936 resultados para gridding accuracy


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This article describes and discusses a method to determine root curvature radius by using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The severity of root canal curvature is essential to select instrument and instrumentation technique. The diagnosis and planning of root canal treatment have traditionally been made based on periapical radiography. However, the higher accuracy of CBCT images to identify anatomic and pathologic alterations compared to panoramic and periapical radiographs has been shown to reduce the incidence of false-negative results. In high-resolution images, the measurement of root curvature radius can be obtained by circumcenter. Based on 3 mathematical points determined with the working tools of Planimp® software, it is possible to calculate root curvature radius in both apical and coronal directions. The CBCT-aided method for determination of root curvature radius presented in this article is easy to perform, reproducible and allows a more reliable and predictable endodontic planning, which reflects directly on a more efficacious preparation of curved root canals.


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OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the influence of metallic dental artifacts on the accuracy of simulated mandibular lesion detection by using multislice technology. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifteen macerated mandibles were used. Perforations were done simulating bone lesions and the mandibles were subjected to axial 16 rows multislice CT images using 0.5 mm of slice thickness with 0.3 mm interval of reconstruction. Metallic dental restorations were done and the mandibles were subjected again to CT in the same protocol. The images were analyzed to detect simulated lesions in the mandibles, verifying the loci number and if there was any cortical perforation exposing medullar bone. The analysis was performed by two independent examiners using e-film software. RESULTS: The samples without artifacts presented better results compared to the gold standard (dried mandible with perforations). In the samples without artifacts, all cortical perforation were identified and 46 loci were detected (of 51) in loci number analysis. Among the samples with artifacts, 12 lesions out of 14 were recognized regarding medullar invasion, and 40 out of 51 concerning loci number. The sensitivity in samples without artifacts was 90% and 100% regarding loci number and medullar invasion, respectively. In samples with artifacts, these values dropped to 78% and 86%, respectively. The presence of metallic restorations affected the sensitivity values of the method, but the difference was not significant (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Although there were differences in the results of samples with and without artifacts, the presence of metallic restoration did not lead to misinterpretation of the final diagnosis. However, the validity of multislice CT imaging in this study was established for detection of simulated mandibular bone lesions.


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There are many studies that compare the accuracy of multislice (MSCT) and cone beam (CBCT) computed tomography for evaluations in the maxillofacial region. However, further studies comparing both acquisition techniques for the evaluation of simulated mandibular bone lesions are needed. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of MSCT and CBCT in the diagnosis of simulated mandibular bone lesions by means of cross sectional images and axial/MPR slices. Lesions with different dimensions, shape and locularity were produced in 15 dry mandibles. The images were obtained following the cross sectional and axial/MPR (Multiplanar Reconstruction) imaging protocols and were interpreted independently. CBCT and MSCT showed similar results in depicting the percentage of cortical bone involvement, with great sensitivity and specificity (p < 0.005). There were no significant intra- or inter-examiner differences between axial/MPR images and cross sectional images with regard to sensitivity and specificity. CBCT showed results similar to those of MSCT for the identification of the number of simulated bone lesions. Cross sectional slices and axial/MPR images presented high accuracy, proving useful for bone lesion diagnosis.


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The objective of the current study was to evaluate the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of submucous nodules from the oral cavity and head and neck region as an auxiliary diagnostic tool. Fifty patients with nodule lesions in the oral cavity and the head and neck region were selected. All of them were submitted to FNAB and to either incisional or excisional biopsy. The diagnoses from the FNABs were compared with the biopsy diagnosis as the gold standard. All the cases of FNAB were analyzed by a single oral pathologist prior to the biopsy diagnosis. The results showed that the sensitivity of FNAB was 75%, its specificity was 96% and its accuracy was 58.8%. The false positive and false negative rates were 6.7% and 13.3%, respectively. The positive predictive value was 86% and the negative predictive value was 93%. The inconclusive rate was 16/50. FNAB displayed a high success rate for identifying both malignant and benign lesions, but a low accuracy for making a final diagnosis.


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There are many limitations to image acquisition, using conventional radiography, of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region. The Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a better option, due to its higher accuracy, for purposes of diagnosis, surgical planning and treatment of bone injuries. The aim of the present study was to analyze two protocols of cone beam computed tomography for the evaluation of simulated mandibular condyle bone lesions. Spherical lesions were simulated in 30 dry mandibular condyles, using dentist drills and drill bits sizes 1, 3 and 6. Each of the mandibular condyles was submitted to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) using two protocols: 1) axial, coronal and sagittal multiplanar reconstruction (MPR); and 2) sagittal plus coronal slices throughout the longitudinal axis of the mandibular condyles. For these protocols, 2 observers analyzed the CBCT images independently, regarding the presence or not of injuries. Only one of the observers, however, performed on 2 different occasions. The results were compared to the gold standard, evaluating the percentage of agreement, degree of accuracy of CBCT protocols and observers' examination. The z test was used for the statistical analysis. The results showed there were no statistically significant differences between the 2 protocols. There was greater difficulty in the assessment of small-size simulated lesions (drill # 1). From the results of this study, it can be concluded that CBCT is an accurate tool for analyzing mandibular condyle bone lesions, with the MPR protocol showing slightly better results than the sagittal plus coronal slices throughout the longitudinal axis.


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Secondary caries has been reported as the main reason for restoration replacement. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the performance of different methods - visual inspection, laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent), radiography and tactile examination - for secondary caries detection in primary molars restored with amalgam. Fifty-four primary molars were photographed and 73 suspect sites adjacent to amalgam restorations were selected. Two examiners evaluated independently these sites using all methods. Agreement between examiners was assessed by the Kappa test. To validate the methods, a caries-detector dye was used after restoration removal. The best cut-off points for the sample were found by a Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) analysis, and the area under the ROC curve (Az), and the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the methods were calculated for enamel (D2) and dentine (D3) thresholds. These parameters were found for each method and then compared by the McNemar test. The tactile examination and visual inspection presented the highest inter-examiner agreement for the D2 and D3 thresholds, respectively. The visual inspection also showed better performance than the other methods for both thresholds (Az = 0.861 and Az = 0.841, respectively). In conclusion, the visual inspection presented the best performance for detecting enamel and dentin secondary caries in primary teeth restored with amalgam.


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OBJECTIVES: Causes may be found in most cases of acute pancreatitis, however no etiology is found by clinical, biological and imaging investigations in 30% of these cases. Our objective was to evaluate results from endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for diagnosis of gallbladder microlithiasis in patients with unexplained (idiopathic) acute pancreatitis. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive non-alcoholic patients with diagnoses of acute pancreatitis were studied over a five-year period. None of them showed signs of gallstones on transabdominal ultrasound or tomography. We performed EUS within one week of diagnosing acute pancreatitis. Diagnosis of gallbladder microlithiasis on EUS was based upon findings of hyperechoic signals of 0.5-3.0 mm, with or without acoustic shadowing. All patients (36 cases) underwent cholecystectomy, in accordance with indication from the attending physician or based upon EUS diagnosis. RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients (75%) had microlithiasis confirmed by histology and nine did not (25%). EUS findings were positive in twenty-five. Two patients had acute cholecystitis diagnosed at EUS that was confirmed by surgical and histological findings. In two patients, EUS showed cholesterolosis and pathological analysis disclosed stones not detected by EUS. EUS diagnosed microlithiasis in four cases not confirmed by surgical treatment. In our study, sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values to identify gallbladder microlithiasis (with 95% confidence interval) were 92.6% (74.2-98.7%), 55.6% (22.7-84.7%), 86.2% (67.4-95.5%) and 71.4% (30.3-94.9%), respectively. Overall EUS accuracy was 83.2%. CONCLUSIONS: EUS is a very reliable procedure to diagnose gallbladder microlithiasis and should be used for the management of patients with unexplained acute pancreatitis. This procedure should be part of advanced endoscopic evaluation.


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A simple and low cost method to determine volatile contaminants in post-consumer recycled PET flakes was developed and validated by Headspace Dynamic Concentration and Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detection (HDC-GC-FID). The analytical parameters evaluated by using surrogates include: correlation coefficient, detection limit, quantification limit, accuracy, intra-assay precision, and inter-assay precision. In order to compare the efficiency of the proposed method to recognized automated techniques, post-consumer PET packaging samples collected in Brazil were used. GC-MS was used to confirm the identity of the substances identified in the PET packaging. Some of the identified contaminants were estimated in the post-consumer material at concentrations higher than 220 ng.g-1. The findings in this work corroborate data available in the scientific literature pointing out the suitability of the proposed analytical method.


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Limiares auditivos de crianças surdas pré-linguais usuárias de implante coclear foram avaliados com estimulação elétrica em um dos eletrodos mediais. A avaliação empregou um procedimento operante do tipo go/no go para ensinar uma discriminação simples, evidenciada por uma resposta motora, entre presença e ausência do estímulo auditivo. Estabelecida a linha de base, a manipulação na intensidade do estímulo foi implementada de acordo com o método psicofísico de escada modificado, começando por uma seqüência descendente. Os sete participantes do estudo mostraram perda da precisão no responder sob controle do estímulo quando a intensidade diminuía além de um certo valor e a precisão era recuperada quando a intensidade era novamente aumentada, o que permitiu a identificação de limiares individuais. Os resultados sugerem que o método psicofísico combinado com o procedimento operante pode ser uma alternativa viável para avaliar limiar auditivo de pessoas sem linguagem em situação clínica de regulagem do implante coclear.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O arco e flecha é um esporte estático que requer força e resistência da parte superior do corpo, sendo que a habilidade do arqueiro é definida pela capacidade de atirar a flecha no alvo em um intervalo de tempo com precisão. A contração muscular gerada durante a execução do gesto esportivo propicia o aumento da temperatura corporal, da oxidação de glicose e da sudorese, podendo esta ser potencializada pelas condições climáticas às quais o atleta é exposto. Todos estes fatores alteram a percepção de esforço e a própria geração de força, impondo um estresse negativo à performance. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar e relacionar o estado de hidratação de atletas de arco e flecha com alterações fisiológicas e de força intervenientes no rendimento competitivo. MÉTODOS: Participaram 11 arqueiros em duas competições distintas (indoor e outdoor). Foram mensurados parâmetros relacionados ao estado de hidratação, glicemia, percepção de esforço subjetivo e alteração na força de preensão palmar. RESULTADOS: Os atletas analisados apresentaram alterações significativas nos parâmetros relacionados ao estado hídrico em diferentes dias, provavelmente relacionadas às condições climáticas adversas na competição outdoor (34ºC e 60% URA) em relação à competição indoor (22ºC e 90% URA). O mesmo não foi observado para a glicemia. CONCLUSÃO: Este trabalho é o primeiro a comprovar a relação direta entre fatores climáticos e de rendimento em arqueiros de alto nível durante evento competitivo, assim como a evidenciar quais métodos não invasivos seriam os mais indicados para a avaliação do impacto destas alterações.


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Wing diagnostic characters for Culex quinquefasciatus and Culex nigripalpus (Diptera, Culicidae). Culex quinquefasciatus and Culex nigripalpus are mosquitoes of public health interest, which can occur sympatrically in urban and semi-urban localities. Morphological identification of these species may be difficult when specimens are not perfectly preserved. In order to suggest an alternative taxonomical diagnosis, wings of these species were comparatively characterized using geometric morphometrics. Both species could be distinguished by wing shape with accuracy rates ranging from 85-100%. Present results indicate that one can identify these species relying only on wing characters when traditional taxonomical characters are not visible.


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Due to the imprecise nature of biological experiments, biological data is often characterized by the presence of redundant and noisy data. This may be due to errors that occurred during data collection, such as contaminations in laboratorial samples. It is the case of gene expression data, where the equipments and tools currently used frequently produce noisy biological data. Machine Learning algorithms have been successfully used in gene expression data analysis. Although many Machine Learning algorithms can deal with noise, detecting and removing noisy instances from the training data set can help the induction of the target hypothesis. This paper evaluates the use of distance-based pre-processing techniques for noise detection in gene expression data classification problems. This evaluation analyzes the effectiveness of the techniques investigated in removing noisy data, measured by the accuracy obtained by different Machine Learning classifiers over the pre-processed data.


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver simulação computadorizada de ablação para produzir lentes de contato personalizadas a fim de corrigir aberrações de alta ordem. MÉTODOS: Usando dados reais de um paciente com ceratocone, mensurados em um aberrômetro ("wavefront") com sensor Hartmann-Shack, foram determinados as espessuras de lentes de contato que compensam essas aberrações assim como os números de pulsos necessários para fazer ablação as lentes especificamente para este paciente. RESULTADOS: Os mapas de correção são apresentados e os números dos pulsos foram calculados, usando feixes com a largura de 0,5 mm e profundidade de ablação de 0,3 µm. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados simulados foram promissores, mas ainda precisam ser aprimorados para que o sistema de ablação "real" possa alcançar a precisão desejada.


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One hundred fifteen cachaça samples derived from distillation in copper stills (73) or in stainless steels (42) were analyzed for thirty five itens by chromatography and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The analytical data were treated through Factor Analysis (FA), Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA). The FA explained 66.0% of the database variance. PLS-DA showed that it is possible to distinguish between the two groups of cachaças with 52.8% of the database variance. QDA was used to build up a classification model using acetaldehyde, ethyl carbamate, isobutyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, acetic acid and formaldehyde as chemical descriptors. The model presented 91.7% of accuracy on predicting the apparatus in which unknown samples were distilled.


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Soil organic matter (SOM) plays an important role in physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. Therefore, the amount of SOM is important for soil management for sustainable agriculture. The objective of this work was to evaluate the amount of SOM in oxisols by different methods and compare them, using principal component analysis, regarding their limitations. The methods used in this work were Walkley-Black, elemental analysis, total organic carbon (TOC) and thermogravimetry. According to our results, TOC and elemental analysis were the most satisfactory methods for carbon quantification, due to their better accuracy and reproducibility.