975 resultados para endothelial protein C receptor
Vascular endothelial cells are important in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological processes. The growth and functions of vascular endothelial cells are regulated both by soluble mitogenic and differentiation factors and by interactions with the extracellular matrix; however, relatively little is known about the role of the matrix. In the present study, we investigate whether integrin-mediated anchorage to a substratum coated with the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin regulates growth factor signaling events in human endothelial cells. We show that cell adhesion to fibronectin and growth factor stimulation trigger distinct initial tyrosine phosphorylation events in endothelial cells. Thus, integrin-dependent adhesion of endothelial cells leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of both focal adhesion kinase and paxillin, but not of several growth factor receptors. Conversely, EGF stimulation causes receptor autophosphorylation, with no effect on focal adhesion kinase or paxillin tyrosine phosphorylation. Adhesion to fibronectin, in the absence of growth factors, leads to activation of MAPK. In addition, adhesion to fibronectin also potentiates growth factor signaling to MAPK. Thus, polypeptide growth factor activation of MAPK in anchored cells is far more effective than in cells maintained in suspension. Other agonists known to activate MAPK were also examined for their ability to activate MAPK in an anchorage-dependent manner. The neuropeptide bombesin, the bioactive lipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), and the cytokine tumor necrosis factor α, which signal through diverse mechanisms, were all able to activate MAPK to a much greater degree in fibronectin-adherent cells than in suspended cells. In addition, tumor necrosis factor α activation of c-Jun kinase (JNK) was also much more robust in anchored cells. Together, these data suggest a cooperation between integrins and soluble mitogens in efficient propagation of signals to downstream kinases. This cooperation may contribute to anchorage dependence of mitogenic cell cycle progression.
Exposure of A431 squamous and MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells to ionizing radiation has been associated with short transient increases in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways. Irradiation (2 Gy) of A431 and MDA-MB-231 cells caused immediate primary activations (0–10 min) of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways, which were surprisingly followed by later prolonged secondary activations (90–240 min). Primary and secondary activation of the EGFR was abolished by molecular inhibition of EGFR function. The primary and secondary activation of the MAPK pathway was abolished by molecular inhibition of either EGFR or Ras function. In contrast, molecular inhibition of EGFR function abolished the secondary but not the primary activation of the JNK pathway. Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor α receptor function by use of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies blunted primary activation of the JNK pathway. Addition of a neutralizing monoclonal antibody versus transforming growth factor α (TGFα) had no effect on the primary activation of either the EGFR or the MAPK and JNK pathways after irradiation but abolished the secondary activation of EGFR, MAPK, and JNK. Irradiation of cells increased pro-TGFα cleavage 120–180 min after exposure. In agreement with radiation-induced release of a soluble factor, activation of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways could be induced in nonirradiated cells by the transfer of media from irradiated cells 120 min after irradiation. The ability of the transferred media to cause MAPK and JNK activation was blocked when media were incubated with a neutralizing antibody to TGFα. Thus radiation causes primary and secondary activation of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways in autocrine-regulated carcinoma cells. Secondary activation of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways is dependent on radiation-induced cleavage and autocrine action of TGFα. Neutralization of TGFα function by an anti-TGFα antibody or inhibition of MAPK function by MEK1/2 inhibitors (PD98059 and U0126) radiosensitized A431 and MDA-MB-231 cells after irradiation in apoptosis, 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), and clonogenic assays. These data demonstrate that disruption of the TGFα–EGFR–MAPK signaling module represents a strategy to decrease carcinoma cell growth and survival after irradiation.
Many of the protein–protein interactions that are essential for eukaryotic intracellular signal transduction are mediated by protein binding modules including SH2, SH3, and LIM domains. Nck is a SH3- and SH2-containing adaptor protein implicated in coordinating various signaling pathways, including those of growth factor receptors and cell adhesion receptors. We report here the identification, cloning, and characterization of a widely expressed, Nck-related adaptor protein termed Nck-2. Nck-2 comprises primarily three N-terminal SH3 domains and one C-terminal SH2 domain. We show that Nck-2 interacts with PINCH, a LIM-only protein implicated in integrin-linked kinase signaling. The PINCH-Nck-2 interaction is mediated by the fourth LIM domain of PINCH and the third SH3 domain of Nck-2. Furthermore, we show that Nck-2 is capable of recognizing several key components of growth factor receptor kinase-signaling pathways including EGF receptors, PDGF receptor-β, and IRS-1. The association of Nck-2 with EGF receptors was regulated by EGF stimulation and involved largely the SH2 domain of Nck-2, although the SH3 domains of Nck-2 also contributed to the complex formation. The association of Nck-2 with PDGF receptor-β was dependent on PDGF activation and was mediated solely by the SH2 domain of Nck-2. Additionally, we have detected a stable association between Nck-2 and IRS-1 that was mediated primarily via the second and third SH3 domain of Nck-2. Thus, Nck-2 associates with PINCH and components of different growth factor receptor-signaling pathways via distinct mechanisms. Finally, we provide evidence indicating that a fraction of the Nck-2 and/or Nck-1 proteins are associated with the cytoskeleton. These results identify a novel Nck-related SH2- and SH3-domain–containing protein and suggest that it may function as an adaptor protein connecting the growth factor receptor-signaling pathways with the integrin-signaling pathways.
Activating mutations in the Kit receptor tyrosine kinase have been identified in both rodent and human mast cell leukemia. One activating Kit mutation substitutes a valine for aspartic acid at codon 816 (D816V) and is frequently observed in human mastocytosis. Mutation at the equivalent position in the murine c-kit gene, involving a substitution of tyrosine for aspartic acid (D814Y), has been described in the mouse mastocytoma cell line P815. We have investigated the mechanism of oncogenic activation by this mutation. Expression of this mutant Kit receptor tyrosine kinase in a mast cell line led to the selective tyrosine phosphorylation of a 130-kDa protein and the degradation, through the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway, of a 65-kDa phosphoprotein. The 65-kDa protein was identified as the src homology domain 2 (SH2)-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1, a negative regulator of signaling by Kit and other hematopoietic receptors, and the protein product of the murine motheaten locus. This mutation also altered the sites of receptor autophosphorylation and peptide substrate selectivity. Thus, this mutation activates the oncogenic potential of Kit by a novel mechanism involving an alteration in Kit substrate recognition and the degradation of SHP-1, an attenuator of the Kit signaling pathway.
The TEL/PDGFβR fusion protein is the product of the t(5;12) translocation in patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. The TEL/PDGFβR is an unusual fusion of a putative transcription factor, TEL, to a receptor tyrosine kinase. The translocation fuses the amino terminus of TEL, containing the helix-loop-helix (HLH) domain, to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domain of the PDGFβR. We hypothesized that TEL/PDGFβR self-association, mediated by the HLH domain of TEL, would lead to constitutive activation of the PDGFβR tyrosine kinase domain and cellular transformation. Analysis of in vitro-translated TEL/PDGFβR confirmed that the protein self-associated and that self-association was abrogated by deletion of 51 aa within the TEL HLH domain. In vivo, TEL/PDGFβR was detected as a 100-kDa protein that was constitutively phosphorylated on tyrosine and transformed the murine hematopoietic cell line Ba/F3 to interleukin 3 growth factor independence. Transformation of Ba/F3 cells required the HLH domain of TEL and the kinase activity of the PDGFβR portion of the fusion protein. Immunoblotting demonstrated that TEL/PDGFβR associated with multiple signaling molecules known to associate with the activated PDGFβR, including phospholipase C γ1, SHP2, and phosphoinositol-3-kinase. TEL/PDGFβR is a novel transforming protein that self-associates and activates PDGFβR-dependent signaling pathways. Oligomerization of TEL/PDGFβR that is dependent on the TEL HLH domain provides further evidence that the HLH domain, highly conserved among ETS family members, is a self-association motif.
γ-Aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs) are ligand-gated chloride channels that exist in numerous distinct subunit combinations. At postsynaptic membrane specializations, different GABAAR isoforms colocalize with the tubulin-binding protein gephyrin. However, direct interactions of GABAAR subunits with gephyrin have not been reported. Recently, the GABAAR-associated protein GABARAP was found to bind to the γ2 subunit of GABAARs. Here we show that GABARAP interacts with gephyrin in both biochemical assays and transfected cells. Confocal analysis of neurons derived from wild-type and gephyrin-knockout mice revealed that GABARAP is highly enriched in intracellular compartments, but not at gephyrin-positive postsynaptic membrane specializations. Our data indicate that GABARAP–gephyrin interactions are not important for postsynaptic GABAAR anchoring but may be implicated in receptor sorting and/or targeting mechanisms. Consistent with this idea, a close homolog of GABARAP, p16, has been found to function as a late-acting intra-Golgi transport factor.
Stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors (BAR) by clenbuterol (CLE) increases nerve growth factor (NGF) biosynthesis in the rat cerebral cortex but not in other regions of the brain. We have explored the transcription mechanisms that may account for the cortex-specific activation of the NGF gene. Although the NGF promoter contains an AP-1 element, AP-1-binding activity in the cerebral cortex was not induced by CLE, suggesting that other transcription factors govern the brain area-specific induction of NGF. Because BAR activation increases cAMP levels, we examined the role of CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBP), some of which are known to be cAMP-inducible. In C6–2B glioma cells, whose NGF expression is induced by BAR agonists, (i) CLE increased C/EBPδ-binding activity, (ii) NGF mRNA levels were increased by overexpressing C/EBPδ, and (iii) C/EBPδ increased the activity of an NGF promoter–reporter construct. Moreover, DNase footprinting and deletion analyses identified a C/EBPδ site in the proximal region of the NGF promoter. C/EBPδ appears to be responsible for the BAR-mediated activation of the NGF gene in vivo, since CLE elicited a time-dependent increase in C/EBPδ-binding activity in the cerebral cortex only. Our data suggest that, while AP-1 may regulate basal levels of NGF expression, C/EBPδ is a critical component determining the area-specific expression of NGF in response to BAR stimulation.
Xpo1p (Crm1p) is the nuclear export receptor for proteins containing a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES). Xpo1p, the NES-containing protein, and GTP-bound Ran form a complex in the nucleus that translocates across the nuclear pore. We have identified Yrb1p as the major Xpo1p-binding protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae extracts in the presence of GTP-bound Gsp1p (yeast Ran). Yrb1p is cytoplasmic at steady-state but shuttles continuously between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Nuclear import of Yrb1p is mediated by two separate nuclear targeting signals. Export from the nucleus requires Xpo1p, but Yrb1p does not contain a leucine-rich NES. Instead, the interaction of Yrb1p with Xpo1p is mediated by Gsp1p-GTP. This novel type of export complex requires the acidic C-terminus of Gsp1p, which is dispensable for the binding to importin β-like transport receptors. A similar complex with Xpo1p and Gsp1p-GTP can be formed by Yrb2p, a relative of Yrb1p predominantly located in the nucleus. Yrb1p also functions as a disassembly factor for NES/Xpo1p/Gsp1p-GTP complexes by displacing the NES protein from Xpo1p/Gsp1p. This Yrb1p/Xpo1p/Gsp1p complex is then completely dissociated after GTP hydrolysis catalyzed by the cytoplasmic GTPase activating protein Rna1p.
Mutant I1A cells, lacking IL-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) mRNA and protein, have been used to study the involvement of IRAK in NFκB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation. A series of IRAK deletion constructs were expressed in I1A cells, which were then tested for their ability to respond to IL-1. Both the N-terminal death domain and the C-terminal region of IRAK are required for IL-1-induced NFκB and JNK activation, whereas the N-proximal undetermined domain is required for the activation of NFκB but not JNK. The phosphorylation and ubiquitination of IRAK deletion mutants correlate tightly with their ability to activate NFκB in response to IL-1, but IRAK can mediate IL-1-induced JNK activation without being phosphorylated. These studies reveal that the IL-1-induced signaling pathways leading to NFκB and JNK activation diverge either at IRAK or at a point nearer to the receptor.
Epstein–Barr virus encodes integral membrane proteins LMP1 and LMP2A in transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines. We now find that LMP1 associates with the cell cytoskeleton through a tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor-interacting domain, most likely mediated by tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 3. LMP1 is palmitoylated, and the transmembrane domains associate with lipid rafts. Mutation of LMP1 cysteine-78 abrogates palmitoylation but does not affect raft association or NF-κB or c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation. LMP2A also associates with rafts and is palmitoylated but does not associate with the cell cytoskeleton. The associations of LMP1 and LMP2A with rafts and of LMP1 with the cell cytoskeleton are likely to effect interactions with cell proteins involved in shape, motility, signal transduction, growth, and survival.
The actin cytoskeleton plays a significant role in changes of cell shape and motility, and interactions between the actin filaments and the cell membrane are crucial for a variety of cellular processes. Several adaptor proteins, including talin, maintain the cytoskeleton-membrane linkage by binding to integral membrane proteins and to the cytoskeleton. Layilin, a recently characterized transmembrane protein with homology to C-type lectins, is a membrane-binding site for talin in peripheral ruffles of spreading cells. To facilitate studies of layilin's function, we have generated a layilin-Fc fusion protein comprising the extracellular part of layilin joined to human immunoglobulin G heavy chain and used this chimera to identify layilin ligands. Here, we demonstrate that layilin-Fc fusion protein binds to hyaluronan immobilized to Sepharose. Microtiter plate-binding assays, coprecipitation experiments, and staining of sections predigested with different glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes and cell adhesion assays all revealed that layilin binds specifically to hyaluronan but not to other tested glycosaminoglycans. Layilin's ability to bind hyaluronan, a ubiquitous extracellular matrix component, reveals an interesting parallel between layilin and CD44, because both can bind to cytoskeleton-membrane linker proteins through their cytoplasmic domains and to hyaluronan through their extracellular domains. This parallelism suggests a role for layilin in cell adhesion and motility.
Protein kinase C δ (PKC δ) is normally activated by diacylglycerol produced from receptor-mediated hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids. On stimulation of cells with H2O2, the enzyme is tyrosine phosphorylated, with a concomitant increase in enzymatic activity. This activation does not appear to accompany its translocation to membranes. In the present study, the tyrosine phosphorylation sites of PKC δ in the H2O2-treated cells were identified as Tyr-311, Tyr-332, and Tyr-512 by mass spectrometric analysis with the use of the precursor-scan method and by immunoblot analysis with the use of phosphorylation site-specific antibodies. Tyr-311 was the predominant modification site among them. In an in vitro study, phosphorylation at this site by Lck, a non-receptor-type tyrosine kinase, enhanced the basal enzymatic activity and elevated its maximal velocity in the presence of diacylglycerol. The mutation of Tyr-311 to phenylalanine prevented the increase in this maximal activity, but replacement of the other two tyrosine residues did not block such an effect. The results indicate that phosphorylation at Tyr-311 between the regulatory and catalytic domains is a critical step for generation of the active PKC δ in response to H2O2.
The CLAVATA1 (CLV1) gene encodes a putative receptor kinase required for the proper balance between cell proliferation and differentiation in Arabidopsis shoot and flower meristems. Impaired CLV1 signaling results in masses of undifferentiated cells at the shoot and floral meristems. Although many putative receptor kinases have been identified in plants, the mechanism of signal transduction mediated by plant receptor-like kinases is largely unknown. One potential effector of receptor kinase signaling is kinase-associated protein phosphatase (KAPP), a protein that binds to multiple plant receptor-like kinases in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. To examine a possible role for KAPP in CLV1-dependent plant development, the interaction of CLV1 and KAPP was investigated in vitro and in vivo. KAPP binds directly to autophosphorylated CLV1 in vitro and co-immunoprecipitates with CLV1 in plant extracts derived from meristematic tissue. Reduction of KAPP transcript accumulation in an intermediate clv1 mutant suppresses the mutant phenotype, and the degree of suppression is inversely correlated with KAPP mRNA levels. These data suggest that KAPP functions as a negative regulator of CLV1 signaling in plant development. This may represent a general model for the interaction of KAPP with receptor kinases.
Using a mRNA differential screening of fibroblasts differing for the expression of c-fos we isolated a c-fos-induced growth factor (FIGF). The deduced protein sequence predicts that the cDNA codes for a new member of the platelet-derived growth factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (PDGF/VEGF) family. Northern blot analysis shows that FIGF expression is strongly reduced in c-fos-deficient cells. Transfection of exogenous c-fos driven by a constitutive promoter restores the FIGF expression in these cells. In contrast, both PDGF and VEGF expression is unaffected by c-fos. FIGF is a secreted dimeric protein able to stimulate mitogenic activity in fibroblasts. FIGF overexpression induces morphological alterations in fibroblasts. The cells acquire a spindle-shaped morphology, become more refractive, disorganized, and detach from the plate. These results imply that FIGF is a downstream growth and morphogenic effector of c-fos. These results also suggest that the expression of FIGF in response to c-fos activation induces specific differentiation patterns and its aberrant activation contributes to the malignant phenotype of tumors.
AML1 is involved in the (8;21) translocation, associated with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)-type M2, which results in the production of the AML1-ETO fusion protein: the amino-terminal 177 amino acids of AML1 and the carboxyl-terminal 575 amino acids of ETO. The mechanism by which AML1-ETO accomplishes leukemic transformation is unknown; however, AML1-ETO interferes with AML1 transactivation of such AML1 targets as the T-cell receptor beta enhancer and the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor promoter. Herein, we explored the effect of AML1-ETO on regulation of a myeloid-specific AML1 target, the macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) receptor promoter. We found that AML1-ETO and AML1 work synergistically to transactivate the M-CSF receptor promoter, thus exhibiting a different activity than previously described. Truncation mutants within the ETO portion of AML1-ETO revealed the region of ETO necessary for the cooperativity between AML1 and AML1-ETO lies between amino acids 347 and 540. Endogenous M-CSF receptor expression was examined in Kasumi-1 cells, derived from a patient with AML-M2 t(8;21) and the promonocytic cell line U937. Kasumi-1 cells exhibited a significantly higher level of M-CSF receptor expression than U937 cells. Bone marrow from patients with AML-M2 t(8;21) also exhibited a higher level of expression of M-CSF receptor compared with normal controls. The upregulation of M-CSF receptor expression by AML1-ETO may contribute to the development of a leukemic state in these patients.