794 resultados para educative needs


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As a rural state, Ohio has a vital interest in addressing rural health and information needs. NetWellness is a Web-based consumer health information service that focuses on the needs of the residents of Ohio. Health sciences faculty from the state's three Carnegie Research I universities—University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and The Ohio State University—create and evaluate content and provide Ask an Expert service to all visitors. Through partnerships at the state and local levels, involving public, private, commercial, and noncommercial organizations, NetWellness has grown from a regional demonstration project in 1995 to a key statewide service. Collaboration with public libraries, complemented by alliances with kindergarten through twelfth grade agencies, makes NetWellness Ohio's essential health information resource.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido para compor um modelo de educação ambiental no Jardim Botânico do Estado de São Paulo, localizado no Parque Estadual Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI). Devido ao seu propósito educacional, o projeto educativo foi desenvolvido com o apoio de dois professores do ensino básico e de pesquisadores do Núcleo de Educação Ambiental do Jardim Botânico do Estado de São Paulo e das Seções de Ecologia e Ficologia do Instituto de Botânica. O modelo considerou quatro sistemas hídricos do PEFI, a Nascente do Riacho do Ipiranga e os Lagos do Jardim Botânico \"Nascentes, Ninféias e Bugios\", como base para a construção de instrumentos ordenadores de visitas monitoradas de professores do ensino básico e seus alunos ao Jardim Botânico. Como base do projeto, abordou-se o tema meio ambiente como transversal às disciplinas clássicas do sistema educacional brasileiro e empreenderam-se as ações do projeto através do conhecimento de diferentes profissionais sobre o meio ambiente que compuseram o grupo de trabalho e, ao mesmo, buscou-se integrar as ações às reais necessidades dos docentes do Ensino Básico. Nesse sentido, foi essencial a participação dos dois professores de escolas do entorno do Jardim Botânico nas etapas organizacionais do projeto. A caracterização da área de estudo baseou-se em seus aspectos históricos e físicos, bem como na qualidade sanitária dos corpos aquáticos considerados. As determinações físicas-químicas e microbiológicas revelaram uma condição sanitária satisfatória das águas, contudo os valores de coliformes fecais e totais encontrados nos lagos sugerem contaminação de origem animal, comum à região. A produtividade primária também foi determinada para cada corpo aquático, encontrando-se baixos valores de clorofila a nos três lagos e na nascente. Os tipos de algas microscópicas observadas foram os gêneros Chrysochromulina, Ankistrodesmus, Scenedesmus, Cosmarium, Navicula, Eunotia, Cryptomonas, Closterium, Gomphonema, Pinnularia, Pleurotaenium, Arthrospira, Oedogonium, Euastrum, Monoraphidium, Staurastrum, Pleurotaenium, Mallomonas e Chlamydomonas. De acordo com a tabela Carlson (Índice de Estado Trófico) a Nascente e o Lago das Nascentes são considerados oligotróficos, enquanto que o Lago dos Bugios e o das Ninféias, mesotróficos. A primeira ação do projeto, um curso teórico-prático, buscou-se integrar os professores do ensino básico em temas relacionados ao meio ambiente, particularmente naqueles de maior relevância aos profissionais atuantes no Jardim Botânico. Posteriormente, os professores participaram de ações para formatação de instrumentos educativos para visitação monitorada ao jardim, que resultaram na elaboração de um manual de visitação do professor, contendo um mapa da área de visitação e explicações de placas sinalizadoras. Para o núcleo de educação ambiental do Jardim Botânico foi disponibilizada a estrutura básica de um curso de capacitação de professores do ensino básico em temas sobre o meio ambiente, bem como a documentação fotográfica da área estudada, os critérios para a admissão de visita monitorada e os procedimentos para adequação do local da Nascente do Riacho do Ipiranga à visitação pública. Finalmente, deve-se ressaltar que o tema escolhido para a realização dessa dissertação de mestrado foi originado da percepção dos pesquisadores do Instituto de Botânica em destacar a importância do Jardim Botânico através de seus sistemas hídricos, e como poderiam ser utilizados como instrumento educativo nas escolas de São Paulo. Nesse sentido, optou-se por enriquecer o clássico foco dado aos jardins botânicos em todo o mundo, no qual a maioria dos visitantes apenas observa a vegetação local e exótica. Assim, pode-se afirmar que o trabalho empreendido se constituirá em uma contribuição ao professor com a missão de inserir a dimensão ambiental nas mais variadas disciplinas do ensino básico.


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With more racial minorities entering the field of clinical psychology, the training needs of racial minority students in doctoral programs must be considered. Few studies address training in multicultural education from the perspective of racial minority students despite their increasing presence in the field. This may be due to assumptions educators make based on their level of competency in the area of multiculturalism. Thus, the goal of this exploratory study is to help determine the multicultural training needs of racial minorities enrolled in clinical psychology programs. This exploratory study was quantitative and used snowball sampling to survey racial minority trainees in doctoral programs in clinical psychology. Sixty one participants completed the survey. Results indicated that multicultural/diversity classes are valued by racial minority students and are relevant to them. However, the majority of students do not feel challenged, suggesting that their needs are not being fully met. It is recommended that their unique needs be included in the curriculum for multicultural education.


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Alienation and aloneness appear as common themes in the experience of those impacted by trauma. Self psychology theorists, including contemporary proponents of intersubjectivity theory, have also discussed the ways in which alienation and disconnection from others permeate the experience of post-traumatic stress disorder. This discussion has highlighted the importance and centrality of twinship selfobject needs in providing a relational home for the emotional pain associated with trauma. These phenomena are especially apparent when one encounters the experiences of those combat veterans who have attempted to readjust to society upon returning home from military service. Using self psychology and intersubjectivity theory, this paper explores the ways that fiction, specifically Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, can illuminate the ways that trauma negatively impacts twinship selfobject needs in combat veterans. In examining the character of Septimus Smith, this paper illustrates the estrangement, singularity, and alienation associated with post-traumatic stress, and how this state of being can collude with societal misunderstanding and repression to shatter the self's sense of belongingness with and connection to others.


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The purpose of this study is multifaceted: 1) to describe eScience research in acomprehensive way; 2) to help library and information specialists understand the realm of eScience research and the information needs of the community and demonstrate the importance of LIS professionals within the eScience domain; 3) and to explore the current state of curricular content of ALA accredited MLS/MLIS programs to understand the extent to which they prepare new professionals within eScience librarianship. The literature review focuses heavily on eScientists and other data-driven researchers’ information service needs in addition to demonstrating how and why librarians and information specialists can and should fulfill these service gaps and information needs within eScience research. By looking at the current curriculum of American Library Association (ALA) accredited MLS/MLIS programs, we can identify potential gaps in knowledge and where to improve in order to prepare and train new MLS/MLIS graduates to fulfill the needs of eScientists. This investigation is meant to be informative and can be used as a tool for LIS programs to assess their curriculums in comparison to the needs of eScience and other data-driven and networked research. Finally, this investigation will provide awareness and insight into the services needed to support a thriving eScience and data-driven research community to the LIS profession.


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The Journal Retention and Needs Listing (JRNL) program: 1) allows libraries to expose lists of print journals for which they have made retention commitments; 2) express needs (or gaps) in their holdings; and 3) communicate offers to fill the gaps in other participating libraries’ holdings. Multiple library consortia and their member libraries use JRNL to facilitate communication between library staff to identify holding commitments, fill gaps, and guide deselection decisions. JRNL is commonly developed and governed by the participating consortia. Currently, those consortia are the Florida Academic Repository (FLARE), the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)/Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC), and the Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST).


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I investigated effects of annual spring flows on the abundance of Rio Grande silvery minnow, red shiner, and fathead minnow within two segments of the Middle Rio Grande (i.e., above and below the Rio Puerco) using 12 years of data. Rio Grande silvery minnow abundance was positively related to high spring flows and negatively related to low spring flows. Conversely, the abundance of the red shiner and fathead minnow were negatively related to high spring flows and positively related to low spring flows. The strength of these relationships varied with species and location but results from analyses below the Rio Puerco showed a stronger positive and negative relationship (with high and low spring flows, respectively) for Rio Grande silvery minnow.


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Non-traditional means of recruitment for the twenty-first century knowledge worker need to accompany traditional means of recruitment due to an increased usage of technology by the twenty-first century knowledge worker. In this capstone project, the author examined the recruiting efficacy of social networks. Non-traditional means of recruitment through social networks via the World Wide Web can help organizations compete for potential applicants and assist job seekers in securing employment. These means are cost effective for the employer. Examples of organizational usage in this investigation illustrate that social networking can improve efficacy for recruitment and generational needs.


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There is a growing interest in learning how older migrants adapt to their new country of residence, in understanding their motivations for migration and the factors that influence international retirement migration patterns. However, there has been little research into the health and health care needs of international migrants retiring to other countries. This paper presents findings on health status and utilisation of health services with a particular focus on UK pensioners retiring to Spain. Future research should focus on the health needs of pensioners and their perspectives as to whether and how these health needs are met.


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El propósito de este estudio fue conocer las concepciones de profesores de educación primaria sobre las tecnologías educativas en dos dimensiones: a) conocimiento de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación; y b) creencias sobre el uso educativo que el profesorado da a estas herramientas. Se opta por un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo y un diseño no-experimental descriptivo del tipo encuesta. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante paquete estadístico SPSS 14.0 y las técnicas utilizadas fueron descriptivos, frecuencias y porcentajes, técnicas de reducción de datos (análisis factorial) e inferencia estadística (comparación de medias y porcentajes). Los resultados demuestran que la mayoría de los profesores reconocen el interés que las tecnologías despiertan en el alumnado y las oportunidades de aprendizaje que ofrecen principalmente en relación con los diferentes ritmos de aprendizaje y las necesidades educativas especiales. Se identifica la búsqueda de información como una competencia fundamental, así como se evidencia que existe una relación causal entre el nivel de formación, la importancia que el profesor otorga al recurso y el uso educativo. Los resultados hacen aconsejable promover programas de formación continua en esta área y fortalecer la formación inicial docente.


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Individuals often pursue activities for which they are passionate about, and this passion is operationalized as being harmonious (an autonomous desireto engage in the activity) or obsessive (a controlled desire to engage in the activity) in nature (Vallerand et al., 2003). With regard to harmonious passion, Vallerand et al. (2003) suggests that it is fostered in environments that nurture innate needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The purpose of the present study was to explore the nature of the passion-basic psychological needs (competence, autonomy, relatedness) relationship. Kinesiology students (N = 917; Mage = 18.54 SD = 1.66) completed the Passion Scale (Vallerand et al., 2003) and the Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale (Wilson et al., 2006). Results from the SEM path analysis indicated that harmonious passion was positively related to competence (SPE = .43) and relatedness (SPE = .43) and obsessive passion was negatively related to autonomy (SPE = -.18)(CFI = .90, RMSEA = .07, SRMR = .07). Implications for exercise participation/enjoyment are discussed.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sport experiences and psychological needs satisfaction of Singapore high school athletes who were involved in inter-school competition. A total of 1250 school athletes from 22 sports participated in the study. The athletes were between 13 and 18 years old and had an average of 3 years of experience in school sport (SD=.18). Cluster analysis was employed to identify homogenous groups based on the seven developmental experiences domains of the Youth Experience Survey (YES 2.0; Hansen & Larson, 2005). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine whether differences existed among the clusters in terms of psychological needs satisfaction (i.e., sense of autonomy, perceived competence and relatedness). The results of the cluster analysis showed that there were different subgroups of athletes with distinct developmental experiences, and they varied in the degree to which their psychological needs were satisfied. Generally, subgroups that had high levels of positive experiences and low levels of negative experiences in sport had better fulfillment of psychological needs. It is important to ensure that policies and programmes are formulated, delivered and monitored effectively to promote positive experiences for youth who are involved in competitive sports.