978 resultados para anterior myocardial infarction
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Intervenção Cardiovascular
Objective - To define a checklist that can be used to assess the performance of a department and evaluate the implementation of quality management (QM) activities across departments or pathways in acute care hospitals. Design - We developed and tested a checklist for the assessment of QM activities at department level in a cross-sectional study using on-site visits by trained external auditors. Setting and Participants - A sample of 292 hospital departments of 74 acute care hospitals across seven European countries. In every hospital, four departments for the conditions: acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stroke, hip fracture and deliveries participated. Main outcome measures - Four measures of QM activities were evaluated at care pathway level focusing on specialized expertise and responsibility (SER), evidence-based organization of pathways (EBOP), patient safety strategies and clinical review (CR). Results - Participating departments attained mean values on the various scales between 1.2 and 3.7. The theoretical range was 0-4. Three of the four QM measures are identical for the four conditions, whereas one scale (EBOP) has condition-specific items. Correlations showed that every factor was related, but also distinct, and added to the overall picture of QM at pathway level. Conclusion - The newly developed checklist can be used across various types of departments and pathways in acute care hospitals like AMI, deliveries, stroke and hip fracture. The anticipated users of the checklist are internal (e.g. peers within the hospital and hospital executive board) and external auditors (e.g. healthcare inspectorate, professional or patient organizations).
A distinção entre miocárdio atordoado e danificado tem sido uma preocupação relevante, no cenário de um enfarte agudo do miocárdio (EAM). A avaliação da viabilidade do miocárdio, pós-enfarte, é de importância vital, no contexto clínico, principalmente numa fase inicial. Actualmente a Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca é o exame de referência para a avaliação de viabilidade do miocárdio. No entanto, é um exame com elevado custo e de difícil acesso. Estudos preliminares demonstraram potencial na utilização de imagens por Tomografia Computorizada para avaliação da área de enfarte, quer em estudos animais quer em humanos. É objectivo desta tese verificar a utilidade de um protocolo de avaliação de viabilidade do miocárdio, com base em imagens de realce tardio (RT) por Tomografia Computorizada, após um procedimento de intervenção coronária percutânea, no contexto de enfarte agudo do miocárdio com elevação do segmento ST (STEMI). Pretende-se igualmente contribuir para a análise da imagem médica do miocárdio, proporcionando métodos de quantificação do RT e software de suporte à decisão médica nesta modalidade de imagem substancialmente recente. São avaliados vários processos para a quantificação do volume de RT, incluindo um método inovador baseado na detecção automática do miocárdio normal. _E ainda proposto um algoritmo para detecção automática do grau de transmuralidade, por segmento do miocárdio, e comparado o seu grau de eficiência face ao diagnóstico médico dos mesmos exames. Apesar do reduzido número de exames utilizado para validação das técnicas descritas nesta tese, os resultados são bastante promissores e podem constituir uma mais-valia no auxilio à gestão do paciente com EAM.
RESUMO: O Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio (EAM) representa um dos principais problemas de saúde pública em Portugal. A rápida intervenção nos factores de risco determinantes da saúde cardíaca pode ter um impacto positivo em vários indicadores de saúde. O objectivo final dessa intervenção passa por capacitar a pessoa, para que, autonomamente, adopte um conjunto de comportamentos de saúde, baseados em estilos de vida protectores da saúde cardíaca, que favorecem positivamente o processo de reabilitação. Esta procura e aquisição do comportamento de saúde, adesão ao regime terapêutico, deve ser desenvolvido em parceria com os profissionais de saúde. O hospital representa a porta de entrada da pessoa com EAM no sistema de saúde. É neste contacto que se inicia uma intervenção de sensibilização e promoção da adesão ao regime terapêutico. Sendo os enfermeiros um grupo profissional que estabelece uma relação continua com a pessoa, importa conhecer um conjunto de dimensões do desempenho dos enfermeiros na promoção da adesão ao regime terapêutico. Breve referência ao desenho de estudo. Foram incluídas no estudo 143 enfermeiros de 9 serviços hospitalares da Região de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário auto-preenchido. Os dados mostraram que a população de enfermeiros é jovem (M= 30,5: dp= 8,0), 49% têm uma idade £ 26 anos e apresenta pouca experiência profissional (M=7,7; dp= 7,6), 48,2% exerce a profissão há menos de 3 anos. A antiguidade no serviço actual é reduzida (M= 4,7; dp= 4,6), 48,9% estão no serviço há menos de 2 anos. Os enfermeiros acreditam que deviam intervir com mais frequência nos factores de risco fisiológicos e comportamentais que nos factores psicossociais e ambientais; a confiança que têm nas capacidades para intervir nos factores de risco fisiológicos e comportamentais é maior que nos factores psicossociais e ambientais e no último ano, intervieram mais frequentemente nos factores de risco fisiológicos e comportamentais que nos psicossociais e ambientais. O “ensaio” da validação da escala de Will scale de Anderson et al (2004), sobre a capacidade de intervenção na saúde cardíaca, mostrou que o teste de Esfericidade de Bartlett e Medida de adequação da amostragem de Kaiser-Meyer- Olkin (KMO) permitiram a realização da análise factorial em componentes principais (AFCP). Da AFCP emergiram 16 factores, os mesmos que no estudo original de Anderson et al (2004), que revelaram boa consistência interna, com valores de alpha de Cronbach que variaram entre 0,71 a 0,98. Os resultados revelam a necessidade de sensibilizar os enfermeiros para valorizar a intervenção no âmbito dos factores de risco psicossociais e ambientais para promover a adesão ao regime terapêutico. Sugerem ainda que a intervenção baseada na evidência pode ser potenciada de forma a melhorar as práticas de cuidados dos enfermeiros. ABSTRACT: Myocardial infarction (MI) is one of the most important problems in public health in Portugal. A prompt intervention in cardiac health determinants means a positive impact in health outcomes, individually and collectively. The main purpose of this intervention lays on patient’s empowerment so he or she becomes able to choose healthy behaviours, based on heart health protective life styles, and therefore to manage his/hers therapeutic regime. This search and acquisition of health behaviours leading to therapeutic regime adherence may positively have an influence on the whole rehabilitation process and it must be developed in partnership with health workers. MI patients’ first contact with the Health System usually happens at the Hospital. Here the first steps are taken to start an intervention in order to promote therapeutic regime adherence. Nurses are a group of health workers who establish a unique and continuous relation with patients, so it matters to have knowledge of their performance skills that can actually promote a healthy behaviours and increase therapeutic regime adherence. Short Study design The study sample includes 143 nurses working on 9 different hospital wards, belonging to the Lisboa and Tejo’s Valley Health Region, in the district of Lisbon. Data were collected trough a self-administered questionnaire. It revealed that the nurses sample is a young population (M=30,5; dp=8,0), 49% of whom are aged less than 26 years old and has little professional experience (M=7,7; dp= 7,6); 48,2% work has nurses for less than 3 years. There’s a low percentage of seniority (M=4,7; dp=4,6), 48,9% of nurses work in these wards for less than 2 years. Nurses believe they should have intervene more frequently in physiological and behaviour risk factors than in psychological, social and environmental factors; they have greater confidence in their ability to intervene in physiological and behaviour risk factors than to intervene in psychological, social and environmental factors. In last year they took interventions more frequently in physiological and behaviour risk factors than in the other health determinants. The Scale Validation “essay” on Will Scale (Anderson et al, 2004), about heart health intervention capacity, revealed that the Bartlett’s test sphericity and the Kaiser-Meyer- Olkin’s (KMO) appropriate sample measure allowed the factorial analysis on main components (FAMC). From FAMC emerged 16 factors, the same number found on Anderson’s et al (2004) study, revealing good internal consistence, with Cronbach’s alpha values that varied between 0,71 and 0,98. The results point a need for nurses to attribute bigger value to other health determinants intervention - such as psychological, social and environmental determinants - so they’ll take part in promoting therapeutic regime adherence. The results also suggest t
A par das patologias oncológicas, as doenças do foro cardíaco, em particular a doença arterial coronária, são uma das principais causas de morte nos países industrializados, devido sobretudo, à grande incidência de enfartes do miocárdio. Uma das formas de diagnóstico e avaliação desta condição passa pela obtenção de imagens de perfusão miocárdica com radionuclídeos, realizada por Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões (PET). As soluções injectáveis de [15O]-H2O, [82Rb] e [13N]-NH3 são as mais utilizadas neste tipo de exame clínico. No Instituto de Ciências Nucleares Aplicadas à Saúde (ICNAS), a existência de um ciclotrão tem permitido a produção de uma variedade de radiofármacos, com aplicações em neurologia, oncologia e cardiologia. Recentemente, surgiu a oportunidade de iniciar exames clínicos com [13N]-NH3 para avaliação da perfusão miocárdica. É neste âmbito que surge a oportunidade do presente trabalho, pois antes da sua utilização clínica é necessário realizar a optimização da produção e a validação de todo o processo segundo as normas de Boas Práticas Radiofarmacêuticas. Após uma fase de optimização do processo, procedeu-se à avaliação dos parâmetros físico-químicos e biológicos da preparação de [13N]-NH3, de acordo com as indicações da Farmacopeia Europeia (Ph. Eur.) 8.2. De acordo com as normas farmacêuticas, foram realizados 3 lotes de produção consecutivos para validação da produção de [13N]-NH3. Os resultados mostraram um produto final límpido e ausente de cor, com valores de pH dentro do limite especificado, isto é, entre 4,5 e 8,5. A pureza química das amostras foi verificada, uma vez que relativamente ao teste colorimétrico, a tonalidade da cor da solução de [13N]-NH3 não era mais intensa que a solução de referência. As preparações foram identificadas como sendo [13N]-NH3, através dos resultados obtidos por cromatografia iónica, espectrometria de radiação gama e tempo de semi-vida. Por examinação do cromatograma obtido com a solução a ser testada, observou-se que o pico principal possuia um tempo de retenção aproximadamente igual ao pico do cromatograma obtido para a solução de referência. Além disso, o espectro de radiação gama mostrou um pico de energia 0,511 MeV e um outro adicional de 1,022 MeV para os fotões gama, característico de radionuclídeos emissores de positrões. O tempo de semi-vida manteve-se dentro do intervalo indicado, entre 9 e 11 minutos. Verificou-se, igualmente, a pureza radioquímica das amostras, correspondendo um mínimo de 99% da radioactividade total ao [13N], bem como a pureza radionuclídica, observando-se uma percentagem de impurezas inferiores a 1%, 2h após o fim da síntese. Os testes realizados para verificação da esterilidade e determinação da presença de endotoxinas bacterianas nas preparações de [13N]-NH3 apresentaram-se negativos.Os resultados obtidos contribuem, assim, para a validação do método para a produção de [13N]-NH3, uma vez que cumprem os requisitos especificados nas normas europeias, indicando a obtenção de um produto seguro e com a qualidade necessária para ser administrado em pacientes para avaliação da perfusão cardíaca por PET.
From January 1984 to May 1994, 17 of 239 children under 15 years old stung by Tityus serrulatus (15.1%) or Tityus bahiensis (84.9%) presented severe envenoming. Of these 17 patients (1-11 years old; median=2 yr) 14 were stung by T.serrulatus and three by T.bahiensis. All of them received scorpion antivenom i.v. at times ranging from 45 min. to 5 h after the accident (median=2h). On admission, the main clinical manifestations and laboratory and electrocardiographic changes were: vomiting (17), diaphoresis (15), tachycardia (14), prostration (10), tachypnea (8), arterial hypertension (7), arterial hypotension (5), tremors (5), hypothermia (4), hyperglycemia (17), leukocytosis (16/16), hypokalemia (13/17), increased CK-MB enzyme activity (>6% of the total CK, 11/12), hyperamylasemia (11/14), sinusal tachycardia (16/17) and a myocardial infarction-like pattern (11/17). Six patients stung by T.serrulatus had depressed left ventricular systolic function assessed by means of echocardiography. Of these, five presented pulmonary edema and four had shock. A child aged two-years old presented severe respiratory failure and died 65 h after being stung by T.serrulatus. Severe envenomations caused by T.serrulatus were 26.2 times more frequent than those caused by T.bahiensis (p<0.001).
RESUMO: Várias intervenções psiquiátricas e psicossociais têm demonstrado ser eficazes na redução da depressão e da ansiedade em indivíduos que sofreram um acidente coronário agudo. A possiblidade de modificarem a evolução da doença coronária e de reduzirem a mortalidade cardíaca continua, no entanto, por comprovar. Este estudo teve como principal objectivo avaliar a efectividade de uma intervenção de Psiquiatria de Ligação (PL) em doentes com cardiopatia isquémica aguda. Métodos: um grupo inicial de 129 doentes consecutivos, internados por Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio (EAM) ou Angina Instável, numa unidade de cuidados intensivos foi avaliado com a Hospital Anxiety e Depression Scale (HADS). Os doentes que apresentaram uma pontuação ≥8 nas subescalas da Depressão ou da Ansiedade (n=72) foram aleatoriamente distribuídos por grupo de intervenção (GI) (n=37) e grupo de controlo (GC) (n=35). O GI foi sujeito a uma intervenção de PL, realizada durante o período hospitalar, que se iniciou nos primeiros dias de internamento e consistiu em pelo menos 3 sessões individuais (incluindo avaliação psiquiátrica, psicoterapia de suporte, intervenção psicoeducativa e medicação, quando necessário). A sessão pré-alta envolveu o cônjuge e abordou a modificação de comportamentos de risco, a adesão terapêutica e o regresso ao trabalho. O GC recebeu os cuidados habituais da unidade de internamento. Todos os doentes completaram uma entrevista inicial para avaliação do estado cognitivo (Mini Mental State Examination – MMSE), do ajustamento social (Social Problems Questionnaire – SPQ) e de aspectos sociodemográfi cos e clínicos. Os doentes foram reavaliados antes da alta, aos 45 dias, 3 e 6 meses com a HADS, o SPQ e ainda com o Nottingham Health Profi le (NHP) para avaliação da qualidade de vida. No follow-up de 6 meses foi colhida informação sobre sobrevivência, número e duração de reinternamentos, número de dias de baixa e regresso ao trabalho. Resultados: na amostra de 129 doentes avaliados no início do internamento, 20,9% apresentavam níveis de depressão ≥8 na subescala da Depressão (HADS), 53,5% níveis de ansiedade ≥8 na subescala da Ansiedade (HADS) e 9,3% perturbações cognitivas (MMSE). A avaliação longitudinal desta amostra mostrou que os níveis de depressão, inicialmente baixos, aumentaram nos 45 dias após o internamento, para depois diminuírem até ao fi nal do follow-up. Os níveis de ansiedade, que eram inicialmente altos, aumentaram nos 45 dias seguintes e antiveram- se estáveis, mas altos, até ao fi m do estudo. O GI apresentou uma pontuação média na subescala da depressão signifi cativamente inferior à do GC no follow-up de 6 meses (5,8±4,1 no GI vs. 7,9±4,3 no GC, p=0,04). O número de doentes deprimidos foi signifi cativamente menor no GI nas avaliações realizadas aos 3 meses (11 vs. 18 no GC, p=0,04) e aos 6 meses (12 vs. 18 no GC, p= 0,05). O mesmo aconteceu com o número de doentes ansiosos aos 3 meses (15 no GI vs. 23 no GC, p=0,01). As dimensões do NHP “Isolamento social” aos 45 dias e “Reacção emocional” aos 45 dias e aos 3 meses, bem como a qualidade de vida geral (NHP 2ª parte) aos 3 meses, mostraram melhoria signifi cativa no grupo de intervenção. Embora a intervenção tenha reduzido o nível médio da ansiedade nas várias avaliações após a alta, esta redução não atingiu signifi cância estatística. A intervenção realizada não teve impacto na mortalidade ou nas variáveis relacionadas com a evolução da doença cardíaca no período do follow-up. Conclusões: Os resultados do presente estudo mostram a alta prevalência de depressão e de ansiedade após um acidente coronário agudo e a manutenção de níveis altos de ansiedade nos 6 meses seguintes. Os resultados comprovam também a efectividade de uma intervenção em PL no tratamento da depressão e da ansiedade em doentes que sofreram um acidente coronário agudo. Estes resultados apontam para a necessidade de desenvolvimento de programas de PL para este tipo de doentes, tanto no hospital geral como nos cuidados de saúde primários. Sugerem ainda a necessidade de desenvolvimento de investigação que permita estabelecer o impacto específi co dos diversos tipos de intervenção, assim como compreender os mecanismos subjacentes à associação da depressão e da ansiedade com a doença coronária.----------ABSTRACT:Different types of psychiatric and psychochosocial interventions have proven effi cacy in decreasing anxiety and depression in coronary heart disease. There is, however, an ongoing discussion about the impact these interventions may have on the clinical outcome and on cardiac mortality. The main objective of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a consultation liaison psychiatry (CL) intervention on a group of patients admitted with Myocardial Infarction or Unstable Angina, to a Coronary Care Unit. Methods: The study had a prospective, randomised, controlled design, with a 6-month follow-up. One hundred and twenty-nine consecutive patients were assessed during the first 48 hours of admission with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Those with a score of ≥8 on the Depression or the Anxiety subscales (n=72) were randomly allocated to intervention (n=37) and usual care (n=35). The CL intervention, started during the fi rst days of admission, had a minimum of 3 (60 minutes) sessions, and included a psychiatric evaluation, supportive psychotherapy, a psychoeducational intervention, when necessary, psychotropic drugs. The last session, shortly before discharge, included the spouse and was focused on compliance, modifi cation of behavioral risk factors, and possible diffi culties upon returning to work. Cognitive status (Mini-Mental State Examination - MMSE), social adjustment (Social Problems Questionnaire - SPQ), and demographic and clinical characteristics were also assessed at baseline. Patients were reassessed before discharge, and at 45 days, 3 and 6 months after admission with HADS, SPQ, and with Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) for quality of life. Survival, number of readmissions and days of readmission, number of sickleave days and return to work were assessed at six months. Results: The initial sample of 129 patients, presented a 20.9% prevalence of depressive symptoms, 53.5% of anxiety symptoms, and 9.3% of cognitive disorders. The longitudinal evaluation of this sample showed that the initially low levels of depression were increased 45 days later, and slowlly decreased afterwards till the 6-month follow-up. Initially high anxiety levels, somewhat decreased before discharge, had increased 45 days later, and stayed stable and high till the end of the study. The intervention group showed a signifi cantly lower depression mean score at 6 months (5.8±4.1 vs. 7.9±4.3 in the controls, p=0.04). The number of patients considered depressed was lower in the intervention group at 3(11 vs. 18 controls, p=0.04) and 6 months (12vs. 18 controls, p=0,05). The number of anxious patients was also lower in the intervention.
Introduction: Coronary artery disease and aging seems to be associated with a sedentary lifestyle, contributing to increased abdominal fat and consequently metabolic complications. The exercise can break this cycle by stimulating lipolysis and the use of fatty acids. In Europe there is still a lack of cardiac rehabilitation programmes in hospitals, therefore, this study aims to demonstrate the advantages of implementing home-based exercise programmes, as well as, their effects on cardiovascular prevention. This study analyzed the effects of a home-based exercise programme, in patients with coronary artery disease (myocardial infarction for 1 year), in body composition, abdominal fat, lipid profile. Methods: An ongoing randomized controlled trial with a sample of 20 participants were randomly allocated to intervention (n = 10) and control groups (n = 10). Intervention group performed a specific exercise programme during 8 weeks, consisting of ten home based exercises taking into account flexibility, muscle endurance and strength as well as cardiovascular endurance. Skinfolds thickness were measure to calculate the percentage of total fat: Skinfolds used were suprailiac, abdominal horizontal and vertical. Body mass index calculation and blood tests for lipidic profile were performed. Results: After eight weeks the intervention group decreased significantly the percentage of total fat (p < 0.05), the suprailiac skinfold (p < 0.05), the abdominal horizontal and vertical skinfold (p < 0.05) when compared with control group. In the intervention group it was observed after 8 weeks a significant decrease in body mass index, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. Conclusions: Home-based exercise programme influenced body composition, abdominal fat and lipid profile. These results highlight the importance of implementing home based exercises that are easy and cheap to implement in cardiac patients, in order to promote health and reduce cardiovascular risk factors.
Objectives: Coronary artery disease are associated with decreased levels of physical activity, contributing to increases in abdominal fat and consequently the metabolic risk. The use of microcurrents is an innovative and effective method to increase lipolytic rate of abdominal adipocytes. This study aims to investigate the effects of microcurrents with a homebased exercise program on total, subcutaneous and visceral abdominal adipose tissue in subjects with coronary artery disease. Methods: This controlled trial included 44 subjects with myocardial infarction, randomly divided into Intervention Group 1 (IG1; n = 16), Intervention Group 2 (IG2; n = 12) and Control Group (CG; n = 16). IG1 performed a specific exercise program at home during 8 weeks, and IG2 additionally used microcurrents on the abdominal region before the exercise program. All groups were subjected to health education sessions. Computed Tomography was used to evaluate abdominal, subcutaneous and visceral fat, accelerometers to measure habitual physical activity and the semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire for dietary intake. Results: After 8 weeks, IG2 showed a significantly decreased in subcutaneous fat (p ≤ 0.05) when compared to CG. Concerning visceral fat, both intervention groups showed a significant decrease in comparison to the CG (p ≤ 0.05). No significant changes were found between groups on dietary intake and habitual physical activity, except for sedentary activity that decreased significantly in IG2 in comparison with CG (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: This specific exercise program showed improvements in visceral fat in individuals with coronary artery disease. Microcurrent therapy associated with a home-based exercise program suggested a decreased in subcutaneous abdominal fat.
Pseudoaneurisma do Ventrículo Esquerdo com Duplo Orifício de Entrada após Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio
Doente do sexo feminino, 78 anos de idade, internada previamente por EAM combinado. A evolução clínica subsequente decorreu sem complicações, tendo alta ao 10.º dia. Cerca de 12 horas depois foi readmitida no Serviço de Urgência, por dor retrosternal prolongada, hipotensa e prostrada. O ECG (Fig. 1) mostrou re-elevação do segmento ST nas derivações anteriores e inferiores, sendo admitida na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos com o diagnóstico de provável re-enfarte. O Ecocardiograma realizado na admissão revelou função sistólica global comprometida, sendo possível definir um volumoso espaço anecogénico no ápex do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), com solução de continuidade na transição do terço médio/apical da parede inferior (Fig. 2) e uma segunda solução de continuidade na transição do terço médio/apical da parede lateral do VE (Fig. 3). Em ambos os orifícios foi confirmada a presença de fluxo bidireccional por Doppler Pulsado e Cor (Fig. 2), sugerindo a presença de um pseudoaneurisma do VE com duplo orifício de entrada. A doente foi transferida para um centro cirúrgico, onde, após confirmação intra-operatória do pseudoaneurisma com duplo orifício, foi submetida a encerramento do colo com patch de teflon. Teve alta estável, sendo seguida em consulta de Cardiologia desde há cerca de 16 meses, sem eventos.
INTRODUCTION: Conventional risk stratification after acute myocardial infarction is usually based on the extent of myocardial damage and its clinical consequences. However, nowadays, more aggressive therapeutic strategies are used, both pharmacological and invasive, with the aim of changing the course of the disease. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether the number of drugs administered can influence survival of these patients, based on recent clinical trials that demonstrated the benefit of each drug for survival after acute coronary events. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of 368 consecutive patients admitted to our ICU during 2002 for acute coronary syndrome. A score from 1 to 4 was attributed to each patient according to the number of secondary prevention drugs administered--antiplatelets, beta blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and statins--independently of the type of association. We evaluated mortality at 30-day follow-up. RESULTS: Mean age was 65 +/- 13 years, 68% were male, and 43% had ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction. Thirty-day mortality for score 1 to 4 was 36.8%, 15.6%, 7.8% and 2.5% respectively (p < 0.001). The use of only one or two drugs resulted in a significant increase in the risk of death at 30 days (OR 4.10, 95% CI 1.69-9.93, p = 0.002), when corrected for other variables. There was a 77% risk reduction associated with the use of three or four vs. one or two drugs. The other independent predictors of death were diabetes, Killip class on admission and renal insufficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a greater number of secondary prevention drugs in patients with acute coronary syndromes was associated with improved survival. A score of 4 was a powerful predictor of mortality at 30-day follow-up
A 75-year old female patient, with previous inferior acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in December 2000, was admitted in April 2001 with angina and heart failure. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) was suggestive of a postero-inferior pseudoaneurysm (PA) of the left ventricle (LV), with 61x49 mm. of size and mitral regurgitation. Cardiac catheterization was suspected of a PA of the LV and revealed a three vessels coronary artery disease. On 20th April she was submitted to cardiac surgery with resection of a large LV aneurysm (AN) and triple coronary artery bypass surgery. Afterwards, she was on NYHA class III and subsequent TTE and transesophagic echocardiography (TEE) were suggestive of a 90x60 mm LV posterior PA (confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance) and severe mitral regurgitation, with good LV systolic function. She underwent a new cardiac surgery on 31st May 2002, with resuturing of the LV postero-inferior wall patch and removal of the PA. The patient is in good condition and on NYHA functional class I-II.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a role as a modulator in the pathogenesis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). The clinical pattern of vagally mediated PAF has been observed mainly in young patients. Neurocardiogenic responses during orthostatic stress are related to autonomic reflexes in which the vagal influence predominates. AIM: To evaluate the susceptibility of elderly patients with PAF to activation of vasovagal syncope mechanisms. METHODS: We performed passive head-up tilt testing (HUT) in 34 patients (62% women, aged 72 +/- 7 years), with > or = 1 year of clinical history of PAF--19 without structural heart disease, 11 with hypertensive heart disease and 4 with coronary artery disease (who had no previous myocardial infarction, had undergone myocardial revascularization, and had no documented ischemia) (PAF group), and compared the results with those obtained in a group of 34 age-matched patients (53% women, aged 74 +/- 6 years), who underwent HUT due to recurrent syncope (Sc group). In this group, 21 had no documented heart disease and none had a clinical history of AF. There was no diabetes, congestive heart failure or syncope in the PAF group. After a supine resting period, the subjects were tilted at 70 degrees for 20 minutes while in sinus rhythm. No provocative agents were used to complement the HUT. ECG and blood pressure were continuously monitored (Task Force Monitor, CNSystems). The test was considered positive when syncope or presyncope occurred with bradycardia and/or arterial hypotension. Abnormal responses were classified as cardioinhibitory, vasodepressor or mixed. RESULTS: HUT was positive in seven patients of the PAF group--vasodepressor response in five and mixed in two (20.5% of the total; 26.3% of those without heart disease)--and in eight patients (vasodepressor in six and mixed in two) of the Sc group (p=NS). During HUT, three patients of the PAF group had short periods of self-limited PAF (in one, after vasodepressor syncope). There were no differences in gender distribution, age or heart disease. No cardioinhibitory responses or orthostatic hypotension were observed. CONCLUSION: In elderly patients with PAF, a significant number of false positive results during passive HUT may be expected, suggesting increased vasovagal reactions despite aging. This suggests that ANS imbalances may be observed in this population.
INTRODUCTION: The definition of subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) is an asymptomatic state in which free thyroxine (T4) is normal and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are elevated. Its relationship with coronary disease is not clear and has been the subject of recent interest. Current evidence is conflicting and there is a lack of studies supported by coronary angiography. OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between SH and the presence and extent of coronary disease diagnosed by angiography. METHODS: We prospectively studied 354 consecutive patients referred for elective coronary angiography. Those with known thyroid disease, documented coronary disease or previous myocardial infarction were excluded. Fasting blood specimens were collected to measure thyroid hormones, lipid profile, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and NT-proBNP. Patients with SH were compared with those without to assess differences in clinical characteristics and biochemical and angiographic results. Significant coronary disease was defined as the presence of at least one lesion with > or = 50% luminal stenosis. Lesions with <50% stenosis were considered minimal. RESULTS: SH was diagnosed in 32 (9%) patients. Mean age was similar between the groups. There were more women (66% vs. 39%; p=0.003) and atrial fibrillation was more frequent (25% vs. 11%; p=0.016) in the group of patients with SH. There were no significant differences in the other baseline clinical parameters, and blood biochemistry results were similar in the two groups, with the exception of higher levels of NT-proBNP in SH patients, although without statistical significance. The angiographic results were as follows: significant coronary disease (SH 28.1% vs. non-SH 43.8%; p=0.087); three-vessel disease (9.4% vs. 9.9%; p=0.919); two-vessel disease (12.5% vs. 13.4%; p=0.892); single-vessel disease (6.3% vs. 29.5%; p=0.051); minimal lesions (9.4% vs. 10.9%; p=0.794); and no coronary disease (62.4% vs, 45.3%; p=0.064). CONCLUSION: In this population SH was not associated with the presence or extent of coronary disease diagnosed by coronary angiography.
INTRODUCTION: Primary angioplasty is accepted as the preferred treatment for acute myocardial infarction in the first 12 hours. However, outcomes depend to a large extent on the volume of activity and experience of the center. Continuous monitoring of methods and results obtained is therefore crucial to quality control. OBJECTIVE: To describe the demographic, clinical and angiographic characteristics as well as in-hospital outcomes of patients undergoing primary PCI in a high-volume Portuguese center. We also aimed to identify variables associated with in-hospital mortality in this population. METHODS: This was a retrospective registry of consecutive primary PCIs performed at Santa Marta Hospital between January 2001 and August 2007. Demographic, clinical, and angiographic characteristics and in-hospital outcomes were analyzed. Independent predictors of in-hospital mortality were identified by multivariate logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1157 patients were identified, mean age 61+/-12 years, 76% male. Mean pain-to-balloon time was 7.6 hours and primary angiographic success was 88%. Overall in-hospital mortality was 6.9%, or 5.5% if patients presenting in cardiogenic shock were excluded from the analysis. Previous history of heart failure, cardiogenic shock on admission, invasive ventilatory support, major hemorrhage, and age over 75 years were found to be associated with increased risk of in-hospital death. Conclusions: In this center primary PCI is effective and safe. Angiographic success rates and in-hospital mortality and morbidity are similar to other international registries. Patients at increased risk for adverse outcome can be identified by simple clinical characteristics such as advanced age, cardiogenic shock on admission, mechanical ventilation and major hemorrhage during hospitalization.