953 resultados para cellulose ester


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An experimental study to evaluate the power dissipation of gears was performed. Three low-loss gear models were manufactured using standard 20° pressure angle tools. Austempered ductile iron (ADI) and 20MnCr5 carburized steel gears were tested in an FZG gear test machine using mineral, ester and polyalphaolephine (PAO)-based oils. The results compare power dissipation, the influence of different tooth flank geometries, materials and lubricants. This work concludes that conventional power-transmission gears can be replaced by these improved and more efficient low–loss models, which can be produced using common tools and that steel gears can be successfully replaced by austempered ductile iron gears.


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In Part I of the present work we describe the viscosity measurements performed on tris(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate or 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic acid, tris(2-ethylhexyl) ester (TOTM) up to 65 MPa and at six temperatures from (303 to 373)K, using a new vibrating-wire instrument. The main aim is to contribute to the proposal of that liquid as a potential reference fluid for high viscosity, high pressure and high temperature. The present Part II is dedicated to report the density measurements of TOTM necessary, not only to compute the viscosity data presented in Part I, but also as complementary data for the mentioned proposal. The present density measurements were obtained using a vibrating U-tube densimeter, model DMA HP, using model DMA5000 as a reading unit, both instruments from Anton Paar GmbH. The measurements were performed along five isotherms from (293 to 373)K and at eleven different pressures up to 68 MPa. As far as the authors are aware, the viscosity and density results are the first, above atmospheric pressure, to be published for TOTM. Due to TOTM's high viscosity, its density data were corrected for the viscosity effect on the U-tube density measurements. This effect was estimated using two Newtonian viscosity standard liquids, 20 AW and 200 GW. The density data were correlated with temperature and pressure using a modified Tait equation. The expanded uncertainty of the present density results is estimated as +/- 0.2% at a 95% confidence level. Those results were correlated with temperature and pressure by a modified Tait equation, with deviations within +/- 0.25%. Furthermore, the isothermal compressibility, K-T, and the isobaric thermal expansivity, alpha(p), were obtained by derivation of the modified Tait equation used for correlating the density data. The corresponding uncertainties, at a 95% confidence level, are estimated to be less than +/- 1.5% and +/- 1.2%, respectively. No isobaric thermal expansivity and isothermal compressibility for TOTM were found in the literature. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Liquid crystalline cellulosic-based solutions described by distinctive properties are at the origin of different kinds of multifunctional materials with unique characteristics. These solutions can form chiral nematic phases at rest, with tuneable photonic behavior, and exhibit a complex behavior associated with the onset of a network of director field defects under shear. Techniques, such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Rheology coupled with NMR (Rheo-NMR), rheology, optical methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Wide Angle X-rays Scattering (WAXS), were extensively used to enlighten the liquid crystalline characteristics of these cellulosic solutions. Cellulosic films produced by shear casting and fibers by electrospinning, from these liquid crystalline solutions, have regained wider attention due to recognition of their innovative properties associated to their biocompatibility. Electrospun membranes composed by helical and spiral shape fibers allow the achievement of large surface areas, leading to the improvement of the performance of this kind of systems. The moisture response, light modulated, wettability and the capability of orienting protein and cellulose crystals, opened a wide range of new applications to the shear casted films. Characterization by NMR, X-rays, tensile tests, AFM, and optical methods allowed detailed characterization of those soft cellulosic materials. In this work, special attention will be given to recent developments, including, among others, a moisture driven cellulosic motor and electro-optical devices.


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Thrust ball bearings lubricated with several different greases were tested on a modified Four-Ball Machine, where the Four-Ball arrangement was replaced by a bearing assembly. The friction torque and operating temperatures in a thrust ball bearing were measured during the tests. At the end of each test a grease sample was analyzed through ferrographic techniques in order to quantify and evaluate bearing wear. A rolling bearing friction torque model was used and the coefficient of friction in full film lubrication was determined for each grease, depending on the operating conditions. The experimental results obtained showed that grease formulation had a very significant influence on friction torque and operating temperature. The friction torque depends on the viscosity of the grease base oil, on its nature (mineral, ester, PAO, etc.), on the coefficient of friction in full film conditions, but also on the interaction between grease thickener and base oil, which affected contact replenishment and contact starvation, and thus influenced the friction torque.


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Treatment of a dichloromethane solution of trans-[Mo(NCN){NCNC(O)R}(dppe)(2)]Cl [R = Me (1a), Et (1b)] (dppe = Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2) with HBF4, [Et3O][BF4] or EtC(O)Cl gives trans-[Mo(NCN)Cl-(dppe)(2)]X [X = BF4 (2a) or Cl (2b)] and the corresponding acylcyanamides NCN(R')C(O)Et (R' = H, Et or C(O)Et). X-ray diffraction analysis of 2a (X = BF4) reveals a multiple-bond coordination of the cyanoimide ligand. Compounds 1 convert to the bis(cyanoimide) trans-[Mo(NCN)(2)(dppe)(2)] complex upon reaction with an excess of NaOMe (with formation of the respective ester). In an aprotic medium and at a Pt electrode, compounds 1 (R = Me, Et or Ph) undergo a cathodically induced isomerization. Full quantitative kinetic analysis of the voltammetric behaviour is presented and allows the determination of the first-order rate constants and the equilibrium constant of the trans to cis isomerization reaction. The mechanisms of electrophilic addition (protonation) to complexes 1 and the precursor trans[Mo(NCN)(2)(dppe)(2)], as well as the electronic structures, nature of the coordination bonds and electrochemical behaviour of these species are investigated in detail by theoretical methods which indicate that the most probable sites of the proton attack are the oxygen atom of the acyl group and the terminal nitrogen atom, respectively.


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A study of chemical transformations of cork during heat treatments was made using colour variation and FTIR analysis. The cork enriched fractions from Quercus cerris bark were subjected to isothermal heating in the temperature range 150–400 ◦C and treatment time from 5 to 90 min. Mass loss ranged from 3% (90 min at 150 ◦C) to 71% (60 min at 350 ◦C). FTIR showed that hemicelluloses were thermally degraded first while suberin remained as the most heat resistant component. The change of CIE-Lab parameters was rapid for low intensity treatments where no significant mass loss occurred (at 150 ◦C L* decreased from the initial 51.5 to 37.3 after 20 min). The decrease in all colour parameters continued with temperature until they remained substantially constant with over 40% mass loss. Modelling of the thermally induced mass loss could be made using colour analysis. This is applicable to monitoring the production of heat expanded insulation agglomerates.


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A vasta aplicação de antibióticos em sistemas de aquacultura tem conduzido ao aparecimento de espécies microbianas resistentes, devendo ser evitada ou, se possível, minimizada. A minimização implica um controlo muito rigoroso das doses aplicadas, algo que só pode ser realizado se todo o processo analítico for simples, barato e puder ser implementado no local. O presente trabalho descreve para este efeito um sistema sensor constituído por papel quimicamente modificado, cujo procedimento analítico foi semelhante à monitorização de pH através das conhecidas tiras indicadoras de pH universal. O papel foi modificado com base em reacções de monocamadas e assumiu uma coloração típica após contacto com o antibiótico. A intensidade da coloração estava também relacionada com a concentração desse antibiótico. Como prova deste conceito, o sensor proposto foi desenhado tendo em vista a monitorização de oxitetraciclina, um dos antibióticos utilizados neste contexto com elevada frequência. A modificação do papel foi baseada na alteração química das unidades de glucose na matriz sólida por reacção covalente com reagentes apropriados. Foram utilizadas duas estratégias diferentes para este efeito: uma foi baseada em reacções de tipo sol-gel e a outra em reacção de adição nucleófila. Posteriormente, o papel foi modificado com espécies metálicas capazes de mudar de cor na presença da oxitetraciclina. Estas modificações químicas foram avaliadas e optimizadas relativamente a vários parâmetros, no sentido de promover uma variação de cor intensa face à concentração de antibiótico. Procedeu-se ainda ao controlo desta modificação por técnicas de espectroscopia de infravermelho. A variação de cor foi avaliada por comparação visual, mas registada por imagem digital. Os materiais sensores preparados foram ainda caracterizados do ponto de vista do seu desempenho analítico. Incluíram-se aqui a identificação de uma relação linear entre coordenadas de cor e concentração, a atribuição de uma gama de concentrações capaz de fornecer uma resposta previsível e resposta cruzada face a outros antibióticos. Procedeu-se ainda à aplicação dos sensores numa amostra de água ambiental dopada com antibiótico. De uma forma geral, foi possível estabelecer um processo simples de modificação de papel capaz de aferir a presença e a quantidade de tetraciclinas, mais concretamente a oxitetraciclina. O processo aqui estabelecido é promissor, antevendo a concretização de uma metodologia simples, barata e local para a monitorização de anitbióticos em águas.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química


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Applied Physics Letters, Vol.93, issue 20


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Three isolates over 5 years from a patient with persistent relapsing mucosal leishmaniasis due to Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and 7 clones from one of these isolates were studied by zymodemes and scrodemes analysis. Results showed evidences of clonal phenotypic variation. Eight isoenzymes markers demonstrated clear differences on Cellulose Acetate (CA) and thin starch gel electrophoresis. Also a panel of specific monoclonal antibodies showed such differences. Our observations provide additional evidence that Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is composed by subpopulations of parasites with peculiar biochemical and antigenic characteristics.


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A hepatite B é doença de graves consequências quando adquirida no período neonatal. No entanto, a identificação das gestantes, com risco de transmitirem a infecção a seus filhos, pode prevenir essas consequências através da imunização, passiva e ativa, dos bebês logo após o nascimento. Foram estudadas 477 gestantes de primeira consulta atendidas no período de abril a outubro de 1988 nos oito Centros de Saúde da rede estadual que abrangem o subdistrito do Butantan, região oeste do município de São Paulo, considerada carente de infra-estrutura básica. As 477 amostras de soro foram ensaiadas quanto à presença do marcador anti-HBc total, que permite detectar os casos assintomáticos, crônicos e em fase de convalescença. As 44 (9,2%) gestantes positivas para esse marcador foram ensaiadas para os marcadores anti-HBs e HbsAg. Dessas 44 amostras, 2 (0,4%) foram positivas para o HBsAg e 37 (7,7%) positivas para anti-HBs. Do universo de 477 gestantes, 47 apresentaram no inquérito a que foram submetidas respostas indicativas de fatores de risco para hepatite, mas apenas 8 (17,0%) delas faziam parte do grupo de gestantes anti-HBc positivas, 2 delas HBsAg positivas


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The rheological and structural characteristics of acetoxypropylcellulose (APC) nematic melt are studied at shear rates ranging from 10 s(-1) to 1000 s(-1) which are relevant to extrusion based processes. APC shows a monotonic shear thinning behavior over the range of shear rates tested. The negative extrudate-swell shows a minimum when a critical shear rate (gamma) over dot(c) is reached. For shear rates smaller than (gamma) over dot(c), the flow-induced texture consists of two set of bands aligned parallel and normal to the flow direction. At shear rates larger than (gamma) over dot(c), the flow induced texture is reminiscent of a 2 fluids structure. Close to the shearing walls, domains elongated along the flow direction and stacked along the vorticity are imaged with POM, whereas SALS patterns indicate that the bulk of the sheared APC is made of elliptical domains oriented along the vorticity. No full nematic alignment is achieved at the largest shear rate tested. Below (gamma) over dot(c), the stress relaxation is described by a stretched exponential. Above (gamma) over dot(c), the stress relaxation is described by a fast and a slow process. The latter coincides with the growth of normal bands thicknesses, as the APC texture after flow cessation consists of two types of bands with parallel and normal orientations relative to the flow direction. Both bands thicknesses do not depend on the applied shear rate, in contrast to their orientation. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work evaluates the possibility of using spent coffee grounds (SCG) for biodiesel production and other applications. An experimental study was conducted with different solvents showing that lipid content up to 6 wt% can be obtained from SCG. Results also show that besides biodiesel production, SCG can be used as fertilizer as it is rich in nitrogen, and as solid fuel with higher heating value (HHV) equivalent to some agriculture and wood residues. The extracted lipids were characterized for their properties of acid value, density at 15 °C, viscosity at 40 °C, iodine number, and HHV, which are negatively influenced by water content and solvents used in lipid extraction. Results suggest that for lipids with high free fatty acids (FFA), the best procedure for conversion to biodiesel would be a two-step process of acid esterification followed by alkaline transesterification, instead of a sole step of direct transesterification with acid catalyst. Biodiesel was characterized for its properties of iodine number, acid value, and ester content. Although these quality parameters were not within the limits of NP EN 14214:2009 standard, SCG lipids can be used for biodiesel, blended with higher-quality vegetable oils before transesterification, or the biodiesel produced from SCG can be blended with higher-quality biodiesel or even with fossil diesel, in order to meet the standard requirements.


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This work presents and analyses the fat and fuel properties and the methyl ester profile of biodiesel from animal fats and fish oil (beef tallow, pork lard, chicken fat and sardine oil). Also, their sustainability is evaluated in comparison with rapeseed biodiesel and fossil diesel, currently the dominant liquid fuels for transportation in Europe. Results show that from a technological point of view it is possible to use animal fats and fish oil as feedstock for biodiesel production. From the sustainability perspective, beef tallow biodiesel seems to be the most sustainable one, as its contribution to global warming has the same value of fossil diesel and in terms of energy efficiency it has the best value of the biodiesels under consideration. Although biodiesel is not so energy efficient as fossil diesel there is room to improve it, for example, by replacing the fossil energy used in the process with renewable energy generated using co-products (e.g. straw, biomass cake, glycerine).


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química