988 resultados para Zeólita. Beta hierarquizada. Híbrido micro-mesoporoso. Craqueamento
El trabajo tiene como objetivos mostrar el uso de las patentes como medio de difusión de conocimiento y encontrar las claves más significativas de la evolución de la tecnología escogida.
An estimation method for the three-dimensional underwater shape of tuna longlines is developed, using measurements of depth obtained from micro-bathythermographs (BTs) attached to the main line at equally spaced intervals. The shape of the main line is approximated by a model which consists of a chain of unit length lines (folding-rule model), where the junction points are placed at the observed depths. Among the infinite number of possible shapes, the most likely shape is considered to be the smoothest one that can be obtained with a numerical optimization algorithm. To validate the method, a series of experimental longline operations were conducted in the equatorial region of the eastern Pacific Ocean, using 13 or 14 micro-BTs per basket of main line. Concurrent observations of oceanographic conditions (currents and temperature structure) were obtained. The shape of the main line can be calculated at arbitrary times during operations. Shapes were consistent with the current structure. On the equator, the line was elevated significantly by the Equatorial Undercurrent. It is shown that the shape of main line depends primarily upon the vertical shear and direction of the current relative to the gear. Time sequences of calculated shapes reveals that observed periodic (1-2 hours) oscillations in depth of the gear was caused by swinging movements of the main line. The shortening rate of the main line is an important parameter for formulating the shape of the longline, and its precise measurement is desirable.
Three kinds of new nickel(II) complexes of alpha-isoxazolylazo-beta-diketones with blue-violet light absorption were synthesized. Their structures were postulated based on elemental analysis, MS and FT-IR spectra. Smooth films on K9 glass substrates were prepared using the spin-coating method. The absorption properties and thermal stability of these complexes were discussed. The static optical recording test for high density digital versatile disc-recordable (HD-DVD-R) system was also studied. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Some kinds of rare earth beta-diketone complexes with blue-violet light absorption edge were synthesized using the ligands of thenoyltrifluoroacctone (HTTA), 2, 2'-dipyridyl (BIPY) and different metal ions (Gd3+, Sm3+ and La3+). Their contents, structures and optoelectronic parameters were monitored by elemental analysis, MS, IR and UV spectra. The solubility of rare earth beta-diketone complexes in 2, 2, 3, 3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol (TFP) and absorption properties of their films in the region 300-800 nm were measured. The influence on the difference of absorption maximum from rare earth beta-diketone complexes to beta-diketone ligand by different metal ions was studied. In addition, the thermal stability of rare earth beta-diketone complexes was also reported. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Two new azo dyes of alpha-isoxazolylazo-beta-dilcetones and their Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes with blue-violet light wavelength were synthesized using a coupling component, different diazo components and metal (II) ions (Ni2+ and Cu2+). Based on the elemental analysis, MS spectra and FT-IR spectral analyses, azo dyes were unequivocally shown to exist as hydrazoketo and azoenol forms which were respectively obtained from the solution forms and from the solid forms. The action of sodium methoxide (NaOMe) on azo dyes in solutions converts hydrazoketo form into azoenol form, so azo dyes are coordinated with metal (II) ions as co-ligands in the azoenol forms. The solubility of all the compounds in common organic solvents such as 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol (TFP) or chloroform (CHCl3) and absorption properties of spin-coating thin films were measured. The difference of absorption maxima from the complexes to their ligands was discussed. In addition, the TG analysis of the complexes was also determined, and their thermal stability was evaluated. It is found that these new metal (II) complexes had potential application for high-density digital versatile disc-recordable (HD-DVD-R) system due to their good solubility in organic solvents, reasonable and controllable absorption spectra in blue-violet light region and high thermal stability. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Two kinds of nickel(II) and copper(II) P-diketone complexes derived from thenoyltrifluoroacetone ligand with blue-violet light absorption were synthesized by reacting free ligand and different metal(II) ions in sodium methoxide solution. Their structures were postulated based on elemental analysis, ESI-MS, FT-IR spectra and UV-vis electronic absorption spectra. Smooth films on K9 glass substrates were prepared using the spin-coating method. Their solubility in organic solvents, absorption properties of thin film and thermal stability of these complexes were evaluated. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Transparent glass-ceramics containing beta-Ga2O3:Ni2+ nanocrystals were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and electron energy loss spectroscopy. Intense broad-band luminescence centering at 1200 nm was observed when the sample was excited by a diode laser at 980 nm. The room-temperature fluorescent lifetime was 665 mu s, which is longer than the Ni2+-doped ZnAl2O4 and LiGa5O8 glass-ceramics and is also comparable to the Ni2+-doped LiGa5O8 single crystal. The intense infrared luminescence with long fluorescent lifetime may be ascribed to the high crystal field hold by Ni2+ and the moderate lattice phonon energy of beta-Ga2O3. The excellent optical properties of this novel material indicate that it might be a promising candidate for broad-band amplifiers and room-temperature tunable lasers.
We demonstrate broadband optical amplification at 1.3 mu m in silicate glass-ceramics containing beta-Ga2O3:Ni2+ nanocrystals with 980 nm excitation for the first time. The optical gain efficiency is calculated to be about 0.283 cm(-1) when the excitation power is 1.12 W. The optical gain shows similar wavelength dependence to luminescence properties. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Hoy en día y con el objetivo de conseguir el mayor rendimiento posible en la mayoría de los deportes profesionales, la suplementación deportiva está adquiriendo un protagonismo vital, siendo conscientes de que la suplementación deportiva por sí sola no sea el principal factor responsable del aumento del rendimiento deportivo. Sin embargo, ha quedado demostrado que estos suplementos pueden ayudar a dar el salto de calidad en deportistas profesionales y últimamente salen a la luz investigaciones de nuevos suplementos que empiezan a ser habituales en algunos deportistas, como es el caso de la Beta-Alanina. El principal efecto de la ingesta exógena de b-alanina en el organismo radica en el aumento de la carnosina muscular debido a su rol como factor limitante en la síntesis de la misma, un dipéptido citoplasmático que tiene la capacidad de secuestrar los protones inducidos por el ejercicio de alta intensidad, retrasando la disminución del pH intramuscular y en consecuencia, retrasando la fatiga. La mayoría de los estudios hasta el momento que han investigado el efecto de la b-alanina y el rendimiento deportivo se centran en los deportes cíclicos, especialmente en aquellos deportes anaeróbicos donde la disminución del pH es limitante del rendimiento deportivo. Por ello, mediante una revisión bibliográfica el objetivo de este artículo será identificar y resumir los efectos principales de la suplementación exógena de Beta-alanina relacionados con el aumento del rendimiento deportivo y complementariamente, se realizar también un análisis sobre los factores fisiológicos del fútbol con el fin de conocer si este suplemento podría aumentar el rendimiento en los futbolistas de alto nivel.
Up-conversion luminescence properties of a Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped oxyfluoride glass-ceramics under 980nm excitation are investigated. Intense blue emission centered at 476nm, corresponding to (1)G(4) -> H-3(6) transitions of Tm3+ was simultaneously observed in the transparent oxyfluoride glass ceramics at room temperature. The intensity of the blue up-conversion luminescence in a 1 mol% YbF3-containing glass-ceramic was found to be about 40 times stronger than that in the precursor oxyfluoride glass. The reason for the intense TM3+ up- conversion luminescence in the oxyfluoride glass-ceramics is discussed. The dependence of up-conversion intensities on excitation power and possible up-conversion mechanism are also evaluated. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In many micro- and nano-scale technological applications high sensitivity displacement sensors are needed, especially in ultraprecision metrology and manufacturing. In this work a new way of sensing displacement based on radio frequency resonant cavities is presented and experimentally demonstrated using a first laboratory prototype. The principle of operation of the new transducer is summarized and tested. Furthermore, an electronic interface that can be used together with the displacement transducer is designed and proved. It has been experimentally demonstrated that very high and linear sensitivity characteristic curves, in the range of some kHz/nm; are easily obtainable using this kind of transducer when it is combined with a laboratory network analyzer. In order to replace a network analyzer and provide a more affordable, self-contained, compact solution, an electronic interface has been designed, preserving as much as possible the excellent performance of the transducer, and turning it into a true standalone positioning sensor. The results obtained using the transducer together with a first prototype of the electronic interface built with cheap discrete elements show that positioning accuracies in the micrometer range are obtainable using this cost-effective solution. Better accuracies would also be attainable but using more involved and costly electronics interfaces.
Nesse trabalho foram realizadas reações de substituição nucleofílica (SN2), utilizando aquecimento térmico convencional e por irradiação de micro-ondas (MO), de alguns átomos cloro em amostras comerciais de poli(cloreto de vinila) (PVC), por grupos nitrila e também por grupos azida. Os grupos nitrila e azida foram substituidos na matriz em diferentes teores (10% e 20%). As reações do PVC com azida foram eficazes, apresentado percentuais de derivatização muito próximos dos valores desejados. Já no estudo com a nitrila não foi obtido o resultado esperado. Os copolímeros PVC azido substituídos foram modificados com propargilato de etila, sob catálise de iodeto de cuproso (CuI), para a obtenção de heterocíclicos do tipo triazólicos. Todos os copolímeros obtidos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e os teores de nitrogênio incorporado foram determinados por análise elementar (AE). Através da análise dos dados obtidos, foi comprovado que a utilização da irradiação micro-ondas, quando comparada ao aquecimento convencional, é um processo mais seletivo e diminui, significativamente, os tempos de reação
Esta pesquisa analisa como a prática escolar interpreta as Políticas Curriculares, em seus processos macro e micro, a partir dos estudos do sociólogo inglês Stephen Ball (1994). Os argumentos aqui apresentados fazem parte de um estudo analítico para pensar a articulação das políticas educacionais na perspectiva dos cruzamentos que podem ser tecidos no corpo da escola, onde as diferenças culturais ao serem demarcadas, criam um híbrido cultural, para pensar os sujeitos, a diferença e o conhecimento. Articulada a esta ideia, percorro nos estudos de Homi Bhabha (1998), as possibilidades de resignificação do currículo, tendo em vista que o espaço escolar não constitui espaço para fixação de identidades, pois há nele a possibilidade de produção cultural. O argumento central está na perspectiva de pensar criticamente a implantação da política curricular, em negociação com os fluxos contidos no espaço escolar que envolve diretamente o conhecimento, a cultura e a diferença com vistas a inaugurar um espaço onde o estabelecido deixa de ser verdade e que tome lugar à contingência. Para melhor interpretar tais articulações, utilizei-me nesta pesquisa, da experiência de observação numa Escola Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, que atende da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Fundamental, no sentido tanto de compreender os contextos de produção curricular com a teoria do Ball, como de defender a partir dos conceitos de Bhabha, a compreensão da diferença cultural como produção de identidades
[ES]Este es un Trabajo Fin de Grado interdisciplinar que aúna el Micro-mecenazgo con la Econometría. En la parte teórica, se sintetiza la literatura relacionada con el crowdfunding, los tipos y su funcionamiento, así como los factores que influyen tanto positiva como negativamente en la consecución de los proyectos llevados a cabo por esta práctica. Se analizan también las bases de datos sobre plataformas de crowdfunding disponibles en Internet y se explica la búsqueda realizada para encontrar una muestra adecuada. Mientras que en la parte empírica, se analiza el impacto de los factores elegidos sobre la probabilidad de éxito de los proyectos. Para ello se utilizan modelos econométricos no estudiados anteriormente que se explican y analizan en la parte metodológica del trabajo. De esta forma, se obtienen resultados que ayudan a conocer las características que han de tener los proyectos publicados en las plataformas de crowdfunding para conseguir la financiación exigida. Para ello, se han teniendo en cuenta los datos encontrados en diferentes plataformas de crowdfunding entre el año 2013 y el 2015.