity to give rise to ES cell-like cells which express Oct4 and Nanog. These cells are under tight non- GDNF regulation but their fate can be dictated by activating p21 signalling. Comparative studies suggested that these cells are regulated like ES cells. Taken together these data imply that pluripotent cells are present in the adult mammalian testis. CIP2A (cancerous inhibitor of PP2A) has been associated with tumour aggressiveness and poor prognosis. In the testis it is expressed by the descendants of stem cells, i.e. the spermatogonial progenitor cells. Our data suggest that CIP2A acts upstream of PLZF and is needed for quantitatively normal spermatogenesis. Classification of CIP2A as a cancer/testis gene makes it an attractive target for cancer therapy. Study on the CIP2A deficient mouse model demonstrates that systemic inhibition of CIP2A does not severely interfere with growth and development or tissue or organ function, except for the spermatogenic output. These data demonstrate that CIP2A is required for quantitatively normal spermatogenesis. Hedgehog (Hh) signalling is involved in the development and maintenance of many different tissues and organs. According to our data, Hh signalling is active at many different levels during rat spermatogenesis: in spermatogonia, spermatocytes and late elongating spermatids. Localization of Suppressor of Fused (SuFu), the negative regulator of the pathway, specifically in early elongating spermatids suggests that Hh signalling needs to be shut down in these cells. Introduction of Hh signalling inhibitor resulted in an increase in germ cell apoptosis. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and inhibition of receptor tyrosine kinases resulted in down-regulation of Hh signalling. These data show that Hh signalling is under endocrine and paracrine control and it promotes germ cell survival.


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PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of homozygous deletion of GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes and their combinations between patients with breast cancer and healthy individuals, associating them with disease susceptibility. METHODS: This is a case-control study in which 49 women diagnosed with breast cancer confirmed by pathological examination and 49 healthy women with no evidence of cancer and no prior family history of breast cancer were invited to participate. All of them answered a questionnaire with epidemiological data and were submitted to blood sample collection. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood, and genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction. Data were analyzed with SPSS 20.0. RESULTS: The frequency of null alleles for GSTM1 and GSTT1 was 58.8 and 61.7%, respectively, for patients with breast cancer, and 41.2 and 38.3%, respectively, in control patients. In homozygous deletion of the GSTM1 gene, a significantly higher frequency was found in the breast cancer cases. CONCLUSION: Breast cancer patients presented higher frequency of homozygous deletion of the GSTM1 gene compared with the control group.


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The virulence mechanisms of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) have been continually studied and are believed to be multi-factorial. Certain properties are primarily associated with virulent samples and have been identified in avian isolates. In this study a total of 61 E. coli, isolates from chicken flocks with respiratory symptomatology, were probed by Polimerase Chain Reation (PCR) for the presence of genes responsible for the adhesion capacity, P fimbria (papC) e F11 fimbria (felA), colicin production (cvaC), aerobactin presence (iutA), serum resistance (iss), temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin (tsh), and presence of K1 and K5 capsular antigens (kpsII). The iss gene was detected in 73,8%, tsh in 55,7%, iutA in 45,9%, felA in 39,3%, papC in 24,3%, cvaC in 23% and kpsII in18%.


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The present study was carried out in 11 dairy herds in four municipal districts of the rural area of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Out of 984 quarter milk (246 cows), 10 (1.0%) were positive for clinical mastitis, 562 (57.1%) for subclinical mastitis and 412 (41.9%) were negative. A total of 81 Staphylococcus spp. isolates were obtained from milk samples from the cows diagnosed with subclinical mastitis. From these, 53 (65.0%) were S. aureus, 16 (20.0%) coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS) and 12 (15.0%) coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). The isolates were further investigated for the presence of toxin genes by multiplex and uniplex PCR. The main gene observed was seg followed by seh, sei and sej. The distribution of these observed genes among the isolates obtained from different areas showed a regional pattern for the SEs. The presence of toxin genes in the strains isolated from bovine milk demonstrates a potential problem for public health.


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Escherichia coli isolates from 24 sick psittacine birds were serogrouped and investigated for the presence of genes encoding the following virulence factors: attaching and effacing (eae), enteropathogenic E. coli EAF plasmid (EAF), pili associated with pyelonephritis (pap), S fimbriae (sfa), afimbrial adhesin (afa), capsule K1 (neu), curli (crl, csgA), temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin (tsh), enteroaggregative heat-stable enterotoxin-1 (astA), heat-stable enterotoxin -1 heat labile (LT) and heat stable (STa and STb) enterotoxins, Shiga-like toxins (stx1 and stx2), cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (cnf1), haemolysin (hly), aerobactin production (iuc) and serum resistance (iss). The results showed that the isolates belonged to 12 serogroups: O7; O15; O21; O23; O54; O64; O76; O84; O88; O128; O152 and O166. The virulence genes found were: crl in all isolates, pap in 10 isolates, iss in seven isolates, csgA in five isolates, iuc and tsh in three isolates and eae in two isolates. The combination of virulence genes revealed 11 different genotypic patterns. All strains were negative for genes encoding for EAF, EAEC, K1, sfa, afa, hly, cnf, LT, STa, STb, stx1 and stx2. Our findings showed that some E. coli isolated from psittacine birds present the same virulence factors as avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) pathotypes.


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The present study evaluated the pheno- and genotypical antimicrobial resistance profile of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS) species isolated from dairy cows milk, specially concerning to oxacillin. Of 100 CNS isolates, the S. xylosus was the prevalent species, followed by S. cohnii, S. hominis, S. capitis and S. haemolyticus. Only 6% were phenotypically susceptible to the antimicrobial agents tested in disk diffusion assay. Penicillin and ampicillin resistance rates were significantly higher than others antimicrobials. Four isolates were positive to mecA gene (4%), all represented by the S. xylosus species. The blaZ gene was detected in 16% of the isolates (16/100). It was noticed that all mecA + were also positive to this gene and the presence of both genes was correlated to phenotypic beta-lactamic resistance. We conclude that CNS species from bovine milk presented significantly distinct antimicrobial resistance profiles, evaluated by phenotypic and genotypic tests, which has implications for treatment and management decisions.


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The current systems of breeding poultry, based on high population density, increase the risk of spreading pathogens, especially those causing respiratory diseases and those that have more than one host. Fowl Cholera (FC) is one such pathogen, and even though it represents one of several avian diseases that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of notifiable diseases that present with sudden death, the pathogenesis and virulence factors involved in FC are still poorly understood. The objective of this study was to investigate twelve genes related to virulence in 25 samples of Pasteurella multocida isolated from FC cases in the southern region of Brazil through the development of multiplex PCR protocols. The protocols developed were capable of detecting all of the proposed genes. The ompH, oma87, sodC, hgbA, hgbB, exBD-tonB and nanB genes were present in 100% of the samples (25/25), the sodA and nanH genes were present in 96% (24/25), ptfA was present in 92% (23/25), and pfhA was present in 60% (15/25). Gene toxA was not identified in any of the samples studied (0/25). Five different genetic profiles were obtained, of which P1 (negative to toxA) was the most common. We concluded that the multiplex-PCR protocols could be useful tools for rapid and simultaneous detection of virulence genes. Despite the high frequency of the analyzed genes and the fact that all samples belonged to the same subspecies of P. multocida, five genetic profiles were observed, which should be confirmed in a study with a larger number of samples.


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Identification of Escherichia coli requires knowledge regarding the prevalent serotypes and virulence factors profiles allows the classification in pathogenic/non-pathogenic. However, some of these bacteria do not express flagellar antigen invitro. In this case the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP-PCR) and sequencing of the fliC may be suitable for the identification of antigens by replacing the traditional serology. We studied 17 samples of E. coli isolated from animals and presenting antigen H nontypeable (HNT). The H antigens were characterized by PCR-RFLP and sequencing of fliC gene. Three new flagellin genes were identified, for which specific antisera were obtained. The PCR-RFLP was shown to be faster than the serotyping H antigen in E. coli, provided information on some characteristics of these antigens and indicated the presence of new genes fliC.


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Birds of the Cracidae family (curassows, guans, and chachalacas) are endemic of the Neotropics and 50 species are currently classified. Brazil has 22 species, seven of which are considered threatened. The Alagoas Curassow (Pauxi mitu) species is considered extinct in the wild; but about 120 birds are alive in captivity. Conservation of this species depends entirely on correct management. Health reports of both wildlife and captive curassows are rare. In this study the presence of Escherichia coli was evaluated in 23 healthy Alagoas Curassows from two private breeding centres. E. coli was isolated from cloacal swabs, and the presence of genes encoding cytotoxic necrotising factor 1 (cnf1), alpha-haemolysin (hly), aerobactin (iuc), serum resistance (iss) and the following adhesions: S fimbriae (sfa), pili associated with pyelonephritis (pap) and temperature-sensitive haemagglutinin (tsh) were investigated. E. coli was isolated from 78.3% (18/23) of the birds, and the percentage of curassows colonized by E. coli was similar between the two facilities. From the 22 E. coli isolates, 15 (68.2%) were positive for at least one virulence factor by PCR, and the most frequently found gene was iss (50%). No curassows had clinical signs of disease. Nevertheless, the presence of some E. coli strains may be a concern to the wildlife in captivity. Additional health surveillance studies are essential to guarantee successful conservation programmes for threatened cracids in Brazil.


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Salmonella spp. are considered the main agents of foodborne disease and Salmonella Enteritidis is one of the most frequently isolated serovars worldwide. The virulence of Salmonella spp. and their interaction with the host are complex processes involving virulence factors to overcome host defenses. The purpose of this study was to detect virulence genes in S. Enteritidis isolates from poultry in the South of Brazil. PCR-based assays were developed in order to detect nine genes (lpfA, agfA, sefA, invA, hilA, avrA, sopE, sivH and spvC) associated with the virulence in eighty-four isolates of S. Enteritidis isolated from poultry. The invA, hilA, sivH, sefA and avrA genes were present in 100% of the isolates; lpfA and sopE were present in 99%; agfA was present in 96%; and the spvC gene was present in 92%. It was possible to characterize the isolates with four different genetic profiles (P1, P2, P3 and P4), as it follows: P1, positive for all genes; P2, negative only for spvC; P3, negative for agfA; and P4, negative for lpfA, spvC and sopE. The most prevalent profile was P1, which was present in 88% of the isolates. Although all isolates belong to the same serovar, it was possible to observe variations in the presence of these virulence-associated genes between different isolates. The characterization of the mechanisms of virulence circulating in the population of Salmonella Enteritidis is important for a better understanding of its biology and pathogenicity. The frequency of these genes and the establishment of genetic profiles can be used to determine patterns of virulence. These patterns, associated with in vivo studies, may help develop tools to predict the ability of virulence of different strains.