747 resultados para axillary bud
Las referencias culturales en las obras teatrales representan auténticos retos de traducción, puesto que afectan a la representabilidad del texto teatral y condicionan su recepción. Les Fourberies de Scapin (1671), una de las piezas más conocidas de Molière, contiene una gran cantidad de referencias culturales que afectan su mise en scène. Mediante un análisis comparativo, se ha comprobado que la traducción al español de Julio Gómez de la Serna de los años setenta, con un estilo literario y en ocasiones libre, no consigue trasladar ciertos componentes culturales que resultan empero esenciales para la lectura y representación del texto teatral.
An experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 with three newly introduced cultivars of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), namely “Antonio Errani”, “Tirynthos” and “Ninfa” to study their performance and adaptability under Egyptian conditions. Results indicated that calculating the chilling hours temperature at or below 15°C was more suitable than temperatures at or below 7.2°C and 10°C. The cultivar with a low chilling requirement started with the opening of vegetative and flower buds earlier when compared to other cultivars. Furthermore, the cultivar Ninfa required less heat units as compared to the other two cultivars. Thus, the accumulated growing degree-days (GDDs) from the time of the flower bud break l until fruit maturity was low in early matured Ninfa cultivar. However, Antonio Errani and Tirynthos cultivars were late in the date of fruit ripening. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the opening percentage of vegetative and flower buds, trunk circumference, fruit drop, fruit number and yield weight among cultivars during the two seasons. Conversely, the leaf drop of Antonio Errani cultivar was earlier while Ninfa cultivar started it’s leaf drop later in the two seasons. Tirynthos gave the highest fruit weight, fruit size and fruit surface lightness. Meanwhile, the Antonio Errani cultivar was the highest in fruit firmness and total soluble solids. The appearance and behavior of cultivars under the study varied from one season to another with shoot length, leaf area, percentage of fruit set and acidity. It can be recommended from the present study that, Antonio Errani, Tirynthos and Ninfa cultivars are well adapted under Egyptian conditions. Further, fruits from the cultivars mature early and late in the season and can fulfill the demands of the market.
In recent years, lipofilling has established itself as one of the most effective and least invasive techniques to treat connective dystrophy subsequent to radiotherapy. We report the case of a patient diagnosed with intraductal carcinoma of the right breast in 1996, at the age of 41. The patient underwent quadrantectomy with ipsilateral axillary lymph node dissection and adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Four years later, a recurrence led the patient to undergo a subcutaneous mastectomy and immediate reconstruction, involving the submuscular insertion of a permanent implant. In 2007 the patient suffered both radiodermatitis and capsular contracture around the implant, causing constant pain and significant functional limitation. She first took a leukotriene inhibitor (Zafirlukast, 20 mg daily for 8 months) to reduce the capsular contracture. She then underwent lipofilling (Coleman’s technique) of the area affected by radiodermatitis, in which the skin was considerably thinned and visibly ischemic. A second session followed four months later. Clinical, photographic and ultrasound examination revealed clear and lasting thickening of the superficial tissues, increased coverage of the implant, and reduced skin discoloration and tension.
Strigolactones are a group of plant compounds of diverse but related chemical structures. They have similar bioactivity across a broad range of plant species, act to optimize plant growth and development, and promote soil microbe interactions. Carlactone, a common precursor to strigolactones, is produced by conserved enzymes found in a number of diverse species. Versions of the MORE AXILLARY GROWTH1 (MAX1) cytochrome P450 from rice and Arabidopsis thaliana make specific subsets of strigolactones from carlactone. However, the diversity of natural strigolactones suggests that additional enzymes are involved and remain to be discovered. Here, we use an innovative method that has revealed a missing enzyme involved in strigolactone metabolism. By using a transcriptomics approach involving a range of treatments that modify strigolactone biosynthesis gene expression coupled with reverse genetics, we identified LATERAL BRANCHING OXIDOREDUCTASE (LBO), a gene encoding an oxidoreductase-like enzyme of the 2-oxoglutarate and Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenase superfamily. Arabidopsis lbo mutants exhibited increased shoot branching, but the lbo mutation did not enhance the max mutant phenotype. Grafting indicated that LBO is required for a graft-transmissible signal that, in turn, requires a product of MAX1. Mutant lbo backgrounds showed reduced responses to carlactone, the substrate of MAX1, and methyl carlactonoate (MeCLA), a product downstream of MAX1. Furthermore, lbo mutants contained increased amounts of these compounds, and the LBO protein specifically converts MeCLA to an unidentified strigolactone-like compound. Thus, LBO function may be important in the later steps of strigolactone biosynthesis to inhibit shoot branching in Arabidopsis and other seed plants.
The instability of environment between years in climates of subtropical regions difficult to obtain peach trees genotypes with wide adaptation and stable production, contributing to poor crop. The climate instability can affect development stages as flower bud and vegetative bud formation. The factors understanding that control the bud formation, presents elementary importance for effective solutions search to these problems. The objective this work is verify the temperature effect, relative humidity and rainfall on bud density and length shoot (Brindilas) and identify genotypes with more adaptability and stability for this character. Was used 12 peach trees genotypes growing in experimental orchard in the Technology Federal of Paraná State University, Campus Pato Branco with Cfa Köppen climate according to the classification. Data of rainfall, hourly temperature were collected by the weather station of Simepar. They were used three plants for genotype (rehearsal), identify five shoots per tree, in May of each year. Were carried analyzes of length shoot CR (cm), count number of flower bud (GF) and vegetative bud (GV). Also calculated the relationship between GF/GV and flower bud density and vegetative bud density. Evaluations were performer annual 2007-2014. With these data adaptability and stability analyzes were performed using Biplot methodology and correlations analyzes (Pearson) with climates variables. They used the weather data to calculate the sums of hours with temperatures below 20 °C, temperatures between 20-25 °C, temperature between 25-30 °C and temperature above 30 °C, considering the period of August 1fst of the previous period to February 28 of the following year. Pearson correlation coefficients were used for path analysis, GF and DGF as basic variables. For CR, GV and GF the highest average occurred in 2009/10 period. The genotypes ‘BRS Kampai’ and ‘BRS Libra’ highest CR. They are considered stable and adapted as the CR genotypes ‘Casc. 967’ and ‘BRS Kampai’. There was negative correlation between CR and GV for Σh <20 ° C, Σh> 30 °C and Σh with URA <50% and positive correlation between these variables and Σh 25-30 °C and Σh with URA> 70%. The evaluation of GV ‘Cons. 681’ and ‘Casc. 1055’ can be considered adapted and stable. The lowest average was presented by the genotype ‘Sta. Áurea’ though the genotype is also stable. In GF evaluation genotypes are considered adapted ‘BRS Bonão’, ‘Casc. 1055’, ‘Cons. 681’ with adaptability to all evaluated period. In path analysis was direct effect Σh 25-30 °C on flower bud density. In evaluating DGV and DGF and the variations are due to genetic effect. The most adapted and stable genotypes for DGV were ‘T. Beauty’, ‘T. Snow’, ‘Casc. 1055’ and ‘Cons. 681’. CR and GV variables are strongly affected by environment. GF is strongly affected by genetic conditions and moderately affected by environment. DGV and DGF are affected basically by genetic conditions.
Wydział Prawa i Administracji: Katedra Prawa Finansowego
We present the case of a 33-year-old lady who was diagnosed with disseminated Kaposi’s sarcoma and HIV infection. The patient improved on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), however, nine days into treatment, she became febrile and dyspnoeic and developed tender cervical and axillary lymphadenopathy. Despite treatment for suspected sepsis and immune reconstitution, she died in intensive care. Lymph node biopsies revealed coexistent Castleman’s disease and Kaposi’s sarcoma. Initiation of HAART can be rarely associated with unmasking and rapid progression of Castleman’s disease, a phenomenon called immune reconstitution. Urgent investigation and treatment with agents such as steroids and cytotoxic drugs can be life-saving.
Araucaria angustifolia apresenta redução da taxa de crescimento durante o ano, podendo ser resposta às condições ambientais desfavoráveis, como ocorre nas fruteiras de clima temperado, que apresentam dormência de gemas como forma de sobrevivência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica da atividade respiratória de meristemas apicais de ramos plagiotrópicos de Araucaria angustifolia. Foram coletadas amostras de 0,4 g de brotações terminais de ramos plagiotrópicos de plantas jovens e adultas, as quais foram mantidas em 5 mL de solução de cloreto de 2,3,5 trifeniltetrazólio (1,2%) em sala de crescimento a 25°C. Em seguida, foram mantidas em 4 mL de álcool etílico absoluto para leitura por espectrofotometria da absorbância a 560 nm. A atividade respiratória de meristemas apicais de ramos plagiotrópicos de Araucaria angustifolia é variável durante o ano. A maior atividade respiratória ocorre na metade da primavera e a menor atividade respiratória ocorre no inverno, em plantas jovens e adultas. Plantas adultas permanecem em alta atividade respiratória por um período maior, até o início do verão.
Numéro spécial: Translational Nanomedicine
Background: Analytical techniques such as methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism and high-performance liquid chromatography were used to detect variation in DNA methylation of mature Chrysanthemum leaves during the floral transition induced by short-day (SD) treatment. Results: For both early- and late-flowering cultivars, the time from the date of planting to the appearance of the capitulum bud and early blooming were significantly shorter than those of the control. The capitulum development of the early-flowering cultivar was significantly accelerated compared to the control, unlike the late-flowering cultivar. The DNA methylation percentage of leaves was significantly altered during flower development. For the early-flowering cultivar, DNA methylation was 42.2–51.3% before the capitulum bud appeared and 30.5–44.5% after. The respective DNA methylation percentages for the late-flowering cultivar were 43.5–56% and 37.2–44.9%. Conclusions: The DNA methylation percentage of Chrysanthemum leaves decreased significantly during floral development. The decline in DNA methylation was elevated in the early-flowering cultivar compared with the late-flowering cultivar.
Considerando a gravação de 1947 The Bud Powell Trio como a gravação referência de trio de piano de jazz moderno, esta tese centra-se no surgimento e evolução do trio de jazz moderno cujo líder é pianista. Começando por apresentar, uma resenha dos estilos e técnicas para piano de da época pre-Powell, esta tese investiga a génese dos trios de piano jazz e examina três dos mais influeciais pianostas de jazz e lideres dos mais legendários trios de piano jazz modernos: Bud Powell, Bill Evans e Keith Jarrett. Esta tese também abordará o paradoxo inerente a um sistema democrático - a expressão própria do individuo, em justaposição com a responsabilidade para com o todo – e a sua inequivoca analogia com o gestalt do trio de piano de jazz moderno. Desde a primeira gravação de um trio de jazz com pianista como líder em 1935, o trio de jazz moderno, evoluiu tornando-se um exemplo de democracia – um contexto de igualdade em que as funções rítmicas, harmónicas, e melódicas estão igualmente distribuídas entre os três instrumentistas, que são ao mesmo tempo solistas e acompanhadores. Esta tese sublinha a eficácia do trio de jazz moderno – o seu início, e porque subsiste – baseado na sua força e beleza estética; ABSTRACT: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY JAZZ PIANO TRIO – The Rise of an Iconic Jazz Paradigm by Susan Muscarella Designating Bud Powell’s 1947 recording, The Bud Powell Trio, as the modern jazz piano trio benchmark, here, this thesis traces the emergence and evolution of the pianistled, piano-bass-drums-comprised modern jazz piano trio. Beginning with a general overview of pre-Powell jazz piano styles and techniques, this thesis investigates the earliest, most salient pre-Powell jazz piano trios, and examines three seminal modern jazz pianists and leaders of legendary modern jazz piano trios, Bud Powell, Bill Evans and Keith Jarrett. This thesis also brings to the fore the paradox inherent in a democratic system – individual self-expression juxtaposed with responsibility to the whole – and its unequivocal analogy to the modern jazz piano trio gestalt. From the earliest recording of a primarily piano-dominated piano-bass-drums-comprised jazz piano trio in 1935, the modern jazz piano trio has evolved to become a paragon of democracy – an egalitarian playing field in which rhythmic, harmonic and melodic roles are evenly distributed among all three instrumentalists who have come to serve as both soloists and accompanists.
The Asteraceae family is spread worldwide. In Portugal, there are more than 300 species, standing out as one of the botanical families with largest representation in the Portuguese flora. Coleostephus myconis (L.) Rchb.f. is a scarcely studied Asteraceae species, characterized as having ruderal growth and persistence in abandoned soils (an expanding problem due to the desertification phenomena in rural areas). In this work, the flowers of C. myconis were collected in three different flowering stages (i: flower bud; ii: flower in anthesis; iii: senescent flower) from the Northwestern area of the Portuguese territory. Powdered samples (1 g) were extracted twice with ethanol:water 50:50 (v/v). After removing solvents, the combined extracts were re-dissolved, filtered through 0.22-μm disposable LC filter disks and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS). The phenolic compounds were characterized according to their UV and mass spectra, and retention times. For the quantitative analysis, calibration curves of standard compounds were used. According to the UV spectra (λmax = 314-330 nm) and pseudomolecular ions ([M-H]-) at m/z 353 and 515, all producing an m/z 191 ion, four compounds derived from quinic acid were detected: 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid (Figure 1A), 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (Figure 1B), 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid (Figure 1C) and 4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid (Figure 1D), as also supported by the literature [1,2]. A fifth phenolic acid was identified as protocatechuic acid. The detected flavonoid were quercetin-O-glucuronide, quercetin-3-Oglucoside, myricetin-O-methyl-hexoside and a second glycosylated myricetin (not possible to identify completely). Some statistically significant changes were detected among the different assayed flowering stages; nevertheless, 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid was the major compound, independently of the phenologic stage. According to the previous results, C. myconis might be considered as a potential natural source of these valuable bioactive compounds, especially considering the high botanical representativeness of this plant and its inexpensiveness.
Tem sido relatado que as estacas de Camellia sinensis possuem baixa capacidade de emitir raízes, motivando assim a realização de estudos básicos para otimização do processo de propagação por estacas. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho objetivou quantificar o potencial rizogênico de diferentes genótipos e o efeito da posição da estaca no ramo e incisão na base, do substrato, tamanho do recipiente e ácido indolbutírico no enraizamento de estacas semi-lenhosas dessa espécie. Para tal, foram coletados ramos dos genótipos IAC 259, F15 e Comum, em Pariquera-Açu-SP, no inverno de 2010. em seguida, preparadas as estacas, contendo uma gema e uma folha, foram mantidas em viveiro com 70% de sombreamento. Estacas da posição basal e mediana dos ramos são as mais adequadas para estaquia devido a menor mortalidade e maior enraizamento. A injúria na base da estaca não afeta a mortalidade e o enraizamento das estacas, porém induz à formação de calo. Também não houve diferenças na mortalidade e no enraizamento das estacas quando as mesmas foram mantidas em recipiente de 50, 90 e 120 cm³. Comparado com vermiculita, areia e casca de arroz carbonizada, o solo foi o melhor substrato para estaquia, que na presença do ferimento, juntamente com o tratamento das estacas com 10 g L-1 de AIB promoveu a maior porcentagem de enraizamento. Todavia, ainda nessa condição a mortalidade média das estacas foi de 42%. O potencial de enraizamento do genótipo Comum foi superior ao do IAC 259 e F15.
Background General anaesthesia and regional anaesthesia have been used successfully for upper extremity orthopaedic procedures. Despite the advantages of regional anaesthesia, there is low utilisation in Nigeria. In this study, we assessed the types of anaesthesia employed for upper extremity surgeries in our centre. Methods After obtaining approval from the institutional ethics committee, all the patients who had upper extremity surgeries from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012 were included in this review. Both prospective and retrospective data were gathered. The choice of anaesthesia was at the discretion of the attending anaesthetist. Results A total of 226 patients with a male-to-female ratio of 1.6:1 and median age of 35.0 (range 2 – 89) years, had orthopaedic upper extremity procedures during the study period. Sixty-three cases (27.9%) had general anaesthesia, 5 (2.2%) combined regional and general anaesthesia while 158 (69.9%) had regional blocks. The regional blocks comprised 145 (89%) different approaches to the brachial plexus and 18 (11%) local anaesthetic infiltrations. The arm was the site mostly operated upon; while supraclavicular and axillary brachial plexus blocks were performed in equal amounts. In 14 (6.2%) patients, brachial plexus blocks were performed with spinal anaesthesia because of concomitant iliac crest bone grafts. While the duration of surgery did not differ significantly, regional anaesthesia provided a significantly longer duration of anaesthesia than general anaesthesia (251 ± 70.8 min versus 141.3 ± 65.5 min; p = 0.0000001). Conclusion There is a high use of regional anaesthesia for upper extremity orthopaedic surgeries in our centre, which is a positive development in a resource limited setting.
One of the known risk factors for abuse and neglect of the elderly is the decrease in functionat capacity, contributíng to self care dependency of instrumental actívities of daily living and basic activities of daily Itving (OMS, 2015). Methods: Cross-sectional study with non probabilistíc sample of 333 elderly, performed in a hospital, homes and day centers for the elderly. The data collectíon protocol tncluded socio-demographic data, Questíons to elicit Elder Abuse (Carney, Kahan B Paris, 2003 adap. By Ferreira Alves & Sousa, 2005), scale of instrumental actívi - ties of daily living Lawton and Brody and Katz index to assess the levei of independence in actívities of daily living. Objectives: To evaluate the assodation between abuse and neglect in the elderly, instrumental actívitíes of daily living and levei of independence in actívitíes of daily living. Results: Emotional abuse is signifícantty correlated with the levei of independence in activities of daity Uving (p = 0. 000), older peopie with less independence tend to have higher leveis of emotional abuse. The total abuse is signtficantly correlated with the leveis of independence in activittes of daily living (p = 0. 002), less independent elderty tend to suffer greater abuse and neglect. There were no statistically significant associations between abuse and neglect and instrumental activities of daily l1v1ng. Conclusions: The less independent elderly are more vulnerable to situatíons of abuse and neglect, being more exposed to emotional abuse. These results point to the need for health professionals/ nurses develop prevention interventions, including strategies to support carers and early screentng tn less independent elderly. Keywords: Elder abuse. Negligence. Nursing care. Frail elderly. PREVALENCE OF SURGICAL WOUND INFECTION AFTER SURGERY FOR BREAST CÂNCER: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW C. Amaral3, C. Teixeira"'1', F. Sousa'', C. Antãoa "Polythecnic Institute o f Bragança, Bragança, Portugal; bEPI Unit, Public Health Institute, University of Porto, Portugal. Contact details: catarinaisabeln.amaraliSsmaU.com Introduction: Breast câncer is one of the most common mahgnant pathology in European countries, as Portugal, where annual inddence is around 90 new cases per 100,000 women. Breast surgery is the usual treatment for this pathology, however such procedure can be complicated by the infection of surgical site. Objectives: To know the prevalence and determtnants of surgtcal wound infection after breast surgery. Methods: We conducted a systematic review by searching of the Web of Sdence electronic database for articles published over the last s1x years 1n developed countries. Over three hundred dtatíons were obtained and after excludtng citations with reasons, fíve artícles met our inclusion criteria and were included in the present review. Results: Prevalence of surgical wound infection varied across studies between 0. 1% and 12. 5%. Bilateral mastectomy is assodated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than unilateral mastectomy (3. 6% vs 3, 3%), lumpectomy with immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is related with higher frequency of wound infectíon than surgery with no IBR (0, 5% vs 0, 1%), also, mastectomy with IBR is associated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than mastectomy wtth no IBR (1, 5% vs 0, 3%) and breast surgery followed by axiltary lymph nade dissectíon is related with higher prevalence of wound infection than surgical procedures wtth no axillary lymph node dissection (2, 82% vs 1, 66%). Conclusions: Nurses that provide post-operatíve care to women after breast surgery should be aware about risk of wound tnfectíon, partícularly after more invasive procedures.