1000 resultados para financial constraint


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The present paper is aimed at providing a general strategic overview of the existing theoretical models that have applications in the field of financial innovation. Whereas most financialdevelopments have relied upon traditional economic tools, a new stream of research is defining a novel paradigm in which mathematical models from diverse scientific disciplines are being applied to conceptualize and explain economic and financial behavior. Indeed, terms such as ‘econophysics’ or ‘quantum finance’ have recently appeared to embrace efforts in this direction. As a first contact with such research, the project will present a brief description of some of the main theoretical models that have applications in finance and economics, and will try to present, if possible, potential new applications to particular areas in financial analysis, or new applicable models. As a result, emphasiswill be put on the implications of this research for the financial sector and its future dynamics.


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The TR-608 project developed methods and processes for determining current and future Iowa secondary (county) road needs. These tools will be permanently maintained and operated by the Iowa County Engineers Association Service Bureau to provide ongoing need determination services for the state’s ninety-nine county road departments. The systems established via this project will annually tally and report a) how much funding is needed to sustain the county roads long term, b) the adequacy of the secondary roads for the traffic they carry and c) what upgrade needs exist. A “Trend Projection Engine” will also be available to project from current circumstance, with continuation of known revenue and cost trends, to estimate potential outcomes occurring in the next fifteen years. Now that it has been developed, the TR-608 system will continue as an ongoing resource of county road and bridge numbers, condition, trends and issue information for use by counties, either individually or collectively.


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Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the State University of Iowa MAUI Student Financial Aid system for the period May 19, 2014 through July 31, 2014


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Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa State University of Science and Technology Kuali Financial System for the period April 30, 2014 through May 28, 2014


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Paying for college doesn’t have to be financially overwhelming. There are several types of aid, including federal, state and institutional grants; scholarships from numerous sources; college savings plans; student and parent loans; and student employment options available to help you pay for college. In fact, most students attending Iowa colleges and universities receive some form of financial assistance. To be considered for most financial aid programs, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Applying for admission is not the same as applying for financial aid - you need to do both. To receive financial aid, it is necessary to file a completed FAFSA and submit an admissions application to the colleges and universities that interest you most. Follow the steps in this brochure to be considered for funds from the state of Iowa, the federal government and the colleges or universities of your choice.


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Little is known about the financial burden of individuals with depressive symptoms. This study explored that burden, using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe. To assess the association between depressive symptoms and the individuals' financial burden for medical care and whether they forwent medical care because of costs, logistic regressions were performed that adjusted for age, gender, marital status, education, and chronic diseases. A total of 16,696 noninstitutionalized individuals aged 50-79 years were included in the study. Individuals with depressive symptoms and those without such symptoms bore a similar financial burden. However, individuals with depressive symptoms were at increased risk of forgoing care because of costs, which may worsen their health and financial situation


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Report on the Peace Officers’ Retirement, Accident and Disability System, Schedule of Employer Pension Amounts required to implement Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions for the year ended June 30, 2015


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Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the State of Iowa for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015


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Financial exploitation is the unauthorized and illegal use of an individual’s funds, property or resources and includes identity theft. Financial exploitation can be committed by a family member, friend, neighbor or a complete stranger.


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A financial power of attorney (FPOA) is a document authorizing someone else (an agent) to manage your finances on your behalf if you (the principal) become incapacitated and are unable to make financial management decisions for yourself. If you become unable to decide for yourself and you have not prepared a financial power of attorney, a court proceeding will likely be required before a loved one will be able to assume authority over at least some of your financial affairs. Your FPOA can be drafted to go into effect as soon as you sign it or it can become effective at a later date or only in the case that a physician certifies that you have become incapacitated.


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As modern molecular biology moves towards the analysis of biological systems as opposed to their individual components, the need for appropriate mathematical and computational techniques for understanding the dynamics and structure of such systems is becoming more pressing. For example, the modeling of biochemical systems using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) based on high-throughput, time-dense profiles is becoming more common-place, which is necessitating the development of improved techniques to estimate model parameters from such data. Due to the high dimensionality of this estimation problem, straight-forward optimization strategies rarely produce correct parameter values, and hence current methods tend to utilize genetic/evolutionary algorithms to perform non-linear parameter fitting. Here, we describe a completely deterministic approach, which is based on interval analysis. This allows us to examine entire sets of parameters, and thus to exhaust the global search within a finite number of steps. In particular, we show how our method may be applied to a generic class of ODEs used for modeling biochemical systems called Generalized Mass Action Models (GMAs). In addition, we show that for GMAs our method is amenable to the technique in interval arithmetic called constraint propagation, which allows great improvement of its efficiency. To illustrate the applicability of our method we apply it to some networks of biochemical reactions appearing in the literature, showing in particular that, in addition to estimating system parameters in the absence of noise, our method may also be used to recover the topology of these networks.