964 resultados para apoptotic peak
The characteristics of high frequency (1000 Hz) acoustic admittance results obtained from normal neonates were described in this study. Participants were 170 healthy neonates (96 boys and 74 girls) aged between 1 and 6 days (mean = 3.26 days, SD = 0.92). Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs), and 226 Hz and 1000 Hz probe tone tympanograms were obtained from the participants using a Madsen Capella OAE/middle ear analyser. The results showed that of the 170 neonates, 34 were not successfully tested in both ears, 14 failed the TEOAE screen in one or both ears, and 122 (70 boys, 52 girls) passed the TEOAE screen in both ears and also maintained an acceptable probe seal during tympanometry. The 1000 Hz tympanometric data for the 122 neonates (244 ears) showed a single-peaked tympanogram in 225 ears (92.2 %), a flat-sloping tympanogram in 14 ears (5.7 %), a double-peaked tympanogram in 3 ears (1.2 %) and other unusual shapes in 2 ears (0.8 %). There was a significant ear effect, with right ears showing significantly higher mean peak compensated static admittance and tympanometric width, but lower mean acoustic admittance at +200 daPa and gradient than left ears. No significant gender effects or its interaction with ear were found. The normative tympanometric data derived from this cohort may serve as a guide for detecting middle ear dysfunction in neonates.
Results of two experiments are reported that examined how people respond to rectangular targets of different sizes in simple hitting tasks. If a target moves in a straight line and a person is constrained to move along a linear track oriented perpendicular to the targetrsquos motion, then the length of the target along its direction of motion constrains the temporal accuracy and precision required to make the interception. The dimensions of the target perpendicular to its direction of motion place no constraints on performance in such a task. In contrast, if the person is not constrained to move along a straight track, the targetrsquos dimensions may constrain the spatial as well as the temporal accuracy and precision. The experiments reported here examined how people responded to targets of different vertical extent (height): the task was to strike targets that moved along a straight, horizontal path. In experiment 1 participants were constrained to move along a horizontal linear track to strike targets and so target height did not constrain performance. Target height, length and speed were co-varied. Movement time (MT) was unaffected by target height but was systematically affected by length (briefer movements to smaller targets) and speed (briefer movements to faster targets). Peak movement speed (Vmax) was influenced by all three independent variables: participants struck shorter, narrower and faster targets harder. In experiment 2, participants were constrained to move in a vertical plane normal to the targetrsquos direction of motion. In this task target height constrains the spatial accuracy required to contact the target. Three groups of eight participants struck targets of different height but of constant length and speed, hence constant temporal accuracy demand (different for each group, one group struck stationary targets = no temporal accuracy demand). On average, participants showed little or no systematic response to changes in spatial accuracy demand on any dependent measure (MT, Vmax, spatial variable error). The results are interpreted in relation to previous results on movements aimed at stationary targets in the absence of visual feedback.
The effects of temporal precision constraints and movement amplitude on performance of an interceptive aiming task were examined. Participants were required to strike a moving target object with a 'bat' by moving the bat along a straight path (constrained by a linear slide) perpendicular to the path of the target. Temporal precision constraints were defined in terms of the time period (or window) within which contact with the target was possible. Three time windows were used (approx. 35, 50 and 65 ms) and these were achieved either by manipulating the size of the bat (experiment 1a), the size of the target (experiment 1b) or the speed of the target (experiment 2). In all experiments, movement time (MT) increased in proportion to movement amplitude but was only affected by differences in the temporal precision constraint if this was achieved by variation in the target's speed. In this case the MT was approximately inversely proportional to target speed. Peak movement speed was affected by temporal accuracy constraints in all three experiments: participants reached higher speeds when the temporal precision required was greater. These results are discussed with reference to the speed-accuracy trade-off observed for temporally constrained aiming movements. It is suggested that the MT and speed of interceptive aiming movements may be understood as responses to the spatiotemporal constraints of the task.
Atherosclerotic plaque contains apoptotic endothelial cells with oxidative stress implicated in this process. Vitamin E and a-lipoic acid are a potent antioxidant combination with the potential to prevent endothelial apoptosis. Regular exercise is known to increase myocardial protection, however, little research has investigated the effects of exercise on the endothelium. The purpose of these studies was to investigate the effects of antioxidant supplementation and/or exercise training on proteins that regulate apoptosis in endothelial cells. Male rats received a control or antioxidant-supplemented diet (vitamin E and alpha-lipoic acid) and were assigned to sedentary or exercise-trained groups for 14 weeks. Left ventricular endothelial cells (LVECs) were isolated and levels of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and the pro-apoptotic protein Bax were measured. Antioxidant supplementation caused a fourfold increase in Bcl-2 (P < 0.05) with no change in Bax (P > 0.05). Bcl-2:Bax was increased sixfold with antioxidant supplementation compared to non-supplemented animals (P < 0.05). Exercise training had no significant effect on Bcl-2, Bax or Bcl-2:Bax either alone or combined with antioxidant supplementation (P > 0.05) compared to non-supplemented animals. However, Bax was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the supplemented trained group compared to non-supplemented trained animals. Cultured bovine endothelial cells incubated for 24 h with vitamin E and/or a-lipoic acid showed the combination of the two antioxidants increased Bcl-2 to a greater extent than cells incubated with the vehicle alone. In summary, vitamin E and a-lipoic acid increase endothelial cell Bcl-2, which may provide increased protection against apoptosis. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
While the physiological adaptations that occur following endurance training in previously sedentary and recreationally active individuals are relatively well understood, the adaptations to training in already highly trained endurance athletes remain unclear. While significant improvements in endurance performance and corresponding physiological markers are evident following submaximal endurance training in sedentary and recreationally active groups, an additional increase in submaximal training (i.e. volume) in highly trained individuals does not appear to further enhance either endurance performance or associated physiological variables [e.g. peak oxygen uptake (V-dot O2peak), oxidative enzyme activity]. It seems that, for athletes who are already trained, improvements in endurance performance can be achieved only through high-intensity interval training (HIT). The limited research which has examined changes in muscle enzyme activity in highly trained athletes, following HIT, has revealed no change in oxidative or glycolytic enzyme activity, despite significant improvements in endurance performance (p < 0.05). Instead, an increase in skeletal muscle buffering capacity may be one mechanism responsible for an improvement in endurance performance. Changes in plasma volume, stroke volume, as well as muscle cation pumps, myoglobin, capillary density and fibre type characteristics have yet to be investigated in response to HIT with the highly trained athlete. Information relating to HIT programme optimisation in endurance athletes is also very sparse. Preliminary work using the velocity at which V-dot O2max is achieved (Vmax) as the interval intensity, and fractions (50 to 75%) of the time to exhaustion at Vmax (Tmax) as the interval duration has been successful in eliciting improvements in performance in long-distance runners. However, Vmax and Tmax have not been used with cyclists. Instead, HIT programme optimisation research in cyclists has revealed that repeated supramaximal sprinting may be equally effective as more traditional HIT programmes for eliciting improvements in endurance performance. Further examination of the biochemical and physiological adaptations which accompany different HIT programmes, as well as investigation into the optimal HIT programme for eliciting performance enhancements in highly trained athletes is required.
The differences in spectral shape resolution abilities among cochlear implant ~CI! listeners, and between CI and normal-hearing ~NH! listeners, when listening with the same number of channels ~12!, was investigated. In addition, the effect of the number of channels on spectral shape resolution was examined. The stimuli were rippled noise signals with various ripple frequency-spacings. An adaptive 4IFC procedure was used to determine the threshold for resolvable ripple spacing, which was the spacing at which an interchange in peak and valley positions could be discriminated. The results showed poorer spectral shape resolution in CI compared to NH listeners ~average thresholds of approximately 3000 and 400 Hz, respectively!, and wide variability among CI listeners ~range of approximately 800 to 8000 Hz!. There was a significant relationship between spectral shape resolution and vowel recognition. The spectral shape resolution thresholds of NH listeners increased as the number of channels increased from 1 to 16, while the CI listeners showed a performance plateau at 4–6 channels, which is consistent with previous results using speech recognition measures. These results indicate that this test may provide a measure of CI performance which is time efficient and non-linguistic, and therefore, if verified, may provide a useful contribution to the prediction of speech perception in adults and children who use CIs.
Strong photoluminescent emission has been obtained from 3 nm PbS nanocrystals in aqueous colloidal solution, following treatment with CdS precursors. The observed emission can extend across the entire visible spectrum and usually includes a peak near 1.95 eV. We show that much of the visible emission results from absorption by higher-lying excited states above 3.0 eV with subsequent relaxation to and emission from states lying above the observed band-edge of the PbS nanocrystals. The fluorescent lifetimes for this emission are in the nanosecond regime, characteristic of exciton recombination.
Colloidal PbS nanocrystals over-coated with CdS are prepared in aqueous solutions and exhibit strong photoluminescence with two distinct peaks in the visible regime. A photoluminescence peak is observed at 640 nm, which is attributed to the band edge recombination in the PbS nanocrystals, and another peak at 510 nm, which is above the band edge of the PbS nanocrystals. The two PL peaks are isolated by extracting separate species of nanocrystal based upon their surface morphology. Micro-emulsions of hexane:PVA are used to remove the species containing the PL peak at 640 nm from the solution, leaving a singular peak at 510 nm. We show conclusively that the double-peaked structure observed in the photoluminescence spectra of PbS nanocrystals over-coated with CdS is due to the presence of two distinctly different nanocrystal species.
We present the temperature dependence of the uniform susceptibility of spin-half quantum antiferromagnets on spatially anisotropic triangular lattices, using high-temperature series expansions. We consider a model with two exchange constants J1 and J2 on a lattice that interpolates between the limits of a square lattice (J1=0), a triangular lattice (J2=J1), and decoupled linear chains (J2=0). In all cases, the susceptibility, which has a Curie-Weiss behavior at high temperatures, rolls over and begins to decrease below a peak temperature Tp. Scaling the exchange constants to get the same peak temperature shows that the susceptibilities for the square lattice and linear chain limits have similar magnitudes near the peak. Maximum deviation arises near the triangular-lattice limit, where frustration leads to much smaller susceptibility and with a flatter temperature dependence. We compare our results to the inorganic materials Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CuBr4 and to a number of organic molecular crystals. We find that the former (Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CuBr4) are weakly frustrated and their exchange parameters determined through the temperature dependence of the susceptibility are in agreement with neutron-scattering measurements. In contrast, the organic materials considered are strongly frustrated with exchange parameters near the isotropic triangular-lattice limit.
We report absolute values for the radiative relaxation quantum yield of synthetic eumelanin as a function of excitation energy. These values were determined by correcting for pump beam attenuation and emission reabsorption in both eumelanin samples and fluorescein standards over a large range of concentrations. Our results confirm that eumelanins are capable of dissipating >99.9% of absorbed UV and visible radiation through nonradiative means. Furthermore, we have found that the radiative quantum yield of synthetic eumelanin is excitation energy dependent. This observation is supported by corrected emission spectra, which also show a clear dependence of both peak position and peak width on excitation energy. Our findings indicate that photoluminescence emission in eumelanins is derived from ensembles of small chemically distinct oligomeric units that can be selectively pumped. This hypothesis lends support to the theory that the basic structural unit of eumelanin is oligomeric rather than heteropolymeric.
Using light and electron microscopic histological and immunocytochemical techniques, we investigated the effects of the glucocorticoid dexamethasone on T cell and macrophage apoptosis in the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) of Lewis rats with acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced with myelin basic protein (MBP). A single subcutaneous injection of dexamethasone markedly augmented T cell and macrophage apoptosis in the CNS and PNS and microglial apoptosis in the CNS within 6 hours (h). Pre-embedding immunolabeling revealed that dexamethasone increased the number of apoptotic CD5+ cells (T cells or activated B cells), αβ T cells, and CD11b+ cells (macrophages/microglia) in the meninges, perivascular spaces, and CNS parenchyma. The induction of increased apoptosis was dose-dependent. Daily dexamethasone treatment suppressed the neurological signs of EAE. However, the daily injection of a dose of dexamethasone (0.25 mg/kg). which, after a single dose, did not induce increased apoptosis in the CNS or PNS, was as effective in inhibiting the neurological signs of EAE as the high dose (4 mg/kg), which induced a marked increase in apoptosis. This indicates that the beneficial clinical effect of glucocorticoid therapy in EAE does not depend on the induction of increased apoptosis. The daily administration of dexamethasone for 5 days induced a relapse that commenced 5 days after cessation of treatment, with the severity of the relapse tending to increase with dexamethasone dosage.
Fast Structure-Based Assignment of 15N HSQC Spectra of Selectively 15N-Labeled Paramagnetic Proteins
A novel strategy for fast NMR resonance assignment of N-15 HSQC spectra of proteins is presented. It requires the structure coordinates of the protein, a paramagnetic center, and one or more residue-selectively N-15-labeled samples. Comparison of sensitive undecoupled N-15 HSQC spectra recorded of paramagnetic and diamagnetic samples yields data for every cross-peak on pseudocontact shift, paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, cross-correlation between Curie-spin and dipole-dipole relaxation, and residual dipolar coupling. Comparison of these four different paramagnetic quantities with predictions from the three-dimensional structure simultaneously yields the resonance assignment and the anisotropy of the susceptibility tensor of the paramagnetic center. The method is demonstrated with the 30 kDa complex between the N-terminal domain of the epsilon subunit and the theta subunit of Escherichia Coll DNA polymerase III. The program PLATYPUS was developed to perform the assignment, provide a measure of reliability of the assignment, and determine the susceptibility tensor anisotropy.
The transient statistics of a gain-switched coherently pumped class-C laser displays a linear correlation between the first passage time and subsequent peak intensity. Measurements are reported showing a positive or negative sign of this linear correlation, controlled through the switching time and the laser detuning. Further measurements of the small-signal laser gain combined with calculations involving a three-level laser model indicate that this sign fundamentally depends upon the way the laser inversion varies during the gain switching, despite the added dynamics of the laser polarization in the class-C laser. [S1050-2947(97)07112-6].
Freshwater turtle eggs are normally subjected to fluctuations in incubation temperature during natural incubation. Because of this, developing embryos may make physiological adjustments to growth and metabolism in response to incubation at different temperatures. I tested this hypothesis by incubating eggs of the Brisbane river turtle Emydura signata under four different temperature regimes, constant temperatures of 24 degrees C and 31 degrees C throughout incubation, and two swapped-temperature treatments where incubation temperature was changed approximately halfway through incubation. Incubation at 31 degrees C took 42 d, and incubation at 24 degrees C look 78 d, with intermediate incubation periods for the swapped-temperature treatments. Hatchling mass, hatchling size, and total oxygen consumed during development were similar for all incubation regimes. The pattern of oxygen consumption during the last phase of incubation as reflected by rate of increase of oxygen consumption, peak oxygen consumption, and fall in oxygen consumption before hatching was determined solely by the incubation temperature during the last phase of incubation; that is, incubation temperature during the first phase of incubation had no influence on these factors. Thus there is no evidence of temperature compensation in growth or development during embryonic development of E. signata eggs.
This communication describes an improved one-step solid-phase extraction method for the recovery of morphine (M), morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), and morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) from human plasma with reduced coextraction of endogenous plasma constituents, compared to that of the authors' previously reported method. The magnitude of the peak caused by endogenous plasma components in the chromatogram that eluted immediately before the retention time of M3G has been reduced (similar to 80%) significantly (p < 0.01) while achieving high extraction efficiencies for the compounds of interest, viz morphine, M6G, and M3G (93.8 +/- 2.5, 91.7 +/- 1.7, and 93.1 +/- 2.2%, respectively). Furthermore, when the improved solid-phase extraction method was used, the extraction cartridge-derived late-eluting peak (retention time 90 to 100 minutes) reported in our previous method, was no longer present in the plasma extracts. Therefore the combined effect of reducing the recovery of the endogenous components of plasma that chromatographed just before the retention time of M3G and the removal of the late-eluting, extraction cartridge-derived peak has resulted in a decrease in the chromatographic run-time to 20 minutes, thereby increasing the sample throughput by up to 100%.