964 resultados para XVII century


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Contient : Rome (1513-1658). — Pièces diverses, relatives aux affaires de Rome, 1513-1527 (f. 1) ; « Lettre du Roy au cardinal de Rambouillet, sur le sujet de la liberté du comte Gaiasse », 1571 ; « Commentarius caussarum belli a Paulo IIII, Pont. Max., in Italia suscepti anno 1556 », pièce anciennement paginée 509-528 ; Manifeste en faveur de Marc-Antoine Colonna, 1572 ; Minutes de lettres de Charles IX, à l'occasion de la maladie de Pie V, 1572 ; « Relatione dell'illustrissimo seignore Giovanni Dolfino, cavalliere e procuratore di Santo-Marco, ritornato d'ambasciatore à Roma l'anno 1598 » ; « Discours de l'Estat de l'Esglise et court de Rome », 1604, par J. Bosc ; Pièces relatives à divers conclaves ; Relations de la mort et éloges de Clément VIII (f. 173), — et du cardinal Baronius (f. 174) ; Pièces relatives à l'élection de Grégoire XV, 1621 ; « Relation des affaires de la cour de Rome..., faite par le sr de Brèves », 1623 ; Pièces relatives à l'élection d'Urbain VIII, 1623 ; Relation de la cour de Rome, 1624 ; Pièces relatives à l'élection d'Innocent X, 1644 ; « Mémoire, fait durant la maladie du pape Innocent X, des noms des cardinaux, de leurs aages et qualitez », 1655 ; Pièces relatives à l'élection d'Alexandre VII, 1655 ; « Relatione del clarissimo Mgr Bernardo Navagiero, che fu poi cardinale, ritornando da Roma ambasciatore à papa Paolo quarto, l'anno 1558 » ; « Il sussesso della morte di signori Carafi, con la declaratione et il modo che morirono » ; Mémoire sur la Cour pontificale au temps de Paul V, vers 1615 (f. 457) ; Venise (XVIe siècle-1627). — « Discours de l'évesque de Rodez [Georges d'Armagnac], ambassadeur pour le Roy à Venise... » (f. 291) ; « Mémoire pour... faire sçavoir les payemens ordonnez à la seigneurie de Venise et au duc de Florence, sur les prests par eux faicts au Roy », 1573 (f. 293), — et autres pièces concernant Venise et principalement les relations de Venise avec la France (f. 294) ; Pièces relatives aux différends entre les papes Clément VIII et Paul V et les Vénitiens, 1600-1607 ; « Relation de Venize, de l'année 1627 » ; Gênes (1575-1629). — « Relazione di Genova », 1575, mémoire très détaillé (f. 367) ; « Relatione della cità et dominio Genovese », 1580 ; Autre relation, adressée à Charles IX ; « Instruction baillée à Monsieur de Sabran, envoyé... vers le duc et la seigneurie de Gênes », 1629 (f. 440) ; Lucques . — « Mémoire de l'Estat de Lucques, depuis 1303 jusques en 1400... » (f. 446)


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Crawford Lake is a meromictic lake, which is 24 m deep and has an area of 2.5 ha, and has never been reported to have mixed below 16 m. Lady Evelyn Lake, which became a reservoir when a dam was built in 1916, is dimictic with a maximum depth of about 35 m. 1 My research proved that both native chlorophylls and the ratio of chlorophyll derivatives to total carotenoids were better preserved in the shallower lake (Crawford Lake) because it was meromictic. Thus the anaerobic conditions in Crawford Lake below 16 m (monimolimnion) provide excellent conditions for pigment preservation. Under such conditions, the preservation of both chlorophylls and carotenoids, including oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll, are extremely good compared with those of Lady Evelyn Reservoir, in which anaerobic conditions are rarely encountered at the mud-water interface. During the period from 1500 to 1900 A. D. in Crawford Lake, the accumulation rates of oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll were extremely high, but those of chlorophyll derivatives and total carotenoids were relatively low. This was correlated with the presence of a dense benthic mat of cyanobacteria near the lake's chemocline. Competition for light between the deep dwelling cyanobacteria and overlying phytoplankton in this meromictic lake would have been intensified as the lake became more and more eutrophic (1955-1991 A. D.). During the period from 1955 to 1991 A. D., the accumulation rates of chlorophyll derivatives and total carotenoids in the sediment core from Crawford Lake (0-7.5 cm, 1955-present) increased. During this same period, the accumulation rates of cyanobacterial pigments (Le. oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll) declined as the lake became more eutrophic. Because the major cyanobacteria in Crawford Lake are benthic mat forming Lyngbya and Oscillatoria and not phytoplankton, eutrophication resulted in a decline of the mat forming algal pigments. This is important because in previous palaeolimnological studies the concentrations of oscillaxanthin and myxoxanthophyll have been used as correlates with lake trophic levels. The results of organic carbon a13c analysis on the Crawford Lake sediment core supported the conclusions from the pigment study as noted above. High values of a13c at the depth of 34-48 cm (1500-1760 A. D.) were related to a dense population of benthic Oscillatoria and Lyngbya living on the bottom of the lake during that period. The Oscillatoria and Lyngbya utilized the bicarbonate, which had a high a 13C value. Very low values were found at 0-7 cm in the Crawford sediment core. At this time phytoplankton was the main primary producer, which enriched 12C by photosynthetic assimilation.


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Scientists have overwhelmingly concluded that global warming occurs as a consequence of human activities and that climate change, combined with the depletion of resources, could have catastrophic consequences for the human civilization later this century. However, in political circles and in the public sphere these conclusions are not taken seriously, or they are laid aside for future generations to deal with; at the same time, significant efforts are being deployed to discredit the scientific evidence. In this thesis I have studied the positions of climate scientists as well as those of climate change deniers, and I also examined how their points of view are likely to impact the interests and habits of corporations and citizens. The work of Thomas Homer-Dixon was used as an important source for analyzing the complex interaction between our natural, economic, and social systems, and John Dewey's pattern of inquiry provided the theoretical foundation for an analysis of the current crisis and its possible solutions. No concerted action to deal with climate change has yet been taken by the leaders of the Western world; I corroborated data from four reliable sources (Hansen, 2009; IPCC, 2007; Lynas, 2007; Steffen, 2011) regarding several development scenarios and their likely consequences on greenhouse gas emissions, and I concluded that a future temperature increase of more than 2°C appears now as unavoidable. In the light of this conclusion I argue that education for increasing the resilience of smaller communities is a realistic alternative that can offer some hope in dealing with the challenges ahead.


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The 19th Century Tombstone Database project was funded by the program Federal Summer Youth Employment scheme in the summer of 1982 and led by Dr. David W. Rupp, a Professor at the Classics Department, Brock University. The main goal of the project was to collect information related to various cemeteries in Niagara region and burials that took place from 1790-1890. Data was collected and presented in the form of data summary forms of persons, tombstone sketches, photographs of tombstones, maps, and computer printouts. The materials created as a result of a research completed for the 19th Century Tombstone Database project are important as a number of the tombstones have been damaged or gone missing since the research was finished. Before Dr. Rupp retired from Brock University, he donated project materials to the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.


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The purpose of this major research project was to develop a practical tool in the form of a handbook that could facilitate educators’ effective use of technology in primary and junior classrooms. The main goal was to explore the use of iPad devices and applications in the literacy classroom. The study audited available free applications against set criteria and selected only those that promoted 21st-century learning. The researcher used such applications to develop literacy lessons that aligned with curriculum expectations and promoted 21st-century skills and traditional skills alike. The study also created assessment models to evaluate the use of iPads in student work and explored the benefits and limitations of technology usage in student learning.