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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The preparation of Tm3+/Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped CeO2 prepared by the precipitation method using ammonium hydroxide as a precursor is presented. By X-ray diffraction the materials show the phase-type of fluorite structure and the crystallite sizes were calculated by the Scherrer's equation. No other phase was observed evincing that the rare earth ions were inserted into the fluorite phase as substitutional or interstitial dopants. The microstrain calculated by the Williamson-Hall method do not show significant changes in their values, indicating that the inclusion of rare earths does not causes structural changes in the CeO2 used as a host matrix. All material showed intense upconversion emission at red and green region under excitation with diode laser at 980 nm. The color of emission changes from green to red with increasing excitation power pump. The materials showed suitable photoluminescent properties for applications as a laser source, solar cells, and great emitter at 800 nm. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is genotoxic and recently was classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. PM chemical composition varies depending on source and atmospheric conditions. The Salmonella/microsome assay is the most used mutagenicity test and can identify the major chemical classes responsible for observed mutagenicity. The objective of this work was to characterize the mutagenicity of PM samples from a countryside city, Limeira, Brazil, which is influenced by heavy traffic and sugar cane biomass burning. Six samples of total PM were collected. Air mass backward trajectories were calculated. Organic extracts were assayed using the Salmonella/microsome microsuspension mutagenicity assay using TA98, YG1041, and TA1538, with and without metabolic activation (S9). YG1041 was the most sensitive strain and mutagenicity reached 9,700 revertants per m(3) without metabolic activation. Potency for TA1538 was higher than TA98, indicating that this strain should be considered in air mutagenicity studies. The increased response to YG1041 relative to TA98, and the decreased response with S9, suggests that nitroaromatics are the major contributors. Limeira is among the most mutagenic cities in the world. High mutagenicity in Limeira seems to occur when the air mass from the area of sugarcane production is mixed with air from the region impacted by anthropogenic activities such as traffic. An increase in the formation of nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may result from longer contact time between the aromatic compounds and the atmosphere with high NOx and ozone concentration, although more studies are required to confirm this hypothesis. Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Materials with high photoluminescence (PL) intensity can potentially be used in optical and electronic devices. Although the PL properties of bismuth(III) oxide with a monoclinic crystal structure (α-Bi2O3) have been explored in the past few years, methods of increasing PL emission intensity and information relating PL emission to structural defects are scarce. This research evaluated the effect of a pressure-assisted heat treatment (PAHT) on the PL properties of α-Bi2O3 with a needlelike morphology, which was synthesized via a microwave-assisted hydrothermal (MAH) method. PAHT caused an angular increase between the [BiO6]-[BiO6] clusters of α-Bi2O3, resulting in a significant increase in the PL emission intensity. The Raman and XPS spectra also showed that the α-Bi2O3 PL emissions in the low-energy region (below ∼2.1 eV) are attributed to oxygen vacancies that form defect donor states. The experimental results are in good agreement with first-principles total-energy calculations that were carried out within periodic density functional theory (DFT).
A new family of direct current (DC) to DC converters based on a zero current switching pulse width modulated (ZCS-PWM) soft commutation cell is presented. This ZCS-PWM cell is consists of two transistors, two diodes, two inductors and one capacitor; and provides zero voltage turn-on to the diodes, a zero-current turn-on and a zero-current zero-voltage turn-off to the transistors. In addition, a new commutation cell in a new ZCS-PWM boost rectifier is developed, obtaining a structure with power factor near the unity, high efficiency at wide load range and low total harmonic distortion in the input current.
Numerous factors influencing the surface quality of wood after machining, among them we highlight the machining parameters and the properties of the wood. In the analysis of the influence of these factors on machining and in determining the quality measurement systems are used to obtain surface characteristics, these systems are divided into methods of contact and non-contact. The method for mechanical contact performed with the aid of the surface roughness tester is the most valued in the measurement of roughness of wood, however, aiming at a greater agility in these measurements, there is a need to seek alternatives for evaluation of surface quality, and one of these options is to use the forms of indirect measurements of this quality, as for example, the use of noise emission during the machining process. With this, the aim was to analyze the influence of the moisture content of the wood, at different levels, on surface quality of the species Pinus elliottii, determined by the method of mechanical probing move and relate this roughness with the sound emission issued for each class of humidity, during machining. The planning of experiments and statistical analyses were performed with the help of Taguchi method. The specimens were conditioned in greenhouses climatizadoras automatics for obtaining three classes of humidity. Machining tests of wooden pieces were performed on a machining center specific for this type of material. The roughness values were measured by a roughness verifier and the noise emission values were measured by for a measurer sound pressure level. Statistically significant differences were observed, the significance level of 10 %, on roughness and noise emission between the three levels of moisture. It was observed that with the increase in the moisture content occurred an increase of roughness and a reduction in noise emission. Monitoring of surface quality through noise level is an interesting alternative to the method of mechanical contact.
In this study, we compared the production cost of summer corn growing in soils treated with industrial fertilizer with those grown treated with sewage sludge. Corn was cultivated on reduced tillage treatment during 2002/2003 in an Oxisol area of 0.0625 hec. The field trial with industrial fertilizer was conducted following related guidelines for the state of Sao Paulo. The application of sewage sludge to the soil was at the rate of 10 t.ha-1. Calculations were based on market prices for the abovementioned years. In addition to lower environmental impact, results indicate economic cost advantages associated with the use of sewage sludge.
Sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Ss) can survive for long time in soil and are the main inoculum source of the white mold disease. An alternative for reducing this inoculum is the use of parasites, such as Coniothyrium minitans (Cm). We evaluated the potential of Cm isolates for the biological control of Ss in beans. The effect of the temperature on the growth of 15 isolated of Cm was evaluated in vitro. The hyperparasitism ability of Cm was evaluated in soil infested with sclerotia and conditioned in pots. The infested soil was treated with conidia suspension of the antagonists, fluazinan or sterile distilled water. After seven days at 20°C, the sclerotia were removed from soil and placed inside Petri dishes over bean leaves previously disinfested. The germination and parasitism of sclerotia were evaluated after 7 to 10 days. To evaluate the apothecia emission, soil infested with sclerotia of Ss and treated as described was maintained at 18°C and the number of emerged apothecia was counted up to 84 days after inoculation. The emergence of bean plants in soil infested with sclerotia and mycelium of the pathogen and treated as described was evaluated in greenhouse. The ideal temperature for growth of Cm isolates varied from 18 to 19°C and at 30-35°C they were complete inhibited. The isolates of Cm promoted less than 10% of reduction in viability of the sclerotia, but they significantly reduced the emission of apothecia. Two isolates increased the emergence of plants in relation to the inoculated check, but was significantly lower than the non-inoculated check. Field tests will be conduct to confirm the potential of the selected isolates to reduce the inoculum source of the pathogen.
Tifton 419' bermudagrass cultivar [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy] is the most preferred turfgrass for sportive, commercial and residential lawns. On similar species, such as Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica, gibberellic acid-inhibiting plant growth regulators (PGRs) are used to decrease mowing frequency. A very limited research has been reported yet on the PGRs regarding seasonal effects of single vs. multiple applications of these products on turfgrass quality and clipping production on South America. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sequential applications of different plant growth inhibitors during re-growth and flower rachis emission of 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass. The treatment pattern includes an initial application followed by one sequential application at 14 days intervals, according to the following: prohexadione-calcium at 100+100 or 200+200 g a.i. ha-1, bispyribac-sodium at 40+40 or 60+60 g a.i. ha-1, trinexapac-ethyl at 113+113, 226+113, 226+226, 452+113, 452+226, 452+452, 678+0 or 904+0 g a.i. ha-1, and untreated control. The treatment effect was evaluated based on measurements of visual injury, height of plants, height and number of flower rachis, and clipping total dry mass production. The results showed that only bispyribac-sodium provided visual injury on 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass, but the symptoms quickly tend towards zero at 21 days after second application (DASA). 'Tifton 419' Bermudagrass greens could be better handle by sequential application of trinexapac-ethyl, or prohexadione-calcium or bispyribac-sodium, once the height of plants, seedhead emission and total clipping dry mass reduction were over than 37%, 91% and 88%, respectively, for a period up to 60 DASA.
Environmental data are spatial, temporal, and often come with many zeros. In this paper, we included space–time random effects in zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) and ‘hurdle’ models to investigate haulout patterns of harbor seals on glacial ice. The data consisted of counts, for 18 dates on a lattice grid of samples, of harbor seals hauled out on glacial ice in Disenchantment Bay, near Yakutat, Alaska. A hurdle model is similar to a ZIP model except it does not mix zeros from the binary and count processes. Both models can be used for zero-inflated data, and we compared space–time ZIP and hurdle models in a Bayesian hierarchical model. Space–time ZIP and hurdle models were constructed by using spatial conditional autoregressive (CAR) models and temporal first-order autoregressive (AR(1)) models as random effects in ZIP and hurdle regression models. We created maps of smoothed predictions for harbor seal counts based on ice density, other covariates, and spatio-temporal random effects. For both models predictions around the edges appeared to be positively biased. The linex loss function is an asymmetric loss function that penalizes overprediction more than underprediction, and we used it to correct for prediction bias to get the best map for space–time ZIP and hurdle models.
This work reports on the infrared-to-visible CW frequency upconversion from planar waveguides based on Er3+-Yb3+-doped 100-xSiO(2)-xTa(2)O(5) obtained by a sol-gel process and deposited onto a SiO2-Si substrate by dip-coating. Surface morphology and optical parameters of the planar waveguides were analyzed by atomic force microscopy and the m-line technique. The influence of the composition on the electronic properties of the glass-ceramic films was followed by the band gap ranging from 4.35 to 4.51 eV upon modification of the Ta2O5 content. Intense green and red emissions were detected from the upconversion process for all the samples after excitation at 980 nm. The relative intensities of the emission bands around 550 nm and 665 nm, assigned to the H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2), and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2) transitions, depended on the tantalum oxide content and the power of the laser source at 980 nm. The upconversion dynamics were investigated as a function of the Ta2O5 content and the number of photons involved in each emission process. Based on the upconversion emission spectra and 1931CIE chromaticity diagram, it is shown that color can be tailored by composition and pump power. The glass ceramic films are attractive materials for application in upconversion lasers and near infrared-to-visible upconverters in solar cells.
This paper reports the synthesis of Eu-doped hydroxyapatite (HA:Eu) resulting in particles with nanorod diameters from 9 to 26 nm using the microwave hydrothermal method (HTMW). Eu3+ ions were used as a marker in the HA network by basic hydrolysis followed by the HTMW treatment. The crystalline HA:Eu nanorod nature in a short-range order was detected by photoluminescence (PL) measurements from Eu3+ emission into the HA matrix. Thus, was possible to verify that HA crystallization is favored in a short structural order when the HTMW treatment time was increased from 0 to 40 min and that the Eu3+ substitution in the HA lattice is site-selective. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.