994 resultados para comparative advantages
We study business organization and coordination of specialty-market hog production using a comparative analysis of two Iowa pork niche-marketing firms. We describe and analyze each firms management of five key organizational challenges: planning and logistics, quality assurance, process verication and management of �credence attributes,� business structure, and profit sharing. Although each firm is engaged in essentially the same activity, there are substantial differences across the two firms in the way production and marketing are coordinated. These differences are partly explained by the relative size and age of each firm, thus highlighting the importance of organizational evolution in agricultural markets, but are also partly the result of a formal organizational separation between marketing and production activities in one of the firm.
The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse is a model for the study of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Recently transgenic NOD mice have been derived (NOD-E) that express the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II I-E molecule. NOD-E do not become diabetic and show negligible pancreatic insulitis. The possibility pertained that NOD-E mice are protected from disease by a process of T-cell deletion or anergy. This paper describes our attempts to discover whether this was so, by comparing NOD and NOD-E mouse T-cell receptor V beta usage. Splenocytes and lymph node cells were therefore tested for their ability to proliferate in response to monoclonal anti-V beta antibodies. We were unable to show any consistent differences between NOD and NOD-E responses to the panel of antibodies used. Previously proposed V beta were shown to be unlikely candidates for deletion or anergy. T cells present at low frequency (V beta 5+) in both NOD and NOD-E mice were shown to be as capable of expansion in response to antigenic stimulation as were more frequently expressed V beta. Our data therefore do not support deletion or anergy as mechanisms which could account for the observed disease protection in NOD-E mice.
Purpose To characterize in vitro the loadability, physical properties, and release of irinotecan and doxorubicin from two commercially available embolization microspheres. Materials and Methods DC Bead (500-700 μm) and Hepasphere (400-600 μm) microspheres were loaded with either doxorubicin or irinotecan solutions. Drug amount was quantified with spectrophotometry, bead elasticity was measured under compression, and bead size and loading homogeneity were assessed with microscopy image analysis. Drug release was measured over 1-week periods in saline by using a pharmacopeia flow-through method. Results Almost complete drug loading was obtained for both microsphere types and drugs. Doxorubicin-loaded DC Beads maintained their spherical shape throughout the release. In contrast, Hepaspheres showed less homogeneous doxorubicin loading and, after release, some fractured microspheres. Incomplete doxorubicin release was observed in saline over 1 week (27% ± 2 for DC beads and 18% ± 7 for Hepaspheres; P = .013). About 75% of this amount was released within 2.2 hours for both beads. For irinotecan, complete release was obtained for both types of beads, in a sustained manner over 2-3 hours for DC Beads, and in a significantly faster manner as a 7-minute burst for Hepaspheres. Conclusions The two drug-eluting microspheres could be efficiently loaded with both drugs. Incomplete doxorubicin release was attributed to strong drug-bead ionic interactions. Weaker interactions were observed with irinotecan, which led to faster drug release.
This paper discusses five strategies to deal with five types of errors in Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): condition errors, systematic errors, random errors, calibration errors, and deviant case errors. These strategies are the comparative inspection of complex, intermediary, and parsimonious solutions; the use of an adjustment factor, the use of probabilistic criteria, the test of the robustness of calibration parameters, and the use of a frequency threshold for observed combinations of conditions. The strategies are systematically reviewed, assessed, and evaluated as regards their applicability, advantages, limitations, and complementarities.
La thèse traite de projets de classes enfantines avec de l'activité physique, projets pilotes ayant entre autres le but d'évaluer les effets d'un apport d'activité physique auprès d'enfants de 4 à 6 ans. Le projet de recherche saisit l'opportunité de pouvoir observer les effets de l'AP sur de jeunes enfants (n=86, classes AP=40, classes contrôles=46) et ceci par trois regards distincts : une quantification de l'activité physique, l'influence de cette dernière sur certaines composantes cognitives (créativité, intelligence et concentration) des jeunes enfants et, enfin, l'influence de l'activité physique au niveau psychosocial (microsystèmes familial et scolaire). La méthodologie mélange des méthodes qualitatives (entretiens, observations) et quantitatives (accéléromètres (GT1M), tests de créativité (Krampen, 1996), d'intelligence (Cattell, Weiss & Osterland, 1997), de concentration (Krampen, 2007)). Les principaux résultats démontrent que ce type de projet permet d'augmenter l'AP durant le temps scolaire et les résultats sont plus contrastés en extrascolaire. Un temps supérieur consacré à l'AP ne démontre aucune diminution des capacités cognitives dans cette tranche d'âge-là. L'analyse du microsystème familial nous informe sur le fait que les parents qui ont placé leurs enfants dans ce type de classes sont eux-mêmes plus actifs que la moyenne de la population suisse (Lamprecht, Fischer, & Stamm, 2008a). Enfin, un apport d'AP ne permet pas d'augmenter le nombre de feedbacks tournés vers l'autonomie et le style contrôlant est même renforcé. Nos résultats sont discutés sur la base des études de Kriemler et al. (2010) qui démontrent toute la difficulté d'une intervention scolaire pour modifier les comportements familiaux en extrascolaire. La fonction exécutive (Tomporowski et al., 2008) offre un regard neurophysiologique éclairant les effets de l'AP sur les différentes capacités étudiées. Enfin, il semble que la pression générée par la mise en place de projets liés à un apport d'AP en école enfantine va dans le sens d'une augmentation d'un style contrôlant (Tessier, 2006). Ce choix d'approcher les observations selon plusieurs angles d'étude est audacieux car il se situe en situation écologique mais il représente en même temps le seul moyen d'observer les effets en tenant davantage compte de la complexité des conduites des interactions entre différents facteurs. - The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of physical activity (PA) in kindergartens with children aged from 4 to 6 years old. The project seizes the opportunity to observe the effects of PA on young children (n=86, classes AP=40, control classes=46) with three different axes: a quantification of PA, the influence of PA on cognitive functions (creativity, intelligence and concentration), and the influence on the family and the climate in the class. The methodology is based on a mix of qualitative (interviews, observations) and quantitative (accelerometer (GT1M), creativity test (Krampen, 1996), intelligence test (Cattell, Weiss & Osterland, 1997), concentration test (Krampen, 2007)) methods. The main results show that PA during the schooltime increased and the results outside of the school present more contrasts. More time spent for PA doesn't influence negatively the evolution of the cognitive functions at this age. The parents, who have interest for this kind of kindergartens for their children move significantly more than the Swiss population (Lamprecht, et al., 2008a). More PA during the lessons doesn't increase the feedbacks given with autonomy and more control is even observed. The results show the difficulty of changing the behaviors of a family linked to PA outside of the school (Kriemler et al., 2010). The discussion of the results of the cognitive functions is based on the executive function, which seems to be linked to PA (Tomporowski et al., 2008). Finally, it seems that the pressure occurred by those projects with PA tend to foster a climate with more control (Tessier, 2006). The choice of structuring the thesis with three different axes represents a risk because it is established in ecological conditions, but it also allows to observe the effects of PA taking into consideration the interactions between the different factors.
We study the determinants of comparative advantage in polluting industries. We combine data on environmental policy at the country level with data on pollution intensity at the industry level to show that countries with laxer environmental regulation have a comparative advantage in polluting industries. Further, we address the potential problem of reverse causality. We propose an instrument for environmental regulation based on meteorological determinants of pollution dispersion identified by the atmospheric pollution literature. We find that the effect of environmental regulation on the pattern of trade is causal and comparable in magnitude to the effect of physical and human capital.
The aim of this work was to use the Urinary Distress Inventory (UDI-6) and Incontinence Impact Quality of Life (IIQ-7) questionnaires to compare 3 surgical techniques for stress urinary incontinence: the transvaginal tape (TVT) (105 women), the transobturator tape outside-in (TOT) (43 women), and the transvaginal tape-obturator inside-out (TVT-O) (54 women). There were no significant differences in frequent urination, urine leakage related to the feeling of urgency, urine leakage related to physical activity, or small amounts of urine leakage. TVT-operated women had a lower percentage of micturition difficulties compared with TOT women. TVT-O-operated women described slight discomfort in the genital area compared with the TVT technique, but this difference was not significant when compared with the TOT technique. When utilizing the UDI-6 and IIQ-7 scoring modifications before and after surgery, no difference among these 3 techniques is apparent.
Objective: To assess the importance of spirituality and religious coping among outpatients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder living in three countries. Method: A total of 276 outpatients (92 from Geneva, Switzerland, 121 from Trois-Rivières, Canada, and 63 from Durham, North Carolina), aged 18-65, were administered a semi-structured interview on the role of spirituality and religiousness in their lives and to cope with their illness. Results: Religion is important for outpatients in each of the three country sites, and religious involvement is higher than in the general population. Religion was helpful (i.e., provided a positive sense of self and positive coping with the illness) among 87% of the participants and harmful (a source of despair and suffering) among 13%. Helpful religion was associated with better social, clinical and psychological status. The opposite was observed for the harmful aspects of religion. In addition, religion sometimes conflicted with psychiatric treatment. Conclusions: These results indicate that outpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder often use spirituality and religion to cope with their illness, basically positively, yet sometimes negatively. These results underscore the importance of clinicians taking into account the spiritual and religious lives of patients with schizophrenia.
Cet article présente une analyse comparative des résultats de deux formes d'entretiens : en 2005, des entretiens phénoménologiques, en 2006 des entretiens centrés sur l'activité. Deux problématiques sont abordées : la perception de la santé au travail et les pratiques de contraception. Nous présentons les premiers résultats de cette analyse comparative : ils montrent que l'adaptation des entretiens centrés sur l'activité au domaine de la santé présente un grand intérêt au niveau des apports de contenus. Le retour du sujet sur le discours concernant son activité concrète facilite la réflexivité et conduit à des transformations personnelles. Des difficultés concernant la position du chercheur et l'adéquation de la technique à la Psychologie de la Santé sont discutées. Cette première exploration ne détermine pas encore ce qui est dû à la différence des techniques. Nos travaux comparatifs vont se poursuivre en vue d'explorer des alternatives méthodologiques applicables en Psychologie de la Santé.