974 resultados para financial timeline 2007-2019
Es presenta un resum dels resultats dels assaigs d’avaluació de varietats de blat tou obtinguts en el marc de la Xarxa d’Experimentació de Varietats de l’IRTA.
Al llarg dels estius de 2006 i 2007 s'estudiaren 44 platges de tot el litoral de l'illa de Menorca, classificades en tres tipologies: A (platges urbanes), B (platges semi-urbanes) i C (platges verges). En cadascuna s'aplicà un sistema de 15 indicadors per tal de veure el nivell de pressió ambiental a què estaven sotmeses, i així valorar el seu grau de qualitat. En aquest treball es presenten els resultats de dos dels indicadors: índex d'impacte visual d'infraestructures i qualitat de flora terrestre. Els resultats preliminars sobre la situació de les platges de Menorca a partir d'aquests dos indicadors mostren conclusions prou significatives. A tall d’exemple, únicament un 9% de les platges estudiades no presentaven cap impacte visual d'alguna infraestructura; però, d'altra banda, un 80% de les platges estudiades compten amb presència d’espècies psammòfiles indicadores de qualitat.
In many high income developed countries, obesity is inversely associated with educational level. In some countries, a widening gap of obesity between educational groups has been reported. The aim of this study was to assess trends in body mass index (BMI) and in prevalence of overweight and obesity and their association with educational level in the adult Swiss population. Four cross-sectional National health interview surveys conducted in 1992/93 (n = 14,521), 1997 (n = 12,474), 2002 (n = 18,908) and 2007 (n = 17,879) using representative samples of the Swiss population (age range 18-102 years). BMI was derived from self-reported data. Overweight was defined as BMI > or = 25 and <30 kg/m(2), and obesity as BMI > or = 30 kg/m(2). Mean (+/- standard deviation) BMI increased from 24.7 +/- 3.6 in 1992/3 to 25.4 +/- 3.6 kg/m2 in 2007 in men and 22.8 +/- 3.8 to 23.7 +/- 4.3 kg/m(2) in women. Between 1992/3 and 2007, the prevalence of overweight + obesity increased from 40.4% to 49.5% in men and from 22.3% to 31.3% in women, while the prevalence of obesity increased from 6.3% to 9.4% in men and from 4.9% to 8.5% in women. The rate of increase in the prevalence of obesity was greater between 1992/3 and 2002 (men: +0.26%/year; women: +0.31%/year) than between 2002 and 2007 (men: +0.10%/year; women: +0.10%/year). A sizable fraction (approximately 25%) of the increasing mean BMI was due to increasing age of the participants over time. The increase was larger in low than high education strata of the population. BMI was strongly associated with low educational level among women and this gradient remained fairly constant over time. A weaker similar gradient by educational level was apparent in men, but it tended to increase over time. In Switzerland, overweight and obesity increased between 1992 and 2007 and was associated with low education status in both men and women. A trend towards a stabilization of mean BMI levels was noted in most age categories since 2002. The increase in the prevalence of obesity was larger in low education strata of the population. These findings suggest that obesity preventive measures should be targeted according to educational level in Switzerland.
[Table des matières] Introduction. 2 Stratégies de prévention dans d'autres régions. 3. Australie (Australian Better Health Initiative 2006-2010). 4. Royaume-Uni. 5. Suisse. 5.1 En résumé ... 5.2 Vers une loi fédérale (?) 5.3 Suisse : synopsis. 6. Saint-Gall. 6.1 Poids corporel sain pour les enfants. 6.2 Santé au travail. 6.3 Dépendances. 6.4 Prévention et promotion de la santé dans les communes. 6.5 Saint-Gall : synopsis. 7. Valais. 8. Tessin. 8.1 Canton du Tessin : Synopsis I (programme général). 8.2 Canton du Tessin : Synopsis II (activités en cours). Annexe 1 : 21 buts de santé pour la Suisse (Santé Publique Suisse). Annexe 2 : 7 thèses sur la nouvelle réglementation de la prévention et de la promotion de la santé en Suisse (Office fédéral de la santé publique).
A l'instar de nombreux pays industrialisés, le cancer du sein est à Genève le cancer le plus fréquent (environ 460 cas par an) et la première cause de décès chez les femmes entre 45 et 55 ans. Depuis mars 1999, le Programme genevois de dépistage du cancer du sein a pour missions de promouvoir, d'organiser et de mener une action de prévention auprès de la population féminine du canton âgée de 50 à 69 ans. Ce rapport décrit l'évolution de 15 ans d'activité de dépistage (chapitre 2) et analyse l'utilisation (chapitre 3), la qualité (chapitre 4) et l'efficacité (chapitre 5) du programme genevois entre 2007 et 2011. Couvrant 86'720 mammographies et près de 37'000 femmes, ce rapport s'intéresse aussi, au-delà des indicateurs usuels de performance, à mieux estimer certains effets indésirables comme les résultats faussement positifs ou les cancers survenant entre 2 examens de dépistage (dits cancers d'intervalle).
The purpose of this paper is to review the scientific literature from August 2007 to July 2010. The review is focused on more than 420 published papers. The review will not cover information coming from international meetings available only in abstract form. Fingermarks constitute an important chapter with coverage of the identification process as well as detection techniques on various surfaces. We note that the research has been very dense both at exploring and understanding current detection methods as well as bringing groundbreaking techniques to increase the number of marks detected from various objects. The recent report from the US National Research Council (NRC) is a milestone that has promoted a critical discussion on the state of forensic science and its associated research. We can expect a surge of interest in research in relation to cognitive aspect of mark and print comparison, establishment of relevant forensic error rates and statistical modelling of the selectivity of marks' attributes. Other biometric means of forensic identification such as footmarks or earmarks are also covered in the report. Compared to previous years, we noted a decrease in the number of submission in these areas. No doubt that the NRC report has set the seed for further investigation of these fields as well.
Aquest treball de recerca ha consistit en realitzar el seguiment dels Tallers d'Estudi Assistit (TEA) de diferents poblacions de la comarca d'Osona, per tal de conèixer-los i avaluar-los. Els TEA consisteixen en una activitat extraescolar d'acompanyament en l'etapa educativa d'alumnes de cicle mitjà, cicle superior i secundària que no disposen d'un entorn favorabale per fer una correcte escolarització. La recerca estudia dues dimensions: per una banda analitzar com la Uvic assumeix la responsabilitat de la formació i seguiment dels estudiants que participen com a monitors en els TEA, i per l'altra, contextualitzar els Tallers d'Estudi Assistit com una eina dels Plans Educatius d'Entorn, per la igualtat d'oportunitats; així com valorar el treball en xarxa que els tallers representen. Amb l'objectiu d'avaluar el funcionament dels TEA, la formació dels monitors (estudiants de la UVic) i la implicació dels agents implicats en el projecte; així com també plantejar propostes de millora per a properes edicions dels TEA.
This paper measures the degree in stock market integration between five Eastern European countries and the Euro-zone. A potentially gradual transition in correlations is accommodated by smooth transition conditional correlation models. We find that the correlation between stock markets has increased from 2001 to 2007. In particular, the Czech and Polish markets show a higher correlation to the Euro-zone. However, this is not a broad-based phenomenon across Eastern Europe. We also find that the increase in correlations is not a reflection of a world-wide phenomenon of financial integration but appears to be specific to the European market. JEL classifications: C32; C51; F36; G15 Keywords: Multivariate GARCH; Smooth Transition Conditional Correlation; Stock Return Comovement; New EU Members.
A partir d’una breu explicació de l’evolució electoral produïda a Catalunya des dels comicis municipals de 1999, es realitza una aproximació als resultats de les darreres eleccions municipals de maig de 2007 des d’una òptica doble. D’una banda s’analitzen els resultats electorals en les seves diverses vessants, es a dir, es tracta el comportament electorals dels ciutadans de Catalunya reflectit en la participació i en el vot als principals partits, sempre tenint present la particularitat de l’existència d’un sistema propi de partits polítics, diferent de que s’ha configurat al conjunt d’Espanya. En segon lloc s’analitza l’evolució de la representació política que aquests resultats electorals ha produït i, per tant, la configuració dels Ajuntaments catalans com a resultat del seu procés constitutiu.
Employing the financial accelerator (FA) model of Bernanke, Gertler and Gilchrist (1999) enhanced to include a shock to the FA mechanism, we construct and study shocks to the efficiency of the financial sector in post-war US business cycles. We find that financial shocks are very tightly linked with the onset of recessions, more so than TFP or monetary shocks. The financial shock invariably remains contractionary for sometime after recessions have ended. The shock accounts for a large part of the variance of GDP and is strongly negatively correlated with the external finance premium. Second-moments comparisons across variants of the model with and without a (stochastic) FA mechanism suggests the stochastic FA model helps us understand the data.