872 resultados para Workflow Template
Writing your thesis will be made a whole lot easier if you learn to use styles. This document is written to show you how to create a consistent looking file with a table of contents. It makes considerable reference to the new University thesis template which can be downloaded from the same site as this manual.
Writing your thesis will be made a whole lot easier if you learn to use styles. This document is written to show you how to create a consistent looking file with a table of contents. It makes considerable reference to the new University thesis template which can be downloaded from the same site as this manual.
Various templates and logos and brand related media.
The document detailing the key features of the university brand and how to use it.
Short set of slides explaining the workflow from a university website to equipment.data.ac.uk
Cross-references allow you to tell the reader where they can find more detailed content on a subject within in your document. This video shows you how to set up, navigate with and refresh cross-references in Word 2010. Download the video for the best viewing experience.
Introducción: la hibridación genómica comparativa en una técnica que permite la exploración de las anormalidades cromosómicas. Su utilidad en la aproximación de los pacientes con retraso global del desarrollo o fenotipo dismórfico, sin embargo, no ha sido explorada mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Metodología: realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se incluyeron estudios controlados, cuasi-experimentales, de cohortes, de casos y controles, transversales y descriptivos publicados en idiomas inglés y español entre los años 2000 y 2013. Se realizó un análisis de la evidencia con un enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo. Se realizó un análisis del riesgo de sesgo de los estudios incluidos. Resultados: se incluyeron 4 estudios que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La prevalencia de alteraciones cromosómicas en los niños con retraso global del desarrollo fue de entre el 6 y 13%. El uso de la técnica permitió identificar alteraciones que no fueron detectadas mediante el cariotipo. Conclusiones: la hibridación genómica comparativa es una técnica útil en la aproximación diagnóstica de los niños con retraso global del desarrollo y del fenotipo dismórfico y permite una mayor detección de alteraciones comparada con el cariotipo.
These five manuals show you how to use a range of Word 2010 features and the University's non-compulsory thesis template to produce your thesis. It shows how to save time and create a clearly structured & consistent looking document.
These five manuals show you how to use a range of Word 2011 features and the University's non-compulsory thesis template to produce your thesis. It shows how to save time and create a clearly structured & consistent looking document.
This video shows how to get your list of EndNote references in to the Reference section of the University template. EndNote wants to place the list at the very end of the document, but in the University's thesis structure the References are followed by the Bibliography. This video shows how to deal with this issue.
The portfolio comprises a cover sheet plus five pages of reflective writing, one page addressing each different portfolio topic This document summarises the contents of the portfolio IT IS NOT THE PORTFOLIO TEMPLATE The questions shown under each sub-heading are meant to act as thinking prompts to help you in the reflective process.
Download and edit this document to prepare your hand in. The portfolio comprises a cover sheet plus five pages of reflective writing, one page addressing each different portfolio topic This shows the cover sheet, the assessment criteria and the portfolio summary IT IS NOT THE PORTFOLIO TEMPLATE The questions shown under each sub-heading are meant to act as thinking prompts to help you in the reflective process.
In a long document such as a thesis you'll often want to attach a numbering system to your headings. This will get Word to automatically apply numbering as you add and removing headings from the document. You'll also be able to use them for cross-referencing purposes.
Wednesday 23rd April 2014 Speaker(s): Willi Hasselbring Organiser: Leslie Carr Time: 23/04/2014 11:00-11:50 Location: B32/3077 File size: 669 Mb Abstract For good scientific practice, it is important that research results may be properly checked by reviewers and possibly repeated and extended by other researchers. This is of particular interest for "digital science" i.e. for in-silico experiments. In this talk, I'll discuss some issues of how software systems and services may contribute to good scientific practice. Particularly, I'll present our PubFlow approach to automate publication workflows for scientific data. The PubFlow workflow management system is based on established technology. We integrate institutional repository systems (based on EPrints) and world data centers (in marine science). PubFlow collects provenance data automatically via our monitoring framework Kieker. Provenance information describes the origins and the history of scientific data in its life cycle, and the process by which it arrived. Thus, provenance information is highly relevant to repeatability and trustworthiness of scientific results. In our evaluation in marine science, we collaborate with the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.
These five manuals show you how to use a range of Word 2010 features and the University's non-compulsory thesis template to produce your thesis. It shows how to save time and create a clearly structured & consistent looking document.