917 resultados para document image processing
The wealth of information available freely on the web and medical image databases poses a major problem for the end users: how to find the information needed? Content –Based Image Retrieval is the obvious solution.A standard called MPEG-7 was evolved to address the interoperability issues of content-based search.The work presented in this thesis mainly concentrates on developing new shape descriptors and a framework for content – based retrieval of scoliosis images.New region-based and contour based shape descriptor is developed based on orthogonal Legendre polymomials.A novel system for indexing and retrieval of digital spine radiographs with scoliosis is presented.
After skin cancer, breast cancer accounts for the second greatest number of cancer diagnoses in women. Currently the etiologies of breast cancer are unknown, and there is no generally accepted therapy for preventing it. Therefore, the best way to improve the prognosis for breast cancer is early detection and treatment. Computer aided detection systems (CAD) for detecting masses or micro-calcifications in mammograms have already been used and proven to be a potentially powerful tool , so the radiologists are attracted by the effectiveness of clinical application of CAD systems. Fractal geometry is well suited for describing the complex physiological structures that defy the traditional Euclidean geometry, which is based on smooth shapes. The major contribution of this research include the development of • A new fractal feature to accurately classify mammograms into normal and normal (i)With masses (benign or malignant) (ii) with microcalcifications (benign or malignant) • A novel fast fractal modeling method to identify the presence of microcalcifications by fractal modeling of mammograms and then subtracting the modeled image from the original mammogram. The performances of these methods were evaluated using different standard statistical analysis methods. The results obtained indicate that the developed methods are highly beneficial for assisting radiologists in making diagnostic decisions. The mammograms for the study were obtained from the two online databases namely, MIAS (Mammographic Image Analysis Society) and DDSM (Digital Database for Screening Mammography.
The present work deals with the A study of morphological opertors with applications. Morphology is now a.necessary tool for engineers involved with imaging applications. Morphological operations have been viewed as filters the properties of which have been well studied (Heijmans, 1994). Another well-known class of non-linear filters is the class of rank order filters (Pitas and Venetsanopoulos, 1990). Soft morphological filters are a combination of morphological and weighted rank order filters (Koskinen, et al., 1991, Kuosmanen and Astola, 1995). They have been introduced to improve the behaviour of traditional morphological filters in noisy environments. The idea was to slightly relax the typical morphological definitions in such a way that a degree of robustness is achieved, while most of the desirable properties of typical morphological operations are maintained. Soft morphological filters are less sensitive to additive noise and to small variations in object shape than typical morphological filters. They can remove positive and negative impulse noise, preserving at the same time small details in images. Currently, Mathematical Morphology allows processing images to enhance fuzzy areas, segment objects, detect edges and analyze structures. The techniques developed for binary images are a major step forward in the application of this theory to gray level images. One of these techniques is based on fuzzy logic and on the theory of fuzzy sets.Fuzzy sets have proved to be strongly advantageous when representing in accuracies, not only regarding the spatial localization of objects in an image but also the membership of a certain pixel to a given class. Such inaccuracies are inherent to real images either because of the presence of indefinite limits between the structures or objects to be segmented within the image due to noisy acquisitions or directly because they are inherent to the image formation methods.
Median filtering is a simple digital non—linear signal smoothing operation in which median of the samples in a sliding window replaces the sample at the middle of the window. The resulting filtered sequence tends to follow polynomial trends in the original sample sequence. Median filter preserves signal edges while filtering out impulses. Due to this property, median filtering is finding applications in many areas of image and speech processing. Though median filtering is simple to realise digitally, its properties are not easily analysed with standard analysis techniques,
Handwriting is an acquired tool used for communication of one's observations or feelings. Factors that inuence a person's handwriting not only dependent on the individual's bio-mechanical constraints, handwriting education received, writing instrument, type of paper, background, but also factors like stress, motivation and the purpose of the handwriting. Despite the high variation in a person's handwriting, recent results from different writer identification studies have shown that it possesses sufficient individual traits to be used as an identification method. Handwriting as a behavioral biometric has had the interest of researchers for a long time. But recently it has been enjoying new interest due to an increased need and effort to deal with problems ranging from white-collar crime to terrorist threats. The identification of the writer based on a piece of handwriting is a challenging task for pattern recognition. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a text independent writer identification system for Malayalam Handwriting. The study also extends to developing a framework for online character recognition of Grantha script and Malayalam characters
Image processing has been a challenging and multidisciplinary research area since decades with continuing improvements in its various branches especially Medical Imaging. The healthcare industry was very much benefited with the advances in Image Processing techniques for the efficient management of large volumes of clinical data. The popularity and growth of Image Processing field attracts researchers from many disciplines including Computer Science and Medical Science due to its applicability to the real world. In the meantime, Computer Science is becoming an important driving force for the further development of Medical Sciences. The objective of this study is to make use of the basic concepts in Medical Image Processing and develop methods and tools for clinicians’ assistance. This work is motivated from clinical applications of digital mammograms and placental sonograms, and uses real medical images for proposing a method intended to assist radiologists in the diagnostic process. The study consists of two domains of Pattern recognition, Classification and Content Based Retrieval. Mammogram images of breast cancer patients and placental images are used for this study. Cancer is a disaster to human race. The accuracy in characterizing images using simplified user friendly Computer Aided Diagnosis techniques helps radiologists in detecting cancers at an early stage. Breast cancer which accounts for the major cause of cancer death in women can be fully cured if detected at an early stage. Studies relating to placental characteristics and abnormalities are important in foetal monitoring. The diagnostic variability in sonographic examination of placenta can be overlooked by detailed placental texture analysis by focusing on placental grading. The work aims on early breast cancer detection and placental maturity analysis. This dissertation is a stepping stone in combing various application domains of healthcare and technology.
Cerebral glioma is the most prevalent primary brain tumor, which are classified broadly into low and high grades according to the degree of malignancy. High grade gliomas are highly malignant which possess a poor prognosis, and the patients survive less than eighteen months after diagnosis. Low grade gliomas are slow growing, least malignant and has better response to therapy. To date, histological grading is used as the standard technique for diagnosis, treatment planning and survival prediction. The main objective of this thesis is to propose novel methods for automatic extraction of low and high grade glioma and other brain tissues, grade detection techniques for glioma using conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities and 3D modelling of glioma from segmented tumor slices in order to assess the growth rate of tumors. Two new methods are developed for extracting tumor regions, of which the second method, named as Adaptive Gray level Algebraic set Segmentation Algorithm (AGASA) can also extract white matter and grey matter from T1 FLAIR an T2 weighted images. The methods were validated with manual Ground truth images, which showed promising results. The developed methods were compared with widely used Fuzzy c-means clustering technique and the robustness of the algorithm with respect to noise is also checked for different noise levels. Image texture can provide significant information on the (ab)normality of tissue, and this thesis expands this idea to tumour texture grading and detection. Based on the thresholds of discriminant first order and gray level cooccurrence matrix based second order statistical features three feature sets were formulated and a decision system was developed for grade detection of glioma from conventional T2 weighted MRI modality.The quantitative performance analysis using ROC curve showed 99.03% accuracy for distinguishing between advanced (aggressive) and early stage (non-aggressive) malignant glioma. The developed brain texture analysis techniques can improve the physician’s ability to detect and analyse pathologies leading to a more reliable diagnosis and treatment of disease. The segmented tumors were also used for volumetric modelling of tumors which can provide an idea of the growth rate of tumor; this can be used for assessing response to therapy and patient prognosis.
Handwritten character recognition is always a frontier area of research in the field of pattern recognition and image processing and there is a large demand for OCR on hand written documents. Even though, sufficient studies have performed in foreign scripts like Chinese, Japanese and Arabic characters, only a very few work can be traced for handwritten character recognition of Indian scripts especially for the South Indian scripts. This paper provides an overview of offline handwritten character recognition in South Indian Scripts, namely Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada and Telungu
Optical Character Recognition plays an important role in Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Even though ambient study had been performed on foreign languages like Chinese and Japanese, effort on Indian script is still immature. OCR in Malayalam language is more complex as it is enriched with largest number of characters among all Indian languages. The challenge of recognition of characters is even high in handwritten domain, due to the varying writing style of each individual. In this paper we propose a system for recognition of offline handwritten Malayalam vowels. The proposed method uses Chain code and Image Centroid for the purpose of extracting features and a two layer feed forward network with scaled conjugate gradient for classification
Cancer treatment is most effective when it is detected early and the progress in treatment will be closely related to the ability to reduce the proportion of misses in the cancer detection task. The effectiveness of algorithms for detecting cancers can be greatly increased if these algorithms work synergistically with those for characterizing normal mammograms. This research work combines computerized image analysis techniques and neural networks to separate out some fraction of the normal mammograms with extremely high reliability, based on normal tissue identification and removal. The presence of clustered microcalcifications is one of the most important and sometimes the only sign of cancer on a mammogram. 60% to 70% of non-palpable breast carcinoma demonstrates microcalcifications on mammograms [44], [45], [46].WT based techniques are applied on the remaining mammograms, those are obviously abnormal, to detect possible microcalcifications. The goal of this work is to improve the detection performance and throughput of screening-mammography, thus providing a ‘second opinion ‘ to the radiologists. The state-of- the- art DWT computation algorithms are not suitable for practical applications with memory and delay constraints, as it is not a block transfonn. Hence in this work, the development of a Block DWT (BDWT) computational structure having low processing memory requirement has also been taken up.
The basic concepts of digital signal processing are taught to the students in engineering and science. The focus of the course is on linear, time invariant systems. The question as to what happens when the system is governed by a quadratic or cubic equation remains unanswered in the vast majority of literature on signal processing. Light has been shed on this problem when John V Mathews and Giovanni L Sicuranza published the book Polynomial Signal Processing. This book opened up an unseen vista of polynomial systems for signal and image processing. The book presented the theory and implementations of both adaptive and non-adaptive FIR and IIR quadratic systems which offer improved performance than conventional linear systems. The theory of quadratic systems presents a pristine and virgin area of research that offers computationally intensive work. Once the area of research is selected, the next issue is the choice of the software tool to carry out the work. Conventional languages like C and C++ are easily eliminated as they are not interpreted and lack good quality plotting libraries. MATLAB is proved to be very slow and so do SCILAB and Octave. The search for a language for scientific computing that was as fast as C, but with a good quality plotting library, ended up in Python, a distant relative of LISP. It proved to be ideal for scientific computing. An account of the use of Python, its scientific computing package scipy and the plotting library pylab is given in the appendix Initially, work is focused on designing predictors that exploit the polynomial nonlinearities inherent in speech generation mechanisms. Soon, the work got diverted into medical image processing which offered more potential to exploit by the use of quadratic methods. The major focus in this area is on quadratic edge detection methods for retinal images and fingerprints as well as de-noising raw MRI signals
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt und untersucht, mit welchem Früchte annähernd verlustfrei und unter sehr hygienischen Bedingungen geschnitten werden können. Die Produkte – hier gezeigt am Beispiel von Äpfeln und Melonen – werden mit einem Hochdruckwasserstrahl geschnitten, der durch ein bildverarbeitendes System entsprechend der Anatomie der Frucht geführt werden kann. Die Vorteile dieses Verfahrens sind die individuelle Schnittführung, die Materialverluste minimiert und die Tatsache, dass die Frucht ohne wesentlichen Eingriff von Personal bearbeitet wird. Die Literaturauswertung ergab, dass diese Technologie bislang noch nicht bearbeitet wurde. Der Einsatz des Hochdruckwasserstrahlschneidens im Bereich der Agrartechnik beschränkte sich auf das Schneiden von Zuckerrüben Brüser [2008], Ligocki [2005] bzw. Kartoffeln Becker u. Gray [1992], das Zerteilen von Fleisch Bansal u. Walker [1999] und Fisch Lobash u. a. [1990] sowie die Nutzung von Wasserstrahlen im Zusammenhang mit der Injektion von Flüssigdünger in Ackerböden Niemoeller u. a. [2011]. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, die Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Wasserstrahlschneidens zu erfassen und zu bewerten. Dazu wurden in einer Vielzahl von Einzelversuchen die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Prozessparametern wie Wasserdruck, Düsendurchmesser, Vorschubgeschwindigkeit und Düsenabstand auf das Schnittergebnis, also die Rauheit der entstehenden Schnittfläche untersucht. Ein Vergleich mit konventionellen Schneidemethoden erfolgte hinsichtlich der Schnittergebnisse und der Auswirkungen des Wasserstrahlschneidens auf nachfolgende Verfahrensschritte, wie dem Trocknen.
General-purpose computing devices allow us to (1) customize computation after fabrication and (2) conserve area by reusing expensive active circuitry for different functions in time. We define RP-space, a restricted domain of the general-purpose architectural space focussed on reconfigurable computing architectures. Two dominant features differentiate reconfigurable from special-purpose architectures and account for most of the area overhead associated with RP devices: (1) instructions which tell the device how to behave, and (2) flexible interconnect which supports task dependent dataflow between operations. We can characterize RP-space by the allocation and structure of these resources and compare the efficiencies of architectural points across broad application characteristics. Conventional FPGAs fall at one extreme end of this space and their efficiency ranges over two orders of magnitude across the space of application characteristics. Understanding RP-space and its consequences allows us to pick the best architecture for a task and to search for more robust design points in the space. Our DPGA, a fine- grained computing device which adds small, on-chip instruction memories to FPGAs is one such design point. For typical logic applications and finite- state machines, a DPGA can implement tasks in one-third the area of a traditional FPGA. TSFPGA, a variant of the DPGA which focuses on heavily time-switched interconnect, achieves circuit densities close to the DPGA, while reducing typical physical mapping times from hours to seconds. Rigid, fabrication-time organization of instruction resources significantly narrows the range of efficiency for conventional architectures. To avoid this performance brittleness, we developed MATRIX, the first architecture to defer the binding of instruction resources until run-time, allowing the application to organize resources according to its needs. Our focus MATRIX design point is based on an array of 8-bit ALU and register-file building blocks interconnected via a byte-wide network. With today's silicon, a single chip MATRIX array can deliver over 10 Gop/s (8-bit ops). On sample image processing tasks, we show that MATRIX yields 10-20x the computational density of conventional processors. Understanding the cost structure of RP-space helps us identify these intermediate architectural points and may provide useful insight more broadly in guiding our continual search for robust and efficient general-purpose computing structures.
We develop efficient techniques for the non-rigid registration of medical images by using representations that adapt to the anatomy found in such images. Images of anatomical structures typically have uniform intensity interiors and smooth boundaries. We create methods to represent such regions compactly using tetrahedra. Unlike voxel-based representations, tetrahedra can accurately describe the expected smooth surfaces of medical objects. Furthermore, the interior of such objects can be represented using a small number of tetrahedra. Rather than describing a medical object using tens of thousands of voxels, our representations generally contain only a few thousand elements. Tetrahedra facilitate the creation of efficient non-rigid registration algorithms based on finite element methods (FEM). We create a fast, FEM-based method to non-rigidly register segmented anatomical structures from two subjects. Using our compact tetrahedral representations, this method generally requires less than one minute of processing time on a desktop PC. We also create a novel method for the non-rigid registration of gray scale images. To facilitate a fast method, we create a tetrahedral representation of a displacement field that automatically adapts to both the anatomy in an image and to the displacement field. The resulting algorithm has a computational cost that is dominated by the number of nodes in the mesh (about 10,000), rather than the number of voxels in an image (nearly 10,000,000). For many non-rigid registration problems, we can find a transformation from one image to another in five minutes. This speed is important as it allows use of the algorithm during surgery. We apply our algorithms to find correlations between the shape of anatomical structures and the presence of schizophrenia. We show that a study based on our representations outperforms studies based on other representations. We also use the results of our non-rigid registration algorithm as the basis of a segmentation algorithm. That algorithm also outperforms other methods in our tests, producing smoother segmentations and more accurately reproducing manual segmentations.
Graphical techniques for modeling the dependencies of randomvariables have been explored in a variety of different areas includingstatistics, statistical physics, artificial intelligence, speech recognition, image processing, and genetics.Formalisms for manipulating these models have been developedrelatively independently in these research communities. In this paper weexplore hidden Markov models (HMMs) and related structures within the general framework of probabilistic independencenetworks (PINs). The paper contains a self-contained review of the basic principles of PINs.It is shown that the well-known forward-backward (F-B) and Viterbialgorithms for HMMs are special cases of more general inference algorithms forarbitrary PINs. Furthermore, the existence of inference and estimationalgorithms for more general graphical models provides a set of analysistools for HMM practitioners who wish to explore a richer class of HMMstructures.Examples of relatively complex models to handle sensorfusion and coarticulationin speech recognitionare introduced and treated within the graphical model framework toillustrate the advantages of the general approach.