922 resultados para coffee cropping
Consorciacao com culturas de ciclo curto. consorciacao com culturas perenes. seringueira x cafeeiro. sistemas temporarios. Consorciacao do cafeeiro durante a formacao do seringal. Substituicao de cafezal em fim de ciclo por seringal. Sistemas permanentes. Seringal em renques no cafezal. Arborizacao do cafezal com seringueiras. Seringueira x cacaueira. Cacaueira x seringais velhos e desfolhados. Novos plantios consorciados de seringueira x cacaueiro. Seringueira x citros. Substituicao de pomares citricos decadentes por seringais. Consorciacao de citros durante a formacao do eringal. Consorciacao permanente de seringueira x citros. Seringueira x pimenteira-do-reino. Seringueira x palmeiras e plantas menos exigentes de luz. Seringueira x guaranazeiro. Seringueir-ras como componentes de quintais agroflorestais.
Nos ultimos anos, o consumo mundial de cafe tem-se modificado substancialmente. Observa-se crescente procura por produtos de boa qualidade, tornando possivel a segmentacao do mercado com produtos de alto valor agregado. As projecoes indicam que o consumo mundial de cafe para o ano 2010 sera de 120 milhoes de sacas, sendo 70% da especie arabica e 30%, da robusta. Do consumo total estimado, 15% sao de cafes especiais, ou seja: cerca de 18 milhoes de sacas (Anuario Estatistico do Cafe, 1998). O conjunto de cafes especiais engloba, principalmente, as seguintes classes: expresso, organico, ecologico, descafeinado, aromatizado e cappuccino. O cafe expresso e um dos principais responsaveis pelo crescimento do segmento de cafes especiais. Seu consumo tomou impulso no Brasil a partir da decada de 1980, com a proliferacao de shopping centers por todo o Pais. Atualmente, domina boa parte do mercado interno nas principais cidades brasileiras, ocupando aproximadamente 100% dos pontos de vendas em shopping centers e em cafeterias (coffee-shops). Mesmo em restaurantes e padarias, tradicionais usuarios do cafe de coador, o expresso conquistou um espaço importante. O trabalho visa a analisar as informacoes estatisticas existentes no agronegocio do cafe com enfase no cafe expresso. Teve como referencias: informacoes de 1991 e 1997, obtidas da base de dados da InterScience - Informacao e Tecnologia Aplicada; pesquisa realizada pela Associacao Brasileira da Industria de Cafe (ABIC), em 1998, observando o perfil da industrializacao e da producao de cafe expresso; e Anuario Estatistico do Cafe (1998 e 1999). Com base nas informacoes estatisticas de consumo, industrializacao e participacao brasileira na producao e observando os dados de producao de cafes especiais, fez-se uma sintese das informacoes estatisticas existentes no agronegocio do cafe, para visualizar, com base na situacao atual, as perspectivas de mercado para o consumo do cafe expresso no Brasil. Esse consumo tem dado sinais de recuperacao nos ultimos anos visto que no periodo de 1990 a 1998 passou de 8,2 para 12,5 milhoes de sacas, aumentando 52,3%. O agronegocio do cafe brasileiro tem uma crescente oportunidade nos mercados interno e externo para o cafe expresso. Seus agentes devem estar atentos a esse importante mercado com perspectivas de expansao nos proximos anos. O aumento nos investimentos em marketing e necessario para criar o habito de adquirir produtos de boa qualidade, aumentando o mercado do cafe expresso que atualmente responde por 5% do consumo de cafe no Brasil.
Cultivares de girassol consorciadas com milho na transição Agreste / Sertão (Agreste/Sertão). O presente trabalho, verificou-se que, em média, o milho consorciado produziu cerca de 3 vezes mais que o girassol solteiro e quase 5 vezes mais que o girassol consorciado.
El diseño de producto está presente en las empresas de una manera global y perpetua en el tiempo, sin embargo en la actualidad se emplean técnicas matemáticas donde antes se utilizaba la imaginación. Gracias al análisis conjunto las empresas son capaces de predecir las tendencias de los mercados analizando los atributos que consideran más importantes de su producto y así desarrollar un nuevo bien acorde con las necesidades de los consumidores. En este trabajo de fin de grado voy a estudiar la empresa Nespresso y mediante una muestra de clientes potenciales voy a utilizar la programación conjunta para diseñar un nuevo tipo de café en cápsulas que no está presente en la variedad actual de productos de la marca. Así mismo estudiaré el mercado del café en España y el marketing llevado a cabo por la compañía.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
The aim of this study was to develop a methodology, based on satellite remote sensing, to estimate the vegetation Start of Season (SOS) across the whole island of Ireland on an annual basis. This growing body of research is known as Land Surface Phenology (LSP) monitoring. The SOS was estimated for each year from a 7-year time series of 10-day composited, 1.2 km reduced resolution MERIS Global Vegetation Index (MGVI) data from 2003 to 2009, using the time series analysis software, TIMESAT. The selection of a 10-day composite period was guided by in-situ observations of leaf unfolding and cloud cover at representative point locations on the island. The MGVI time series was smoothed and the SOS metric extracted at a point corresponding to 20% of the seasonal MGVI amplitude. The SOS metric was extracted on a per pixel basis and gridded for national scale coverage. There were consistent spatial patterns in the SOS grids which were replicated on an annual basis and were qualitatively linked to variation in landcover. Analysis revealed that three statistically separable groups of CORINE Land Cover (CLC) classes could be derived from differences in the SOS, namely agricultural and forest land cover types, peat bogs, and natural and semi-natural vegetation types. These groups demonstrated that managed vegetation, e.g. pastures has a significantly earlier SOS than in unmanaged vegetation e.g. natural grasslands. There was also interannual spatio-temporal variability in the SOS. Such variability was highlighted in a series of anomaly grids showing variation from the 7-year mean SOS. An initial climate analysis indicated that an anomalously cold winter and spring in 2005/2006, linked to a negative North Atlantic Oscillation index value, delayed the 2006 SOS countrywide, while in other years the SOS anomalies showed more complex variation. A correlation study using air temperature as a climate variable revealed the spatial complexity of the air temperature-SOS relationship across the Republic of Ireland as the timing of maximum correlation varied from November to April depending on location. The SOS was found to occur earlier due to warmer winters in the Southeast while it was later with warmer winters in the Northwest. The inverse pattern emerged in the spatial patterns of the spring correlates. This contrasting pattern would appear to be linked to vegetation management as arable cropping is typically practiced in the southeast while there is mixed agriculture and mostly pastures to the west. Therefore, land use as well as air temperature appears to be an important determinant of national scale patterns in the SOS. The TIMESAT tool formed a crucial component of the estimation of SOS across the country in all seven years as it minimised the negative impact of noise and data dropouts in the MGVI time series by applying a smoothing algorithm. The extracted SOS metric was sensitive to temporal and spatial variation in land surface vegetation seasonality while the spatial patterns in the gridded SOS estimates aligned with those in landcover type. The methodology can be extended for a longer time series of FAPAR as MERIS will be replaced by the ESA Sentinel mission in 2013, while the availability of full resolution (300m) MERIS FAPAR and equivalent sensor products holds the possibility of monitoring finer scale seasonality variation. This study has shown the utility of the SOS metric as an indicator of spatiotemporal variability in vegetation phenology, as well as a correlate of other environmental variables such as air temperature. However, the satellite-based method is not seen as a replacement of ground-based observations, but rather as a complementary approach to studying vegetation phenology at the national scale. In future, the method can be extended to extract other metrics of the seasonal cycle in order to gain a more comprehensive view of seasonal vegetation development.
The flower industry has a reputation for heavy usage of toxic chemicals and polluting the environment, enormous consumption of water, and poor working condition and low wage level in various parts of the world. It is unfortunate that this industry is adamant to change and repeating the same mistakes in Ethiopia. Because of this, - there is a growing concern among the general public and the international community about sustainability of the Ethiopian flower industry. Consequently, working conditions in the flower industry, impacts of wage income on the livelihoods of employees, coping strategies of low wage flower farm workers, impacts of flower farms on the livelihoods of local people and environmental pollution and conflict, were analysed. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed. Four quantitative data sets: labour practice, employees’ income and expenditure, displaced household, and flower grower views survey were collected between 2010 and 2012. Robust regression to identify the determinants of wage levels, and Multinomial logit to identify the determinants of coping strategies of flower farm workers and displaced households were employed. The findings show the working conditions in flower farms are characterized by low wages, job insecurity and frequent violation of employees’ rights, and poor safety measures. To ensure survival of their family, land dispossessed households adopt a wide range of strategies including reduction in food consumption, sharing oxen, renting land, share cropping, and shifting staple food crops. Most experienced scarcity of water resources, lack of grazing areas, death of herds and reduced numbers of livestock due to water source pollution. Despite the Ethiopian government investment in attracting and creating conducive environment for investors, not much was accomplished when it comes to enforcing labour laws and environmental policies. Flower farm expansion in Ethiopia, as it is now, can be viewed as part of the global land and water grab and is not all inclusive and sustainable. Several recommendations are made to improve working conditions, maximize the benefits of flower industry to the society, and to the country at large.