907 resultados para cell surface receptor


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The transcription factors c-myb and GATA-2 are both required for blood cell development in vivo and in vitro. However, very little is known on their mechanism(s) of action and whether they impact on complementary or overlapping pathways of hematopoietic proliferation and differentiation. We report here that embryonic stem (ES) cells transfected with c-myb or GATA-2 cDNAs, individually or in combination, underwent hematopoietic commitment and differentiation in the absence of added hematopoietic growth factors but that stimulation with c-kit and flt-3 ligands enhanced colony formation only in the c-myb transfectants. This enhancement correlated with c-kit and flt-3 surface receptor up-regulation in c-myb-(but not GATA-2-) transfected ES cells. Transfection of ES cells with either a c-myb or a GATA-2 antisense construct abrogated erythromyeloid colony-forming ability in methyl cellulose; however, introduction of a full-length GATA-2 or c-myb cDNA, respectively, rescued the hematopoiesis-deficient phenotype, although only c-myb-rescued ES cells expressed c-kit and flt-3 surface receptors and formed increased numbers of hematopoietic colonies upon stimulation with the cognate ligands. These results are in agreement with previous studies indicating a fundamental role of c-myb and GATA-2 in hematopoiesis. Of greater importance, our studies suggest that GATA-2 and c-myb exert their roles in hematopoietic gene regulation through distinct mechanisms of action in nonoverlapping pathways.


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Superantigens, such as toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1), have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune and allergic diseases associated with polyclonal B cell activation. In this report, we studied the in vitro effects of TSST-1 on B cell activation. We show herein that TSST-1 produced antagonistic effects on Ig synthesis by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from normal subjects, depending on the concentration used; Ig production was inhibited at 1000 pg/ml (P < 0.01) and enhanced at 1 and 0.01 pg/ml (P < 0.01) of toxin. Cultures of PBMC were then examined for morphologic features and DNA fragmentation characteristic for apoptosis. B cells exhibited a significantly higher (P < 0.01) incidence of apoptosis after stimulation with 1000 pg/ml of TSST-1 compared with 1 or 0.01 pg/ml of toxin or medium alone. Abundant expression of Fas, a cell surface protein that mediates apoptosis, was detected on B cells after stimulation with 1000 pg/ml of TSST-1 and was significantly higher on B cells undergoing apoptosis than on live cells (P = 0.01). Additionally, increased Fas expression and B cell death occurred at concentrations of TSST-1 inducing the production of high amounts of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), and both events could be blocked by neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma antibody. These findings suggest that high concentrations of TSST-1 can induce IFN-gamma-dependent B cell apoptosis, whereas at low concentrations it stimulates Ig synthesis by PBMC from normal subjects. These findings support the concept that staphylococcal toxins have a role in B cell hyperactivity in autoimmunity and allergy.


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The c-rel protooncogene encodes a subunit of the NF-kappa B-like family of transcription factors. Mice lacking Rel are defective in mitogenic activation of B and T lymphocytes and display impaired humoral immunity. In an attempt to identify changes in gene expression that accompany the T-cell stimulation defects associated with the loss of Rel, we have examined the expression of cell surface activation markers and cytokine production in mitogen-stimulated Rel-/- T cells. The expression of cell surface markers including the interleukin 2 receptor alpha (IL-2R alpha) chain (CD25), CD69 and L-selectin (CD62) is normal in mitogen-activated Rel-/- T cells, but cytokine production is impaired. In Rel-/- splenic T cell cultures stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and ionomycin, the levels of IL-3, IL-5, granulocyte- macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) were only 2- to 3-fold lower compared with normal T cells. In contrast, anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 stimulated Rel-/- T cells, which fail to proliferate, make little or no detectable cytokines. Exogenous IL-2, which restitutes the proliferative response of the anti-CD3- and anti-CD28-treated Rel-/- T cells, restores production of IL-5, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma, but not IL-3 and GM-CSF expression to approximately normal levels. In contrast to mitogen-activated Rel-/- T cells, lipopolysaccharide-stimulated Rel-/- macrophages produce higher than normal levels of GM-CSF. These findings establish that Rel can function as an activator or repressor of gene expression and is required by T lymphocytes for production of IL-3 and GM-CSF.


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An adipocyte membrane glycoprotein, (FAT), homologous to human CD36, has been previously implicated in the binding/transport of long-chain fatty acids. It bound reactive derivatives of long-chain fatty acids and binding was specific and associated with significant inhibition of fatty acid uptake. Tissue distribution of the protein and regulation of its expression were also consistent with its postulated role. In this report, we have examined the effects of FAT expression on rates and properties of fatty acid uptake by Ob17PY fibroblasts lacking the protein. Three clones (P21, P22, and P25) were selected based on FAT mRNA and protein levels. Cell surface labeling could be demonstrated with the anti-CD36 antibody FITC-OKM5. In line with this, the major fraction of immunoreactive FAT was associated with the plasma membrane fraction. Assays of oleate and/or palmitate uptake demonstrated higher rates in the three FAT-expressing clones, compared to cells transfected with the empty vector. Clone P21, which had the highest protein levels on Western blots, exhibited the largest increase in transport rates. Fatty acid uptake in FAT-expressing P21 cells reflected two components, a phloretin-sensitive high-affinity saturable component with a Km of 0.004 microM and a basal phloretin-insensitive component that was a linear function of unbound fatty acid. P21 cells incorporated more exogenous fatty acid into phospholipids, indicating that binding of fatty acids was followed by their transfer into the cell and that both processes were increased by FAT expression. The data support the interpretation that FAT/CD36 functions as a high-affinity membrane receptor/transporter for long-chain fatty acids.


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Activation of macrophages by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces transcription of genes that encode for proinflammatory regulators of the immune response. Previous work has suggested that activation of the transcription factor activator protein 1 (AP-1) is one LPS-induced event that mediates this response. Consistent with this notion, we found that LPS stimulated AP-1-mediated transcription of a transfected reporter gene in the murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7. As AP-1 activity is regulated in part by activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), which phosphorylates and subsequently increases the transcriptional activity of c-Jun, we examined whether LPS treatment of macrophages resulted in activation of this kinase. LPS treatment of RAW 264.7 cells, murine bone marrow-derived macrophages, and the human monocyte cell line THP-1 resulted in rapid activation of the p46 and p54 isoforms of JNK. Treatment with wild-type and rough mutant forms of LPS and synthetic lipid A resulted in JNK activation, while pretreatment with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor herbimycin A inhibited this response. Binding of LPS-LPS binding protein (LBP) complexes to CD14, a surface receptor that mediates many LPS responses, was found to be crucial, as pretreatment of THP-1 cells with the monoclonal antibody 60b, which blocks this binding, inhibited JNK activation. These results suggest that LPS activation of JNK in monocyte/macrophage cells is a CD14- and protein tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent event that may mediate the early activation of AP-1 in regulating LPS-triggered gene induction.


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The final step in the pathway that provides for glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring of cell-surface proteins occurs in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and consists of a transamidation reaction in which fully assembled GPI anchor donors are substituted for specific COOH-terminal signal peptide sequences contained in nascent polypeptides. In previous studies we described a human K562 cell mutant line, designated class K, which assembles all the known intermediates of the GPI pathway but fails to display GPI-anchored proteins on its surface membrane. In the present study, we used mRNA encoding miniPLAP, a truncated form of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), in in vitro assays with rough microsomal membranes (RM) of mutant K cells to further characterize the biosynthetic defect in this line. We found that RM from mutant K cells supported NH2-terminal processing of the nascent translational product, preprominiPLAP, but failed to show any detectable COOH-terminal processing of the resulting prominiPLAP to GPI-anchored miniPLAP. Proteinase K protection assays verified that NH2-terminal processed prominiPLAP was appropriately translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. The addition of hydrazine or hydroxylamine, which can substitute for GPI donors, to RM from wild-type or mutant cells defective in various intermediate biosynthetic steps in the GPI pathway produced large amounts of the hydrazide or hydroxamate of miniPLAP. In contrast, the addition of these nucleophiles to RM of class K cells yielded neither of these products. These data, taken together, lead us to conclude that mutant K cells are defective in part of the GPI transamidase machinery.


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The glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor of the Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) is unique in having exclusively myristate as its fatty acid component. We previously demonstrated that the myristate specificity is the result of two independent pathways. First, the newly synthesized free GPI, which is not myristoylated, undergoes fatty acid remodeling to replace both its fatty acids with myristate. Second, the myristoylated precursor, glycolipid A, undergoes a myristate exchange reaction, detected by the replacement of unlabeled myristate by [3H]myristate. Remodeling and exchange have different enzymatic properties and apparently occur in different subcellular compartments. We now demonstrate that the GPI anchor linked to VSG is the major substrate for myristate exchange. VSG can be efficiently labeled with [3H]myristate by exchange in the presence of cycloheximide, an inhibitor that prevents new VSG synthesis and thus anchor addition to protein. Not only is newly synthesized VSG subject to exchange, but mature VSG, possibly recycling from the cell surface, also undergoes myristate exchange.


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Although transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily ligands play critical roles in diverse developmental processes, how cells transduce signals from these ligands is still poorly understood. Cell surface receptors for these ligands have been identified, but their cytoplasmic targets are unknown. We have identified three Caenorhabditis elegans genes, sma-2, sma-3, and sma-4, that have mutant phenotypes similar to those of the TGF-beta-like receptor gene daf-4, indicating that they are required for daf-4-mediated developmental processes. We show that sma-2 functions in the same cells as daf-4, consistent with a role in transducing signals from the receptor. These three genes define a protein family, the dwarfins, that includes the Mad gene product, which participates in the decapentaplegic TGF-beta-like pathway in Drosophila [Sekelsky, J. J., Newfeld, S. J., Raftery, L. A., Chartoff, E. H. & Gelbart, W. M. (1995) Genetics 139, 1347-1358]. The identification of homologous components of these pathways in distantly related organisms suggests that dwarfins may be universally required for TGF-beta-like signal transduction. In fact, we have isolated highly conserved dwarfins from vertebrates, indicating that these components are not idiosyncratic to invertebrates. These analyses suggest that dwarfins are conserved cytoplasmic signal transducers.


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We have synthesized a recombinant gene encoding a single-chain HLA-A2/beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m) molecule by linking beta 2m through its carboxyl terminus via a short peptide spacer to HLA-A2 (A*0201). This gene has been expressed in the beta 2m-deficient colorectal tumor cell line DLD-1. Transfection of this cell with the single-chain construct was associated with conformationally correct cell surface expression of a class I molecule of appropriate molecular mass. The single-chain HLA class I molecule presented either exogenously added peptide or (after interferon-gamma treatment) endogenously processed antigen to an influenza A matrix-specific, HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte line. The need for interferon gamma for the processing and presentation of endogenous antigen suggests that DLD-1 has an antigen-processing defect that can be up-regulated, a feature that may be found in other carcinomas. Our data indicate that single-chain HLA class I constructs can form functional class I molecules capable of presenting endogenously processed antigens. Such molecules should be of use for functional studies, as well as providing potential anticancer immunotherapeutic agents or vaccines.


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Transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) is a multifunctional factor that regulates proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. TGF-beta mediates its effects by binding to and activating cell surface receptors that possess serine/threonine kinase activity. However, the intracellular signaling pathways through which TGF-beta receptors act remain largely unknown. Here we show that TGF-beta activates a 78-kDa protein (p78) serine/threonine kinase as evidenced by an in-gel kinase assay. Ligand-induced activation of the kinase was near-maximal 5 min after TGF-beta addition to the cells and occurred exclusively on serine and threonine residues. This kinase is distinct from TGF-beta receptor type II, as well as several cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinases of similar size, including protein kinase C, Raf, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase, and ribosomal S6 kinase. Indeed, these kinases can be separated almost completely from p78 kinase by immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies. Furthermore, using different cell lines, we demonstrate that p78 kinase is activated only in cells for which TGF-beta can act as a growth inhibitory factor. These data raise the interesting possibility that protein serine/threonine kinases contribute to the intracellular relay of biological signals originating from receptor serine/threonine kinases such as the TGF-beta receptors.


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The hypothalamic hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is released in a pulsatile fashion, with its frequency varying throughout the reproductive cycle. Varying pulse frequencies and amplitudes differentially regulate the biosynthesis and secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by pituitary gonadotropes. The mechanism by which this occurs remains a major question in reproductive physiology. Previous studies have been limited by lack of available cell lines that express the LH and FSH subunit genes and respond to GnRH. We have overcome this limitation by transfecting the rat pituitary GH3 cell line with rat GnRH receptor (GnRHR) cDNA driven by a heterologous promoter. These cells, when cotransfected with regulatory regions of the common alpha, LH beta, or FSH beta subunit gene fused to a luciferase reporter gene, respond to GnRH with an increase in luciferase activity. Using this model, we demonstrate that different cell surface densities of the GnRHR result in the differential regulation of LH and FSH subunit gene expression by GnRH. This suggests that the differential regulation of gonadotropin subunit gene expression by GnRH observed in vivo in rats may, in turn, be mediated by varying gonadotrope cell surface GnRHR concentrations. This provides a physiologic mechanism by which a single ligand can act through a single receptor to regulate differentially the production of two hormones in the same cell.


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The phenotypes of CD19-deficient (CD19-/-) mice, and human CD19-transgenic (hCD19TG) mice that overexpress CD19 indicate that CD19 is a response regulator of B-lymphocyte surface receptor signaling. To further characterize the function of CD19 during B-cell differentiation, humoral immune responses to a T-cell-independent type 1 [trinitrophenyl-lipopolysaccharide (TNP-LPS)], a T-cell-independent type 2 [dinitrophenyl (DNP)-Ficoll], and a T-cell-dependent [DNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)] antigen were assessed in CD19-/- and hCD19TG mice. B cells from CD19-/- mice differentiated and underwent immunoglobulin isotype switching in vitro in response to mitogens and cytokines. In vivo, CD19-/- mice generated humoral responses to TNP-LPS and DNP-KLH that were dramatically lower than those of wild-type littermates. Surprisingly, the humoral response to DNP-Ficoll was significantly greater in CD19-/- mice. In contrast, hCD19TG mice were hyperresponsive to TNP-LPS and DNP-KLH immunization but were hyporesponsive to DNP-Ficoll. These results demonstrate that CD19 is not required for B-cell differentiation and isotype switching but serves as a response regulator which modulates B-cell differentiation. Since humoral responses to both T-cell-dependent and T-cell-independent antigens were similarly affected by alterations in CD19 expression, these differences are most likely to result from intrinsic changes in B-cell function rather than from the selective disruption of B-cell interactions with T cells.


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In establishing the memory B-cell population and maintaining self-tolerance during an immune response, apoptosis mediates the removal of early, low-affinity antibody-forming cells, unselected germinal center (GC) cells, and, potentially, self-reactive B cells. To address the role of the apoptosis-signaling cell surface molecule FAS in the B-cell response to antigen, we have examined the T-cell-dependent B-cell response to the carrier-conjugated hapten (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl (NP) in lpr mice in which the fas gene is mutated. High levels of FAS were expressed on normal GC B cells but the absence of FAS did not perturb the progressive decline in numbers of either GC B cells or extrafollicular antibody-forming cells. Furthermore, the rate of formation and eventual size of the NP-specific memory B-cell population in lpr mice were normal. The accumulation of cells with affinity-enhancing mutations and the appearance of high-affinity anti-NP IgG1 antibody in the serum were also normal in lpr mice. Thus, although high levels of FAS are expressed on GC B cells, FAS is not required for GC selection or for regulation of the major antigen-specific B-cell compartments. The results suggest that the size and composition of B-cell compartments in the humoral immune response are regulated by mechanisms that do not require FAS.


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CD40 is a 45-kDa glycoprotein member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) family expressed on B cells, thymic epithelial cells, dendritic cells, and some carcinoma cells. The unique capacity of CD40 to trigger immunoglobulin isotype switching is dependent on the activation of protein-tyrosine kinases, yet CD40 possesses no kinase domain and no known consensus sequences for binding to protein-tyrosine kinases. Recently, an intracellular protein (CD40bp/LAP-1/CRAF-1) which belongs to the family of TNFR-associated proteins was reported to associate with CD40. We describe a 23-kDa cell surface protein (p23) which is specifically associated with CD40 on B cells and on urinary bladder transitional carcinoma cells. Protein microsequencing revealed that p23 shows no homology to any known protein. A rabbit antibody raised against a peptide derived from p23 recognized a 23-kDa protein in CD40 immunoprecipitates. In contrast to CD40bp/LAP-1/CRAF-1, p23 was not associated with TNFR p80 (CD120b). These findings suggest that p23 is a novel member of the CD40 receptor complex.


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The mycobacterial cell wall contains large amounts of unusual lipids, including mycolic acids that are covalently linked to the underlying arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex. Hydrocarbon chains of much of these lipids have been shown to be packed in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the cell surface. In this study, we examined the dynamic properties of the organized lipid domains in the cell wall isolated from Mycobacterium chelonae grown at 30 degrees C. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that much of the lipids underwent major thermal transitions between 30 degree C and 65 degrees C, that is at temperatures above the growth temperature, a result suggesting that a significant portion of the lipids existed in a structure of extremely low fluidity in the growing cells. Spin-labeled fatty acid probes were successfully inserted into the more fluid part of the cell wall. Our model of the cell wall suggests that this domain corresponds to the outermost leaflet, a conclusion reinforced by the observation that labeling of intact cells produced electron spin resonance spectra similar to those of the isolated cell wall. Use of stearate labeled at different positions showed that the fluidity within the outer leaflet increased only slightly as the nitroxide group was placed farther away from the surface. These results are consistent with the model of mycobacterial cell wall containing an asymmetric lipid bilayer, with an internal, less fluid mycolic acid leaflet and an external, more fluid leaflet composed of lipids containing shorter chain fatty acids. The presence of the low-fluidity layer will lower the permeability of the cell wall to lipophilic antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents and may contribute to the well-known intrinsic resistance of mycobacteria to such compounds.