1000 resultados para carrier media
The carrier transport mechanism of polyaniline (PA) thin films prepared by radio frequency plasma polymerization is described in this paper. The mechanism of electrical conduction and carrier mobility of PA thin films for different temperatures were examined using the aluminium–PA–aluminium (Al–PA–Al) structure. It is found that the mechanism of carrier transport in these thin films is space charge limited conduction. J –V studies on an asymmetric electrode configuration using indium tin oxide (ITO) as the base electrode and Al as the upper electrode (ITO–PA–Al structure) show a diode-like behaviour with a considerable rectification ratio
Photothermal deflection technique (PTD) is a non-destructive tool for measuring the temperature distribution in and around a sample, due to various non-radiative decay processes occurring within the material. This tool was used to measure the carrier transport properties of CuInS2 and CuInSe2 thin films. Films with thickness <1 μm were prepared with different Cu/In ratios to vary the electrical properties. The surface recombination velocity was least for Cu-rich films (5×105 cm/s for CuInS2, 1×103 cm/s for CuInSe2), while stoichiometric films exhibited high mobility (0.6 cm2/V s for CuInS2, 32 cm2/V s for CuInSe2) and high minority carrier lifetime (0.35 μs for CuInS2, 12 μs for CuInSe2
Incorporation of silver ions into a dye-sensitized poly(vinyl alcohol)/acrylamide photopolymer is observed to give better performance compared to other metal-ion-doped photopolymer holographic recording media. Plane-wave transmission gratings were recorded in the photopolymer films using a He–Ne laser, and various holographic parameters were optimized so as to explore maximum potential of the material for various holographic applications. Silver-doped films showed good energy sensitivity, and gratings recorded in optimized film exhibited a diffraction efficiency of more than 75%. The potential of the material for holographic data storage applications is also studied using peristrophic multiplexing
The present dissertation is devoted to the construction of exact and approximate analytical solutions of the problem of light propagation in highly nonlinear media. It is demonstrated that for many experimental conditions, the problem can be studied under the geometrical optics approximation with a sufficient accuracy. Based on the renormalization group symmetry analysis, exact analytical solutions of the eikonal equations with a higher order refractive index are constructed. A new analytical approach to the construction of approximate solutions is suggested. Based on it, approximate solutions for various boundary conditions, nonlinear refractive indices and dimensions are constructed. Exact analytical expressions for the nonlinear self-focusing positions are deduced. On the basis of the obtained solutions a general rule for the single filament intensity is derived; it is demonstrated that the scaling law (the functional dependence of the self-focusing position on the peak beam intensity) is defined by a form of the nonlinear refractive index but not the beam shape at the boundary. Comparisons of the obtained solutions with results of experiments and numerical simulations are discussed.
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der grafischen Gestaltung von Mathematiklehrwerken und der damit verbundenen Wirkungen auf die SchülerInnen. Es wurde untersucht, welche Art von Gestaltungsaspekten in Schulbüchern eine positive Auswirkung auf die Lernmotivation hat. Im theoretischen Teil dieser Arbeit wird zunächst erläutert, wie der menschliche Wahrnehmungsapparat nach theoretischen Erkenntnissen aus der Wahrnehmungspsychologie visuelle Elemente wie Farbe und Form verarbeitet. Anhand gestaltpsychologischer und motivationspsychologischer Theorien werden mögliche Einflüsse und in diesem Zusammenhang bedeutungsvolle Aspekte aufgezeigt. Einzelne Funktionen und Wirkungsaspekte der einzelnen Medienbausteine wie Bild, Typografie und Bild-Text-Kombinationen werden anhand von Beispielen aus Mathematiklehrwerken dargestellt. Ein Exkurs über den vermehrten Einfluss der neuen Medien bei Kindern und Jugendlichen verdeutlicht, welche visuellen Medienerfahrungen Kinder und Jugendliche bei der Betrachtung eines Schulbuches mitbringen. Anschließend werden die erarbeiteten theoretischen Grundlagen in einer praktischen Arbeit genutzt. Eine exemplarisch ausgewählte Seite eines Mathematiklehrwerks werde unter verschiedenen gestalterischen Gesichtspunkten umgestaltet, so dass mehreren Varianten entstehen. Diese Entwürfe werden in einer qualitativen Studie mit einzelnen SchülerInnen diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse der aufgezeichneten Interviews wurden durch die Auswertungsmethode des zirkulären Dekonstruierens auf die aufgeworfenen Forschungsfragen untersucht und ausgewertet.
Ultrafast laser pulses have become an integral part of the toolbox of countless laboratories doing physics, chemistry, and biological research. The work presented here is motivated by a section in the ever-growing, interdisciplinary research towards understanding the fundamental workings of light-matter interactions. Specifically, attosecond pulses can be useful tools to obtain the desired insight. However access to, and the utility of, such pulses is dependent on the generation of intense, few-cycle, carrier-envelope-phase stabilized laser pulses. The presented work can be thought of as a sort of roadmap towards the latter. From the oscillator which provides the broadband seed to amplification methods, the integral pieces necessary for the generation of attosecond pulses are discussed. A range of topics from the fundamentals to design challenges is presented, outfitting the way towards the practical implementation of an intense few-cycle carrier-envelope-phase stabilized laser source.
Interatomic coulombic decay (ICD), a radiationless transition in weakly bonded systems, such as solutes or van der Waals bound aggregates, is an effective source for electrons of low kinetic energy. So far, the ICD processes could only be probed in ultra-high vacuum by using electron and/or ion spectroscopy. Here we show that resonant ICD processes can also be detected by measuring the subsequently emitted characteristic fluorescence radiation, which makes their study in dense media possible.
Resultados del trabajo realizado por la Comisión Territorial de Formación Profesional en el que se detectan las necesidades formativas en los municipios de la comarca de la Vega Alta y Media; Oriental, y Valle de Ricote pertenecientes a la Región de Murcia; zona de influencia de esta Comisión. El objetivo de este trabajo es dar respuesta a la demanda de recursos humanos por parte del sistema productivo, porporcionando al sistema formativo las bases para redefinir y actualizar de forma constante tanto el conjunto de perfiles profesionales presentes como los que se puedan detectar en el futuro. En este informe se estudia la situación de cuatro escenarios relevantes: población, mercado laboral, sistema productivo y oferta formativa. Para ello se han analizado las siguientes fuentes de información: matriz DAFO; encuesta realizada por el Observatorio Regional de Empleo sobre necesidades formativas y ocupacionales; análisis de las principales variables socioeconómicas de la zona formativa y, por último el estudio de la oferta formativa, tanto de formación profesional reglada, como ocupacional.