934 resultados para bad conscience
Voici rassemblées en un ouvrage les philosophies, les origines et les filiations du Yoga, plus particulièrement du Raja-Yoga, dans une vision plurielle et chronologique. Le lecteur au fil des textes sélectionnés prend conscience des moyens extraordinaires et exigeants développés par les sages de l'Inde pour répondre aux questions universelles du sens de la vie et de sa finalité. À l'opposé de l'esprit occidental, qui s'appuie sur la dialectique pour explorer le monde, le Yoga se défie du seul intellect, et privilégie l'expérience de soi. Les témoignages et les révélations d'êtres spirituels, tels que Patanjali, Vivekananda ou Ram Chandra, montrent que le chemin de la connaissance passe par soi, le chercheur étant à la fois l'objet de l'expérience, l'observateur et la conscience transformée. S'adressant à chacun de nous dans sa quête de sens et de vérité, le Raja-Yoga est une science, une méthode de réalisation de soi vivante qui, tout en s'inscrivant dans une tradition religieuse et philosophique, reste libre d'évoluer et de répondre aux besoins de l'homme à chaque époque. Ce coffret a eu pour désir de mettre à disposition d'un public occidental la spiritualité de l'Inde vue par elle-même, sous l'angle du Raja-Yoga. L'intérêt porté par des universitaires occidentaux à cette démarche a contribué à mettre en valeur l'apport remarquable des chercheurs indiens, praticiens et érudits, autour d'un sujet sur lequel il n'existait pas d'étude approfondie. Pour la première fois, le Raja-Yoga révèle sa noblesse et son efficacité dans sa dimension de science spirituelle ouverte à tous.
One of the challenges that faces the winter maintainer is how much chemical to apply to the road under given conditions. Insufficient chemical can lead to the road surface becoming slick, and the road thus becoming unsafe. In all likelihood, additional applications will have to be made, requiring additional effort and use of resources. However, too much chemical can also be bad. While an excess of chemical will ensure (in most circumstances) that a safe road condition is achieved, it may also result in a substantial waste of chemical (with associated costs for this waste) and in ancillary damage to the road itself and to the surrounding environment. Ideally, one should apply what might be termed the “goldilocks” amount of chemical to the road: Not too much, and not too little, but just right. Of course the reality of winter maintenance makes achieving the “goldilocks” application rate somewhat of a fairy tale. In the midst of a severe storm, when conditions are poor and getting worse, the last thing on a plow operator’s mind is a minute adjustment in the amount of chemical being applied to the road. However, there may be considerable benefit and substantial savings to be achieved if chemical applications can be optimized to some degree, so that wastage is minimized without compromising safety. The goal of this study was to begin to develop such information through a series of laboratory studies in which the force needed to scrape ice from concrete blocks was measured, under a variety of chemical application conditions.
General Summary Although the chapters of this thesis address a variety of issues, the principal aim is common: test economic ideas in an international economic context. The intention has been to supply empirical findings using the largest suitable data sets and making use of the most appropriate empirical techniques. This thesis can roughly be divided into two parts: the first one, corresponding to the first two chapters, investigates the link between trade and the environment, the second one, the last three chapters, is related to economic geography issues. Environmental problems are omnipresent in the daily press nowadays and one of the arguments put forward is that globalisation causes severe environmental problems through the reallocation of investments and production to countries with less stringent environmental regulations. A measure of the amplitude of this undesirable effect is provided in the first part. The third and the fourth chapters explore the productivity effects of agglomeration. The computed spillover effects between different sectors indicate how cluster-formation might be productivity enhancing. The last chapter is not about how to better understand the world but how to measure it and it was just a great pleasure to work on it. "The Economist" writes every week about the impressive population and economic growth observed in China and India, and everybody agrees that the world's center of gravity has shifted. But by how much and how fast did it shift? An answer is given in the last part, which proposes a global measure for the location of world production and allows to visualize our results in Google Earth. A short summary of each of the five chapters is provided below. The first chapter, entitled "Unraveling the World-Wide Pollution-Haven Effect" investigates the relative strength of the pollution haven effect (PH, comparative advantage in dirty products due to differences in environmental regulation) and the factor endowment effect (FE, comparative advantage in dirty, capital intensive products due to differences in endowments). We compute the pollution content of imports using the IPPS coefficients (for three pollutants, namely biological oxygen demand, sulphur dioxide and toxic pollution intensity for all manufacturing sectors) provided by the World Bank and use a gravity-type framework to isolate the two above mentioned effects. Our study covers 48 countries that can be classified into 29 Southern and 19 Northern countries and uses the lead content of gasoline as proxy for environmental stringency. For North-South trade we find significant PH and FE effects going in the expected, opposite directions and being of similar magnitude. However, when looking at world trade, the effects become very small because of the high North-North trade share, where we have no a priori expectations about the signs of these effects. Therefore popular fears about the trade effects of differences in environmental regulations might by exaggerated. The second chapter is entitled "Is trade bad for the Environment? Decomposing worldwide SO2 emissions, 1990-2000". First we construct a novel and large database containing reasonable estimates of SO2 emission intensities per unit labor that vary across countries, periods and manufacturing sectors. Then we use these original data (covering 31 developed and 31 developing countries) to decompose the worldwide SO2 emissions into the three well known dynamic effects (scale, technique and composition effect). We find that the positive scale (+9,5%) and the negative technique (-12.5%) effect are the main driving forces of emission changes. Composition effects between countries and sectors are smaller, both negative and of similar magnitude (-3.5% each). Given that trade matters via the composition effects this means that trade reduces total emissions. We next construct, in a first experiment, a hypothetical world where no trade happens, i.e. each country produces its imports at home and does no longer produce its exports. The difference between the actual and this no-trade world allows us (under the omission of price effects) to compute a static first-order trade effect. The latter now increases total world emissions because it allows, on average, dirty countries to specialize in dirty products. However, this effect is smaller (3.5%) in 2000 than in 1990 (10%), in line with the negative dynamic composition effect identified in the previous exercise. We then propose a second experiment, comparing effective emissions with the maximum or minimum possible level of SO2 emissions. These hypothetical levels of emissions are obtained by reallocating labour accordingly across sectors within each country (under the country-employment and the world industry-production constraints). Using linear programming techniques, we show that emissions are reduced by 90% with respect to the worst case, but that they could still be reduced further by another 80% if emissions were to be minimized. The findings from this chapter go together with those from chapter one in the sense that trade-induced composition effect do not seem to be the main source of pollution, at least in the recent past. Going now to the economic geography part of this thesis, the third chapter, entitled "A Dynamic Model with Sectoral Agglomeration Effects" consists of a short note that derives the theoretical model estimated in the fourth chapter. The derivation is directly based on the multi-regional framework by Ciccone (2002) but extends it in order to include sectoral disaggregation and a temporal dimension. This allows us formally to write present productivity as a function of past productivity and other contemporaneous and past control variables. The fourth chapter entitled "Sectoral Agglomeration Effects in a Panel of European Regions" takes the final equation derived in chapter three to the data. We investigate the empirical link between density and labour productivity based on regional data (245 NUTS-2 regions over the period 1980-2003). Using dynamic panel techniques allows us to control for the possible endogeneity of density and for region specific effects. We find a positive long run elasticity of density with respect to labour productivity of about 13%. When using data at the sectoral level it seems that positive cross-sector and negative own-sector externalities are present in manufacturing while financial services display strong positive own-sector effects. The fifth and last chapter entitled "Is the World's Economic Center of Gravity Already in Asia?" computes the world economic, demographic and geographic center of gravity for 1975-2004 and compares them. Based on data for the largest cities in the world and using the physical concept of center of mass, we find that the world's economic center of gravity is still located in Europe, even though there is a clear shift towards Asia. To sum up, this thesis makes three main contributions. First, it provides new estimates of orders of magnitudes for the role of trade in the globalisation and environment debate. Second, it computes reliable and disaggregated elasticities for the effect of density on labour productivity in European regions. Third, it allows us, in a geometrically rigorous way, to track the path of the world's economic center of gravity.
La notion de développement durable structure le débat contemporain sur les finalités et les instruments des politiques publiques. La montée en puissance des préoccupations environnementales et de qualité des cadres de vie déplace les enjeux traditionnels de l'aménagement. Cette refonte s'inscrit dans une prise de conscience de la transversalité des problèmes de développement territorial. Une attention accrue est aussi portée aux acteurs et à leur participation invitant à repenser les articulations entre les élus, l'administration et la société civile. L'aménagement du territoire est à un tournant. La complexité accrue du champ décisionnel liée à la multiplicité des objectifs à prendre en compte, à la diversification des acteurs concernés, mais aussi à l'interférence des échelles de gouvernance bouscule les pratiques professionnelles. Cette note vise à montrer les principaux changements observés au cours des dernières années. Elle met l'accent sur la redéfinition des objectifs et des instruments d'aménagement et l'émergence des nouvelles pratiques de conduite de projets.
Recent molecular correlative studies accompanying clinical trials in glioma have provided strong evidence for prognostic markers and predictive factors for treatment response. However, to what extent can these markers influence the limited choice of therapeutic options? Do we further validate the markers in the next trials or move on, incorporate the markers for patient selection or stratification, aim at improving the modestly effective treatments by adding new drugs, and develop alternative therapy strategies for patients selected for their bad predictor?
It’s really quite simple. IPERS is a sure thing. IPERS benefits carry a lifetime guarantee. A bad economy and declining stock market do not decrease your benefits. Instead, your benefit amount is determined by a pre-established formula that replaces a percentage of your pre-retirement wages. How close your benefits get to the maximum of the IPERS plan—replacing 65 percent of pre-retirement wages or 72 percent for public safety personnel—is mostly up to you. Current employees don’t have to worry about where to invest or what to do when there is a slump in the stock market. Retirees don’t have to worry that a down market will reduce their monthly payments, and they never have to worry about outliving their IPERS benefits. Disability payments and death benefits act as a safety net for members and their families.
Notre travail porte sur le Videvdad, texte avestique nommé d'après unmot avestique Videvdad-data-, c'est-à-dire la « Un qui tient éloignés les demons ». Ce recueil comprend 22 chapitres édictant des lois religieuses, des préceptes rituels et des mesures de purification Ces prescriptions ont pour but de repousser l'impureté des elements purs de la création d'Ahura Mazda. Notre thèse est une édition du chapitre 19 de ce recueil complétée de sa traduction commentée. Ce chapitre raconte la tentation de Zarathustra par le Mauvais Esprit et sa victoire sur ce dernier Le texte a été traduit et commenté sémantiquement, phonétiquement et philologiquement afin d'en dégager les particularités linguistiques.L'édition de référence du texte avestique est celle de Geldner, qui date de la fin du 19 siècle Dans la mesure où il a été démontré durant ces dernières années quil fallait revoir ce travail, nous avons fait une édition du texte en collationnant 13 manuscits. Notre étude nous a permis à la fois de proposer pour certains termes une autre lecture que celle de Geldner et decontinuer les recherches sur la filiation des manuscrits.De plus le texte avestique a été mis en regard de la version pehlevie. L'intérêt de cette dernière traduction réside dans ses gloses : parfois un long commentaire parfois une simple énonciation de synonymes en pehlevie. le traducteur lui-même comprenant mal le sens du mot original. L'édition du texte pehlevi a également été refaite à partir des deux manuscrits lesplus anciens (L4 et Kl).Videvdad 19 :Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary of the Avestan and Pahlavi TextsWe worked on the Videvdad, an Avestan text whose title is a Middle Persian word coming from the Avestan Videvdad-data- "the law that keeps demons away" This anthology contains 22 chapters dealing with religious laws, ritual precepts and measures of purification. These prescriptions aim ft rejecting impurity from pure elements in Ahura Mazda's creation. Our dissertation is an edition and translation with commentary of chapter 19 of this anthology. lt relates the temptation of Zarathustra by the Bad Evil and how Zarathustra overcame him. The text was translated and annotated semantically, phonetically and philologically to highlight linguistic features.Until today, Geldner's edition, which dates back to the end of the 19th century has been the edition of reference. However, in recent years, scholars have shown that this edition must be revised Therefore, we prepared an edition of the Avestan text by collating 13 manuscripts. This work led us to propose new readings for several words and pursue research onmanuscripts filiation.Furthermore, we also studied the Middle Persian text. This translation is interesting in that it contains glosses that can either be long commentaries or simple synonyms. We also made the edition of the Middle Persian text on the basis of the two oldest manuscripts (L4 and Kl).
BACKGROUND: Truth-telling is a complex task requiring multiple skills in communication, understanding, and empathy. Its application in the context of breaking bad news (BBN) is distressing and problematic if conducted with insufficient skills. PURPOSE: We investigated the long-term influence of a simulated patient-based teaching intervention integrating the learning of communication skills within an ethical reflection on students' ethical attitudes towards truth-telling, perceived competence and comfort in BBN. METHODS: We followed two cohorts of medical students from the preclinical third year to their clinical rotations (fifth year). We analysed their ethical attitudes and level of comfort and competence in BBN before, after the intervention, and during clinical rotations. RESULTS: Students' ethical attitudes towards truth-telling remained stable. Students feeling uncomfortable or incompetent improved their level of perceived comfort or competence after the intervention, but those feeling comfortable or competent became more aware of the difficulty of the situation, and consequently decreased their level of comfort and competence. CONCLUSIONS: Confronting students with a realistic situation and integrating the practice of communication skills within an ethical reflection may be effective in maintaining ethical attitudes towards truth-telling, in developing new skills and increasing awareness about the difficulty and challenges of a BBN situation.
As the prevalence of obesity and diabetes are continually increasing, the use of "false sugars" otherwise known as sweeteners, and their associated health issues are being more and more discussed. A higher sugared power, less calories as well as a moderated or non-existent effect on blood sugar would lead to believe that sweeteners are helpful. However, we CANNOT say that they are THE solution as they can contain calories, may have some undesired effects, and moreover they ease the conscience without actually allowing a weight loss with their sole use. They are to be used with judgment, wittingly and especially when comparing sweetened products. The sweetener myth is often far from reality. It is therefore important to give our patients the means to analyze their dietary intake with regard to their sweeteners ingestion.
Loin d'être une simple information, la psychoéducation comporte trois dimensions : pédagogique, psychologique et comportementale. Elle doit toujours s'adapter aux besoins particuliers d'un patient et à l'évolution de sa maladie. Pour cela, le modèle du rétablissement peut servir de guide pour les interventions psychoéducatives. Les auteurs décrivent les outils disponibles à chaque étape de ce processus : le moratoire, la conscience, la préparation, la reconstruction, la croissance.
Pericardial and cardiac fistulae secondary to esophageal or gastric tumors are considered exceptional. They have never been the object of a literature review. We reviewed the medical literature between 1881 and 2001, searching for all published cases of pericardial or cardiac fistulae developed from esophageal and gastric tumors or favored by the applied therapy to these tumors. The cases of metastasization, tumor spread, and neoplasic pericardial effusion without fistula were excluded. Fifty patients were identified, with one original case. More than half the cases (56%) occurred in the last 25 years. Substernal pain is the main symptom. The majority of patients present at least one condition favoring fistula formation. The auscultation of a water-wheel murmur may suggest a pneumopericardium and therefore a pericardial fistula, as does a purulent pericarditis. Arrhythmias, signs of ischemia, and hematemesis point toward a ventricular fistula. Neurological and hemostasis disorders may be suspect of an atrial lesion. Diagnosis should be made by the association of a scanner and a transit. Prognosis is bad: 76% of the patients die in the first month. Pericardial or cardiac fistulae are part of the differential diagnosis of thoracic pain in patients with esophageal or gastric tumors and in patients who were treated for these pathologies. The diagnosis must be as quick as possible. An operation (patients with a good prognosis) or the placement of a stent (patients with a bad prognosis) is the only chance of survival
OBJECTIVE: This research explored medical students' use and perception of technical language in a practical training setting to enhance skills in breaking bad news in oncology. METHODS: Terms potentially confusing to laypeople were selected from 108 videotaped interviews conducted in an undergraduate Communication Skills Training. A subset of these terms was included in a questionnaire completed by students (N=111) with the aim of gaining insight into their perceptions of different speech registers and of patient understanding. Excerpts of interviews were analyzed qualitatively to investigate students' communication strategies with respect to these technical terms. RESULTS: Fewer than half of the terms were clarified. Students checked for simulated patients' understanding of the terms palliative and metastasis/to metastasize in 22-23% of the interviews. The term ambulatory was spontaneously explained in 75% of the interviews, hepatic and metastasis/to metastasize in 22-24%. Most provided explanations were in plain language; metastasis/to metastasize and ganglion/ganglionic were among terms most frequently explained in technical language. CONCLUSION: A significant number of terms potentially unfamiliar and confusing to patients remained unclarified in training interviews conducted by senior medical students, even when they perceived the terms as technical. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: This exploration may offer important insights for improving future physicians' skills.
"Thou shalt not bear false witness," as we all know. Yet changing one's mind in case of respectable reasons seems to be allowed. Which is good news for politicians, but reduces the effectiveness of prospective voting, i.e. the focus on "the commitments of candidates to take actions that citizens desire to be taken" (Powell 2000: 9). This may be bad news for voters. By comparing pre-election commitments of Swiss members of parliament (MPs) with actual voting behaviour in the lower house of parliament, the following article explores the question how much confidence voters can have in prospective voting and what factors explain (non-)fulfilment of election pledges.
INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer subtyping and prognosis have been studied extensively by gene expression profiling, resulting in disparate signatures with little overlap in their constituent genes. Although a previous study demonstrated a prognostic concordance among gene expression signatures, it was limited to only one dataset and did not fully elucidate how the different genes were related to one another nor did it examine the contribution of well-known biological processes of breast cancer tumorigenesis to their prognostic performance. METHOD: To address the above issues and to further validate these initial findings, we performed the largest meta-analysis of publicly available breast cancer gene expression and clinical data, which are comprised of 2,833 breast tumors. Gene coexpression modules of three key biological processes in breast cancer (namely, proliferation, estrogen receptor [ER], and HER2 signaling) were used to dissect the role of constituent genes of nine prognostic signatures. RESULTS: Using a meta-analytical approach, we consolidated the signatures associated with ER signaling, ERBB2 amplification, and proliferation. Previously published expression-based nomenclature of breast cancer 'intrinsic' subtypes can be mapped to the three modules, namely, the ER-/HER2- (basal-like), the HER2+ (HER2-like), and the low- and high-proliferation ER+/HER2- subtypes (luminal A and B). We showed that all nine prognostic signatures exhibited a similar prognostic performance in the entire dataset. Their prognostic abilities are due mostly to the detection of proliferation activity. Although ER- status (basal-like) and ERBB2+ expression status correspond to bad outcome, they seem to act through elevated expression of proliferation genes and thus contain only indirect information about prognosis. Clinical variables measuring the extent of tumor progression, such as tumor size and nodal status, still add independent prognostic information to proliferation genes. CONCLUSION: This meta-analysis unifies various results of previous gene expression studies in breast cancer. It reveals connections between traditional prognostic factors, expression-based subtyping, and prognostic signatures, highlighting the important role of proliferation in breast cancer prognosis.
Backup warning system devices were evaluated to determine if they would alert winter maintenance snow plow drivers to obstacles directly behind the trailer and out of view of the driver when a unit is backed up. When the sensors on the back of the tow plow were covered with snow during plowing operations, the sensor would go off in the cab and continue going off, which would result in drivers turning the volume of the unit way down. One shop stated that the wireless transmitted signal would be hit or miss depending on the winter weather that they were operating in. The sensors on the back of the tow plow trailer would come in contact with salt brine and in this situation one of the sensors did go bad. The weatherproof box that was designed to keep the system waterproof did not fully keep the moisture out. It was found that the system did alert drivers of items behind the unit and there were no backup accidents reported during the research period.