997 resultados para Zubiri, Xavier


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Descriptive memorial of a chronograph made from a common chronoscop (Eastman Timer). The chronoscop has been modified in order to permit to adjust distinct cog-wheels, everyone in its turn, to the axis of the seconds hand. Each of these cog-wheels holds a definite number of teeth accordingly with the time interval ones desire to record. A wheel with 20 teeth, for instance, is available for recording time in periods of each three seconds, another wheel with 6 teeth, will reckon time in intervals of 10 seconds and so on. These wheels may be interchanged most easily, which enables, with the same apparatus, to have at hand a time recorder for any time interval between one and sixty seconds. To register the time the apparatus is connected with a dry cell. A wire is attached to a binding post on the metal case of the apparatus, another wire being connected with an isolated binding post placed in front of the cog-wheel and fastened to a platinum point allowing open or shut the circuit, every time one of the cogs of the wheel comes into contact with this platinum point. A signal magnet is placed also in the circuit for writing the time intervals on the revolving drum.


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The writers report experiments performed with filtrates of old cultures od colon bacilli upon the isolated and perfused rabbit gut. According to the experiments the writers suppose to exist one or more substances in the filtrates of old cultures of colon bacilli with physiological activity upon the isolated and perfused rabbit gut. Such activity is essentially characterised by a rapid increase of the intestine tonus. When the Ringer-Tyrode solution containing the filtrate is removed and replaced by a fresh one, the increase of the tonus disappears. Liver-broth medium causes a somewhat increase of the tonus of the gut but much less in intensity.


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This paper deals with experiments of propination of small doses of filtrates of old cultures of colon bacilli to normal rabbits by stomach tube. The experiments have demonstrate that the propination of the filtrates produces a decrease of weight in the animals in experience. The loss of weight just after the first propination of the filtrate to the rabbit and continues progressively leading to emaciation and death if new doses are given. If the propination was too much prolonged the animals goes to death, notwithstanding the propination of the filtrates being discontinued.


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A ministração a coelhos, pela via digestiva, de leite fresco - crú ou fervido, e de leite fermentado, quer naturalmente, quer artificialmente, pela proliferação de bacilos coli ou aerogenes, não influe na curva de peso de maneira bastante apreciavel. A maior perda de peso, observada num coelho que ingeria leite fresco, não fervido, poude ser attribuida a modificações da flora do intestino e suas consequencias sobre o organismo do animal. Estes resultados estão de accôrdo com observações feitas durante o preparo de sôros immunisantes anti-coli em coelhos, aos quaes propinavamos quantidades consideraveis de corpos bacterianos, sem que lhes occorresse perda significativa de peso.


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Leite fresco-crú ou fervido nenhuma acção exerce sobre o tonus de uma preparação de intestino isolado e perfundido, entretanto determina augmento bastante apreciavel da amplitude das contracções rhythmicas. O leite fermentado, natural ou experimentalmente, pela proliferação de bacilos coli ou aerogenes, por espaço de 6 a 24 horas, em estufa a 37° C., determina muitas vezes augmento consideravel do tonus do segmento de intestino, bem assim augmento da amplitude das oscilações phasicas, em todo caso, uma e outra alteração mostrando-se de modo menos energico do que já observaramos com os filtrados de culturas antigas de bacillo coli. A acção sobre o tonus não parece depender da acidez do leite fermentado, desde que ella não desapparece com a neutralisação do leite. De outro lado, uma solução de acído lactíco do mesmo theôr encontrado no leite fermentado, expresso em graus Dornic, não determina augmento do tonus da preparação. O aquecimento até 115° C., ou o resfriamento prolongado a + 3° C., não supprime a actividade do leite fermentado natural - ou artificialmente, no que concerne seus efeitos sobre tonus da preparação de intestino isolado, facto analogo tendo sido já por nós observado com os filtrados de culturas antigas de bacillo coli. A ingestão prévia de filtrados de culturas antigas de bacillo coli, ou de leite fermentado experimentalmente por esse germe, parece determinar uma maior reactividade do segmento de intestino, o que se póde averiguar pelas reacções mais promptas e mais energicas, quando dos ensaios in-vitro com leite fermentado experimentalmente com bacillo coli, em confronto com as experiencias realisadas com intestino de coelhos normaes. O mesmo facto já havia sido por nós observado com os filtrados de culturas antigas de bacillo coli.


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The writer reports experiments done with distilled water and hypotonic and hypertonic salt solutions of definite osmotic concentrations. The experiments were performed according to the Laewen-Trendelenburg technic using the vascular system of the frog's hind legs, and according to the Pissemski-Krawkow method using the capillaries of the rabbit's ear. Both preparations react to distilled water by marked vaso-constriction, the same phenomenon taking place in the case of the hypotonic salt solutions. The lower the concentration pf the hypotonic salt solution the stronger the vaso-constriction obtained. With hypertonic salt solutions was observed a strong but rather transient vaso-dilatation followed by secondary vaso-constriction. The later results were found only in the experiments with the frog's hind legs.


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On peut distinguer dans la préparation de l'intestin grêle des mammifères, isolé et en perfusion, deux fonctions élémentaires: 1) le tonus du muscle lisse; 2) l'activité rythmique et automatique de ce muscle (automatisme rythmique). L'activité rythmique et automatique de la préparation de l'intestin grêle ne dépend pas directement du tonus de la préparation, comme on peut le démonter par nombre de faits d'observation. Ainsi, par exemple, les oscilations rythmiques peuvent persister au moment d'altérations brusques du tonus de la préparation du muscle de l'instestin grêle, qu'elles soient positives (augmentation du tonus), ou négatives (diminution du tonus). Ce fait démontre d'une façon sure l'indèpendance des deux fonctions et temoigne de l'existence de substrata histologiques spécifiques attribués á chacune des deux fonctions élémentaires de l'intestin grêle isolé et en perfusion. Le plexus d'AUERBACH ne doit pas être consideré comme le substratum anatomique de la fonction automatique de l'intestin grêle. Le substratutum de l'activité rythmique et automatique de l'intestin parait être réprésenté par le réseau de cellules de la paroi de l'intestin, décrites par S. RAMON Y CAJAL sous le non de cellules intersticielles.


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Un dels principals exponents del progrés en el nivell de vida és l’existència d’un accés generalitzat i regular de la població a una ingesta d’aliments suficient i de qualitat, que cobreixi de forma adequada els requeriments pel ple desenvolupament fisiològic i que suposi la reducció al mínim de les malalties associades a l’alimentació. Durant una gran part de la història, l’alimentació de les poblacions humanes, i en particular de les europees, s’ha caracteritzat per la seva monotonia i la irregularitat en la disponibilitat dels aliments més importants. Aquestes, juntament amb un deficient tractament higiènic i de conservació dels aliments ingerits, seran les notes dominants dels sistemes alimentaris europeus durant molts segles. Va ser des de finals del segle XVIII i principis del segle XIX quan, simultàniament al desenvolupament de la producció agrària i a la industrialització, es va iniciar el que es considera com una transició nutricional o dietètica moderna, que ha culminat a la segona meitat del segle XX amb profunds canvis en els sistemes alimentaris. Catalunya no estarà al marge d’aquestes transformacions, i experimentarà des del segle XVIII importants canvis en els seus sistemes agraris, els seus sistemes alimentaris, els canals de distribució i el modern tractament dels aliment. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és doncs, analitzar com es manifesta aquesta transició alimentària a la Catalunya contemporània, que es situa entre mitjans segle XIX i la guerra civil.


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The writers describe the muscular texture of the proglottides of Taenia saginata, Goeze, 1782, based upon microscopical preparations of mature and gravid proglottides stained by several methods. The muscular system of the proglottides of Taenia saginata is disposed mainly in two layers, a longitudinal and external one, and a deeper transverse layer, lining the body parenchym and internal organs. A circular or annular layer ranging under the cuticle is also referred. The writers emphasize the peculiar texture of the smooth muscle fibres, which only excepcionally do exist as isolated fibres, anastomosis between the fibres being the common histological appearence. Special features of the body parenchym such as calcareous bodies and globous nuclea scattered in the parenchym are also described.


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Tal vez las ideas dominantes no sean exactamente las de las clases dominantes, pero el trabajo parte de la idea de que las ideas dominantes en las clases tienen una gran influencia. Por ello se estudia la versión que se da del federalismo por parte de los autores más influyentes en el derecho público español desde el siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. Se concluye que del rechazo generalizado y del elogio del centralismo, tras la Constitución de 1978 se pasa a proponer el federalismo como la pauta más favorable para la evolución del Estado autonómico. Ahora bien, se propone la versión más centralizadora del federalismo, cual es la del federalismo cooperativo


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2005. El Montsacopa és un dels diversos volcans de la comarca de la Garrotxa dels quals hi ha pocs estudis i dades geològiques. Els inicis de l’ activitat volcànica en aquesta zona, van tenir lloc a finals de l’època terciària i inicis de la quaternària. Fins fa relativament poc es creia que la majoria d’aquests volcans tenien una activitat d’origen estrombolià però noves investigacions indiquen que podria ser d’origen freatomagmàtic o, si més no, molt més explosiva de la suposada inicialment. Els objectius de l’estudi són: confirmar l’hipòtesi esmentada; aportar dades que afirmin, s’hi ha motius per creure en l’emissió d’un flux piroclàstic en una de les últimes fases de l’activitat del volcà Montsacopa; comprovar l’hipòtesi d’una possible concordança entre el dipòsit 1 de l’aflorament sud-oest i el dipòsit de l’aflorament est; conèixer l’origen de les sorprenents coloracions rogenques de l’aflorament i per últim, interrogar-se sobre la possibilitat de l’existència d’un focus emissor diferent del cràter ja conegut.


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We analyze the classical Bertrand model when consumers exhibit some strategic behavior in deciding from which seller they will buy. We use two related but different tools. Both consider a probabilistic learning (or evolutionary) mechanism, and in the two of them consumers' behavior in uences the competition between the sellers. The results obtained show that, in general, developing some sort of loyalty is a good strategy for the buyers as it works in their best interest. First, we consider a learning procedure described by a deterministic dynamic system and, using strong simplifying assumptions, we can produce a description of the process behavior. Second, we use nite automata to represent the strategies played by the agents and an adaptive process based on genetic algorithms to simulate the stochastic process of learning. By doing so we can relax some of the strong assumptions used in the rst approach and still obtain the same basic results. It is suggested that the limitations of the rst approach (analytical) provide a good motivation for the second approach (Agent-Based). Indeed, although both approaches address the same problem, the use of Agent-Based computational techniques allows us to relax hypothesis and overcome the limitations of the analytical approach.