989 resultados para early cinema
Database of papyrus school texts which may be identified as Christian on the basis of the presence of some internal indicator: Christian symbols, textual content originating from the Bible or of a clearly Christian origin proposed as a copying exercise, or Christian contents not part of the exercise itself, such as prayers or invocations.
The persistence of serum IgG antibodies elicited in human infants is much shorter than when such responses are elicited later in life. The reasons for this rapid waning of antigen-specific antibodies elicited in infancy are yet unknown. We have recently shown that adoptively transferred tetanus toxoid (TT)-specific plasmablasts (PBs) efficiently reach the bone marrow (BM) of infant mice. However, TT-specific PBs fail to persist in the early-life BM, suggesting that they fail to receive the molecular signals that support their survival/differentiation. Using a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL)- and B-cell activating factor (BAFF) B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS)-deficient mice, we demonstrate here that APRIL is a critical factor for the establishment of the adult BM reservoir of anti-TT IgG-secreting cells. Through in vitro analyses of PB/plasma cell (PC) survival/differentiation, we show that APRIL induces the expression of Bcl-X(L) by a preferential binding to heparan sulfate proteoglycans at the surface of CD138(+) cells. Last, we identify BM-resident macrophages as the main cells that provide survival signals to PBs and show that this function is slowly acquired in early life, in parallel to a progressive acquisition of APRIL expression. Altogether, this identifies APRIL as a critical signal for PB survival that is poorly expressed in the early-life BM compartment.
Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a setady increase in childcare coverage for children aged 0-3 in Spain. The coverage has rised from 4 per cent in 1992 to 13.5 in 2004. Despite this positive trend, the supply of childcare services for under-3 is among the lowest in Western European countries.
The Lower Carboniferous Baralacha La basaltic dykes were emplaced along transtensional faults. The basalts exhibit tholeiitic and alkaline affinities. The tholeiites are TiO2-poor, moderately enriched in light rare earth (LREE), and display Nb and Ta negative and Th positive anomalies. The alkali basalts, compared to the tholeiites, have higher TiO2, rare earth and highly incompatible trace element contents and greater LREE enrichments. The Nd and Pb isotope compositions of the Baralacha La basalts suggest that they derive from the partial melting of an enriched OIB mantle source. characterized by a HIMU component, and contaminated by the lower continental crust. The Baralacha La dyke swarm represent the remnants of an early rifting event on the northern Indian passive margin.
L'amor ha estat concebut des d'una paraula que evoca la imatge i des d'una imatge que evoca la paraula. Partint d'aquesta hipòtesi ens preguntem com arribar a la síntesi d'ambdues formes d'expressió sense trencar l'indefinit a través del qual una evoca l'altra. Trobant en el cinema la possibilitat dialèctica entre ambdues, el següent estudi planteja com des d'un cert cinema d'autor francès nascut als anys 50 i prenent l'amor com a font d'inspiració, l'oscil·lació entre la imatge i la paraula es presenta en cada cas com una eina dereformulació del tema i a través de la qual l'autor articula el seu discurs
Aquest treball de recerca vol explorar com el concepte del salvatge europeu es plasmaen l'obra del cineasta alemany Werner Herzog. Aquesta plasmació es produeix tant anivell figuratiu i narratiu com a nivell estètic. Per una banda, en aquests films hi ha un treball del cos i de com aquest es sotmet a diverses regles socials i de representació, que el salvatge contestarà amb un rebuig de l'ordre establert, sovint concretat en la idea de fuga cap a la natura. Per altra banda, l'estètica dels films de Herzog respon al que denominem una mirada salvatge: la representació d'una societat teatral que s'enfonsa, per una banda, i l'ús de recursos formals per a reproduir una mirada primigènia sobre les imatges, per l'altra. En tots els casos, la dinàmica d'alliberament de les forces civilitzadores constitueix el fonament de la narració i l'estètica del cineasta alemany.
Summary. Hepatitis C viral (HCV) kinetics after initiation of interferon-based therapy provide valuable insights for understanding virus pathogenesis, evaluating treatment antiviral effectiveness and predicting treatment outcome. Adverse effects of liver fibrosis and steatosis on sustained virological response have been frequently reported, yet their impacts on the early viral kinetics remain unclear. In this study, associations between histology status and early viral kinetics were assessed in 149 HCV genotype 1-infected patients treated with pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin (DITTO trial). In multivariate analyses adjusted for critical factors such as IL28B genotype and baseline viral load, presence of significant fibrosis (Ishak stage > 2) was found to independently reduce the odds of achieving an initial reduction (calculated from day 0 to day 4) in HCV RNA of ≥2 logIU/mL (adjusted OR 0.03, P = 0.004) but was not associated with the second-phase slope of viral decline (calculated from day 8 to day 29). On the contrary, presence of liver steatosis was an independent risk factor for not having a rapid second-phase slope, that is, ≥0.3 logIU/mL/week (adjusted OR 0.22, P = 0.012) but was not associated with the first-phase decline. Viral kinetic modelling theory suggests that significant fibrosis primarily impairs the treatment antiviral effectiveness in blocking viral production by infected cells, whereas the presence of steatosis is associated with a lower net loss of infected cells. Further studies will be necessary to identify the biological mechanisms underlain by these findings.
EBV has been consistently associated with MS, but its signature in the CNS has rarely been examined. In this study, we assessed EBV-specific humoral and cellular immune responses in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with early MS, other inflammatory neurological diseases (OIND) and non-inflammatory neurological diseases (NIND). The neurotropic herpesvirus CMV served as a control. Virus-specific humoral immune responses were assessed in 123 consecutive patients and the intrathecal recruitment of virus-specific antibodies was expressed as antibody indexes. Cellular immune responses tested in the blood of 55/123 patients were positive in 46/55. The CD8(+) CTL responses of these 46 patients were assessed in the blood and CSF using a CFSE-based CTL assay. We found that viral capsid antigen and EBV-encoded nuclear antigen-1, but not CMV IgG antibody indexes, were increased in early MS as compared with OIND and NIND patients. There was also intrathecal enrichment in EBV-, but not CMV-specific, CD8(+) CTL in early MS patients. By contrast, OIND and NIND patients did not recruit EBV- nor CMV-specific CD8(+) CTL in the CSF. Our data, showing a high EBV-, but not CMV-specific intrathecal immune response, strengthen the association between EBV and MS, in particular at the onset of the disease.