988 resultados para fine paper
Un papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification d’un papier en y immobilisant une ou plusieurs biomolécules. La recherche et le développement de papiers bioactifs est en plein essor car le papier est un substrat peu dispendieux qui est déjà d’usage très répandu à travers le monde. Bien que les papiers bioactifs n’aient pas connus de succès commercial depuis la mise en marche de bandelettes mesurant le taux de glucose dans les années cinquante, de nombreux groupes de recherche travaillent à immobiliser des biomolécules sur le papier pour obtenir un papier bioactif qui est abordable et possède une bonne durée de vie. Contrairement à la glucose oxidase, l’enzyme utilisée sur ces bandelettes, la majorité des biomolécules sont très fragiles et perdent leur activité très rapidement lorsqu’immobilisées sur des papiers. Le développement de nouveaux papiers bioactifs pouvant détecter des substances d’intérêt ou même désactiver des pathogènes dépend donc de découverte de nouvelles techniques d’immobilisation des biomolécules permettant de maintenir leur activité tout en étant applicable dans la chaîne de production actuelle des papiers fins. Le but de cette thèse est de développer une technique d’immobilisation efficace et versatile, permettant de protéger l’activité de biomolécules incorporées sur des papiers. La microencapsulation a été choisie comme technique d’immobilisation car elle permet d’enfermer de grandes quantités de biomolécules à l’intérieur d’une sphère poreuse permettant leur protection. Pour cette étude, le polymère poly(éthylènediimine) a été choisi afin de générer la paroi des microcapsules. Les enzymes laccase et glucose oxidase, dont les propriétés sont bien établies, seront utilisées comme biomolécules test. Dans un premier temps, deux procédures d’encapsulation ont été développées puis étudiées. La méthode par émulsion produit des microcapsules de plus petits diamètres que la méthode par encapsulation utilisant un encapsulateur, bien que cette dernière offre une meilleure efficacité d’encapsulation. Par la suite, l’effet de la procédure d’encapsulation sur l’activité enzymatique et la stabilité thermique des enzymes a été étudié à cause de l’importance du maintien de l’activité sur le développement d’une plateforme d’immobilisation. L’effet de la nature du polymère utilisé pour la fabrication des capsules sur la conformation de l’enzyme a été étudié pour la première fois. Finalement, l’applicabilité des microcapsules de poly(éthylèneimine) dans la confection de papiers bioactifs a été démontré par le biais de trois prototypes. Un papier réagissant au glucose a été obtenu en immobilisant des microcapsules contenant l’enzyme glucose oxidase. Un papier sensible à l’enzyme neuraminidase pour la détection de la vaginose bactérienne avec une plus grande stabilité durant l’entreposage a été fait en encapsulant les réactifs colorimétriques dans des capsules de poly(éthylèneimine). L’utilisation de microcapsules pour l’immobilisation d’anticorps a également été étudiée. Les avancées au niveau de la plateforme d’immobilisation de biomolécules par microencapsulation qui ont été réalisées lors de cette thèse permettront de mieux comprendre l’effet des réactifs impliqués dans la procédure de microencapsulation sur la stabilité, l’activité et la conformation des biomolécules. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que la plateforme d’immobilisation développée peut être appliquée pour la confection de nouveaux papiers bioactifs.
Les introns sont des portions de gènes transcrites dans l’ARN messager, mais retirées pendant l’épissage avant la synthèse des produits du gène. Chez les eucaryotes, on rencontre les introns splicéosomaux, qui sont retirés de l’ARN messager par des splicéosomes. Les introns permettent plusieurs processus importants, tels que l'épissage alternatif, la dégradation des ARNs messagers non-sens, et l'encodage d'ARNs fonctionnels. Leurs rôles nous interrogent sur l'influence de la sélection naturelle sur leur évolution. Nous nous intéressons aux mutations qui peuvent modifier les produits d'un gène en changeant les sites d'épissage des introns. Ces mutations peuvent influencer le fonctionnement d'un organisme, et constituent donc un sujet d'étude intéressant, mais il n'existe actuellement pas de logiciels permettant de les étudier convenablement. Le but de notre projet était donc de concevoir une méthode pour détecter et analyser les changements des sites d'épissage des introns splicéosomaux. Nous avons finalement développé une méthode qui repère les évènements évolutifs qui affectent les introns splicéosomaux dans un jeu d'espèces données. La méthode a été exécutée sur un ensemble d'espèces d'oomycètes. Plusieurs évènements détectés ont changé les sites d’épissage et les protéines, mais de nombreux évènements trouvés ont modifié les introns sans affecter les produits des gènes. Il manque à notre méthode une étape finale d'analyse approfondie des données récoltées. Cependant, la méthode actuelle est facilement reproductible et automatise l'analyse des génomes pour la détection des évènements. Les fichiers produits peuvent ensuite être analysés dans chaque étude pour répondre à des questions spécifiques.
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In the present studies it is clear that Bacillus pumilus xylanase is having the characteristic suited for an industrial enzyme (xylanases that are active and stable at elevated temperatures and alkaline pH are needed). SSF production of xylanases and its application appears to be an innovative technology where the fermented substrate is the enzyme source that is used directly in the bleaching process without a prior downstream processing. The direct use of SSF enzymes in bleaching is a relatively new biobleaching approach. This can certainly benefit the bleaching process to lower the xylanase production costs and improve the economics and viability of the biobleaching technology. The application of enzymes to the bleaching process has been considered as an environmentally friendly approach that can reduce the negative impact on the environment exerted by the use of chlorine-based bleaching agents. It has been demonstrated that pretreatment of kraft pulp with xylanase prior to bleaching (biobleaching) can facilitate subsequent removal of lignin by bleaching chemicals, thereby, reducing the demand for elemental chlorine or improving final paper brightness. Using this xylanase pre-treatment, has resulted in an increased of brightness (8.5 Unit) when compared to non-enzymatic treated bleached pulp prepared using identical conditions. Reduction of the consumption of active chlorine can be achieved which results in a decrease in the toxicity, colour, chloride and absorbable organic halogen (AOX) levels of bleaching effluents. The xylanase treatment improves drainage, strength properties and the fragility of pulps, and also increases the brightness of pulps. This positive result shows that enzyme pre-treatment facilitates the removal of chromophore fragments of pulp there by making the process more environment friendly
Highly crystalline, ultra fine TiO (anatase) having high surface area has been prepared by thermal hydrolysis of titanyl sulphate 2 solution and characterized using B.E.T surface area measurements, XRD and chemical analysis. The dependence of surface area on concentration of staffing solution, temperature of hydrolysis, duration of boiling and calcination temperature were also studied. As the boiling temperature, duration of boiling and calcination temperature increased, the surface area of TiO formed decreased significantly. 2 On increasing calcination temperature, the crystallite size of TiO also increased and gradually the phase transformation to rutile took 2 place. The onset and completion temperatures of rutilation were 700 and 10008C, respectively
A red rain phenomenon occurred in Kerala, India starting from 25th July 2001, in which the rainwater appeared coloured in various localized places that are spread over a few hundred kilometers in Kerala. Maximum cases were reported during the first 10 days and isolated cases were found to occur for about 2 months. The striking red colouration of the rainwater was found to be due to the suspension of microscopic red particles having the appearance of biological cells. These particles have no similarity with usual desert dust. An estimated minimum quantity of 50,000 kg of red particles has fallen from the sky through red rain. An analysis of this strange phenomenon further shows that the conventional atmospheric transport processes like dust storms etc. cannot explain this phenomenon. The electron microscopic study of the red particles shows fine cell structure indicat- ing their biological cell like nature. EDAX analysis shows that the major elements present in these cell like particles are carbon and oxygen. Strangely, a test for DNA using Ethidium Bromide dye fluorescence technique indicates absence of DNA in these cells. In the context of a suspected link between a meteor airburst event and the red rain, the possibility for the extraterrestrial origin of these particles from cometary fragments is discussed.
School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Dimethylacetals of ketones; cyclohexanone, acetophenone, and benzophenone have been prepared by reacting ketones with methanol under mild reaction conditions. Large pore zeolites (H-Y and its rare earth metal, Ce3+, La3+, and RE3+ modified forms), and mesoporous clay (K-10 montmorillonite and its cerium exchanged counterpart) with regular pore structure, silica and silica-alumina have been used as catalysts. Clay catalysts are found to be much more active than zeolites, thanks to slightly bigger pore size. The nature of the pores of the solid acid catalysts determine acetalization efficiency of a particular catalyst. As evidenced by the reaction time studies, the catalyst decay is greater over the zeolites than over the clays. Carrying out the reaction with ketones of different molecular sizes it is shown that K-10 clays and rare earth exchanged H-Y zeolites are promising environmentally friendly catalysts for their use in the production fine chemicals.
Preparation of simple and mixed ferrospinels of nickel, cobalt and copper and their sulphated analogues by the room temperature coprecipitation method yielded fine particles with high surface areas. Study of the vapour phase decomposition of cyclohexanol at 300 °C over all the ferrospinel systems showed very good conversions yielding cyclohexene by dehydration and/or cyclohexanone by dehydrogenation, as the major products. Sulphation very much enhanced the dehydration activity over all the samples. A good correlation was obtained between the dehydration activities of the simple ferrites and their weak plus medium strength acidities (usually of the Brφnsted type) determined independently by the n-butylamine adsorption and ammonia-TPD methods. Mixed ferrites containing copper showed a general decrease in acidities and a drastic decrease in dehydration activities. There was no general correlation between the basicity parameters obtained by electron donor studies and the ratio of dehydrogenation to dehydration activities. There was a leap in the dehydrogenation activities in the case of all the ferrospinel samples containing copper. Along with the basic properties, the redox properties of copper ion have been invoked to account for this added activity.
Fine magnetic particles (size≅100 Å) belonging to the series ZnxFe1−xFe2O4 were synthesized by cold co-precipitation methods and their structural properties were evaluated using X-ray diffraction. Magnetization studies have been carried out using vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) showing near-zero loss loop characteristics. Ferrofluids were then prepared employing these fine magnetic powders using oleic acid as surfactant and kerosene as carrier liquid by modifying the usually reported synthesis technique in order to induce anisotropy and enhance the magneto-optical signals. Liquid thin films of these fluids were prepared and field-induced laser transmission through these films was studied. The transmitted light intensity decreases at the centre with applied magnetic field in a linear fashion when subjected to low magnetic fields and saturate at higher fields. This is in accordance with the saturation in cluster formation. The pattern exhibited by these films in the presence of different magnetic fields was observed with the help of a CCD camera and was recorded photographically.
Machine tool chatter is an unfavorable phenomenon during metal cutting, which results in heavy vibration of cutting tool. With increase in depth of cut, the cutting regime changes from chatter-free cutting to one with chatter. In this paper, we propose the use of permutation entropy (PE), a conceptually simple and computationally fast measurement to detect the onset of chatter from the time series using sound signal recorded with a unidirectional microphone. PE can efficiently distinguish the regular and complex nature of any signal and extract information about the dynamics of the process by indicating sudden change in its value. Under situations where the data sets are huge and there is no time for preprocessing and fine-tuning, PE can effectively detect dynamical changes of the system. This makes PE an ideal choice for online detection of chatter, which is not possible with other conventional nonlinear methods. In the present study, the variation of PE under two cutting conditions is analyzed. Abrupt variation in the value of PE with increase in depth of cut indicates the onset of chatter vibrations. The results are verified using frequency spectra of the signals and the nonlinear measure, normalized coarse-grained information rate (NCIR).
Paper industry is one of the oldest and largest industries in Kerala. Despite the developments in the industry in terms of growth in output , value added and employment generation, many of the units face grave problems. Irrespective of the size of the plant, the problems of the industry are general in nature. The problems are galore in the supply, not the demand side. Amomg the problems, the important ones are: raw material scarcity, energy deficiency and obsolete technology. Further, the industry is subject to many controls by the Government — price control, product control and raw materials control — which result in the dwindling of profits and investments. Equally important are the reservations against the industry for polluting the environment byeffluent disposal on the one hand and affecting ecological balance by depleting the existing forest on the other. Apart from the large, medium and small pulp and paper mills, there are about 30 hand made paper units in Kerala which can be categorised as village and cottage industry. Almost all of these units began at the initiative and support of Khadi and Village Industries Commission. The primary purpose of these units is employment generation, and not profit making. Currently many of these units are in the red and many others are on the verge of closure. Therefore, a separate analysis of the growth performance, and problems and prospects of the hand made paper industry has also been attempted. It is analysed separately because of the very small size of the hand made paper units
Prodigiosin is known for its immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antimycotic, antimalarial, algicidal and anticancer activities. Here, we reported the evaluation of prodigiosin pigment as a dyeing agent in rubber latex, paper and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) so that it can be considered as an alternative to synthetic pigments. Maximum color shade was obtained in rubber sheet prepared with 0.5 parts per hundred gram of rubber (phr) pigment and PMMA sheet incorporated with 0.08 μg pigment. Results indicate scope for utilization of prodigiosin as dye for PMMA and rubber and also prodigiosin dyed paper as a pH indicator. Further, being a natural and water insoluble pigment, it is ecofriendly
Fine particles of lithium ferrite were synthesized by the sol-gel method. By subsequent heat treatment at different temperatures, lithium ferrites of different grain sizes were prepared. A structural characterization of all the samples was conducted by the x-ray diffraction technique. A grain size of around 12 nm was observed for Li0.5Fe2.5O4 obtained through the sol-gel method. Magnetic properties of lithium ferrite nanoparticles with grain size ranging from 12 to 32 nm were studied. Magnetization measurements showed that Li0.5Fe2.5O4 fine particles exhibit a deviation from the predicted magnetic behaviour. The as-prepared sample of lithium ferrite showed a maximum saturation magnetization of 75 emu g−1. Variation of coercivity is attributed to the transition from multi-domain to single domain nature. Dielectric permittivity and ac conductivity of all the samples were evaluated as a function of frequency, temperature and grain size. Variation of permittivity and ac conductivity with frequency reveals that the dispersion is due to the Maxwell–Wagner type interfacial polarization
Nanoparticles are of immense importance both from the fundamental and application points of view. They exhibit quantum size effects which are manifested in their improved magnetic and electric properties. Mechanical attrition by high energy ball milling (HEBM) is a top down process for producing fine particles. However, fineness is associated with high surface area and hence is prone to oxidation which has a detrimental effect on the useful properties of these materials. Passivation of nanoparticles is known to inhibit surface oxidation. At the same time, coating polymer film on inorganic materials modifies the surface properties drastically. In this work a modified set-up consisting of an RF plasma polymerization technique is employed to coat a thin layer of a polymer film on Fe nanoparticles produced by HEBM. Ball-milled particles having different particle size ranges are coated with polyaniline. Their electrical properties are investigated by measuring the dc conductivity in the temperature range 10–300 K. The low temperature dc conductivity (I–V ) exhibited nonlinearity. This nonlinearity observed is explained on the basis of the critical path model. There is clear-cut evidence for the occurrence of intergranular tunnelling. The results are presented here in this paper