852 resultados para hepatocellular injury
A DNA vaccine based on the heat-shock protein 65 Mycobacterium leprae gene (pHSP65) presented a prophylactic and therapeutic effect in an experimental model of tuberculosis. In this paper, we addressed the question of which protective mechanisms are activated in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mice after immune therapy with pHSP65. We evaluated activation of the cellular immune response in the lungs of infected mice 30 days after infection (initiation of immune therapy) and in those of uninfected mice. After 70 days (end of immune therapy), the immune responses of infected untreated mice, infected pHSP65-treated mice and infected pCDNA3-treated mice were also evaluated. Our results show that the most significant effect of pHSP65 was the stimulation of CD8+ lung cell activation, interferon-γ recovery and reduction of lung injury. There was also partial restoration of the production of tumour necrosis factor-α. Treatment with pcDNA3 vector also induced an immune stimulatory effect. However, only infected pHSP65-treated mice were able to produce significant levels of interferon-γ and to restrict the growth of bacilli.
Purpose: Interposition of a jejunal tube between the common bile duct and duodenum. Methods: Five adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, weighing on average 22.3 kg (18 to 26.5 kg), were used. Obstructive jaundice was induced by ligation of the distal common bile duct. After one week, a 2.5-cm long jejunal tube was fabricated from a segment of the loop removed 15 cm from the Treitz angle and interposed between the common bile duct and duodenum. Results: The animals presented good clinical evolution and no complications were observed. After 6 weeks, complete integration was noted between the bile duct mucosa, tube and duodenum and a significant reduction in total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase was observed when compared to the values obtained one week after ligation of the common bile duct. Conclusion: The jejunal tube interposed between the dilated bile duct and duodenum showed good anatomic integration and reduced total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels in the animals studied.
A 24-year-old male patient was the victim of a firearm wound that penetrated the thorax. He arrived at another hospital hemodynamically unstable and was submitted to exploratory surgery by means of bithoracotomy. A lesion of the left branch of the pulmonary artery was detected and successfully repaired. He was submitted for computer-aided tomography on the fifth postoperative day, and a lesion of the mid-thoracic aorta was detected, which formed a saccular image. Considering that the patient had already been submitted to a bithoracotomy and that a direct approach to repair would involve another thoracotomy within a short period of time, endovascular treatment was chosen in our hospital. The procedure was performed under fluoroscopy. A second computer-aided tomography indicated adequate treatment of the lesion, with no indication of an endoleak. He has undergone ambulatory follow-up for 36 months without any problem related to the procedure. While endovascular treatment of the aorta has developed enormously, multicenter studies are needed to better define the long-term results of this approach. © 2008 Published by European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.
Dental trauma involving root fracture and periodontal ligament injury: A 10-year retrospective study
The purpose of this retrospective study was to analyze the cases of traumatic dental injuries involving root fracture and/or periodontal ligament injury (except avulsion) treated at the Discipline of Integrated Clinic, School of Dentistry of Araçatuba, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil, from January 1992 to December 2002. Clinical and radiographic records from 161 patients with 287 traumatized teeth that had sustained root fracture and/or injuries to the periodontal ligament were examined. The results of this survey revealed that subluxation (25.09%) was the most common type of periodontal ligament injury, followed by extrusive luxation (19.86%). There was a predominance of young male patients and most of them did not present systemic alterations. Among the etiologic factors, the most frequent causes were falls and bicycle accidents. Injuries on extraoral soft tissues were mostly laceration and abrasion, while gingival and lip mucosa lacerations prevailed on intraoral soft tissues injuries. Radiographically, the most common finding was an increase of the periodontal ligament space. The most commonly performed treatment was root canal therapy. Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that traumatic dental injuries occur more frequently in young male individuals, due to falls and bicycle accidents. Subluxation was the most common type of periodontal ligament injury. Root canal therapy was the type of treatment most commonly planned and performed.
Introduction: Impacted knife injuries in the maxillofacial region are rare and infrequently reported. In cases of injury involving orbit or eye, these reports are even rarer. Discussion: Damage to the orbital contents may result in a rupture of the globe, extraocular muscle injury, lacrimal gland damage, and others. Orbital foreign bodies are not only difficult to detect, and clinical features vary according to its size, characteristics, shape, penetrating method, and site. In this report, a case of abducens nerve palsy after orbitoethmoidal knife injury is presented. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
The optimal dialysis dose for the treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI) is controversial. No studies have directly examined the effects of peritoneal dialysis (PD) dose on outcomes in AKI. From January 2005 to January 2007, we randomly assigned critically ill patients with AKI to receive higher- or lower-intensity PD therapy (prescribed Kt/Vof 0.8 and 0.5 per session respectively). The main outcome measure was death within 30 days. Of the 61 enrolled patients, 30 were randomly assigned to higher-intensity therapy, and 31, to a lower-intensity PD dose. The two study groups had similar baseline characteristics and received treatment for 6.1 days and 5.7 days respectively (p = 0.42). At 30 days after randomization, 17 deaths had occurred in the higher-intensity group (55%), and 16 deaths, in the lower-intensity group (53%, p = 0.83). There was a significant difference between the groups in the PD dose prescribed compared with the dose delivered (higher-intensity group: 0.8 vs. 0.59, p = 0.04; lower-intensity group: 0.5 vs. 0.49, p = 0.89). The groups had similar metabolic control after 4 PD sessions (blood urea nitrogen: 69.3 +/- 14.4 mg/dL and 60.3 +/- 11.1 mg/dL respectively, p = 0. 71). In critically ill patients with AKI, an intensive PD dose did not lower the mortality or improve the recovery of kidney function or metabolic control. The PD dose is limited by dialysate flow and membrane permeability, and clearance per exchange can decrease if a shorter dwell time is applied.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and types of traumatic dental injuries in situations of domestic violence. A coross-sectional study was conducted and data were collected from the police occurrence records to domestic physical aggression between 2001 and 2005. Of the 1,844 subjects who underwent medical evaluation, 15 had information pertaining to traumatic dental injuries. From the medical records, the forensic medical reports completed by the forensic medical experts who examined the victims after the aggression were reviewed and data of individuals with dental injuries (e.g., fractures, luxation and avulsion) were collected. In the selected sample, there was a predominance of individuals with injuries to the head and neck region (38.7%), and the frequency of traumatic dental injuries among all injuries to the head and neck region was 2.0%. The most frequently injured teeth were the maxillary incisors (31.8%), followed by the mandibular incisors (27.3%) and the maxillary canines (9.1%). In 31.8% of the injured teeth, the forensic experts did not specify the nomenclature. Of the dental trauma cases, 59.1% were fractures, 27.2% were luxations and 13.7% were avulsions. In conclusion, domestic violence was an important etiologic factor of traumatic dental injury. The aggression in all cases occurred in the form of punches and slaps. Fracture was the most common type of traumatic dental injury, and the most frequently injured teeth were the incisors.
This study aimed at investigating associations between monocytes/ macrophages (Mo) infiltration and three important criteria associated with acute antibody-mediated rejection: C4d staining, microcirculation injury, and graft survival time. By quantitative analysis, Mo were counted in peritubular capillaries and in the interstitial compartment (peritubular/interstitial Mo), and they were also identified in glomeruli (glomerular Mo). The study included 47 patients who received renal allograft between 1991 and 2009. Capillaritis and glomerulitis were classified by the Banff scoring system, and C4d and Mo were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. In the quantitative analysis, the mean values of 50 Mo per 10 high-power fields (HPF) and 4 Mo per glomerulus were used as cut-off points for the peritubular/interstitial and glomerular compartments, respectively. Positive C4d cases were associated with the groups of biopsies with a mean value ≥50 Mo per 10 HPF (p = 0.01) and ≥4 Mo per glomerulus (p = 0.02). The group with a mean value ≥4 Mo per glomerulus also showed association with the presence of glomerulitis (p = 0.02). Peritubular/ interstitial Mo did not associate with glomerulitis. Capillaritis did not show association with peritubular/interstitial or glomerular Mo. As regards graft survival, the infiltration of Mo in glomeruli interfered with allograft survival (p = 0.01). The group with a mean value of ≥4 glomerular Mo presented worse survival at the time of the 1-year follow-up. According to the literature, our data showed that infiltration of mononuclear cells was associated with C4d staining, microcirculation injury, and glomerulitis, in particular, and that glomerular macrophages could influence renal allograft survival. Copyright © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) requiring dialysis in critically ill patients is associated with an in-hospital mortality rate of 50-80 %. Extended daily hemodialysis (EHD) and high volume peritoneal dialysis (HVPD) have emerged as alternative modalities. Methods: A double-center, randomized, controlled trial was conducted comparing EHD versus HVPD for the treatment for AKI in the intensive care unit (ICU). Four hundred and seven patients were randomized and 143 patients were analyzed. Principal outcome measure was hospital mortality, and secondary end points were recovery of renal function and metabolic and fluid control. Results: There was no difference between the two groups in relation to median ICU stay [11 (5.7-20) vs. 9 (5.7-19)], recovery of kidney function (26.9 vs. 29.6 %, p = 0.11), need for chronic dialysis (9.7 vs. 6.5 %, p = 0.23), and hospital mortality (63.4 vs. 63.9 %, p = 0.94). The groups were different in metabolic and fluid control. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, and bicarbonate levels were stabilized faster in EHD group than in HVPD group. Delivered Kt/V and ultrafiltration were higher in EHD group. Despite randomization, there were significant differences between the groups in some covariates, including age, pre-dialysis BUN, and creatinine levels, biased in favor of the EHD. Using logistic regression to adjust for the imbalances in group assignment, the odds of death associated with HVPD was 1.4 (95 % CI 0.7-2.4, p = 0.19). A detailed investigation of the randomization process failed to explain the marked differences in patient assignment. Conclusions: Despite faster metabolic control and higher dialysis dose and ultrafiltration with EHD, this study provides no evidence of a survival benefit of EHD compared with HVPD. The limitations of this study were that the results were not presented according to the intention to treat and it did not control other supportive management strategies as nutrition support and timing of dialysis initiation that might influence outcomes in AKI. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Association between severe hypothyroidism and acute kidney injury (AKI) is rare. A 40-year-old woman presented with 15 days history of generalised muscle pain, weakness, weight gain and oedema. Medical history: hypertension and hypothyroidism. Physical examination: dry skin, peripheral/periorbital oedema, slow thought and speaking, thyroid increased. Laboratory examinations: high levels of creatine kinase , creatinine, uric acid and lactate dehydrogenase. Free T4 was very low (<0.3 ng/dL) and thyroid-stimulating hormone was high (21.7 mIU/mL). Urinalysis showed haem pigment without haematuria. We performed the diagnosis of AKI secondary to hypothyroidism-induced rhabdomyolysis. Intravenous fluids were started, urinary alkalisation and increased l-thyroxine dose replacement. On the day after admission, forced diuresis with furosemide was introduced leading to a progressive improvement of symptoms. Although hypothyroidism and AKI is unusual, it should be suspected in patients presenting decrease of renal function and high creatine kinase in the absence of other causes of rhabdomyolysis.
Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is often associated with nutritional deficiency, which appears to contribute to the progression of UC severity. The present study aimed to evaluate nutritional status and dietary intake in UC remission patients. Methods: The present study comprised a cross-sectional study in which variables such as extent of disease (distal colitis, left-sided colitis, pancolitis), remission period, sex and age were recorded. Extent of disease was assessed by the results of a colonoscopy and dietary intake was evaluated by using 3-day, 24-h recalls. A Kruskall-Wallis test was used to compare the intake of macro- and micronutrients among the three study groups. The analysis was complemented by the Mann-Whitney test. A logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictive factors of extent of disease (pancolitis versus left-sided colitis versus distal colitis). Results: The median (range) age of the 59 patients was 49.0 (37.0-63.0) years and 53.3% were female. Twenty-six (44.1%) patients had distal colitis, 11 (18.6%) patients had left-sided colitis and 22 (37.3%) patients had pancolitis. A high probability of an inadequate intake of fibre (100%), fat soluble vitamins (>40% for vitamin A and >95% for vitamin E), vitamin C (>34%), calcium (>90%) and magnesium (>50%) was identified in the study group. Vitamin D intake (odds ratio = 0.60; 95% confidence interval = 0.39-0.94; P < 0.05) was significantly associated with increased intestinal damage. Conclusions: A large number of individuals showed an inadequate intake of nutrients. In addition, the consumption of vitamin D was significantly associated with extent of disease. © 2013 The British Dietetic Association Ltd.
Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) and continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) are used as Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) therapy and have certain advantages and disadvantages. Extended daily dialysis (EDD) has emerged as an alternative to CRRT in the management of hemodynamically unstable AKI patients, mainly in developed countries.Objectives: We hypothesized that EDD is a safe option for AKI treatment and aimed to describe metabolic and fluid control of AKI patients undergoing EDD and identify complications and risk factors associated with death.Study Selection: This is an observational and retrospective study describing introduction of EDD at our institution. A total of 231 hemodynamically unstable AKI patients (noradrenalin dose between 0.3 and 1.0 ucg/kg/min) were assigned to 1367 EDD session. EDD consisted of 6-8 h of HD 6 days a week, with blood flow of 200 ml/min, dialysate flows of 300 ml/min.Data Synthesis: Mean age was 60.6 +/- 15.8 years, 97.4% of patients were in the intensive care unit, and sepsis was the main etiology of AKI (76.2). BUN and creatinine levels stabilized after four sessions at around 38 and 2.4 mg/dl, respectively. Fluid balance decreased progressively and stabilized around zero after five sessions. Weekly delivered Kt/V was 5.94 +/- 0.7. Hypotension and filter clotting occurred in 47.5 and 12.4% of treatment session, respectively. Regarding AKI outcome, 22.5% of patients presented renal function recovery, 5.6% of patients remained on dialysis after 30 days, and 71.9% of patients died. Age and focus abdominal sepsis were identified as risk factors for death. Urine output and negative fluid balance were identified as protective factors.Conclusions: EDD is effective for AKI patients, allowing adequate metabolic and fluid control. Age, focus abdominal sepsis, and lower urine output as well as positive fluid balance after two EDD sessions were associated significantly with death.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine if intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) could predict acute renal injury (AKI) in the postoperative period of abdominal surgeries, and which would be its cutoff value. Patients and methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in the period from January 2010 to March 2011 in the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) of the University Hospital of Botucatu Medical School, UNESP. Consecutive patients undergoing abdominal surgery were included in the study. Initial evaluation, at admission in ICU, was performed in order to obtain demographic, clinical surgical and therapeutic data. Evaluation of IAP was obtained by the intravesical method, four times per day, and renal function was evaluated during the patient's stay in the ICU until discharge, death or occurrence of AKI. Results: A total of 60 patients were evaluated, 16 patients developed intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH), 45 developed an abnormal IAP (>7 mmHg) and 26 developed AKI. The first IAP at the time of admission to the ICU was able to predict the occurrence of AKI (area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve was 0.669; p=0.029) with the best cutoff point (by Youden index method) >= 7.68 mmHg, sensitivity of 87%, specificity of 46% at this point. The serial assessment of this parameter did not added prognostic value to initial evaluation. Conclusion: IAH was frequent in patients undergoing abdominal surgeries during ICU stay, and it predicted the occurrence of AKI. Serial assessments of IAP did not provided better discriminatory power than initial evaluation.