920 resultados para gas flow
This thesis describes the study of various grating based optical fibre sensors for applications in refractive index sensing. The sensitivity of these sensors has been studied and in some cases enhanced using novel techniques. The major areas of development are as follows. The sensitivity of long period gratings (LPGs) to surrounding medium refractive index (SRI) for various periods was investigated. The most sensitive period of LPG was found to be around 160 µm and this was due to the core mode coupling to a single cladding mode but phase matching at two wavelength locations, creating two attenuation peaks, close to the waveguide dispersion turning point. Large angle tilted fibre gratings (TFGs) have similar behaviour to LPGs, in that they couple to the co-propagating cladding modes. The tilted structure of the index modulation within the core of the fibre gives rise to a polarisation dependency, differing the large angle TFG from a LPG. Since the large angle TFG couple to the cladding mode they are SRI sensitive, the sensitivity to SRI can be further increased through cladding etching using HF acid. The thinning of the cladding layer caused a reordering of the cladding modes and shifted to more SRI sensitive cladding modes as the investigation discovered. In a SRI range of 1.36 to 1.40 a sensitivity of 506.9 nm/URI was achieved for the etched large angle TFG, which is greater than the dual resonance LPG. UV inscribed LPGs were coated with sol-gel materials with high RIs. The high RI of the coating caused an increase in cladding mode effective index which in turn caused an increase in the LPG sensitivity to SRI. LPGs of various periods of LPG were coated with sol-gel TiO2 and the optimal thickness was found to vary for each period. By coating of the already highly SRI sensitive 160µm period LPG (which is a dual resonance) with a sol-gel TiO2, the SRI sensitivity was further increased with a peak value of 1458 nm/URI, which was an almost 3 fold increase compared to the uncoated LPG. LPGs were also inscribed using a femtosecond laser which produced a highly focused index change which was no uniform throughout the core of the optical fibre. The inscription technique gave rise to a large polarisation sensitivity and the ability to couple to multiple azimuthal cladding mode sets, not seen with uniform UV inscribed gratings. Through coupling of the core mode to multiple sets of cladding modes, attenuation peaks with opposite wavelength shifts for increasing SRI was observed. Through combining this opposite wavelength shifts, a SRI sensitivity was achieved greater than any single observed attenuations peak. The maximum SRI achieved was 1680 nm/URI for a femtosecond inscribed LPG of period 400 µm. Three different types of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors with a multilayer metal top coating were investigated in D shape optical fibre. The sensors could be separated into two types, utilized a pre UV inscribed tilted Bragg grating and the other employed a post UV exposure to generate surface relief grating structure. This surface perturbation aided the out coupling of light from the core but also changed the sensing mechanism from SPR to localised surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). This greatly increased the SRI sensitivity, compared to the SPR sensors; with the gold coated top layer surface relief sensor producing the largest SRI sensitivity of 2111.5nm/URI was achieved. While, the platinum and silver coated top layer surface relief sensors also gave high SRI sensitivities but also the ability to produce resonances in air (not previously seen with the SPR sensors). These properties were employed in two applications. The silver and platinum surface relief devices were used as gas sensors and were shown to be capable of detecting the minute RI change of different gases. The calculated maximum sensitivities produced were 1882.1dB/URI and 1493.5nm/URI for silver and platinum, respectively. Using a DFB laser and power meter a cheap alternative approach was investigated which showed the ability of the sensors to distinguish between different gases and flow rates of those gases. The gold surface relief sensor was coated in a with a bio compound called an aptamer and it was able to detect various concentrations of a biological compound called Thrombin, ranging from 1mM to as low as 10fM. A solution of 2M NaCl was found to give the best stripping results for Thrombin from the aptamer and showed the reusability of the sensor. The association and disassociation constants were calculated to be 1.0638×106Ms-1 and 0.2482s-1, respectively, showing the high affinity of the Aptamer to thrombin. This supports existing working stating that aptamers could be alternative to enzymes for chemical detection and also helps to explain the low detection limit of the gold surface relief sensor.
Various micro-radial compressor configurations were investigated using one-dimensional meanline and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques for use in a micro gas turbine (MGT) domestic combined heat and power (DCHP) application. Blade backsweep, shaft speed, and blade height were varied at a constant pressure ratio. Shaft speeds were limited to 220 000 r/min, to enable the use of a turbocharger bearing platform. Off-design compressor performance was established and used to determine the MGT performance envelope; this in turn was used to assess potential cost and environmental savings in a heat-led DCHP operating scenario within the target market of a detached family home. A low target-stage pressure ratio provided an opportunity to reduce diffusion within the impeller. Critically for DCHP, this produced very regular flow, which improved impeller performance for a wider operating envelope. The best performing impeller was a low-speed, 170 000 r/min, low-backsweep, 15° configuration producing 71.76 per cent stage efficiency at a pressure ratio of 2.20. This produced an MGT design point system efficiency of 14.85 per cent at 993 W, matching prime movers in the latest commercial DCHP units. Cost and CO2 savings were 10.7 per cent and 6.3 per cent, respectively, for annual power demands of 17.4 MWht and 6.1 MWhe compared to a standard condensing boiler (with grid) installation. The maximum cost saving (on design point) was 14.2 per cent for annual power demands of 22.62 MWht and 6.1 MWhe corresponding to an 8.1 per cent CO2 saving. When sizing, maximum savings were found with larger heat demands. When sized, maximum savings could be made by encouraging more electricity export either by reducing household electricity consumption or by increasing machine efficiency.
Studies into the two-phase flow patterns produced on a sieve tray were carried out using an air-water simulator of 2.44 m in diameter. The flow patterns were investigated by a number of methods, direct observation using directional flow pointers; by water-cooling to simulate mass transfer; and by measurement of the height of clear liquid across the tray with manometers. The flow rates used were designed to show how the flow pattern changed with the change in the gas and liquid rates. The results from water-only studies on an un-perforated tray were compared with those produced on a sieve tray with holes of 12.7 mm diameter. The presence of regions on the sides of the tray where the liquid was circulating was noted from the water-only experiments. The presence and magnitude of the circulations was reduced when the air was passed through the liquid. These were similar to the findings of Hine (1990) and Chambers (1993). When circulation occurred, the flow separated at the ends of the inlet downcomer and circulations of up to 30% of the tray area were observed. Water-cooling and the manometer measurements were used to show the effect of the flow pattern on the tray efficiency and the height of clear liquid respectively. The efficiency was severely reduced by the presence of circulations. The height of clear liquid tended to rise in these areas. A comparison of data collected on trays with different hole diameters showed that the larger hole diameter inhibited the on-set of separation to a greater extent than small hole diameters. The tray efficiency was affected by a combination of the better mixing on smaller hole trays and detrimental effect of greater circulation on these trays. Work on a rectangular tray geometry was carried out to assess the effect of hole size on the height of clear liquid. It was found that the gradient on the outlet half of the tray was very small and that the highest clear liquid height was given by the highest hole size. Overall, the experiments helped to clarify the effect that the flow pattern had on the operation of the tray. It is hoped that the work can be of use in the development of models to predict the flow pattern and hence the tray efficiency.
Compared to packings trays are more cost effective column internals because they create a large interfacial area for mass transfer by the interaction of the vapour on the liquid. The tray supports a mass of froth or spray which on most trays (including the most widely used sieve trays) is not in any way controlled. The two important results of the gas/liquid interaction are the tray efficiency and the tray throughput or capacity. After many years of practical experience, both may be predicted by empirical correlations, despite the lack of understanding. It is known that the tray efficiency is in part determined by the liquid flow pattern and the throughput by the liquid froth height which in turn depends on the liquid hold-up and vapour velocity. This thesis describes experimental work on sieve trays in an air-water simulator, 2.44 m in diameter. The liquid flow pattern, for flow rates similar to those used in commercial scale distillation, was observed experimentally by direct observation; by water-cooling, to simulate mass transfer; use of potassium permanganate dye to observe areas of longer residence time; and by height of clear liquid measurements across the tray and in the downcomer using manometers. This work presents experiments designed to evaluate flow control devices proposed to improve the gas liquid interaction and hence improve the tray efficiency and throughput. These are (a) the use of intermediate weirs to redirect liquid to the sides of the tray so as to remove slow moving/stagnant liquid and (b) the use of vapour-directing slots designed to use the vapour to cause liquid to be directed towards the outlet weir thus reducing the liquid hold-up at a given rate i.e. increased throughput. This method also has the advantage of removing slow moving/stagnant liquid. In the experiments using intermediate weirs, which were placed in the centre of the tray. it was found that in general the effect of an intermediate weir depends on the depth of liquid downstream of the weir. If the weir is deeper than the downstream depth it will cause the upstream liquid to be deeper than the downstream liquid. If the weir is not as deep as deep as the downstream depth it may have little or no effect on the upstream depth. An intermediate weir placed at an angle to the direction of flow of liquid increases the liquid towards the sides of the tray without causing an increase in liquid hold-up/ froth height. The maximum proportion of liquid caused to flow sideways by the weir is between 5% and 10%. Experimental work using vapour-directing slots on a rectangular sieve tray has shown that the horizontal momentum that is imparted to the liquid is dependent upon the size of the slot. If too much momentum is transferred to the liquid it causes hydraulic jumps to occur at the mouth of the slot coupled with liquid being entrained, The use of slots also helps to eliminate the hydraulic gradient across sieve trays and provides a more uniform froth height on the tray. By comparing the results obtained of the tray and point efficiencies, it is shown that a slotted tray reduces both values by approximately 10%. This reduction is due to the fact that with a slotted tray the liquid has a reduced residence time Ion the tray coupled also with the fact that large size bubbles are passing through the slots. The effectiveness of using vapour-directing slots on a full circular tray was investigated by using dye to completely colour the biphase. The removal of the dye by clear liquid entering the tray was monitored using an overhead camera. Results obtained show that the slots are successful in their aim of reducing slow moving liquid from the sides of the tray, The net effect of this is an increase in tray efficiency. Measurements of slot vapour-velocity found it to be approximately equal to the hole velocity.
Single phase solutions containing three components have been observed to exhibit foaminess near a single to two liquid phase boundary. It was seen, in a sintered plate column under mass transfer conditions, that distillation systems where the liquid appeared as one phase in one part of a column and two phases in another part, exhibited foaminess when the liquid concentration was near the one phase to two phase boundary. Various ternary systems have been studied in a 50 plate. 30mm i.d. Oldershaw column and it was observed that severe foaming occurred in the middle section of the column near the one liquid phase to two liquid phase boundary and no foaming occurred at the end of the column where liquid was either one phase or two phase. This is known as Ross type foam. Mass transfer experiments with Ross type ternary systems have been carried out in a perspex simulator with small and large hole diameter trays. It was observed that by removal of the more volatile component, Ross type foam did not build up on the tray. Severe entrainment of liquid was observed in all cases leading to a 'dry' tray, even with a low free area small diameter hole tray which was expected to produce a bubbly mixture. Entrainment was more severe for high gas superficial velocities and large hole diameters. This behaviour is quite different from the build up of foam observed when one liquid phase/two liquid phase Ross systems were contacted with air above a small sintered disc or with vapour in an Oldershaw distillation column. This observation explains why distillation columns processing mixtures which change from one liquid phase to two liquid phases (or vice versa) must be severely derated to avoid flooding. Single liquid phase holdups at the spray to bubbly transition were measured using a perspex simulator similar to that of Porter & Wong (17). i.e. with no liquid cross flow. A light transmission technique was used to measure the transition from spray regime to bubbly regime. The effect of tray thickness and the ratio of hole diameter to tray thickness on the transition was evaluated using trays of the same hole diameter and free area but having thickness of 2.38 mm, 4 mm, and 6.35 mm. The liquid holdup at the transition was less with the thin metal trays. This result may be interpreted by the theory of Lockett (101), which predicts the transition liquid holdup in terms of the angle of the gas iet leaving the holes in the sieve plate. All the existing correlations have been compared and none were found to be satisfactory and these correlations have been modified in view of the experimental results obtained. A new correlation has been proposed which takes into account the effect of the hole diameter to tray thickness ratio on the transition and good agreement was obtained between the experimental results and the correlated values of the liquid holdup at the transition. Results have been obtained for two immiscible liquids [kerosene and water] on trays to determine whether foaming can be eliminated by operating in the spray regime. Kerosene was added to a fixed volume of water or water was added to a fixed volume of kerosene. In both cases, there was a transition from spray to bubbly. In the water fixed system. the liquid holdup at the transition was slightly less than the pure kerosene system. Whilst for the kerosene fixed system, the transition occurred at much lower liquid holdups. Trends In the results were similar to those for single liquid phase. New correlations have been proposed for the two cases. It has been found that Ross type foams, observed in a sintered plate column and in the Oldershaw column can be eliminated by either carrying out the separation in a packed column or by the addition of defoaming additives.
The work is a logical continuation of research started at Aston some years ago when studies were conducted on fermentations in bubble columns. The present work highlights typical design and operating problems that could arise in such systems as waste water, chemical, biochemical and petroleum operations involving three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidisation; such systems are in increasing use. It is believed that this is one of few studies concerned with `true' three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidised systems, and that this work will contribute significantly to closing some of the gaps in knowledge in this area. The research work was mainly experimentally based and involved studies of the hydrodynamic parameters, phase holdups (gas and solid), particle mixing and segregation, and phase flow dynamics (flow regime and circulation patterns). The studies have focused particularly on the solid behaviour and the influence of properties of solids present on the above parameters in three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidised systems containing single particle components and those containing binary and ternary mixtures of particles. All particles were near spherical in shape and two particle sizes and total concentration levels were used. Experiments were carried out in two- and three-dimensional bubble columns. Quantitative results are presented in graphical form and are supported by qualitative results from visual studies which are also shown as schematic diagrams and in photographic form. Gas and solid holdup results are compared for air-water containing single, binary and ternary component particle mixtures. It should be noted that the criteria for selection of the materials used are very important if true three-phase fluidisation is to be achieved: this is very evident when comparing the results with those in the literature. The fluid flow and circulation patterns observed were assessed for validation of the generally accepted patterns, and the author believes that the present work provides more accurate insight into the modelling of liquid circulation in bubble columns. The characteristic bubbly flow at low gas velocity in a two-phase system is suppressed in the three-phase system. The degree of mixing within the system is found to be dependent on flow regime, liquid circulation and the ratio of solid phase physical properties. Evidence of strong `trade-off' of properties is shown; the overall solid holdup is believed to be a major parameter influencing the gas holdup structure.
The thesis presents an experimentally validated modelling study of the flow of combustion air in an industrial radiant tube burner (RTB). The RTB is used typically in industrial heat treating furnaces. The work has been initiated because of the need for improvements in burner lifetime and performance which are related to the fluid mechanics of the com busting flow, and a fundamental understanding of this is therefore necessary. To achieve this, a detailed three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model has been used, validated with experimental air flow, temperature and flue gas measurements. Initially, the work programme is presented and the theory behind RTB design and operation in addition to the theory behind swirling flows and methane combustion. NOx reduction techniques are discussed and numerical modelling of combusting flows is detailed in this section. The importance of turbulence, radiation and combustion modelling is highlighted, as well as the numerical schemes that incorporate discretization, finite volume theory and convergence. The study first focuses on the combustion air flow and its delivery to the combustion zone. An isothermal computational model was developed to allow the examination of the flow characteristics as it enters the burner and progresses through the various sections prior to the discharge face in the combustion area. Important features identified include the air recuperator swirler coil, the step ring, the primary/secondary air splitting flame tube and the fuel nozzle. It was revealed that the effectiveness of the air recuperator swirler is significantly compromised by the need for a generous assembly tolerance. Also, there is a substantial circumferential flow maldistribution introduced by the swirier, but that this is effectively removed by the positioning of a ring constriction in the downstream passage. Computations using the k-ε turbulence model show good agreement with experimentally measured velocity profiles in the combustion zone and proved the use of the modelling strategy prior to the combustion study. Reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 200,000 nodes. Agreement was poorer with the RNG k-ε and Reynolds Stress models. The study continues to address the combustion process itself and the heat transfer process internal to the RTB. A series of combustion and radiation model configurations were developed and the optimum combination of the Eddy Dissipation (ED) combustion model and the Discrete Transfer (DT) radiation model was used successfully to validate a burner experimental test. The previously cold flow validated k-ε turbulence model was used and reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 300,000 nodes. The combination showed good agreement with temperature measurements in the inner and outer walls of the burner, as well as with flue gas composition measured at the exhaust. The inner tube wall temperature predictions validated the experimental measurements in the largest portion of the thermocouple locations, highlighting a small flame bias to one side, although the model slightly over predicts the temperatures towards the downstream end of the inner tube. NOx emissions were initially over predicted, however, the use of a combustion flame temperature limiting subroutine allowed convergence to the experimental value of 451 ppmv. With the validated model, the effectiveness of certain RTB features identified previously is analysed, and an analysis of the energy transfers throughout the burner is presented, to identify the dominant mechanisms in each region. The optimum turbulence-combustion-radiation model selection was then the baseline for further model development. One of these models, an eccentrically positioned flame tube model highlights the failure mode of the RTB during long term operation. Other models were developed to address NOx reduction and improvement of the flame profile in the burner combustion zone. These included a modified fuel nozzle design, with 12 circular section fuel ports, which demonstrates a longer and more symmetric flame, although with limited success in NOx reduction. In addition, a zero bypass swirler coil model was developed that highlights the effect of the stronger swirling combustion flow. A reduced diameter and a 20 mm forward displaced flame tube model shows limited success in NOx reduction; although the latter demonstrated improvements in the discharge face heat distribution and improvements in the flame symmetry. Finally, Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) modelling attempts indicate the difficulty of the application of this NOx reduction technique in the Wellman RTB. Recommendations for further work are made that include design mitigations for the fuel nozzle and further burner modelling is suggested to improve computational validation. The introduction of fuel staging is proposed, as well as a modification in the inner tube to enhance the effect of FGR.
The flow behaviour of shallow gas-fluidised beds was studied. experimentally using a rotational viscometer, and an inclined open channel. Initially, tests were carried out with the viscometer in order to establish qualitative trends in the flow properties of a variety of materials over a wide range of fluidising conditions. Also, a technique was developed which enabled quantitative viscosity data to be extracted from the experimental results. The flow properties were found to be sensitive to the size, size-range and density of the fluidised material, the type of distributor used, and the moisture content of the fluidising gas. Tests in beds up to 120 mm deep showed that the fluidity of the bed improves with reduction in depth; and indicated a range of flow behaviour from shear-thinning to Newtonian, depending chiefly on fluidising velocity .. Later, an apparatus was built which provided for a steady, continuous flow of fluidised material down an inclined open channel of 3m length x 0.15m square, up to a mass flowrate of 10 kg/s (35 ton/hr). This facility has enabled data to be obtained that is of practical value in industrial applications; which is otherwise difficult in view of the present limited understanding of the true mechanism of fluidised flow. A correlation has been devised, based on analogy with laminar liquid flow, which describes the channel flow behaviour with reasonable accuracy over the whole range of shear-rates used. 1he channeI results indicated that at low fluidiising velocities the flow was adversely affected by settlement of a stagnant layer of particles on to the distributor, which gave rise to increased flow resistance. Conversely, at higher fluidising velocities the resistance at the distributor appeared to be less than at the walls. In view of this, and also because of the disparity in shear-rates between the two types of apparatus, it is not possible as yet to predict exactly the flow behaviour in an open channel from small-scale viscometer tests.
This thesis investigates the soil-pipeline interactions associated with the operation of large-diameter chilled gas pipelines in Britain, these are frost/pipe heave and ground cracking. The investigation was biased towards the definition of the mechanism of ground cracking and, the parameters which influence its generation and subsequent development, especially its interaction with frost heave. The study involved a literature review, questionnaire, large-scale test and small-scale laboratory model experiments. The literature review concentrated on soil-pipeline interactions and frost action, with frost/pipe heave often reported but ground cracking was seldom reported. A questionnaire was circulated within British Gas to gain further information on these interactions. The replies indicated that if frost/pipe heave was reported, ground cracking was also likely to be observed. These soil-pipeline interactions were recorded along 19% of pipelines in the survey and were more likely along the larger diameter, higher flow pipelines. A large-scale trial along a 900 mm pipeline was undertaken to assess the soil thermal, hydraulic and stress regimes, together with pipe and ground movements. Results indicated that cracking occurred intermittently along the pipeline during periods of rapid frost/pipe heave and ground movement and, that frozen annulus growth produced a ground surface profile was approximated by a normal probability distribution curve. This curve indicates maximum tensile strain directly over the pipe centre. Finally a small-scale laboratory model was operated to further define the ground cracking mechanism. Ground cracking was observed at small upward ground surface movement, and with continued movement the ground crack increased in width and depth. At the end of the experiments internal soil failure planes slanting upwards and away from the frozen annulus were noted. The suggested mechanism for ground cracking involved frozen annulus growth producing tensile strain in the overlying unfrozen soil, which when sufficient produced a crack.
A combined flow loop - jet impingement pilot plant has been used to determine mass loss rates in a mixed gas - saltwater - sand multiphase flow at impact velocities up to 70 m/s. Artificial brine with a salt content of 27 g/1 was used as liquid phase. Sand content, with grain size below 150 µ, was 2.7 g/l brine. CO at a pressure of 15 bar was used as gas phase. The impact angle between jet stream (nozzle) and sample surface was varied between 30 and 90°. Rectangular stainless steel disc samples with a size of 20 × 15 × 5 mm were used. They were mechanically ground and polished prior to testing. Damaged surfaces of specimens exposed to the high velocity multiphase flow were investigated by stereo microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and an optical device for 3D surface measurements. Furthermore, samples were investigated by applying atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and nanoindentation. Influence of impact velocity and impact angle on penetration rates (mass loss rates) of two CRAs (UNS S30400 and N08028) are presented. Moreover effects of chemical composition and mechanical properties are critically discussed. © 2008 by NACE International.
This paper describes a study of the combustion process in an industrial radiant tube burner (RTB), used in heat treating furnaces, as part of an attempt to improve burner performance. A detailed three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics model has been used, validated with experimental test furnace temperature and flue gas composition measurements. Simulations using the Eddy Dissipation combustion model with peak temperature limitation and the Discrete Transfer radiation model showed good agreement with temperature measurements in the inner and outer walls of the burner, as well as with flue gas composition measured at the exhaust (including NO). Other combustion and radiation models were also tested but gave inferior results in various aspects. The effects of certain RTB design features are analysed, and an analysis of the heat transfer processes within the burner is presented.
Biofuels and chemicals from biomass mean the gasification of biogenic feedstocks and the synthesis via methanol, dimethylester (DME) or Fischer-Tropsch products. To prevent the sensitive synthesis catalysts from poisoning the syngas must be free of tar and particulates. The trace concentrations of S-, C1-, N-species, alkali and heavy metals must be of the order of a few ppb. Moreover maximum conversion efficiency will be achieved performing the gas cleaning above the synthesis conditions. The concept of an innovative dry HTHP syngas cleaning is presented. Based on the HT particle filtration and suitable sorption and catalysis processes for the relevant contaminants a total concept will be derived, which leads to a syngas quality required for synthesis catalysts in only 2 combined stages. The experimental setup for the HT gas cleaning behind the 60 kWtherm entrained flow gasifier REGA of the institute is described. Results from HT filter experiments in pilot scale are presented. The performance of 2 natural minerals for HC1 and H2S sorption is discussed with respect to the parameters temperature, surface and residence time. Results from lab scale investigations on low temperature tar catalysts' performance (commercial and proprietary development) are discussed finally.
This paper presents and demonstrates a method for using magnetic resonance imaging to measure local pressure of a fluid saturating a porous medium. The method is tested both in a static system of packed silica gel and in saturated sintered glass cylinders experiencing fluid flow. The fluid used contains 3% gas in the form of 3-μm average diameter gas filled 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (C18:0, MW: 790.16) liposomes suspended in 5% glycerol and 0.5% Methyl cellulose with water. Preliminary studies at 2.35 T demonstrate relative magnetic resonance signal changes of 20% per bar in bulk fluid for an echo time TE=40 ms, and 6-10% in consolidated porous media for TE=10 ms, over the range 0.8-1.8 bar for a spatial resolution of 0.1 mm3 and a temporal resolution of 30 s. The stability of this solution with relation to applied pressure and methods for improving sensitivity are discussed. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The simulation of two-phase flow for an experimental airlift reactor (32-l volume) using commercially available software from Fluent Incorporated is presented here (http://www.fluent.co.uk). Data from the simulation is compared with the experimental data obtained by the tracking of a magnetic particle and analysis of the pressure drop to determine the gas hold-up. Comparisons between vertical velocity and gas hold-up were made for a series of experiments where the superficial gas velocity in the riser was adjusted between 0.01 and 0.075 m s-1. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Using the analogy between lateral convection of heat and the two-phase flow in bubble columns, alternative turbulence modelling methods were analysed. The k-ε turbulence and Reynolds stress models were used to predict the buoyant motion of fluids where a density difference arises due to the introduction of heat or a discrete phase. A large height to width aspect ratio cavity was employed in the transport of heat and it was shown that the Reynolds stress model with the use of velocity profiles including the laminar flow solution resulted in turbulent vortices developing. The turbulence models were then applied to the simulation of gas-liquid flow for a 5:1 height to width aspect ratio bubble column. In the case of a gas superficial velocity of 0.02 m s-1 it was determined that employing the Reynolds stress model yielded the most realistic simulation results. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.