937 resultados para hair dye
Due to its unique properties, iron hematoxylin has been traditionally recommended for staining intestinal protozoa. This process can be simplified by reducing the number of steps and periods of permanence of the slides in some of the liquids used, without detriment to the quality of the results. Thus iron hematoxylin becomes adequate for routine use. Hematoxylin is a natural dye extracted from Haematoxylon campechianum, of the family Leguminosae. It must first be 'ripened', i.e. oxidized to hematein, which reacts with ferric ammonium sulphate to produce the ferric lake (iron hematoxylin), a basic dye. Iron hematoxylin most frequently stains regressively, i.e. the slides are first overstained and then differentiated.
The morphological identification of Trypanosoma cruzi is currently considered to have a high specificity, but its sensitivity, which depends on the volume of the sample examined, is rather low. Trypanosome developmental stages suspended in blood, reduviid feces, and culture media are routinely searched for by means of fresh film examination (about 2 µL). High speed centrifugation of blood samples separates the buffy coat, where most trypomastigotes concentrate. As the parasites are transparent and colorless, their detection is mostly dependent on their motility. The fluorescent vital stain acridine orange has been used to enhance image contrast, as exemplified by the QBC (Quantitative Buffy Coat) technique. Staining blood, buffy coat, reduviid feces, and culture media samples with methylene blue (also a vital dye) is a means of producing sharp, well contrasted images of motile or non-motile T. cruzi developmental stages, only standard laboratory microscopes being required. Slides previously coated with a thin layer of methylene blue are used to stain fresh blood films. Photomicrographs exemplify the results of methylene blue staining applied to living and fixed parasites.
Diabetes mellitus is an epidemic multisystemic chronic disease that frequently is complicated by complex wound infections. Innovative topical antimicrobial therapy agents are potentially useful for multimodal treatment of these infections. However, an appropriately standardized in vivo model is currently not available to facilitate the screening of these emerging products and their effect on wound healing. To develop such a model, we analyzed, tested, and modified published models of wound healing. We optimized various aspects of the model, including animal species, diabetes induction method, hair removal technique, splint and dressing methods, the control of unintentional bacterial infection, sampling methods for the evaluation of bacterial burden, and aspects of the microscopic and macroscopic assessment of wound healing, all while taking into consideration animal welfare and the '3Rs' principle. We thus developed a new wound infection model in rats that is optimized for testing topical antimicrobial therapy agents. This model accurately reproduces the pathophysiology of infected diabetic wound healing and includes the current standard treatment (that is, debridement). The numerous benefits of this model include the ready availability of necessary materials, simple techniques, high reproducibility, and practicality for experiments with large sample sizes. Furthermore, given its similarities to infected-wound healing and treatment in humans, our new model can serve as a valid alternative for applied research.
White piedra is a superficial mycosis caused by Trichosporon spp. that affects the hair shaft of any part of the body. It is presented an outbreak of scalp white piedra seen in 5.8% of the children frequenting a day care in Northeastern of São Paulo State, Brazil. Mycological exam and culture identified T. cutaneum in all five cases, and scanning electron microscopy of nodules around hair shaft infected by Trichosporon spp. is demonstrated comparing them with those of black piedra and with nits of Pediculous capitis.
This work aims to evaluate the feasibility of using image-based cytometry (IBC) in the analysis of algal cell quantification and viability, using Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata as a cell model. Cell concentration was determined by IBC to be in a linear range between 1 × 105 and 8 × 106 cells mL−1. Algal viability was defined on the basis that the intact membrane of viable cells excludes the SYTOX Green (SG) probe. The disruption of membrane integrity represents irreversible damage and consequently results in cell death. Using IBC, we were able to successfully discriminate between live (SG-negative cells) and dead algal cells (heat-treated at 65 °C for 60 min; SG-positive cells). The observed viability of algal populations containing different proportions of killed cells was well correlated (R 2 = 0.994) with the theoretical viability. The validation of the use of this technology was carried out by exposing algal cells of P. subcapitata to a copper stress test for 96 h. IBC allowed us to follow the evolution of cell concentration and the viability of copper-exposed algal populations. This technology overcomes several main drawbacks usually associated with microscopy counting, such as labour-intensive experiments, tedious work and lack of the representativeness of the cell counting. In conclusion, IBC allowed a fast and automated determination of the total number of algal cells and allowed us to analyse viability. This technology can provide a useful tool for a wide variety of fields that utilise microalgae, such as the aquatic toxicology and biotechnology fields.
Antes dos 8 anos de idade no sexo feminino e dos 9 no masculino, o aparecimento de pelos púbicos, pode ser a primeira manifestação de doença das gónadas ou das supra-renais. Para reconhecimento da Hiperplasia congénita supra-renal de início tardio, em situações de Pubarca prematura, realizámos a Prova curta de estimulação da supra-renal com Synacthen, em trinta crianças. Cinco meninas e um rapaz revelaram um défice de 21-hidroxilase, demonstrado pelo valores da 17-OH Progesterona sérica aos 60 minutos;28,8 +_ 15,2ng/ml, sendo num grupo de controle 2,30 ng/ml (p<0,01). A incidência de 20% encontrada, justifica a realização desta prova em todas as Pubarcas prematuras.
Perinatal mortality rate is an important mark to evaluate women and perinatal health care. It is of utmost importance to know causes and the evolution of its two components aiming to improve health care in different fields – sanitary conditions, diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease, immunisations, diagnosing and caring for medical diseases induced by pregnancy or directly related to it, providing skilled birth attendance, preventing birth asphyxia, preventing preterm birth complications and infections. In high-income countries the epidemiology varies mainly with social and economic conditions; in low-income countries, paired with poverty, undernutrition, superstition, lack of medical care, deficient basic sanitary conditions are also found. Also, in rich countries, responsible for 1% of deaths, data are published and improvements evaluated, while in low-income countries responsible for 99% of deaths numbers and causes are unknown, making difficult to implement cost effective interventions, a reason why “stillbirth rates in low-income countries are now where they were in high-income countries 50 to 100 years ago”. Knowledge on causes of death are very important as often what is needed are “simple” measures as improvement of sanitary conditions and immunisation programmes rather than high technologies. About four million babies dye each year in the first 28 days of life and another 3 million dye before birth in the third-trimester, with 98% occurring in low-income and middle income countries and more than 1 million occurring during labour and delivery. Classically stillbirths are the major component of perinatal mortality rate. Causes of death are even more difficult to know. In low-income countries a great proportion of women give birth at home. Worldwide the main causes of stillbirth are asphyxia due to obstructed labour, eclampsia, abruption placenta and umbilical cord complications - making valid the assumption that skilled birth attendance would decrease stillbirth; and infection - chorioamnioitis, syphilis and malaria. In high-income countries placental pathology and infection, congenital anomalies, complications of preterm birth and post term delivery, are the most common. If in low-income countries famine and lack of provisions and health care are common, in high-income countries, advanced maternal age and diabetes, obesity, hypertension, smoking, are frequent findings.
The Ministry of Health's National Human Rabies Control Program advocates pre-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for professionals involved with animals that are at risk of contracting rabies. We report an antemortem and postmortem diagnosis of rabies in a veterinarian who became infected when handling herbivores with rabies. The antemortem diagnosis was carried out with a saliva sample and a biopsy of hair follicles using molecular biology techniques, while the postmortem diagnosis used a brain sample and conventional techniques. The veterinarian had collected samples to diagnose rabies in suspect herbivores (bovines and caprines) that were subsequently confirmed to be positive in laboratory tests. After onset of classic rabies symptoms, saliva and hair follicles were collected and used for antemortem diagnostic tests and found to be positive by RT-PCR. Genetic sequencing showed that the infection was caused by variant 3 (Desmodus rotundus), a finding confirmed by tests on the brain sample. It is essential that professionals who are at risk of infection by the rabies virus undergo pre-exposure prophylaxis. This study also confirms that molecular biology techniques were used successfully for antemortem diagnosis and therefore not only allow therapeutic methods to be developed, but also enable the source of infection in human rabies cases to be identified accurately and quickly.
As células foto voltaicas orgânicas ou células de Gräetzel (depois do seu descobridor) são aparelhos para a colecta de energia solar que utilizam um semicondutor inorgânico e uma molécula orgânica. Dita molécula orgânica é capaz de excitar-se na presença de radiação electromagnética e ceder esta energia através da doação de electrões a este semicondutor. Embora estas estruturas e o seu processo de fabrico sejam relativamente pouco onerosas, o aproveitamento da energia solar é ainda muito baixo. Para além desta deficiência, os corantes sintéticos sofrem de “bleaching” ou então são reduzidos ou oxidados facilmente quando não conseguem transferir a energia que foi absorvida ou quando é difícil voltar ao estado original por dificuldades no completamento de circulação de electrões. Neste trabalho pretende-se então estudar o comportamento de moléculas e misturas complexas de moléculas com capacidade para serem excitadas pela luz solar. Como a dita xcitação promove a transferência de um electrão, este processo será seguido pela técnica de Voltametria cíclica. Como substâncias absorventes de luz utilizaremos compostos naturais (principalmente flavonóides) puros, ou então na forma de complexos naturais extraídos de algumas plantas. Estas misturas de corantes serão extractos aquosos (infusões) de casca de laranja e limão assim como extractos de folhas de cerejeira, com o objectivo de proporcionar lternativas aos flavonóides utilizados neste estudo. A caracterização voltamétrica desta célula é feita em diferentes formas de iluminação. Sobre a célula assim formada faz-se incidir rimeiro luz de lâmpadas fluorescentes, depois luz ultra violeta e por fim sem qualquer tipo de luz incidente. Na base do fabrico da variante mais clássica destas células está o semicondutor óxido de itânio (TiO2), por ser uma substância muito comum e barata e com propriedades semicondutoras notáveis. Uma forma comum de melhorar a eficiência deste material é introduzir dopantes com o intuito de melhorar a eficiência do processo de transferência electrónica. Um segundo objectivo deste trabalho é o estudo de sistemas semicondutor/molécula foto activa. Semicondutores como ZnO, TiO2 e TiO2 dopado serão então estudados. O gels de TiO2 ou o TiO2 dopado serão depositados sobre lâminas de vidro comum, nas quais foi anteriormente depositado uma película de alumínio que serve de condutor (eléctrodo egativo). Uma outra variante será a utilização de óxido de zinco, um semicondutor de baixo custo que por sua vez vai ser depositado em lâminas de alumínio comercial. A nossa célula foto electroquímica será então formada por moléculas de corante, uma lâmina e um semicondutor (que funcionará como eléctrodo de trabalho), com ou sem electrólito/catalizador (solução de iodo/iodeto), e eléctrodos de referência de Ag/AgCl, e outro auxiliar de grafite. Um outro objectivo é fazer um pequeno estudo sobre influencia do catalisador I2/etilenodiamina no comportamento electroquímico da célula, de forma a poder utilizar o solvente (etilenodiamina) com menor volatilidade do que a água, que é empregada no par I2/I3.m A importância deste facto prende-se com a limitada vida destas células quando o electrólito/solvente é evaporado pelas altas temperaturas da radiação incidente.
We conducted an analytical cross-sectional survey to estimate the prevalence of and factors associated with active head lice infestation. In total 140 children, aged 6 to 16-years, from a public school in rural Yucatan, Mexico, were examined by wet-combing. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information on individuals and the conditions in the surrounding environment. Head lice infestation was found in 19 out of the 140 children tested (13.6%) and this was associated with both lower income (OR 9.9, 95% CI 2.15-45.79, p = 0.003) and a higher frequency of hair washing (OR 8, 95% CI 1.58-50, p = 0.012). Intersectoral control programs that take into account the socioeconomic differences of children should be implemented.
Thesis for the master degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry
SUMMARY In a previous study our group found that the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii was capable of reducing the intensity of infection in mice with toxocariasis. In order to assess whether the mechanism involved would be a direct action of the probiotic on Toxocara canis larvae, this study was designed. Both probiotics were singly cultivated in plates containing RPMI 1640 medium and T. canis larvae. S. boulardii and B. cereus var. toyoi cultures presented 97.6% and 95.7% of larvae with positive motility, respectively, and absence of color by the dye trypan blue, not representing significant difference to the control group (p > 0.05). We conclude that none of the probiotics showed in vitro effects on T. canis larvae and that the interaction with the intestinal mucosa is necessary for the development of the protective effect of S. boulardii.
The quest for new antiparasitic alternatives has led researchers to base their studies on insights into biology, host-parasite interactions and pathogenesis. In this context, proteases and their inhibitors are focused, respectively, as druggable targets and new therapy alternatives. Herein, we proposed to evaluate the in vitro effect of the cysteine protease inhibitor E-64 on Giardia trophozoites growth, adherence and viability. Trophozoites (105) were exposed to E-64 at different final concentrations, for 24, 48 and 72 h at 37 °C. In the growth and adherence assays, the number of trophozoites was estimated microscopically in a haemocytometer, whereas cell viability was evaluated by a dye-reduction assay using MTT. The E-64 inhibitor showed effect on growth, adherence and viability of trophozoites, however, its better performance was detected in the 100 µM-treated cultures. Although metronidazole was more effective, the E-64 was shown to be able to inhibit growth, adherence and viability rates by ≥ 50%. These results reveal that E-64 can interfere in some crucial processes to the parasite survival and they open perspectives for future investigations in order to confirm the real antigiardial potential of the protease inhibitors.
A pre-Columbian Peruvian scalp was examined decades ago by a researcher from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Professor Olympio da Fonseca Filho described nits and adult lice attached to hair shafts and commented about the origin of head lice infestations on mankind. This same scalp was sent to our laboratory and is the subject of the present paper. Analysis showed a massive infestation with nine eggs/cm2 and an impressive number of very well preserved adult lice. The infestation age was roughly estimated as nine months before death based on the distance of nits from the hair root and the medium rate of hair growth. A small traditional textile was associated with the scalp, possibly part of the funerary belongings. Other morphological aspects visualized by low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy are also presented here for adults and nits.
O presente trabalho teve como objectivo a minimização do impacto ambiental do processo de curtume da pele de bovino. A indústria de curtumes transforma a pele, material putrescível, em couro, material nobre, termicamente estável e imputrescível. A transformação da pele em couro origina uma carga poluente apreciável quer quanto a efluentes líquidos quer quanto a resíduos sólidos. O fluxo produtivo da indústria de curtumes pode dividir-se em quatro sectores: ribeira, curtume, tinturaria e acabamento, sendo que os três primeiros geram efluentes líquidos com elevada carga poluente. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas as fases do processo que geram efluentes líquidos: molho, caleiro, curtume e tinturaria. Na avaliação do processo do molho testou-se uma protease e uma lipase contra um molhante e um desengordurante tradicional, agentes químicos normalmente utilizados no molho mas menos biodegradáveis que as enzimas testadas. Salienta-se o bom resultado obtido quanto à eficiência do molho Na avaliação do processo de caleiro testaram-se várias alternativas no sentido da redução da quantidade de sulfureto de sódio utilizada e da minimização da carga poluente. Entre as alternativas, depilação por oxidação, depilação enzimática com e sem destruição do pêlo, elegeu-se a depilação enzimática sem destruição do pêlo que conduziu a resultados com menor impacto ambiental, nomeadamente a redução da % da quantidade de sulfureto de sódio, sendo a redução da carga poluente de 4,19 % de sulfureto, 32.80% de sólidos suspensos totais (SST),27.09% de sólidos totais (ST) e de 76.90% da carência química de oxigénio (CQO) no efluente de caleiro. No processo do curtume da pele é utilizado crómio como agente de curtume em cerca de 80% das peles tratadas, sendo este metal problemático em termos ambientais. No sentido de reduzir a quantidade de crómio utilizada no processo foi realizado um planeamento factorial onde as variáveis a estudar foram a concentração de crómio e a temperatura, tendo este como objectivo observar qual a quantidade mínima de crómio necessária para termos um produto final nas condições desejadas e gerando um menor impacto ambiental. Concluiu-se desenvolvendo um processo que mostra ser possível reduzir a quantidade de sal de crómio de 7% para 5%, além de ter um impacto ambiental claramente menos agressivo nos efluentes de curtume gerado. Este processo quando comparado com o processo tradicional permite a redução de 27% na CQO, 79% nos SST, 11% nos ST e 38% no teor de crómio Na avaliação do processo de tinturaria foi estudado um processo compacto contra o processo tradicional, tendo-se concluído pelo menor impacto ambiental do processo estudado, nomeadamente ao nível da redução do consumo de água e da carga poluente gerada. A comparação dos dois processos, no que respeita à carga poluente gerada, permitiu concluir por uma redução de 39% da CQO, 50% dos SST, e 12% dos ST quando aplicado o processo compacto Por fim foi feita uma avaliação do impacto ambiental do efluente global gerado pelos processos considerados com menor impacto ambiental contra o processo tradicional, normalmente aplicado na indústria. A aplicação do conjunto dos processos desenvolvidos, quando comparada com a aplicação do conjunto dos processos tradicionais, mostra uma redução de 1% no sulfureto, 40% na CQO, 60 % nos SST, 42 % no crómio e 11% nos ST, mostrando claramente que é possível reduzir a carga poluente da indústria de curtumes atuando no processo. Este trabalho mostrou a importância de atuar no processo para minimizar os custos de tratamento e mesmo de investimento dos efluentes da indústria de curtumes. Importa salientar que os processos desenvolvidos necessitam de validação a uma escala semi-industrial.